"Ural porcelain": advantages and disadvantages

Today the market has a huge amount of finishing materials. A special place is occupied by Ural porcelain stoneware, the advantages and disadvantages of which indicate that they are high-quality and reliable products of a domestic manufacturer that can compete with any well-known foreign brand.
About company
In 2005, the plant "Ural granite" launched a line for the production of facade and interior decoration materials from ceramic granite. Since then, the company has been able to increase its capabilities, resulting in a wide range of products manufactured from natural ingredients. The raw materials used by LLC ZKS for the production of porcelain stoneware,became a component mined in the Urals, which was the reason for creating the Urals Porcelain Tile brand. The company quickly gained popularity with consumers because it was able to offer customers the perfect combination of quality and value of their products.
A modern enterprise is a powerful technological complex that produces products that are diverse in purpose and appearance.
About quality
The workshops of the Ural porcelain tile factory are located in Snezhinsk.
They are equipped with the latest equipment from Italian manufacturers, which is involved in all working processes:
- Production of porcelain tile: pressing, roasting and drying.
- Coating tiles with colored glaze (high quality imported dyes are used).
- Polishing and rectification (tile trimming process).
- Quality control in special laboratories.
The plant has a certificate of quality. And in the product catalog you can see the commodity items of various sizes and textures.
Features and benefits
Porcelain stoneware is a very durable facing material. It is used for decoration of internal and external surfaces of architectural structures and for laying floors.Although the name “granite” sounds in the product name, in fact there are not a single crumb of this stone in its composition, but all the same components are involved in the production as in the creation of ceramic tiles:
- Clay.
- Quartz sand.
- Kaolin.
- Feldspar.
Despite the similarity of the raw materials, the properties of conventional tiles and porcelain stoneware vary significantly. This is due to different technological processes of production.
In the process of making porcelain stoneware, the prepared composition is pressed under a pressure of 500 kg / cm and burned at a temperature of about 1300 degrees (which is much more than in the process of creating a ceramic tile). Due to such high temperatures, 100% fusion of all materials occurs, and pressure eliminates the possibility of formation of micropores in the finished product.
Colored pigments are not applied to the surface, but are added directly to the mixture; therefore, porcelain stoneware retains its attractiveness even after many years of operation and if its surface has been damaged by cracks or chips.
The list of advantages of "Ural porcelain" includes:
- Strength. Porcelain tiles are processed under high pressurebecause of what their durability increases, and the service life increases, and it means that porcelain tile differs in durability.
- Resistant to mechanical damage. The surface of porcelain is quite difficult to ruin. He has a high impact strength, so scratches and chips are not afraid of him.
- Moisture resistance. In the finished product there are practically no pores, so the plates do not absorb moisture, and also maintain integrity in any conditions of stay.
- Frost resistance. The manufacturer claims that his product can withstand temperatures from -50 to + 50 degrees, and sudden drops cannot destroy the structure of the plates.
- Chemical resistance Porcelain tile is not susceptible to acids and alkalis. The high density of the product prevents the appearance of stains in the upper layers of the material.
- Ease of care. It is enough to wipe the material with a damp cloth.
- A wide color palette and a variety of fact.
- Fire resistance. Porcelain tile does not burn and does not support burning.
- Security. Products TM "Ural porcelain" does not adversely affect human health.
The company "Ural porcelain" offers its customers three main collections,consisting of a large variety of tiles of different colors and formats.
All products of the brand are presented in the lines:
- "Ural facades."
- "Standard".
- Ceramics of the Future.
The latest line is an innovative product made by mixing various natural ceramic powders. Glaze in this case does not apply.
The collection “Ural facades” is a successful combination of a huge number of different shades and formats. The manufacturer offers customers to choose from 27 types of multi-colored tiles.
The formats allowing to combine tiles of various sizes are also different: 600 × 300, 600 × 600, 1200 × 295, 1200 × 600mm.
Also, differences are reflected in the type of surface.
Porcelain tile of the Ural plant is created in such variants:
- Gloss.
- Matt.
- Structured.
The third collection of porcelain tiles "Standard" is presented in 10 different shades, including pastel and full-color. The texture of the products in this series is the same - users are offered only matte tiles.
Despite the fact that Ural Porcelain Tile has many advantages, this material also has significant shortcomings that influence the decision of consumers on the purchase of this product.
The disadvantages include the fact that porcelain can not be warmedtherefore the floor with such facing will always be cold. You can try to put the floor heating system, but it will give consumers additional trouble associated with spending extra money. Another disadvantage is a slippery surface, especially when water gets on the floor. For this reason, to put such a tile in the bathroom is a very unfortunate decision.
Also, the disadvantages include the high cost of porcelain, but the mass of its advantages justifies such a price.
Despite the fact that the porcelain stoneware is a relatively young facing material, it is often chosen due to its excellent technical characteristics. If in the olden days for decoration of the floor in public premises (shops, cafes, restaurants, theaters) they used tile or stone, which was also supplied by the Urals, now designers and simple inhabitants use ceramic granite. It provides much more room facilities.
The main application of this product is its use as a floor covering.It is a reliable and durable material, as well as durable, capable of retaining its excellent characteristics for many years. Such indicators allow the use of porcelain stoneware not only for interior work, but also for installation on exterior surfaces, for example, sidewalks, stairwells, or in the design of landscape design.
Another (no less important) method of using porcelain stoneware is its use for cladding architectural structures, especially if tiles are necessary for the implementation of the ventilated facade technology.
In this case, the following tasks are solved:
- Provides reliable and long-term protection of the walls of the building.
- The house gets a new beautiful view.
- Additional thermal protection is created, and the costs of operating the building are reduced.
In this video you will find an overview of the types of stoneware tiles.