Porcelain tiles for the facade: what to consider when choosing?

Porcelain tile - one of the most popular finishing materials, which today enjoys an enviable popularity. This facing can be considered universal, since it is used both for internal and external decoration of dwellings. Today we will lose sight of what should be kept in mind when choosing porcelain stoneware for the facade.
What it is?
Many of us at least once in life have heard the name of this facing material, but not every user knows what porcelain stoneware is. Let's answer this question.Porcelain tile is clay, diluted with special additives and passed the process of pressing. Externally, this material is difficult to distinguish from the present strong granite, but its cost is significantly lower.
Porcelain tile is made from quartz sand and clay. In addition, these ingredients are complemented by components such as kaolins, feldspars, and dyes of mineral origin. All these components are pressed under high pressure, and then fired at a temperature regime in excess of 1000 degrees.
Originally beautiful and good-quality porcelain stoneware found its use as a technical product. However, time does not stand still, and soon they began to use this material for flooring, plumbing and other similar objects.
Features and benefits
Nowadays, the range of finishing materials is so rich that among such a huge selection you can simply get lost in search of a suitable product. Most consumers are looking for the decoration of their homes as reliable and durable coatings that have an attractive appearance.Such requirements are met by such popular material as porcelain stoneware.
Porcelain stoneware appeared on the shelves relatively recently, but for a short time many buyers literally fell in love with this material. And everything is explained by the reliability and wear resistance of ceramic granite. It is stronger than the classic tile, which makes it an indispensable solution in the design of facade foundations.
Through the use of high-quality facade porcelain tiles, the building can be given a completely different look and style. With such facing, the buildings look much more solid, more expensive and more modern. They gain a presentable brilliance and attract the eyes of passersby.
The range of porcelain stoneware today pleases many buyers, as represented by a variety of different variations. Choose the best solution possible for the landscape and the facade, made in any style and color.
You should not think that porcelain tile is presented only in single color schemes. Today, in stores you can find more non-trivial options, combining several bright and bold colors, perekalivayuschimisya with each other.Such coatings look particularly juicy and boldly, being on the facades of large shopping or entertainment centers.
Such lining materials are available with different textures and dimensional parameters. It is possible to choose suitable coverings for buildings of any size and layout.
Porcelain tile is ideal for cladding the facade of a building or a small private house. It looks organically, not only on the walls, but also on the floor, giving the structure a special chic and brilliance.
The relevance of such material is easily explained by the many positive qualities that are inherent in it.
- Solid appearance. Such details can revive even the most boring and monotonous facade, painted in neutral and gray tones.
- Such material boasts a large selection of decorative additions. Beautiful prints, original images, bright patterns and even combinations of contrasting colors can be found on the porcelain stoneware.
- Porcelain tiles can be replaced. The process of its installation is quite simple and affordable, so when you change the style or the burden of change, such material can be easily dismantled and completely replaced with something new.
- Ceramic granite tiles are not afraid of negative environmental factors, which makes it an ideal material for placement on the facade of a building.
- With such material, you can achieve good sound insulation characteristics of the premises.
- Porcelain tile is safe from a fire point of view.
- Such facing is distinguished by ecological safety. In the composition of ceramic granite there are no aggressive chemical components that are harmful to human health. Currently, not every finishing material can boast of such quality.
- Neither dynamic nor static loads are terrible for a quality granite tile. Breaking or damaging such material is not so easy, which once again confirms its durability and wear resistance.
- Caring for granite will not require special knowledge from homeowners. In addition, it does not have to be purchased with expensive cleaning products, which are often difficult to find in regular stores.
- Such material does not cause allergic reactions.
- Porcelain tiles are distinguished by maintainability.
- Such a lining will last for many years and will not cause any problems during its operation.
- Such material is permissible to lay on the facade bases at any time of the year. You will not have to wait for the right moment to begin the installation work.
- It is possible to install facade porcelain tiles with your own hands, without attracting a team of specialists.
- This material has a relatively low cost. So, today the price of ceramic granite is less than fibrous cement or composite materials.
This coating has a lot of advantages, which is why today it occupies a leading position in the market of finishing materials.
But do not think that porcelain is an ideal material that does not have a single drawback.
Of course, like any other facing, ceramic granite has its own minuses.
- Porcelain tile differs in impressive weight. That is why it should be installed only on a reliable and strong frame.
- Because of the large weight, it is difficult to work with such material, and the methods of its transportation lead to considerable expenses.
- Unfortunately, today not all manufacturers adhere to the right technology for making porcelain. For this reason, on the shelves of stores lies quite a lot of defective parts, the quality of which is far from the norm.
Porcelain stoneware is a reliable and robust material with excellent performance characteristics.
- It is distinguished by remarkable indicators of moisture resistance. Its water absorption is only 0.05. This is a real record for this indicator.
- Ceramic granite is characterized by high frost resistance. It withstands up to 100 complete freezing and thawing cycles. These indicators are explained by the fact that there are very few porcelain stoneware and they have very small sizes.
- Such facing is characterized by high durability. On the Moss scale, porcelain has a hardness of 7-8, which is close to the record. According to this characteristic, such material “overtakes” only sapphire, ruby and diamond. Scratching or damaging porcelain is very difficult. Even abrasive particles leave no traces on it.
- Porcelain stoneware is characterized by excellent wear resistance characteristics.
Today there are several classes of this facing material, each of which is designed for certain conditions.
- Material class 2 can be installed in any space where people move in different shoes.
- Grade 3 is best placed in areas such as the kitchen or hallway, where the load level is slightly higher.
- Grade 4 is used for laying on the sexual bases in public places with medium traffic. It can be not only a small office, but also a cafe or a shop.
- The high strength porcelain stoneware, which has no special restrictions, belongs to the 5th class. It can be installed even in open spaces with maximum traffic.
- The distinctive characteristic of the porcelain stoneware can be attributed to the level of its slipperiness, ranging from R10 and more.
- By the level of hygiene, porcelain tile facade knows no competitors. It does not breed bacteria, does not form mold, does not accumulate dirt.
- Porcelain tile is a material that does not conduct current, since all its components are dielectrics.
- The coefficient of thermal conductivity of porcelain is less than that of natural granite.
- For porcelain stoneware characterized by a beautiful shine, which persists for many years. But as for the texture, it can be any.
Today, the range of porcelain tiles is more rich than ever. Let us consider in more detail the most popular and spectacular variants of such lining, which are in great demand.
Mosaic tile
Mosaic stoneware tiles are made by special waterjet processing. The cutting itself is carried out with a carbide saw.
Mosaic details consist of small tesser assembled into single beautiful compositions. After that, these parts are attached to a special grid-based, with which they are installed on the facades much easier.
Brilliant and matte
Buildings made in pompous and artsy directions should have appropriate facades. Under this description is suitable porcelain with a unique glitter gilding. As a rule, such a lining has the perfect polish, brought to perfect shine.
Matt tiles are also considered fashionable today. They look great in modern interior styles. Such materials in their developments are used by many designers.
Metallized porcelain is an ideal material that is perfect for all sorts of design experiments. For example, today tiles with imitation of rust, scuffs, and noble platinum are considered to be very fashionable and original. Such materials look interesting not only in public buildings, but also in garages.
Currently, the real designer trend is recognized porcelain, made under natural wood or masonry. Such facade materials look unusual and stylish. At first glance, they can be very difficult to distinguish from real wood or stone. But enough to touch this material, and the "illusion" disappears.
Today in the shops you can find beautiful and high quality porcelain tiles with various dimensional parameters.
The length and width of ceramic granite tiles can be:
- 300x300;
- 600x300;
- 600x600;
- 1200x295;
- 1200x600
The minimum thickness of porcelain stoneware is 5 mm, and the maximum is 12 mm.
Color solutions
Facade porcelain tile is produced in different colors - the choice of buyers is not limited by anything. Classic black tile looks very expensive and solid, and this applies to matte and polished materials. These covers are a real find for the modern style. Gray and brown inks of porcelain stoneware are not less respectable.
Light - cream, beige, dairy tiles, look fresh and interesting. They literally illuminate the street.However, when installing them, you should not make the slightest mistake - on a light background, they will be evident.
Pastel colors on the stoneware look soft and pleasant. These palettes are recommended to appeal to lovers of calm and neutral colors.
Bright and colorful paint are more suitable for the design of shopping and entertainment centers. In the case of residential private houses, such cladding should be treated with caution so as not to make your dwelling absurd. You can combine on the same facade 2 or more different colors.
Manufacturers Overview
Let's get acquainted with some well-known manufacturers, producing high-quality and beautiful porcelain tiles for facades:
- Estima. This is the name of the plant in Noginsk, which was the first in Russia to produce ceramic granite. Estima products are inexpensive, but have excellent quality. The tiles of this company are represented by the collections “Marmi”, “Rainbow”, “Standart”, “Trend”, “You Color”.
- Fiorano - a famous manufacturer from China, which produces high-strength porcelain stoneware, not afraid of dust, dirt and mechanical damage. In the assortment of Fiorano there are many tiles with different colors and textures.
- Kerlite. This brand from Italy produces high-quality porcelain tiles with a thickness of only 3.5 mm. At the same time, the remaining product parameters can reach 3x1 m. In the Kerlite assortment, materials of classical shades prevail.
- "Ural granite". This manufacturer offers a choice of buyers facade granite neutral colors with polished and matte surfaces.
How to choose?
When choosing a facing material for exterior work, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- Porcelain tiles should be in perfect condition - no chips, cracks or faded areas. Carefully inspect the plates for hidden defects.
- Refer to the products of famous brands, as there are too many low-grade products in stores with unknown brands that will not last for a long time.
- It is necessary to correctly choose the color of porcelain. The main thing that should be avoided is the oversaturation of variegated and bold inks. Such ensembles will only annoy.
- Select materials of suitable size.
- Properly choose the appropriate material class (all listed above).
- Do not look for too cheap facade porcelain.Too low a price may indicate poor quality material.
Before you go shopping for porcelain stoneware, you should make the correct estimate in order to avoid unnecessary expenses.
In order not to be mistaken in the calculations, it is recommended to do them on special online calculators. Using them is easy, and they give the correct results. However, for this you will need to find out the exact area of the facade that needs finishing, the type of material (in this case, porcelain stoneware), the orientation of the frame, the amount of insulation and the presence of a primer.
Material Tips
Installation of porcelain stoneware facade can not be called difficult. The technology of its installation will be able to master each. First you need to make the carrier system, which includes mounting brackets, as well as guides. They are made of galvanized steel. You need to leave special holes to adjust the position of such a framework.
When installing the brackets, it is necessary to maintain a gap of at least 10 cm from the corner of the building, as well as window and door openings.
Next is installed thermal insulation. After that, proceed to the installation of the plates themselves for finishing the walls of the house.All components need to fasten firmly and securely.
To carry out such work will require:
- electric drill;
- perforator;
- fasteners;
- rivet set device;
- building level.
If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should hire a brigade of professionals for the installation of facade granite. Thus you save yourself from damaging materials and unnecessary experiences.
Beautiful lining examples
Porcelain stoneware or rusty metal looks impressive in tandem with wooden surfaces. This lining should be applied to angular private homes, made in the style of high-tech or industrial. It is advisable to complement such a structure with large panoramic windows.
Light-colored porcelain tile looks harmoniously in combination with black edging of window openings. Such facades look inconspicuous, but solid and aesthetically pleasing.
Facade porcelain tiles can be made in several shades of the same color. For example, it can be green, blue or red palettes. Of course, such materials look bold and bright, but they are more often chosen for shopping centers, water parks and other buildings, and they may have non-standard, for example, rounded shapes.
The facades of buildings in which there is a beige or cream tile and ceramic granite of a soft brown / brick shade look harmoniously. Such buildings look especially fresh and solid if they have a gray roof and are surrounded by gray street lamps.
In the next video, you will find the installation of a hinged ventilated facade on the Newton subsystem with lining of porcelain tiles.