Standard sizes of lightweight aggregate blocks

Today, such material as expanded clay concrete has become widespread. This is due to its attractive characteristics, long appreciated by experts in the field of construction. Our article is devoted to a wide range of this material.
Special features
The demand for piece materials for construction is not surprising. These designs are distinguished at the same time by their availability and excellent technical characteristics. Products from keramsit concrete have long been recognized as one of the best options for construction work.
But in order to build a long-serving, stably operated building, it is necessary to understand the dimensions of the structures themselves.It is important to understand that product brands do not indicate their size (as beginner builders sometimes mistakenly assume), since they are set by completely different key parameters - frost resistance and mechanical strength.
Types and weight of material
Expanded clay blocks are divided into wall (width from 15 cm) and partition (this figure is less than 15 cm) varieties. Wall products are used in load-bearing walls, partition walls are needed in order to form a box.
In both groups, corpulent and hollow subgroups are distinguished, differing in:
- thermal conductivity;
- weight;
- acoustic characteristics.
The dimensions of lightweight aggregate blocks are clearly painted in GOST 6133, published in 1999. For real construction requires a large number of size groups, so in practice you can find a variety of solutions. Not to mention the fact that all plants willingly take up the implementation of individual orders with special requirements. Fully comply with the provisions of the standard, for example, products of size 39x19x18.8 cm (although there are other formats). The rounding of these figures in catalogs and advertising information has created the myth of the claydite-concrete block of 39x19x19 cm.
In reality, all dimensions must be strictly maintained; there is only a clearly defined maximum deviation from the established linear dimensions of the blocks. The developers of the standard knowingly made this decision. They summarized the lengthy experience of building houses in various cases and came to the conclusion that these values are more practical than other options. So there are no any claydite-concrete blocks complying with the standard, but having dimensions of 390x190x190 mm, in principle. This is just a clever marketing move, calculated on the negligence of the consumer.
Constructions for partitions can be narrowed or oblong.
Their standard dimensions are represented by four size groups (with a slight deviation):
- 40x10x20 cm;
- 20x10x20 cm;
- 39x9x18.8 cm;
- 39x8x18.8 cm
The thickness of the block that seems too small does not in any way affect the insulation and protection from extraneous sounds. As for weight, the standard hollow block of expanded clay concrete weighs 14.7 kg.
We repeat, this is a product with sides (in mm):
- 390;
- 190;
- 188.
A masonry of 7 bricks has comparable dimensions. The severity of hollow bricks - 2 kg 600 g.In total, the weight of the brickwork will be 18 kg 200 g, that is, 3.5 kg more. If we talk about a full-bodied claydite-concrete block of the same standard size, then its mass will be 16 kg 900 g. A comparable brick configuration will be 7.6 kg heavier.
The mass of slotted lightweight aggregate products with dimensions of 390x190x188 mm is 16 kg 200 g - 18 kg 800 g If the thickness of full-bodied bulkhead blocks of expanded clay concrete is 0.09 m, then the mass of this design reaches 11 kg 700 g.
The choice of such dimensional parameters is not accidental: the blocks must provide high-speed construction. The most common option - 190x188x390 mm is selected by a very simple method. The standard thickness of the mortar layer of cement and sand in most cases ranges from 10 to 15 mm. In this case, the typical wall thickness when laying in one brick is 20 cm. If you add up the thickness of expanded clay block and mortar, you get the same 20 cm.
If 190x188x390 mm is the most widely used standard size of expanded clay concrete, then the 230x188x390 mm variant is, on the contrary, the least used in construction. This format of blocks of expanded clay is produced by few factories.390 mm is a laying of 1.5 bricks with the addition of mortar.
Dimensions of expanded clay products for internal partitions and walls of houses (buildings) is 90x188x390 mm. Along with this option, there is another one - 120x188x390 mm. Since internal partitions in houses and interior non-bearing partitions of claydite-concrete do not survive any mechanical loads, with the exception of their own weight, they are made 9 cm thick. Internal partitions are laid out from semi-blocks.
Size range
There are several widespread building blocks in the Russian Federation (enshrined in GOST or stipulated by TU) for personal, residential and industrial construction:
- 120x188x390 mm;
- 190x188x390 mm;
- 190x188x190 mm;
- 288x190x188 mm;
- 390x188x90 mm;
- 400x100x200 mm;
- 200x100x200 mm;
- 390x188x80 mm;
- 230x188x390 mm (extremely rare version of the product).
The expanded clay block of standard dimensions is good not only in use, but also in transportation as well as in storage. However, there are situations when the construction may require the material of non-standard parameters. The solution to this problem can be an order of individual order. According to it, manufacturers can make claydite-concrete block products for various categories and objects of the construction sector, released in accordance with the technical specifications.By the way, the standards in Russia regulate not only the common linear values of the blocks themselves, but also the dimensions of the through holes, which should be strictly 150x130 mm.
Products from keramsit concrete with dimensions of 300x200x200 mm are sometimes marketed, they are the same standard modules, but shortened in length by 100 mm. For products produced according to specifications, a larger deviation is allowed than for those painted in GOST. Such a deviation can reach 10 or even 20 mm. But the manufacturer is obliged to substantiate such a decision with technological and practical considerations.
The current state standard specifies the following dimensional grid of claydite-concrete blocks:
- 288x288x138;
- 288x138x138;
- 390x190x188;
- 190x190x188;
- 90x190x188;
- 590x90x188;
- 390x190x188;
- 190x90x188 mm.
According to section 5.2. GOST 6133-99 "Wall concrete stones", Tolerances between real and nominal sizes of claydite-concrete blocks can be:
- for length and width - 3 mm down and up;
- for height - 4 mm down and up;
- ± 3 mm for walls and partitions;
- for deviations of edges (any) from a straight line - maximum 0.3 cm;
- for deviations of faces from flatness - up to 0.3 cm;
- for deviations of the side faces and ends from perpendiculars - up to a maximum of 0.2 cm.
To control the linear parameters of claydite blocks, only measuring instruments with a systematic error not exceeding 0.1 cm should be used.
For this purpose can be applied:
- line corresponding to GOST 427;
- a caliper that meets the requirements of GOST 166;
- square, corresponding to the instructions of GOST 3749.
Measure length and width relies on mutually opposed edges of the planes of the support. To measure the thickness, they are oriented to the central parts of the faces located on the side and on the ends. All interim results of measurements are estimated separately.
To determine the thickness of the outer walls, the measurement is carried out with a caliper of the established sample at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. When determining how far the faces deviate from the ideal right angle, take into account the largest total figure; the longitudinal grooves of expanded clay blocks can be placed at least 2 cm from the side surfaces.
From the following video you will learn more about the blocks on the basis of expanded clay.