A box for heating pipes: what is needed and how to choose?

When planning repairs, each strive to create not only a comfortable interior, but also the most beautiful. Often, communication is very spoil the appearance of any room and try to hide them.
To get rid of the heating pipes came up with a special box that can help with such a problem, but it is important to choose and apply it correctly.
Features and benefits
In old-style apartments, the usual practice was to install batteries under the windows and a piping system that leads them from room to room. Sometimes such structures in a small room accumulated so much that it greatly influenced the general appearance of the living space. Modern buildings erected already with skill, depriving the tenants of the above problems.Unfortunately, there are still very few such houses, and most of them are still puzzled by the decision on how to remove the heating pipe and the battery itself from visibility.
There are a lot of options for how exactly you can cope with the task, and everyone decides for himself what to choose for himself. The simplest and most progressive of them is a box for heating pipes, which can accommodate all communications in itself, closing them from prying eyes. With the help of beautiful linings or materials, you can decorate the pipes so that they will not be noticeable, but they will be able to fully perform their function in the cold season.
Before doing any work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features that the heating system has, these are:
- Any pipes can leak, a breakthrough or breakdown of any of the parts can be formed, therefore the erected structure must be easily disassembled so that the problem can be solved in the shortest possible time.
- If, during the repair process, the risers are closed with the help of decorative linings, the heat release will greatly decrease and the room will be much cooler.
- The opposite effect will occur if the pipe is mounted into the wall, which will lead to its full heating and a significant increase in temperature inside the room.
- If you need to decorate a radiator and close it with something, it is important to provide ventilation in the box for it so that there is always a natural way out for heat.
- Thinking through the box system for the radiator, it is important to make it so that, if necessary, it can be easily disassembled into parts, and not monolithic.
Most often for decorating heating pipes in apartments use options such as:
- Placing structures in panels on the wall, floor or ceiling.
- Application box, which is designed for this type of activity.
- Decoration of heating communications with the help of fine art and other creative ways.
For masking pipes, as a rule, special plastic boxes are used, but they have several disadvantages. They make them not as versatile as drywall or ordinary plastic, from which you can make any structure yourself.
The advantages of this option include the following points:
- To hide the pipes, you can come up with the most diverse structure that will obey the design of the room, emphasize it and complement it.
- The cost of the parts that will be needed to translate ideas into reality is small, so almost everyone can buy everything they need.
There are, however, and these materials have disadvantages, which are worth knowing:
- The construction of this type has a great length and in case of any problems, you need to completely dismantle them to find the problem area.
- If you hide the pipes under a decorative plinth, there is a risk of damage to them by builders or workers who will not know about the existence of heating structures in an unnatural place for them, which would entail a violation of integrity or more serious problems.
- Installing a holistic box once, it will be difficult to upgrade or partially replace the pipes of the heating system.
With all the convenience and aesthetic beauty, it is important to take into account all the nuances that will have to face sooner or later in the process of using the room and heating structures.
In order to decorate the pipes in the room and hide them from those present, you can use several options, these are:
- Drowning heating structures directly into the wall, which in itself is very convenient and not so difficult to implement, but in the event of any problems the consequences will be very bad. When installing the pipeline, it is important to completely replace it and carefully check all attachment points, adhesions and any joints where it can flow.
- Disguise with furniture, which is typical most of the kitchen, but sometimes can be found in other rooms.
- Use a special box where the pipes are placed. You can make such a construction from different materials, it is: plastic wall paneling, brick, drywall, wood.
The box for heating pipes can have a varied appearance, which depends on the room in which it is mounted.
- A box-cabinet that forms an enclosed space where you can not only hide the pipes, but also place small things in everyday life. It is very convenient to use it in the toilet, where space is significantly limited.
- The plinth box is needed to hide pipes with a small diameter, it is very convenient to install sockets around them, especially for the bathroom, where the humidity level is high and you need to choose the right place to turn on electrical appliances.
- The box shelf having a horizontal arrangement.This is convenient with the appropriate installation of heating structures in the room. You can effectively, but at the same time effectively hide all communications, making the area useful.
- Box-screen, which helps to close large size structures. Screens can be the most diverse in design and size, in common they will have one, mesh structure, which allows minimizing heat loss without depriving the room of aesthetics.
- Decorative vertical structures are installed in places of general building communications, most often they are risers.
When planning the construction of any of the above options, you need to know that you can build two types of structures that will have radically opposite characteristics:
- Folding structures, their installation allows you to easily monitor the condition of the pipeline in any part of the room and control problem areas, if any.
- Stationary structures that are installed for the longest possible service life and are not planned to be disassembled for a long time. Most often such boxes are made for gas pipes, for heating they will not be the best option.
Any type of structure can be bought or made independently, which requires the concept of what exactly will be constructed and the use of the right structural elements. If you need to hide the battery, then you can’t do without the screen, and you must be perforated, otherwise it will not be able to cope with the task, and the box itself will overheat, while the room will remain cold. Lattices can be both plastic and wooden, but if you wish, you can even order forged products.
Any pipes that exist in a house or apartment have an entry and exit point from the room, which makes it necessary to decorate these areas as well. Pads or plugs do best with this. Outwardly, they can have a diverse appearance and even be made from different materials, but they have one task, to hide the chimney and make the interior of the room stylish and beautiful. Most often there are rings, but you can find square, oval variants, in addition, they can be designed for one or two pipes.
Modern technologies require new approaches to the use of materials, so when installing stretch ceilings, you need to bypass the pipes, which, in turn, requires making holes in the canvas that need to be closed.For such purposes, and now used decorative rings.
Their design is extremely simple, but still effective, they are two identical halves, which have a special lock at the junction, which snaps into place and is securely held in place. It is important to choose the material and color of these plugs so that they fulfill their role.
In that case, if you can not hide the whole pipe, but you need to decorate it beautifully, for which the cups are perfect. They can be made in different sizes, shapes and materials. Chromium is most commonly used, but it can also be plastic that has a split construction.
If there are valves or other moving parts in the construction that you need to use from time to time, then you can hide them under a cap that fits under the room's decor, so as to merge with it and not be noticeable, but if necessary, give the opportunity to use everything necessary.
How to choose?
Finding a solution to the problem of decorating heating pipes comes down to the fact that it is best to build a special box for them. Its appearance should best suit the interior design, besides it should provide free access to the pipes at any time. To find the right materials for the box, you need to know what to choose from.
Today the following options are most popular:
- waterproof plywood;
- DSP;
- plasterboard constructions;
- plastic products.
The use of plywood is the most expensive, because it is necessary to saturate it with a special waterproof substance. The use of chipboard was a breakthrough, compared with plywood and showed their best. This material was cheaper, and with its help it could be faster and easier to do everything you need.
With the development of the industry, gypsum board became popular and any constructions erected with its help turned out beautiful and durable. Of the minuses of particleboard and gypsum, you can note the fear of moisture, because the first material swells, and the second crumble from contact with water, and in the case of heating sooner or later, but it can happen.
In order to use these options, it is necessary to protect them with a waterproofing layer, which requires additional time and money for repairs.
The best will be the use of plastic, due to its characteristics and price. Plastic panels are resistant to moisture, they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations, although plaque may form on them if there is constant contact with water.The installation process of such products is very simple and convenient. In addition, plastic does not need to use additional protective agents, which helps save both money and time. With all the advantages, there is a minus in such panels - they are quite fragile.
If you plan to build a plastic construction in a bathroom or other similar room, it is best to use a metal frame as the basis. You can replace it with a tree, but then you have to apply additional processing tools to protect against moisture, because wood structures will not be able to withstand water for a long time.
To build a box for heating pipes, the work can be divided into three stages:
- Preparation for the process and selection of materials.
- The main part of the work, where there is construction of the structure.
- Decorative work on the finished product.
The choice of material for use under the pipe depends on various factors that need to be taken into account; it is the size of the room, the size of the pipes and the functional load of the area to be decorated. Having defined all the parameters, you can proceed to the construction of the product.
Subtleties of application
To hide the heating pipes in a private house or apartment, you can use several of the most convenient and rational options, these are:
- The process of laying pipes in the floor or walls.
- Creating a special box for the finished pipe.
- Dressing existing pipeline.
To hide pipes in the floor, they must be completely new, old ones cannot be placed in a closed space. If plastic piping is used, it is important to take into account the expansion factor of the pipes during installation into the wall or floor, leaving room to change the shape of the whole structure. When placing metal or plastic constructions inside any of the selected surfaces, it is important to put them in heat-insulating covers so that heat losses are minimal. During installation, it is important to leave free access to the fittings.
For the process of laying in a wall or floor you need to think out a layout plan and draw it on the surface. After that, the channels are made with a chisel punch and brackets are installed in the resulting grooves to hold the pipes. As soon as everything is ready, preparation of heating structures is carried out, on which casings are put on and fixed with the help of clamps. Once everything is assembled and installed, it is important to check the operation of the system and determine if there is a leak. If everything is in order, the strobe is sealed with cement.
Work with the floor is performed almost as well. The distribution of the pipes is done before the screed, therefore the pipes are installed in the completed grooves and everything is poured with concrete. In this case, it is also important to use thermal insulation and check the operation of the system.
If the installation in the floor or wall is not suitable, then the easiest way to build a frame, for which you can use drywall, plastic or wood. To hide the pipes with the box, you must initially build a frame, which uses metal profiles or wooden slats.
The design of the box, this vertical rack and lintels, constructing such a construction, it is important to ensure that it is located exactly at 90 degrees to the wall. Installation is done from the side panels, after which the front panel is mounted. In the case of GKL, after installation, you need to make another decoration of the product, putty it and paint or use a different method.
If the room cannot hide the pipes or make a box for them, then the best option would be to decorate them.
Most often, this method is used in those rooms where space is poorly heated and instead of a full-fledged battery there is only a thin pipe.In this case, it is important not to lose a single degree of heat.
The pipes are decorated using bright paint, which highlights the structure, making it an element of the overall composition, you can add fantasy and instead of a pipe there will be birch or any other tree, for which it will be enough to draw leaves on the wall.
If you want to do something unusual, you can hide the heating structures behind a jute or hemp rope, while adding artificial leaves, and the room will have the feeling of a real jungle. You can also make mounted shelves in the same way, on which to place a variety of small things, it is important that they are not heavy.
What else can you close?
If repair is approaching and there is a desire to decorate the room not as usual, then in order to hide the heating pipes, various options can be envisaged. Those who do everything with their own hands, quickly come up with a suitable option for the interior, but in case of a deadlock, you can always use the advice of a professional. The room can be decorated with the help of proper wall decoration, selection of suitable furniture and its logical location.
In order not to leave unfinished areas after the repair, it is important to think through every detail. When a modern style of rework is chosen, it is important to subordinate all to this idea, which means there will be no space for an open pipeline. You can build it into the wall, but it is dangerous, and most importantly - noisy and dusty. The easiest way to use drywall, from which you can create any design. This material can serve as a blind box, fitted to the dimensions of the pipes, but it can be made much more functional.
If you increase the dimensions of the box for horizontal designs, it can serve as a long shelf for small items or a stand for flowers, which during the heating season it would be better to move to a new place. If the pipes are arranged vertically, then with the help of a plasterboard a whole locker can be made, which is convenient in those rooms where a storage area is not provided, it is a shower and toilet.
Spectacular examples in the interior
To close the heating pipes in any room, you need to choose the right decoration and material. You can hide the structures in the kitchen, for which you can use both a box and ordinary furniture that disguises the pipeline.
If you need to hide the pipes running near the floor, then the best option would be to place them in a wooden plinth, which will perform two functions at once and eliminate the need to install an ordinary plinth. The choice of material is not accidental, because in this place furniture is often located, and plastic structures are easily deformed by it, unlike wood.
The decoration of the room should be interesting and appropriate, because beautifully selected parts will complement it, even if they are hidden heating pipes.
To learn how to make a box for pipes in the bathroom with your own hands, see the next master class.