How to choose a LED garland?

LED garlands of the last twenty years have become an integral part of the entourage of cities and towns in Russia. Thanks to these simple instruments, the atmosphere is changing, especially on the eve of big holidays, the mood becomes genuinely festive. Since childhood, the word "garland" is strongly associated with the New Year. Technologies are developing rapidly, garlands are also noticeably transformed, become more diverse and functional.
What it is?
LED garlands have lights that are markedly different from traditional incandescent bulbs.From English, the abbreviation LED can be translated as a source of radiation from a new generation of lamps. Modern LED light sources have replaced the old lighting fixtures. LEDs are 4-6 times more economical and can work an order of magnitude longer. The expenditure of funds for electric lighting is significantly reduced due to new technologies.
LEDs function due to semiconductor elements, they allow the flow of electrons to pass through only one vector. The crystal is mounted on a special base, which directs the electrons in one direction only. The casing protects the lamp from external impulses.
The gap between the lens and the crystal is filled with a special silicone compound. Excess infrared radiation is absorbed by a metal plate made of aluminum alloy. The device has a special transition, consisting of a set of holes, which allows successful operation of different elements.
A semiconductor device generates a beam of electrons, another conductor has a huge number of holes. Doping allows the block with holes to get a huge amount of negatively charged particles.At the point of intersection of the conductors, an electric current with different charges passes, thus creating a significant displacement. A large amount of energy is generated, photons appear, which are the light.
Different semiconductors are able to reproduce light in various colors. In the presence of a single-crystal device, it is possible to generate light of various colors. Developed a special RGB technology, which makes it possible to create a huge number of different colors, including bright white light.
LED indicators absorb no more than four volts, devices with a high voltage level (1 ampere) are needed to create garlands. In this case, the total voltage can reach no more than 24 volts.
LED lights have several advantages. Consider them on the example of one of the most popular types of garlands, which is called "Light rain". Such garlands can be decorated:
- facades of houses (including high-rise buildings);
- shopping centers;
- trees
The product is made of elements in the form of filaments on which miniature LED bulbs are mounted.Each "thread" is attached to the main tire with a special fastening. Garlands are in a rather aggressive environment where they exist:
- significant changes in humidity;
- temperature fluctuations;
- wind load.
Therefore, the product must be made of high-quality plastic. Wiring and especially connections must be waterproof and well insulated.
If all requirements are fulfilled properly, then such a garland can serve more than one year, withstanding considerable mechanical and wind loads. Reliable designs are products under the marking IP 65. Here, all wiring is insulated with high-quality rubber (mark R), good rubber is also often present (mark G). Such garlands can decorate even the bottom of a swimming pool filled with water. Advantages of garlands:
- low power consumption;
- safe work (if all standards are met);
- relatively low cost;
- possibility of fast inexpensive installation;
- high wear resistance;
- minimal heating;
- small proportion;
- stability in operation.
Products can function on certain programs from the computer.Flicker and play, repeated with different frequency, create a spectacular aesthetically pleasing look. As a “plus” you can add that the LED lamps do not flicker, so they do not irritate the retina of the eye. LED light sources light up almost instantly, while a fluorescent lamp takes at least 10 seconds to “gain momentum”.
Each product has its drawbacks LED lights also have them:
- eyes get tired of cold light;
- the cost is higher on average by 2.5 times compared to "ordinary" garlands;
- devices provide directional light; in order to properly illuminate the desired area, many similar devices are required;
- need expensive associated equipment;
- over time, even a high-quality LED loses its former brightness.
The color variety of the garlands is huge, there can be a wide variety of shades. The spectrum ranges from warm shades of white light (2800 K) to - cold (6550 K). Most often, the luminous elements are arranged on the walls of houses vertically.
In recent years, Belt Light garlands have come into use, they consist of a strip in which there is a cable (consists of five wires).Various colored light bulbs are placed on it, between which the distance varies from 10 to 40 cm. Kohler bulbs can be:
- white;
- blue;
- red;
- yellow;
- matte;
- transparent.
By their design, outdoor LED lights made easy. Additional wires are attached to the main wire. The current flow is controlled by a special block - controller. By this principle, made street lights, for example, such as:
- "Grid";
- "Icicles";
- "Waterfall";
- "Falling snow";
- "Stars".
In this festoon LED bulbs vary in intensity of light emission per unit of time. Then every third or seventh diode will alternately shine, and he does it gradually. This type of jewelry looks great on various objects. The main characteristics of this type of garlands:
- works from 220 volts;
- power consumes 142, 210 W;
- up to ten “branches” can be connected;
- this garland can be put both in the apartment and on the street (IP54);
- creates an image of falling water masses;
- controlled by a controller.
The power supply unit may be sold separately.
Falling snow
A very popular festoon that creates the hypnotic effect of falling snow. The product has a transparent cable (from 5 to 15 meters of length) polycarbonate elements with a diameter of 12 and 25 mm are placed at regular intervals. When the garland is connected, the LEDs light up and the light gradually descends to the bottom of the garland. Then after a moment, everything is repeated again. Included is:
- Power Supply;
- network wire 0.9;
- connector;
- 10 tubular connections are mounted on the main cable;
The connector is present both at the beginning of the product and at the end. With the help of such a device you can make a long chain of garlands. "Falling snow" consumes a minimum of electrical energy, the warranty period of service is up to 50 thousand hours. The product can function even when a series of LEDs burns out.
Garland "Grid" - is a luminous texture, similar to the fabric. On the working area there are two hundred LED lamps. Such a product is the most popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe and in America. In case of failure of one bulb, the rest will continue to work as before.Garland can be placed on the street, it will work in all weather conditions. From the point of view of fire safety, meets all requirements.
The product can be stretched, which makes it possible to place it on the facades and roofs of buildings. Perhaps composing compositions of several garlands. Each section can switch independently in the "automatic" mode. The wires are half transparent, dimensions 138x142 cm.
Such garlands adorn the facades of buildings, the length of threads can be from 0.23 to 124 meters. And also garlands “Icicles” are popular, which are mounted on objects vertically and look impressive and colorful. Garland "Icicles" can be used to decorate Christmas trees, as well as the interior of apartments and houses. Nozzles with greater transparency are attached to the main cable, the light is diffused and soft. Lamps belong to the indicator group (DIP 5 mm), their number is one hundred pieces, the color is white.
Garlands are differentiated by length from 1.3 to 9.2 meters. Work from the alternating current main of 220 Volt, there is no need to put the additional power supply unit. Power consumes 7.2 watts.To calculate the length, for example, a plot of 22 square meters, you will need 11 pieces. In such products there are no fasteners (couplings), it should be understood that the branches in such products can not be changed in case of breakage.
On a transparent cable mounted lamps, which have the configuration of stars. Their outlines can be very different, the distance between the LEDs is about 16 cm. These are products that change color, can function in different modes. In recent years, this type of garland has become particularly popular. Main characteristics:
- luminaire diameter 5 mm;
- warm light;
- apply indoors;
- powered by AA batteries.
Luminaires can be of various sizes., garlands are of different lengths, sometimes the length of the "threads" can reach several hundred meters. In this case, the products are connected in series, many circuits are connected in parallel, so that in case of failure of one unit, the whole structure can work further. Garlands are fastened on a wire or brackets, they must be frost-resistant and moisture-proof.
Christmas LED garlands for the house have become particularly popular in recent years.In terms of their growing sales figures, they push into the background the realization of traditional products, in which there are multicolored, flashing electric incandescent lamps. Christmas lights are especially popular:
- "A drop";
- "Snowflakes".
Such multi-colored LED lamps are very well suited to the nursery. Such garlands differ in environmental friendliness and beauty, they are able to create home comfort, the atmosphere of a real holiday. To choose the right room garland, you need to know some information.
- You can not buy the product without certificates.
- If the product is to be used at home, the marking will be lower than IP65. Thus, you can save a hefty sum, because the prices for LED garlands are not the lowest.
How to choose and connect?
When purchasing LED lights, you should pay attention to the output on the package. A bona fide manufacturer indicates that this product may function in cold conditions. Each product has its own level of protection and reliability, the necessary standards for dust protection are also established.
- Marking in the form Ipyzwhere "y" is the level of protection against exposure to dust, and "z" is the degree of protection against moisture.
- Universal products that can be hung on the tree or object wall have an IP20 marking, it can always be found on the packaging. Such garlands can be large and small, short and long.
- If the packaging is marked IP44, then such a product should not be used on the street, there is no adequate protection from moisture.
- Garlands with designation IP54 very reliable. The cable has several layers of insulation, all bulbs are protected by a special material. Such garlands are found on the facades of houses and roofs.
When choosing a product should be guided by some important rules. If the package is nominal 100 meters, it should be borne in mind that the length of the product is calculated in ideal conditions. On the wall of the house the garland hangs a bit "skukozhivshis", so for the correct calculation of the parameters should be taken into account that "in life" the length of the product will be shorter than 10-14 percent.
It is especially recommended to concentrate attention on connecting contacts - these are the “narrowest” places, especially if the garland will be on the street.The more massive the main wire, the greater the load it can withstand, a priori, it is more durable. In the case when the garland is too long (more than one hundred meters), then an additional power supply will be needed.
Successful examples
LED lights can always generate a festive mood. If you wish, you can do such a thing with your own hands, even more so if the garland will be present on the Christmas tree or somewhere in the interior of the room. It does not require extra insulation or protection for light bulbs and connections. You can make an original composition in retro style or create a flashing “glowing rain”.
Another thing - to put garlands on the facade of the house or parapets. Here you will need the services of specialists, and products made by a branded manufacturer, who attach all the necessary certificates and certificates to their goods.
Before you make a purchase, you should draw a diagram and calculate how long the product should be. It is important to consider how far is the source to which the garland will be connected. It is also important to calculate how many centimeters will be between the bulbs, according to which algorithm the garland can work.Usually, the “branches” end-to-end are connected and fastened to the building wall with brackets.
How to choose LED garland, see in the next video.