Markings on wallpaper for walls: decoding icons

When purchasing wallpaper, it is not enough to take into account only the data contained on the price list, price list or in the catalog. To sellers could not mislead you, it is useful to know everything about the labeling of wallpaper. Each number, letter or image has its own unique meaning.
Letters on a roll
The lettering refers to the type of material and its qualities. So, "A" means that acrylic foam is applied on the paper base. Plain paper without any additional coatings is indicated by the letter “B”, which can refer to both duplex and simplex and washable wallpapers. “A +“ is only those wallpapers that are intended for pasting ceilings, it is undesirable to glue them on the walls.
Vinyl coatings have three different options:
BB - on their production the foaming method was used;
PV - an additional pressing operation was used. This type of wallpaper is considered flat;
- PB - on the contrary, it has a pronounced relief and non-woven base.
Reduction TKS means the presence in the fabric (textile). The selection of wallpaper for painting is quite simple, you need to focus on the abbreviations STR (structural) or STL (glass wall).
Decryption allows you to choose the perfect wallpaper for a particular room. You can glue anything into hallways and corridors (except for TKS), but in children’s rooms only B, STR, BB or STL. Only RV and STL are acceptable for the bathroom, in the bedroom it is allowed to use paper wallpaper.
If you want to paste in a cafe, the permissible markings are PV, CTP, PB and STL. Interestingly, the set of suitable options for the office is the same that can be used in schools - BB, PV, STR and STL.
Numbers mean a lot: the one in the red circle is the article, and in the green one is the serial number of the game. Be sure to make sure that they match, otherwise there is a risk of being confronted with a difference in shades, colors and patterns.A two-digit number in a square frame is centimeters in height.
Graphic symbols
Anyone who has acquired wallpaper at least once, selected them or glued them, certainly paid attention to the various patterns used in the labeling. To understand them is quite simple and there is no need to be a professional builder or architect, even thick reference books will not be needed.
Icons can be divided into functional groups:
Showing how to glue wallpaper;
Reflective resistance to fading in the light;
Illustrating the danger from water and friction, from sharp blows and scratches;
Explaining exactly how to remove the wallpaper;
Dedicated to safety products.
On the label, graphic symbols most often follow letters. With help wavy lines It shows how waterproof wallpaper is. If there is only one such line, then any contact with water after sticking and removing excess glue is unacceptable. When there are two lines, it is allowed to occasionally wipe the surface with slightly damp fabrics or sponges without strong pressure. And the addition of another band indicates that a soap solution can be used for cleaning.
Washable wallpaper, which is marked not only with wavy lines, but also with a brush, can be cleaned with these same brushes; one line and brush imply easy handling with careful movements, and three means energetic mechanical cleaning. In the latter case, the use of household chemicals and abrasives. This will remove even stubborn oil stains.
Figure with the image of the sun will show how great is the destructive effect of direct sunlight on the canvas. Note that the most burnable wallpapers are not labeled in any way, and the least resistance to light is shown by a half-filled circle. This means that such wallpaper can not be glued where there will be daylight. Fully shaded sun tells the consumer about the suitability of the canvas to normal use, but over time it will still lose the brightness of colors. Increased resistance to light is shown by the symbol "+" on the surface of the sun, and the exceptional (tropical) - a pair of suns.
A very important characteristic is the fit, because the required wallpaper consumption depends on whether it is or not. When there is an up arrow to the left of the line and zero to the right, it means that there will be no fit.Two arrows separated by a strip show that the canvas needs to be adjusted horizontally, and if they are at different heights - vertically.
The hardest thing to work with wallpaper when the arrows look in opposite directions.
The docking overlap is shown by two parallel and one horizontal line (entering the upper line at a right angle, like an inverted T), although such a designation can be seen only occasionally. When a fraction is entered in the marking, the numerator is the height of the pattern, and the denominator is the distance of the joint displacement. By dividing the numbers, you will find out how much each strip should be shifted relative to the next. Direct docking does not require shifting the pattern. A shortened horizontal bar indicates that the web should be glued parallel to the floor.
Brush says that glue will have only the wall itself. The bathtub, in which the canvas was immersed, suggests that the wallpaper was already covered with an adhesive layer at the factory. It should be pre-soak. If the brush is drawn together with the canvas, then it will be necessary to lubricate it very carefully, in solid portions.And finally, the equal sign on a piece of wallpaper will show you that you need to apply only the glue specified by the manufacturer.
Finishing materials are required not only to be applied, but also removed after long use. If there is an icon with a wall and wallpaper, This means that it will be easy to remove them, you only need to moisten. The presence of an arrow indicates that the web will fall off as a monolithic layer, and the spatula symbolizes the need for enhanced wetting. The wall and many layers of material indicate that you will need to remove them sequentially, and the hammer indicates that you first have to mechanically damage the canvas, and only then it starts to move away.
Important nuances
Signs on the wallpaper may have other meanings. A fleece coating with a layer of foamed vinyl is often labeled with signs indicating the presence or absence of texture. Arrow looking up indicates that the drawing should be directed towards the ceiling (for the most part this refers to heavily perceived patterns). A dark cloud with two parallel lines indicates that the collection includes not only wallpaper, but also curtains and other textiles.
When counting the length of the walls, it is not necessary to take into account window and door openings, and with straight horizontal joining it is necessary to control how tall the drawing is. If its height is, for example, 70 centimeters, and the height of the wall is 300 cm, then there will be four complete repetitions and one partial (20 centimeters) in each strip. Always check each tube, with the exception of a flat and straight sticker, as otherwise the design may not fit.
When marking includes one only brush (without wavy lines)This means that dry cleaning is acceptable.
In Russia, there are two basic designations for increased environmental safety of wallpaper: EcoMaterial and "Leaf of Life". The products of the Scandinavian states and Germany (the EU flower operates in the same place), the USA, Canada and Japan have their own symbols of this kind.
As you can see, the knowledge of labeling wallpaper helps to make the right choice and to avoid many problems, to achieve a harmonious appearance and long service life of the finishing material. No manufacturer has the right to deviate from the generally accepted symbols, and if they do not show what the seller says, it is better to refrain from buying building materials in this store.
About the fact that there are markings on the wallpaper - the next video.