How to choose a profile for drywall?

Choose a profile for drywall need special care. To make the right choice, it is necessary to study the features of the profiles, their types and sizes, as well as to draw attention to several important nuances.
Special features
The profile for drywall has a completely transparent purpose - maintaining the entire drywall construction. An ordinary metal profile is not suitable for these purposes. Mandatory requirement is the weight of the structure. It is unacceptable that the profile frame was too heavy. At best, the drywall construction will stagger and creak, at worst, it will collapse.
It is believed that an experienced master can use any profiles., while obtaining an excellent result. This statement is only partly true. Only profiles intended for work with plasterboard are suitable for the construction. There may not be a profile of the desired type at hand, and then an experienced master can transform an unsuitable profile into the desired one.
These metamorphoses are determined by the choice of materials from which the profile samples are made. Flexible metals are used. The most commonly used constructions made of galvanized steel, but there are also aluminum. They are not particularly popular because they are quite expensive. Steel is much cheaper.
Types and sizes
If a house of timber, for example, can be built completely without the use of metal profiles, then in the case of drywall this luxury is not available. Metal profiles for GKL are available in a huge variety.
All of them can be divided into two large groups by type of place of attachment:
- mounted to the wall;
- attached to the ceiling.
Depending on the purpose, the classification is as follows:
- profiles used for finishing work;
- options for designing new partitions.
Each of the subspecies includes many specialized elements that differ in length, thickness and width, degree of bearing capacity, bending. We should also highlight profiles for arches, which are very different due to their shape. Experts even make them into a separate category.
Some of the profiles are interchangeable and can be dispensed with. The use of each particular sample greatly simplifies the work. So, if you do not have enough experience, then the best thing is not to try to save a lot, but to buy everything you need. If you already have the knowledge and practiced in this installation, you can safely experiment.
UD or Mon
This type of profile can be safely called the main one. On its basis, the entire frame is mounted due to the high strength characteristics of the product. This metal profile is carrying. Strengthened with stiffeners, it can have not only a smooth structure, but also be perforated. By the way, this option is much more convenient, because you do not have to make holes for screws yourself. If you fix the profiles of this type correctly, then the whole structure will be reliable, will not squeak and sway.
As for the dimensions, the strips of type UD or PN have the following dimensions: the height of the channel itself is 2.7 cm, width - 2.8 cm, thickness varies in the range of 0.5-0.6 mm. The mass depends on the length and is 1.1 kg for profiles with a length of 250 cm and 1.8 kg for a profile of 4.5 m. And also models with a length of 3 m and a weight of 1.2 kg and four meters with a weight of 1.6 are produced kg Please note that the most popular is the model from Knauf with a cross section of 100x50 mm and a length of 3 m.
UW or Mon
Profile guide type, which is used to create all kinds of drywall partitions. It is attached to the wall. With its help the gypsum plasterboard is fixed. It is made of metal tape, the material for which is galvanized steel. In the future, UW or Mon is used as a guide for a rack profile.
Interestingly, these profiles are used only in the internal arrangement. So, with their help, you can build only interior partitions.
Despite the similarity with the UD or MO, this model has other dimensional characteristics. Here the channel height is 4 cm. The width may vary depending on the partition to be erected.Available in 50 mm, 75 mm and 10 mm wide models. The thickness is the same as that of the UD or PN - 0.5-0.6 mm. It is logical that the mass depends not only on the profile length, but also on its width: the profile of 5x275 cm weighs 1.68 kg, 5x300 cm — 1.83 kg, 5x400 cm — 2.44 kg, 5x450 cm — 2.75 kg. The mass of the wider samples is as follows: 7.5x275 cm - 2.01 kg, 7.5x300 cm - 2.19 kg, 7.5x400 cm - 2.92 kg, 7.5x450 cm - 3.29 kg. Finally, the weight of the widest profiles is as follows: 10x275 cm - 2.34 kg, 10x300 cm - 2.55 kg, 10x400 cm - 3.4 kg, 10x450 cm - 3.83 kg.
CW or PS
This category refers to the rack, but the role of this component is slightly different than that of the UD or MON. CW or PS profiles are used to strengthen the frame, to give it rigidity and stability. They are fixed on the guides. Step, the distance between them is determined individually, but the standard figure is 40 cm.
The sizes of the profiles are very different from others, because here the count goes on the tenths of a millimeter. It concerns the width. It can be 48.8 mm, 73.8 mm or 98.8 mm. The height is 5 cm. The standard thickness is 0.5-0.6 mm. The weight also varies depending on the length and width of the profiles: 48.8х2750 mm - 2.01 kg, 48.8х3000 mm - 2.19 kg, 48.8х4000 mm - 2.92 kg, 48.8х4500 mm - 3.29 kg ; 73.8х2750 mm - 2.34 kg, 73.8х3000 mm - 2.55 kg, 73.8х4000 mm - 3.40 kg, 73.8х4500 mm - 3.83 kg; 98.8х2750 mm - 2.67 kg, 98.8х3000 mm - 2.91 kg; 98.8х4000 mm - 3.88 kg, 98.8х4500 mm - 4.37 kg.
CD or PP
These profiles are bearing. This means that they take on the entire weight of the structure and cladding material. Such profiles are suitable not only for installation indoors, but also outside. Mostly these varieties are used for mounting on the ceiling. By the way, the labeling of PP stands for "ceiling profile", which most directly indicates the main purpose.
As for the dimensional characteristics, the profile height is the same as the previous one - 2.7 cm. Available in only one solution in width - 6 cm. Standard thickness - 0.5-0.6 mm. The mass depends on the length of the profile: 250 cm - 1.65 kg, 300 cm - 1.8 kg, 400 cm - 2.4 kg, 450 cm - 2.7 kg. Thus, it will turn out to choose the most suitable profiles both in length and weight, and the frame structure will still remain relatively light and strong.
Profiles for arches are nothing like a product. Initially, the masters tried to design arched openings using ordinary straight profiles, but nothing came out. Then some of them got the idea to make cuts and fold the profile in an arc. Initially, the arc was angular rather than smooth, but this is better than nothing.
Eminent manufacturers picked up the idea, and so there were samples for the processing of arched openings. Both elements that are well bent by the workers themselves, and profiles with fixed curvature are produced. The second case provides for a concave and convex profile, so that in which case it is possible to attach curly elements to it. So, convex and concave elements are available in the same sizes: length can be 260 cm, 310 cm or 400 cm, the radius of curvature is from 0.5 m to 5 m.
These profiles are angular. They are designed to protect the external corners of the drywall from impact or destruction. A distinctive feature is the abundant perforation. The task of the holes is not to allow the profile to be attached to the drywall with screws, as in other cases. Here the holes help the plaster to fix better on the metal element, securely sealing it between the rough surface and the plaster layer. Only with full adherence will he provide protection to the extent necessary.
Dimensional characteristics here will be special, because the angle profiles differ from wall and ceiling ones.Thus, the dimensions of the blades are 25 mm, 31 mm or 35 mm, and the thickness is 0.4 mm or 0.5 mm, depending on the cross-section. Standard length is 300 cm.
Beacon profiles of this type are used during direct finishing works, in particular, plastering. They are needed so that the rule slides as smoothly as possible, smoothing out the plaster layer. Thus, the profiles are glued to the gypsum board sheet directly with the plaster mortar after a complicated procedure has been carried out. This is done in order to ensure a uniform application of a layer of material, while avoiding the unreasonable costs of both labor and financial plan.
The dimensions of the beacon type profiles are slightly different from others. They are similar to the corner. Here, the cross-section can be 2.2x0.6 cm, 2.3x1.0 cm, or 6.2x0.66 cm with a length of 3 m. Note that if necessary, increase the length (although this usually does not occur), the profiles are spliced.
In addition to standard PU, there are also various types of profiles for drywall, the purpose of which is to save the angular sides from unnecessary damage.Of interest is the profile, in many respects similar to PU, but here weaving from wire is used instead of perforation. This provides the best adhesion of the element with plaster, while it has a much lower weight and price. The fact is that standard PU is best to buy aluminum, while an improved analog can be made of galvanized steel.
The dimensions of the modernized protection profiles are the same as for the standard ones. Their length is 300 cm, and their cross-section is 0.4x25 mm, 0.4x31 mm, 05x31 mm or 0.5x35 mm. The mass is approximately 100 g against the weight of 290 g of the ordinary angular profile of PU. The difference in the masses is obvious, and if you do not plan to apply a thick plaster layer, it is best to choose this option.
This profile for drywall is very different from all the others in its task, and the type of attachment. It is used in cases where it is necessary to provide high-quality insulation of the partition. Hat profile can be mounted independently without the use of anchors or rails. It is commonly used for arranging ceilings, but it can also be attached to a wall.It is made of zinc coated with a polymer layer.
The abundance of various options is amazing. The thickness of the profiles can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 mm. Profile cross section depends on which model is selected. So, for profiles like KPSH, the cross section can be 50/20 mm, 90/20 mm, 100/25 mm, 115/45 mm. For the PN profiles, the values are partially similar: 100 / 25mm or 115/45 mm. Type H models have very different indicators: H35 - 35x0.5 mm, 35x0.6 mm, 35x0.7 mm, 35x0.8 mm; H60 - 60x0.5 mm, 60x0.6 mm, 60x0.7 mm, 60x0.8 mm, 60x0.9 mm, 60x1.0 mm; H75 - 75x0.7 mm, 75x0.8 mm, 75x0.9 mm, 75x1.0 mm.
Z profiles
The so-called Z-profiles are used as additional stiffening ribs. Usually they are purchased for roofing structures, but can also be used to strengthen gypsum plasterboards, which has recently become more common. Manufacturers declare that with its help it is possible to replace two C-profiles. This will help save
Sizes may vary and depend on the type of instance.
- Z100 has a height of 100 mm, the width of the blades for all Z profiles will be the same - 50 mm each, thickness varies from 1.2 mm to 3 mm. The weight per meter of this profile will also vary depending on the thickness: at 1.2 mm - 2.04 kg, at 1.5 - 2.55 kg, at 2 mm - 3.4 kg, at 2.5 mm - 4 , 24 kg, with 3 mm - 5.1 kg.
- The height of the profile Z120 is 120 mm, the thickness can be from 1.2 mm to 3 mm. Weight - 2.23 kg for 1.2 mm, 2.79 kg for 1.5 mm, 3.72 for 2 mm, 4.65 kg for 2.5 mm, 5.58 kg for 3 mm.
- The height of the Z150 is 150 mm, the thickness is the same as in the previous versions. The weight varies: 2.52 kg for 1.2 mm, 3.15 kg for 1.5 mm, 4.2 for 2 mm, 5.26 kg for 2.5 mm, 6.31 kg for 3 mm.
- Profile Z200 has a height of 200 mm. The weights vary considerably: with 1.2 mm - 3.01 kg, with 1.5 - 3.76 kg, with 2 mm - 5.01 kg, with 2.5 mm - 6.27 kg, with 3 mm - 7.52 kg.
Higher options in working with drywall are usually not applied.
L-shaped profile
L-shaped profile is often called L-shaped, so keep in mind - this means the same thing. They belong to the angular, however, perform a different function than PU or cornering. L-shaped options are part of the carrier system. They are made of galvanized steel. Their thickness starts from 1 mm, as a result of which the strength of parts is achieved. Such profiles would have a lot of weight, but strong perforation eliminates this disadvantage. It is the L-shaped element that is used as the finishing or starting element of the whole construct.
The length of the L-shaped profiles can be 200, 250, 300 or 600 cm. Samples with the following thickness are on the market: 1.0 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3 mm. Please note that it is possible to make profiles of this type to order.This applies only to the length of the parts, the thickness should be chosen from one of the proposed. The width of the profiles varies from 30-60 mm.
Additional elements
To complete the installation work completely, profiles alone are not enough. Some more details are needed by which all the components are fastened to the crate-box. Be sure to pay attention to the choice of these components, because if you choose the wrong, then the frame can be fragile, creak.
Some of the auxiliary elements, this partly refers to the connecting, you can do it yourself.
Extension cords
On sale are numerous details in order to slightly extend the profiles. After all, buying the whole element for the sake of missing 10 cm is not the most rational decision. It is not necessary to buy a special extension cord. For this, you can use unnecessary trimming of an existing profile tape. A guide profile is suitable for splicing, which will give the joint additional rigidity.
All you need is to insert a guide profile that fits in size inwards and give it the necessary shape with the help of pliers.Then it remains only to fasten the entire structure with screws. You need to act carefully, constantly checking the flatness of the resulting profile.
Connecting elements
They are used in case it is necessary only to join two profiles without changing their length. These profiles can either lie in the same plane or form a multi-tiered frame. For each of these cases, different solutions are provided. Some of them can be made from the remnants of a profile part, others definitely need to be bought, you can even do without a third one, but still they greatly simplify the work. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand all types in order to know which category they belong to.
There are 4 types of connecting elements. Three of them are used to connect profiles lying in the same plane, and only one - for multi-level parts.
Longitudinal bracket
We have already mentioned the extension of profiles with the help of an additional part of the profile. For such needs there is a special device - a connecting longitudinal bar. With its help, you can simultaneously connect the two profiles to each other and slightly extend them.Therefore, this part refers to the connection, rather than extension cords.
The longitudinal bracket is a spring that abuts against the end parts of the profiles. It is manufactured by hot dip galvanizing. Thus, manufacturers have tried to give details greater rigidity. For its final fastening screws or bolts are used. Sometimes the connecting bracket is made not of smooth metal, but of pimply. It is believed that this will allow her to better fit to the profile, especially if it is also not smooth. In fact, such an innovation only complicates the work.
Two-level bracket
These details are often called "butterflies." These elements belong to those that allow you to fix profiles of different levels. So, with the help of two-level brackets, the overlapping parts are interconnected, and their full fit and rigid joint is guaranteed.
Two-level brackets are devices that are designed to facilitate the work of builders. Their fastening does not require the use of screws: the design itself provides for special projections with which it is attached to the profiles.However, the elements of the old sample still require special fixatives.
Sold "butterflies" in the straightened form, but when installing them will need to bend the letter P and secure.
Corner connectors allow you to combine the details in the shape of a letter T. It is worth noting that such a connection is possible only in cases where the parts are on the same level, and not on different ones.
You can make such parts yourself. The self-made element received the name "boot" because of a characteristic L-shaped form. For this purpose, ceiling guides are used, which are ideally suited for this thanks to their rigidity. Thus, parts of the profile of the desired length are cut off, and then joined at a right angle with the help of screws. Pay attention to the strength of the resulting joint. The joint should be as rigid and durable as possible to ensure the stability of the structure.
With the help of "crabs" elements are connected crosswise only within the same level. In fact, the "crab" is the same as the two-level brackets. "Crabs" provide stiffness of the connection, its strong fixation.
You can also do without “crabs” by replacing them with a self-made counterpart. To do this, take two segments of the supporting profile and screwed to the already fixed profile from the channel side. It turns out that the pieces of the profile are lying on their side. In the future, the profile that should cross the existing one is fixed inside such self-made grooves with self-tapping screws.
The resulting construction is not at all inferior in terms of functionality to specially purchased elements, so builders often resort to this method of fastening.
Base plate
This element can be attributed to the fasteners. So, the socle level designates the boundary of the gypsum plasterboard construction being erected from below, above, on the side, and the edges are more aesthetic. The end parts of the plank have perforations, which are necessary in order to make it easier to plaster or otherwise process them before attaching a finishing covering to the front side.
Base plates are made of aluminum or plastic. PVC elements are more convenient. Cutting such strips is simple. So, it is possible to cut off the necessary quantity with the help of scissors, while the edge will still remain even, without cracking.There are two-part basement elements made of PVC that allow you to arrange the joint between the plasterboard partition and the floor in the best way, since they have a sealing detail.
How to choose?
When choosing a profile, it is important to focus not only on its labeling, but also on the price and the manufacturer, as well as on the material from which it is made. Before buying, you need to calculate the number of profiles. Ideally, you need to have on hand a finished project.
Pay attention to what the parts are for: for walls or ceilings. Without taking into account this factor, it is impossible to choose a truly suitable option. Even if it is of excellent quality, it’s not a fact that it will withstand loads for which it is not intended.
Read reviews about manufacturers. It so happens that domestic profiles are better than foreign ones, while there is a good chance to save money without overpaying for the brand.
Installation is carried out by means of many parts, among which are both intended only for gypsum profiles, and universal. Before you go shopping, you need to make a calculation of the number of fasteners.For this you need a ready plan. The crate can be complex or simple, and the required amount depends on it too.
Fasteners are designed not only to fasten profiles to each other, but also to attach the entire structure to a wall or ceiling. Therefore, they must be durable to withstand such a large weight. When building a plasterboard module, you will need the entire list of parts.
Screws, dowels, screws
Not all of these elements are suitable for connecting profiles. There are three factors that affect the selection of fasteners: the material, its thickness, and the location of the fastened position.
Between themselves, profiles can be fastened only with screws.belonging to the categories of drilling or piercing, respectively, labeled LB or LN. These options allow you to work on metal, but you have to make an effort to drown the hat and achieve evenness. By the way, such screws are called “bugs”.
To attach drywall, you will need longer screws. Their length should be from 25 mm to 40 mm, depending on the number and thickness of the layers. Products with marking TN are ideal here.
To attach profiles to the wall or ceiling, you need reinforced nylon dowels of the "fungus" type. Screws are already attached.
Regardless of the type, the profile frame can be fixed to the wall or ceiling with suspensions. Suspensions are made of thin and flexible galvanized steel, ensuring that the weight of the part was only 50-53 g. Despite the apparent fragility, the suspensions successfully withstand the weight of the structure. When working with them you need to be careful. They do not withstand mechanical stress, and with awkward movement, the suspension can be easily bent.
Direct suspensions are more often used, but there are also anchor ones. If the first can be called universal, as they are suitable for walls and ceilings, the latter are used only for ceiling mounts.
Ceiling anchor hangers with clips are lightweight - only 50 g, however, they are able to withstand an impressive weight, without deforming and falling off the ceiling.
Anchor hangers have other advantages.
- Low price. She is 8-10 rubles apiece.
- Versatility. Ceiling suspensions, though designed only for ceilings, can be mounted both in the corners, at the joints with the walls, and in the open areas of the ceiling.
- High quality steel.The strength characteristics of galvanized steel and its flexibility are beyond praise, because fasteners are responsible for the reliability of the whole structure.
- Easy installation and use. Installing anchor parts is easy because of their intuitive design.
- Low weight.
Direct suspensions are more versatile. They can be fixed not only to the ceiling, but also to the walls, and to other elements. They are suitable for work both indoors and outdoors. The price of direct elements is much lower than anchor ones: it starts at 4 rubles per piece. Manufacturers have provided for many needs of builders, so they supplied the suspensions with small perforation steps, which opens up a large range of heights with which to work.
Direct suspensions are used not only in work with gypsum plasterboard, but also with wood, concrete, metal and other materials. The quality of steel and its strength remains high.
Traction needed in the event that the height of ordinary suspensions is not enough. Their length starts from 50 cm. This means that the drywall construction can be located 50 cm below the ceiling. Ceiling thrust made of thick spokes with a diameter of 4 mm.Proper installation allows you to ensure that the weight of the suspended plasterboard structure will be evenly distributed.
These components are needed in order to best consolidate profiles. There are reinforced mounting brackets and U-shaped. Both are applied with the appropriate profiles. The presence of the bracket is optional, but if the weight of the structure is large, then it is better to carry out the installation using them.
How to calculate the quantity?
To calculate the required number of details of the PN profile, you need to use the following formula: K = P / D
In this formula, K means quantity, P - the perimeter of the room, and D - the length of one element.
Consider an example. With the perimeter of the room 14 m (walls, respectively, 4 m and 3 m) and the length of the selected profile of 3 m, we get:
K = 14/3 = 4.7 pieces.
Rounding up, we get 5 PN profiles
To calculate the number of PP profiles for a simple batten, you should use several formulas:
- L1 = H * D, where L1 - the number of meters of PP, H - the number of elements depending on the step, D - the length of the room;
- L2 = K * W, where L2 - the length of the transverse PP profiles, K - their number, W - the width of the room;
- Л = (Л1 + Л2) / Э, where Э is the element length.
For example, take a step of 0.6 m. Then L1 = 4 (length of the room) * 5 (the length of the room should be divided into a step and subtract two side profiles: 4 / 0.6 = 6.7; 6.7-2 = 4, 7, rounded up, we get 5). So, L1 20 pieces.
L2 = 3 (width of the room) * 3 (we look for the quantity in the same way as in the previous formula) = 9 pieces.
L = (20 + 9) / 3 (standard length of elements) = 9.7. Krugly in a big way, it turns out that you need 10 PP profiles.
Installation works are performed in accordance with the existing plan. From profiles can be composed of both simple and complex frame structure.
Installation must begin with the fastening of the supporting profiles along the perimeter, gradually moving from the sides to the middle. Such a gradual filling will help to avoid uneven distribution of weight and, as a result, sagging of the structure.
It is best to entrust the installation of a complex frame, especially if it is done using traction suspensions. It will be able to accurately and accurately calculate where and how many profiles can be attached, so that the construction will be truly durable and will not collapse some time after construction.
Distinguishing defective goods when buying from a quality product is sometimes not that hard - impossible.Sometimes the marriage is determined only during installation.
There are several recommendations that will partially facilitate the selection process.
- From buying a mortise profile is better to refuse. There is a high risk that in drywall it will start to hang out over time. If there is no choice, cut it into the concrete wall.
- Check the thickness of the metal, it must exactly match the stated. To do this, use a caliper.
- Check the profile for evenness by looking at it along. Flaws will be visible immediately.
- Rust should not be. Its presence indicates the use of base steel.
- Pay attention to the screws and screws when choosing. They should be sharp, with a clear deep thread.
Today, the two most popular brands are: Knauf (Germany) and Giprok (Russia). The first manufacturer produces the most convenient devices, but their price is twice as high as those from Giprok. Product quality is about the same.
For information on how to mount the frame of the profile and its components for drywall, see in this video.