Garlands: types, features of choice and recommendations for use

New year, birthday, anniversary, bachelorette party - there are many reasons to create indoors a festive atmosphere. A real find that can literally transform the room and fill it with bright colors, are garlands. They are paper, cloth, filament, neon or electric.
Many believe that this decoration is a thread with small bulbs attached to it. Far from it, there is a huge variety of garlands of very different designs, colors and sizes, which can be made from plain paper, plastic, cardboard, foil and LEDs.
- From paper. Very quickly and simply you can build garlands of colored paper. This may be flag variations, paper rings, fans and other options that can help out in a situation where the room should be arranged as soon as possible. Moreover, even small children, who are always in love with pre-holiday vanity, can be attracted to work.
Garlands made of silence or corrugated paper look extremely stylish, usually flags are cut out of them and fastened on a ribbon. The same materials are used to create small paper flowers, which are then interconnected into one long decoration.
- Quite often, holiday garlands make up from natural materials. Cones are considered the most popular option, it is from them that you can make a completely natural decoration that will serve and delight for many years. They are especially relevant for the New Year and during the autumn holidays. It is quite easy to make jewelry - take peeled and dried cones and attach to jute twine. To make such a decor look more elegant, the garland is additionally decorated with fir branches, yellow leaves, berries or ribbons.
- Garland of pompons. For the manufacture of such jewelry yarn is used, with the help of threads you can create unique elements of decor that are suitable absolutely for any occasion. For example, for the New Year celebration you can use green, white and red threads, for Halloween - black and red, and for your birthday - any other bright shades.
- Quite often to create jewelry use packaging materials. Napkins and bags are very popular, you can build pompons and decorate a house or even a street. Egg packaging is often taken to decorate an old LED garland - such an updated model looks stylish and expensive.
- Very unusual look rordinary pasta irlands. In fact, these products are ready-made elements of a festive garland, which only need to be strung on a rope. Especially beautiful look butterflies (they are also called bows), painted with bright or shiny paint.
- Fabric garland practical and can be used for decoration both indoors and outdoors. Most often used felt. Decor elements cut from it do not crumble, do not pour, and in any conditions they keep their shape,at the same time, you do not need much time and effort - just cut the figures, hearts, stars and connect them with one thread.
- Very popular in recent years. vintage jewelry. To arrange the room in the style of chebbi-chic, you can take burlap and lace. Garlands made of such materials create an atmosphere of antiquity and comfort.
- No holiday is complete without garland with twinkling balls. Small spheres that emit glow in the dark always look very impressive.
Before you buy a garland or make it yourself, you need to determine its size. To do this, you must determine in advance where you will hang this element of decor and make a start from this. For example, if you plan to decorate a Christmas tree, then you need to take into account its diameter. It is considered that the New Year's tree decorated with a garland so that its length equals the height of the Christmas tree multiplied by three will look the most impressive.
By the way, it must be borne in mind that the plug must be at a distance of at least 50 cm from the last light bulb. If you decorate the wall, multiply the length of the segment by one and a half,since the garlands are hung with a smooth rounding of the line.
The color of the garland can be very diverse.
- There are traditional colors of the holiday. For example, the festoes for the fall holiday make yellow and orange, for the New Year - red and green, for the birth of a girl the house is decorated in pink, but by the appearance of a boy - in blue.
- Garlands can be made up of contrasting elements.or they can smoothly change from one color to another as an ombra.
- The electric garland also has its own characteristics. This wire, the color of which the manufacturer makes the most different. For example, if you have an artificial Christmas tree of white color, and you will hang a garland with a green wire on it - it will look quite non-aesthetic. Therefore, when buying a garland, it is important to pick it up so that the wires do not catch the eye.
Styles and designs
But about the design of such garlands can talk for a long time. They can be made in the form of hearts, butterflies, circles, flags, flowers, deer and any other elements at will. Separately, we will focus on the design of electrical jewelry, the most popular are the following types.
- Garland threads - the simplest, but very functional decorations, which are long cords, to which LED bulbs are attached. They are universal - they can be hung on a tree, on a wall, they can decorate the contours of furniture and doorways.
- Grid. As the name implies, such garlands consist of a large number of squares or diamonds, in each corner of which luminous bulbs are attached. Such decorations are often hung on walls and windows.
- A curtain. Such a decor is a horizontal cord, from which glowing threads of the most different lengths depart. Traditionally, the length of such threads varies from 1 to 3.5 meters - these decorations are widely used for window openings.
- Icicles. The garlands are very similar to the curtain, but the vertical threads are short, usually 20-50 cm, while the LEDs themselves are thin and elongated. Such products are optimal for decorating trees, if it is necessary to provide a visual "melting" effect.
- Fringe - this is such a garland, when bunches of small light bulbs are attached to the main long wire. They are often used for vertical decoration, writing labels and street decoration.
- Roralite - it is very popular in recent years, variants of the garlands, which are transparent flickering cords with incandescent lamps or LEDs located inside. Such decorations are usually used for street decoration.
- Betlight - This is a kind of jewelry that is used to decorate large parks and squares. They are stranded stubs with lamps of blue, white or other colors.
- Cliplight - This is another version of street decorations, which are used for decoration of trees, they look like a scattering of shining lights on the branches. From a technical point of view, this decor element is a series of cords with high-brightness lamps.
Despite the widest choice of garlands, in recent years it has become increasingly difficult to surprise loved ones, which is why manufacturers have started producing unusual jewelry. One of these options were static-dynamic garlands, which, perhaps, can be compared with a salute, bright pop-up lights bursting in the yard as much as you want. LED beams in such models are very beautiful, but at the same time, unlike fireworks, they are absolutely safe.
And, of course, the electric bulbs themselves are designed in a variety of designs - snowflakes, balls, icicles, butterflies and drops. On the shelves of stores selling goods for the holiday, you can find garlands in a wide variety of colors and shapes.
How to choose?
When choosing a garland, it is necessary to take into account several important criteria.
- Functional. It should be determined which garland you need: what reason, what are you planning to decorate (street or house, flat wall or tree). For example, if you intend to hang a garland on the street, then the materials should be moisture-resistant and frost-resistant, if the decorations will be used in winter. Keep in mind that home garland is strictly forbidden to use for outdoor decor, because it is absolutely not protected from moisture, and any precipitation can quickly disable it and even cause a short circuit.
- Design. It is important to take into account the color scheme, shape, mode of operation (if we are talking about luminous garlands), the size of the details and much more. The most stylish are figured garlands, especially if they are made "antique".But if you plan to decorate your room or house facade with electric or LED decorations, then you need to take into account the safety of the product:
- Make sure the insulation is reliable. - inspect the entire wire along the entire length; there should not be any visual defects on it, it must be flexible and not be torn from the stretching of an average force. Otherwise, if you accidentally hit the thread, you risk serious electric shock.
- Pay special attention to the operating mode switch: Hold the box in your hands and press down a bit - if the plastic starts to sag, then you should immediately refuse to buy the product.
- Examine the manufacturer information. On the packaging of products from a reliable supplier, the name of the manufacturer, the name and article of the product, its functional purpose, power and voltage parameters must be indicated on a mandatory basis. By the garland certainly must be attached to the manual, drawn up in Russian.
- If you buy a street garlandthen frost resistance comes to the fore.Such inexpensive types of plastic as PET and PVC at low temperatures crack quite quickly, which often leads to the exposure of wires, therefore street garlands should be made of rubber or rubber. In addition, they must be covered with a special protective layer.
- Total power luminous bulbs should not exceed 65 watts.
- Even in the store, make sure that the product is healthy: Be sure to demand that it be plugged in and check if all the lights are shining, preferably with a small supply of lamps.
How to connect?
Connecting the garland is quite simple, for this you only need to plug in the AC network and set the desired mode of operation. To minimize the risk that an unforeseen situation will occur, it is necessary to give preference only to certified products and not hang home decorations on the street, since their technical parameters do not allow them to maintain safe operation in conditions of precipitation, temperature drops and wind. However, street decorations can be hanged indoors.
It is advisable not to leave luminous garlands unattended.Be sure to turn them off when leaving home, and never leave garlands running at night.
Useful recommendations
Designers give a few recommendations. which can be useful when decorating the premises with the help of garlands.
- Options such as "dew" look good only indoors, but the fringe is better to hang on the balcony or on the edge of the roof. Not bad this kind of looks on the windows. But the curtain is most often hung on the facades.
- Stylish icicles that create the visual effect of a glowing rain should be placed on the trees, they are not attached to the windows.
- It is not necessary to hang a fringe and mesh on the trees, because the product can be seriously damaged by a gust of wind.
Successful examples
It is very quick and easy to arrange a room with the help of garlands of flags or circles.
Decorative pompons in the interior always create a good mood, they are ideal for a children's holiday.
And they can be built from any available means, for example, packages and hang out even on the street.
Garlands of natural materials are always distinguished by their charm.
Particularly attractive light decors. They can be used for home and street.
The road garland looks especially good in the yard. Bokeh garlands are very popular.
Garlands "Grid", "Icicles" and "Dew".
Garlands can be made of the same elements or be mixed. Interesting are such decorations as garden garland in a jar or bottle, with clothespins, lantern garlands, and a personalized decor. Retro-garlands in loft-style with Edison lamps, as well as decorations relating to the USSR era look very stylish.
How to decorate the room with garlands, see the following video.