Steps of porcelain: the pros and cons

The market of building materials is unusually wide, the decorative decoration area is especially diverse. This time our view is focused on porcelain stoneware, in particular, on the steps that are often created from this modern material.
Special features
The fabrication of steps from porcelain stoneware is a small area where this material can be used. But it is in such elements that it looks the most profitable. The material is made of kaolin clay. Auxiliary components are added to it. It can be mica, spar, quartz.
According to its characteristics, ceramic granite is very close to granite, and it is only two points lower than diamond in strength. Option is more than interesting, it is worth to hold attention.
Advantages and disadvantages
Porcelain tile has a set of features, due to which it is primarily considered for the decoration of staircases, floors and various platforms:
High wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage, which allows the material to be used in rooms with a high load on the floor and steps, as well as outdoors.
Water-repellent characteristics are provided by a dense structure without pores, cracks and cavities. The manufacture of porcelain tiles is associated with the use of high pressure. Steps of porcelain can be installed on the street and in rooms with high humidity.
- Inertness and lack of chemical activity expands the scope of installation of porcelain stoneware steps. During operation, they can be cleaned with the use of aggressive agents, which provides easy maintenance.
- Products perfectly tolerate temperature drops from -50 to +50 degrees.
The material does not pose any danger to the human body and does not harm the environment.
Resistance to fire and non-conductive electric current.
Persistence of color, despite the impact of ultraviolet radiation, intensive use, frequent cleaning and other negative factors.
This material also has negative sides. Very few of them and they can be neutralized or minimized:
Proper and accurate installation plays a big role in ensuring long service life. Material characteristics may be reduced if disturbances are made during installation.
The cold surface creates a lot of inconvenience in the design of residential premises. This problem can be solved by using a carpet, but in this case the decorative surface of the material will be hidden. You can also install a "warm floor", porcelain allows you to implement such a venture.
True, you have to spend money on work and materials, but the house will be warm and beautiful.
Porcelain stoneware is produced in a wide variety, which expands the scope of its use and opens up unlimited possibilities for the user to implement bold design ideas.
From a solid sheet, products with dimensions of 120/30 cm are more often produced. The one-piece construction consists of tread and risers. Such steps look more neat than a similar construction created by the suture method. Monolithic products are higher, but the strength is also at a higher level.But the repair of a separate part of the steps is impossible, it is necessary to replace the entire layer.
From individual plates, you can create seam and seamless surfaces. The second option looks much better, but it requires experience and time-consuming. Although with skillful installation and a good choice of tiles, the seams can look appropriate and harmonious. Most often, such ceramic granite tile is presented in three sizes: 30/30, 45/45 and 30/60 cm.
The colors of porcelain stoneware are amazing. If you wish, you can order a unique material that will make the steps the main element of the interior. The woodgrain tile looks noble, fits perfectly into classic interiors. Steps from porcelain stoneware marbled - this is a chic option that always remains relevant. Such an element of the interior will be beneficial to stand out and become the decoration of the room / building. White, black, green, with a tint, a combination of several colors - any idea will find its solution in this material.
The size of porcelain tiles for the steps can be different, which makes the choice convenient and not difficult.
Tile with a size of 1200x300 mm - this is one of the big options, which is popular among Russian users. Porcelain tile 300x1200 can significantly reduce the number of seams.There is a tile with an even greater length - 1600x300. Such long elements will cost more than tiles with smaller dimensions, but the installation process is greatly facilitated. There are also some lengthy steps made of porcelain stoneware, their size is 1500x300 mm. Tile 120x30 and 30x30 is easy to install, its parts are light, small-sized, so you can work with it without help.
The processing method is one of the criteria that divides a tile into several categories. Polished or matte tiles undergo a stage of coarse grinding and minor polishing. The steps of this material will not slip even in frost, snow and rain. This option is primarily chosen for street stairs. One more successful option for the equipment of ladders on the street are unpolished steps. Glazed tile is slightly mirrored, but also not slippery. Serves as a good choice for the street and the room equally. Polished tiles reflect light well, but also glide well. It requires an anti-slip pad to ensure safe operation.
How to choose?
To make the right choice and buy everything you need to form full-fledged, safe and beautiful steps, it is necessary to know the equipment and the purpose of each component:
The tread has cuts and stripes, they are necessary to ensure good grip and reduce slip. In some models there are grooves for collecting and diverting water, which is important for the porch.
The riser is a wall installed vertically relative to the treads. The main characteristic is height. This item is now available in a wide variety of colors and colorings. If you wish, you can create a unique architectural composition.
- The plinth is a corner element. It gives the design a complete look and makes the corner joints aesthetic.
Monolithic design has differences in configuration. Treads and risers are one element.
The right choice, though based on the information presented above, but also requires compliance with the following tips and recommendations:
- Water absorption should be kept to a minimum. When choosing a tile, it can be wetted with water, it should spread over the surface and drain, leaving almost no trace.
- The steps on the street should be lined with rough granite.It will not slide even in frost and in the presence of abundant precipitation.
- Choosing a tile for street work, you need to pay attention to the quality of staining. If the dye will completely fill the material, the color will retain its intensity and brightness throughout the entire period of operation.
- Marching stairs require the use of straight slabs. For screw-type stair constructions, bevelled elements are necessary. This material is difficult to find in the free market, often have to make an individual order. In addition, the installation process is more complex, but the end result is above all expectations.
In houses and apartments you can use glazed stoneware, it looks gorgeous, and costs less than other analogues. For rooms with a high load on the floor, choose polished, matte or unglazed material. The wear resistance and durability of these varieties of porcelain stoneware are higher.
A separate front edge profile facilitates and reduces the cost of possible repair steps. In this case, you will need to make the replacement of only one element, and not the whole tread.
The height of the riser is an important parameter in the selection of porcelain stoneware, which will largely determine the future work.If the height does not coincide with the design parameters, the risers will have to be cut. In this case, it is impractical to choose elements with a pattern, it is best to stay on the monochrome version.
Steps with capinos have rounded edges. This staircase is aesthetically pleasing, looks complete and blends in more harmoniously with any interior.
Installation Features
Porcelain tiles easily fit to the surface. There are no particular difficulties in this process. We will have to study in detail the stages of work and observe the subtleties that are used by professionals.
The algorithm works as follows:
The basis for laying the material must be carefully prepared. Any irregularities should be removed, chips and cracks should be filled. Completing the preparation treatment primer. Be sure to apply the soil, it improves the ability of surfaces to adhere to each other.
We perform a comparison of the tile and the prepared base. If necessary, make a fit. For trimming tiles, you must use a special machine. Only in this way you can achieve the perfect edge and not cause harm to the material.It will not be superfluous to check the packages for matching colors, shades and patterns.
We prepare the adhesive composition according to the recommendations that the manufacturer necessarily applies to the packaging. Usually the essence of this stage is reduced to mixing the dry mixture with water using a mixer. The mixture should infuse, it takes about 10 minutes.
We start laying tiles. We will move from top to bottom so that we do not have to step on a tile that has been laid but not yet secured. We start with the riser, then the frontal part follows. With the help of a notched trowel glue mass is applied to the base.
The corner of the steps requires the installation of a corner. It can be metal or plastic. For grouting needed fugue. Pollution from the tile, which is obtained in the process of installation, is easily removed.
To obtain beautiful joints, it is necessary to make the base on the same level with tile or slightly less.
If the staircase is created outside, the tile should be angled. Such a secret will provide a drain for water. On the side of the extreme plates, you can leave a drainage channel. In this case, moisture will not accumulate on the surface of the steps.
It is much more difficult to mount the treads. The installation process involves trimming the tile, which increases its consumption. The amount of residues can be reduced. To do this, you need to clearly choose the necessary modification and guess the size, find out the area of the future structure, and carry out detailed calculations that take into account allowances for seams.
Seams after laying rubbed with a special composition. The remains are cleaned with a spatula and wiped with a damp cloth.
Porcelain tile is very easy to clean, as in this case there are no special conditions and requirements. For cleaning, you can use any chemical that is commonly used to clean the house.
There is no need to buy special cleaning and polishing compositions. Even solutions with alkaline and acidic composition will not harm the surface.
Successful examples and options
Monolithic porcelain tiles should be used in areas with high traffic. For such options, the most successful is the combination of porcelain stoneware and chrome elements.
Soft sand shades form the basis of this cozy and warm interior.The emphasis is created on the railing, which turned out expressive, attracting attention.
How to lay porcelain stoneware on the stairs, see the following video.