The choice of components for drywall

Gypsum board is a versatile finishing material, used to finish and create a variety of architectural structures, serve as additional sound insulation. But for its installation requires a whole arsenal of special components, diverse in its purpose. To correctly select all the necessary details, you need to have an idea about their main functions and features.
Details required for the installation of plasterboard
If the intended work is not limited to a simple lining with the help of plasterboard sheets, then you will need to create a frame to which the material will be attached, because it has considerable weight.This crate is mounted using mixed profiles, interconnected fasteners.
Main components for gypsum board:
- plasterboard profiles;
- connecting metal elements;
- fasteners.
It should immediately make a reservation that all components must be durable and of decent quality in order to ensure durability and reliability of the structure. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the weight of the products so as not to create an unnecessary load.
A strong frame is the basis for further work, so professional craftsmen recommend not to save on the thickness of the rack profiles.
As a rule, components have standard factory sizes, but in some cases it is possible to purchase it under an individual order.
Drywall Profiles
To work with plasterboard, in most cases, metal profiles made of galvanized steel are used, which differ in their functional load. They are created in the process of cold rolling and are equipped with longitudinal ribs to increase strength. The standard profile length is 3000 mm, although in practice parts of other sizes are produced - from 2,700 to 6,000 mm.
Products are divided into several types:
- The rack profile is made in the form of a channel having a U-shaped cross-section, and has curved shelves. This is the main element of the core - it is used as a vertical rack. Special grooves on its back ensure the connection of sheets of drywall. The grooves on the sides are needed for the screws. The usual depth is 50 mm with a width of 50 to 100 mm.
- The profile of the guide has a U-shaped form and serves as the basis for the direction of the rack products. It has the same width as its width, but differs in height - 40 mm. Mounted items in pairs.
- Ceiling parts are used for cladding ceilings, single-level and multi-level. In form, they are similar to rack-mount components, have the same stiffeners and curved shelves. In fact, this material is often used for plasterboard walls. Their width is 60 mm, and the depth is 27 mm.
- Paired with a ceiling, they often use a ceiling guide profile with a width of 27 mm and a depth of 28 mm.
- Corner parts are necessary to give reliability to external and internal corners in order to prevent deformation.
Profiles are used for wall decoration, as well as for the construction of partitions. In the latter case, when choosing a profile, it is important to consider the height of the structure. The larger it is, the wider and thicker the metal should be. Such products, if necessary, can be shortened with a cutting wheel, a grinder or special scissors.
Additional frame attachment
To firmly join the guides and rack components, auxiliary elements are necessary.
For these purposes, connecting fasteners are used, having perpendicular directions to each other. To install it requires screws. A longitudinal connector is used to extend profiles. These elements are required when creating suspended ceilings and other structures.
A special place in the installation of the gypsum board is taken by the “crab” - this is a connecting component made of galvanized metal, which has a cruciform shape with bent legs, which make it possible to fix the part on the profile. Additional legs have holes for fastening screws. The connector can be attached to the surface and through the suspension, thanks to the auxiliary holes in the sides and in the center.This item is able to withstand a load of 20 kg and more.
"Crabs" are:
- Single-level - functionally designed to connect profiles in one plane with a large area of the room, when the length of the products is not enough. Most often, they are used to extend the load-bearing segments in the ceiling structure, located perpendicular to each other. Their thickness is not more than 0.06 mm. With high loads, there is a sense of additional fastening with screws.
- Two-level products - fix vertical, at right angles to different levels of components. Double-sided fastening ensures the strength of the structure.
Also for the connection of drywall with ceiling cladding is applied direct suspension. It is a metal plate with special cuts and perforations. One side of the part is attached to the ceiling, the other fixes the profile at a certain height. It is able to withstand a load of up to 40 kg. The anchor suspension performs the same function when the length of the straight element is not enough. It can withstand a maximum of 25 kg per square meter. m
Any types of metal profiles and connecting elements require additional fastening for stability and durability.
In the implementation of the installation of sheets of drywall mainly used:
- Self-tapping screws - these parts are relevant for the connection of drywall with metal surfaces. In different cases, it makes sense to use piercing or drilling products (such as LB and LN). They can be replaced by a piece with a press washer that has a less massive cap. If one layer of plasterboard is foreseen, then fasteners with a length of 25 mm will work, with a larger number of layers - 40 mm
- Anchor wedge is needed for suspensions; this is the best solution when creating ceiling cladding. This fastener firmly holds the weight and is resistant to corrosion.
- The dowel-nail is intended for fastening on brick, concrete, stone foundations. To perform high-quality fixation, a drill is used, after which the cartridge is inserted and manually hammered with a hammer.
When facing walls, polymer dowels are usually taken from polypropylene or nylon; for building ceilings, metal parts are used that provide increased strength.
Useful recommendations
In order for the construction of plasterboard lasted a long time, It is necessary to take into account some nuances:
- When choosing a profile, characteristics such as length and width are important, as quick and easy installation depends on it;
- thin metal parts can not withstand the weight of the structure, so for the long-term operation requires an accurate calculation of the width of the products;
- you can not buy materials with even the slightest trace of rust, it is best to choose galvanized steel;
- for the installation of gypsum plasterboard it is not advisable to buy nails, because they damage the drywall;
- should pay attention to the notch - it should be clear and pronounced;
- Burrs, blunt tip fasteners, nodules on the plugs dowels - these are defects and signs of poor-quality goods.
Knowing these features, you can avoid disappointment at work. It does not hurt to ask about the quality certificate - it will be an additional guarantee of the quality of components and ensure the successful improvement of the room.
About how to choose a profile for drywall, see the following video.