Cotton blanket

Blankets filled with organic cotton belong to the class of not the most expensive products in the line of this product. Cotton products are deservedly in high demand among buyers all over the world, since, along with an affordable price, they are environmentally friendly and comfortable to use.
Special features
Cotton blankets have long been proven to be practical and easy-to-use bedding. Modern technologies have ensured that now these products can be washed in an automatic washing machine, which greatly facilitated their care.
Organic cotton filler, which is used for making blankets, has natural softness and elasticity.In the Russian market, this type of product is known as cotton blankets and has been in high demand for a long time.
Even in the recent past, the filler in wadded blankets in the process of operation could crumble and stray into clumps, modern products finally got rid of these shortcomings. By purchasing a cheap cotton-filled blanket, you can be sure that it will serve you for several years, remaining in its original condition.
In addition to affordable prices, cotton blankets have the following positive qualities:
- cotton filling perfectly absorbs moisture, which allows the product to regulate the temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for a sleeping person;
- Being 100% natural filler, cotton is absolutely safe for small children and for people with increased allergic reactions.
Summer models
Lightweight or lightweight blankets are best suited for use in the summer. Their difference is that they let the air through much better, they perfectly collect accumulated moisture from the body.
In a summer blanket, the filler does not consist of cotton wool, but of cotton fibers that have undergone a special process.Therefore, in such products the weight of the filler does not exceed 900 grams, which reduces the weight of the finished product by half compared to the warmed winter models.
One of the most popular types of summer blankets are jacquard patterns. This is a very comfortable class of flannelettes with high breathability and high moisture absorption.
Moreover, domestic models in their hygienic properties and color stability, as a rule, are superior to similar products of foreign manufacturers.
Among the models of cotton blankets with jacquard weaving, products of the well-known trademark Vladi deserve special attention. Blankets of this brand can be attributed to the classic patterns of flannelette blankets. With its excellent warming properties, the products have very little weight, which will allow you to easily take them with you on a hike, to the country or to the beach.
Another excellent option for lightweight blankets for use in the summer season - models of linen and cotton of the popular eco-style series. The products use only natural fabrics and materials, the cover is sewn from 100% cotton, and the filler is a mixture of linen and cotton fibers.
Comparison with flaxseed counterparts
Cotton-filled blankets are the most inexpensive among products made from natural materials, but they have a shorter service life compared to elite counterparts, such as cashmere or linen, for example.
Nevertheless, it has a number of positive parameters:
- Cotton microflora prevents the reproduction of dust mites and does not cause allergic reactions.
- Cotton perfectly retains heat, winter quilt is a great option for people who are sensitive to cold.
- Budget option or availability to a wide range of buyers.
Among the disadvantages of cotton filler are the following facts:
- Some samples produced by outdated technologies can hold up to 40% of moisture in themselves; it is not recommended for people with excessive sweating to sleep under such blankets.
- Warm cotton quilts are usually very heavy, which can also cause discomfort in a sleeping person.
- Samples made in the old fashioned way, quickly clumped, losing their original properties, thereby shortening the life of the product.
Modern manufacturers, in order to weaken the negative properties of cotton, mix it with synthetic fibers, thereby creating additional comfort and increasing the life of the cotton.
Linen, like cotton, has a fibrous structure, so it is perfect as a filler for bedding. But unlike cotton filling, it creates its own microclimate, which contributes to special comfort - in the summer under such a blanket you will not feel hot, and in winter you will not freeze.
The main advantages of linen blankets include:
- Perfect breathability.
- High thermal conductivity.
- Hypoallergenic and antimicrobial properties.
- Simplicity in leaving, they can be erased, they quickly dry.
- Long service life.
Perhaps the only minus of linen blankets is a very high price of the product. But even this disadvantage will pay off handsomely, since this natural filler is almost the most durable among other natural analogues.
Blankets for newborns
Just born baby, even in the warm season, you need a soft and comfortable blanket, in which you will wrap it, going for a walk.Despite the fact that modern manufacturers offer a lot of options for blankets for newborns and a huge competition in the market for this product, the most popular to this day are flannelette blankets, which were used by our parents.
Cotton flannelette fabric is represented on the market in a wide range, it differs not only in color, but also in the density of the pile, as well as in the density of the material.
The low price of flannelette blankets, coupled with high hygienic properties makes them simply indispensable things in the dowry of every child.
The standard size of blankets for newborns is 120x120 cm, for discharge from the maternity hospital you can buy a size a little smaller - 100x100 cm or 110x110 cm. Also, in a variety of colors you can always choose a suitable color for a boy or girl.
When choosing a blanket for your baby, carefully study the labels, you need to pay special attention to the composition of the fibers, preferring only 100% natural cotton, avoiding products with any synthetic impurities. Wrapping your baby with a natural blanket, you can be sure that he will not have allergic reactions.
In numerous reviews, buyers, above all, note the availability of the price, as well as simplicity and ease of care. Among the other advantages noted by customers, the following points can be highlighted:
- The product absorbs well and evaporates moisture.
- Products "breathe", that is, have good air conduction.
- Have hypoallergenic properties.
- It is possible to wash products in a conventional washing machine at a water temperature of up to 60 ° C, while the products withstand repeated washing.
- Do not fade when washing and long retain their original shape.
- When stored in cabinets and dressers take up very little space.
- Have a good life.
When buying a blanket for yourself, remember that it is this bedding that warms us and gives us comfort and coziness during sleep, so you should pay attention to the choice of this accessory for the bedroom. And it is precisely cotton blankets that have recently been deservedly the most popular in the line of products with the best price-quality ratio.
Watch an interesting video on how flannee blankets are made.