How and from what to make a garland?

Festive garland is one of the most elegant decorations of any celebration. However, few people thought that this product could carry a different emotional load if you choose it correctly. In addition, it is an excellent theme for needlework.

Special features

In the understanding of the man in the street garland is nothing but a decor, strung on a long cord-like basis. In this case, the products can be very diverse, differing in the type of material used, length and theme. This feature allows you to use the garland, not only for the usual New Year holidays: it can be appropriate in the summer. Due to the fact that it is able to bring a different emotional coloring to the space, it can be used as an interior accessory that gives the atmosphere a novelty.

The product can be electric, flashing or traditional, not involving the connection to the network. In each case, the work uses a special and safe material.

It can have a different color, shape and size, which determines the belonging to the holiday or just the time of year. In the same way, it is the appearance that speaks of the place of use, be it a living room, a nursery, or even a street.

Creating a garland is a creative and fun process. He allows to show a maximum of imagination. However, for a harmonious infusion into the existing interior composition, it is necessary to understand the style of the room for which it is made.

For example, floral elements talk about summer, snowflakes and snowmen - about winter, hearts - about the day of lovers.

Where can I use?

Despite the seemingly limited places of use, in fact, the garland can find a lot of applications in the interior. For example, this is an excellent material for photo shoots. Such a detail is able to create the right mood so that the pictures look not only beautiful, but even especially. And you can decorate with a garland not only frames of a children's photo shoot: they look beautiful on family, wedding and romantic photos.

Depending on the type of decor and type of garland can be hung on cabinets, shelves, mirror frames. You can decorate them with a wall, shelves, curtains, cornices, ceiling space, regular stools, chairs, sofas. Someone decorates such a festive table, children's bed and even home flower greenhouse.

However, in order for the garlands to look harmoniously in the interior, you need to consider which kind of lying looks beautiful, and which one looks better only in limbo.

Types of jewelry

Conventionally, all types of garlands can be divided into several categories according to the method of their manufacture. They can be sewed, assembled for glue or use the decor of improvised means for ready-made garlands of diodes. In this case, the manufacture of each product will have its own characteristics. For example, the garland of the disks will have to be performed with a special glue, since the usual clerical will not keep the disks.

Special glue and so-called Thai lanterns will be required, since ordinary PVA cannot give the same strong and durable form.

Other products need a different attachment, say, felt better held, if it is sewn to the base.In addition, such a fixation will be not only durable, but also more attractive from an aesthetic point of view.

Products differ in degree of difficulty. In this case, the same material can be used in different ways. In one case, you can simply cut the flags and put them on the rope, in the other the garland can be complicated, twisted or even two-level. The creation can take different times, because some elements (for example, from felt, some types of fabric) can be simply cut and assembled onto a thread, others can be simply glued (bumps), others (say, cotton balls) should be made from scratch.

What to prepare for work?

Inventory to create a garland in each case is individual. If you create something winter or new year for the Christmas tree, you can use cones, paint (for the snow effect), fir twigs, as well as small Christmas balls. In the course can go all that the master sees fit, or what is at hand. It can be:

  • Pine cones;
  • acorns;
  • cardboard;
  • color paper;
  • felt;
  • foil;
  • unnecessary drives;
  • small Christmas tree toys;
  • thick fabric with non-crumbling edges;
  • self-adhesive paper;
  • bright wallpaper;
  • small light bulbs;
  • felt;
  • crepe paper;
  • old newspapers.

It is important to take into account the nuances of weight, because the materials attached to the base, should not make the product heavy.

How to make yourself?

First you need to decide on what kind of event you need a garland. It is necessary to push off first of all from this, and only after the master already looks, what materials for creating the product he has in stock. Let's look at some of the most original and simple methods of making garlands with your own hands, which everyone can master the first time.

Thai lanterns

This decoration today is considered one of the best, able to decorate the room inside and outside at any time of the year. It is easy to make lanterns themselves, which are essentially cotton yarn balls of small size. It is necessary to buy in advance small sized balloons and an air pump for them, glue based on natural resins and to prepare thin threads.

  • Initially, the balls are inflated using a pump, ensuring that their size is the same.
  • Balls are tied with a thread so that they do not leave the air.
  • They are wrapped with cotton yarn impregnated with glue. For this, our craftswomen pierce a bottle of PVA glue through a gypsy needle, passing a thread through the bottle.
  • One or several threads are immediately wrapped around the bead until they create a high-quality thread coating.
  • The threads are cut, the blank is placed in a special oven to reduce the drying time.
  • Picking up a thin hook, carefully and gently remove the balloon from the inside, previously puncturing it.
  • In the ball make a cut, after which it is put on the electric LED garland.

Out of felt

Such crafts make it easy. You will need felt of different colors, as well as templates (for a more accurate shape of the cut fragments). The only thing that can complicate the manufacture is the need for assembly on a sewing machine. In general, the flat garland technology is simple.

  • Prepare beautiful templates (you can print your favorite forms on the printer).
  • They are used to cut blanks of different colors from felt without adding any allowances (these can be hearts, stars, circles, Christmas trees, snowmen, pumpkins, cats, flowers and much more).
  • Thread the thread into the machine and form the very basis of the garland of it, stitching about 40 cm in vain (the excess can then be cut off).
  • Then they begin to stitch the available blanks, laying the line in the middle. They can be collected in any order.
  • After all the items have been assembled, another 40 cm is being wasted.

If you need a volume garland, you can cut small rectangles, tie them in the center, thereby forming bows and masking the thread with a piece of felt of a similar color.

Then the bows can be sewn or glued to the thread, and then to the very basis of the garland, for example, made of clothesline or ribbon.

On filaments of paper or foil

This technique can be performed on the principle of attaching felt to a sewing machine. You will need multi-colored blanks of paper or foil (in the form of hearts, flowers, circles, stars, or some other form), glue, threads and rope for the garland's base. The principle of creating such a product is as follows:

  • print or draw templates, cut them;
  • encircle them on colored paper, performing at least two pieces for each separate decorative element;
  • the blank is folded in half, and then glued to the thread exactly in the center;
  • the second identical blank closes the thread, sticking a fragment according to the principle of the first;
  • sticking several pieces onto a thread is attached to a rope-based one.

This is the principle of making the whole garland. In order not to suffer from gluing, you can simply sew paper blanks. In order for them to have a larger volume and not to look flat, the number of fragments of the same shape for one figure should be increased to 3-4. It is necessary to glue or sew a decor on a different condition: this way it will look more interesting.

Especially original will look volumetric circles, created according to this principle.

Felt balls

Another product that does not require special knowledge in the intricacies of the material. Its production will require the presence of felt for felting. Perform the following actions:

  • take some wool, then wet it under the tap and roll it into a ball;
  • add a little soap or foam;
  • to make the form easier, you can try to change the temperature of the water: from this fiber fall down faster;
  • as soon as the ball is ready (becomes solid), it is washed from the soap;
  • according to this principle, all elements are made, then they are strung on the base using a needle.

By rolling it is possible to create a foil ornament. It is well wrinkled and can take a rounded shape. You can roll a lot of balls, and decorative elements can be diluted with snowflakes. So you can make a great Christmas decoration that can be hung not only at home but also on the street.

To reduce the consumption of foil, for the middle of the balls you can use cotton wool, fixing the foil with glue for the thermogun.


Such garlands can be created in different ways (for example, according to the principle of paper circles, using several pieces for one volumetric heart and sewing them all together in the middle). An interesting option for making an unusual garland of stripes, which is shaped like hearts. To create such a decor, it is worth preparing strips of multicolored paper, office glue or a stapler and the base itself, which even soft wire can be used for. The method of making such jewelry is as follows:

  • take two strips of identical color and size, fasten the bottom of the stapler, forming a sharp bottom of the heart;
  • the free upper ends are folded together, wrapping it down again, inserting a small strip inward besides them for attachment to the base;
  • the strips gathered together fasten below;
  • the tail, which was formed from above for fastening, can be assembled into a ring and strung on a rope or wire.

If you want to make hearts bigger and more interesting, it’s worth taking to create an element not 2, say, 6 strips. In addition, every two of them should have the same color and different size, which will allow to fill the middle and give a more original look. Taking this principle as a basis, you can make a garland without fasteners, inserting each heart into another.

Interesting examples

Finally you can see 10 beautiful ideas to create garlands:

  • beautiful solution for room decoration Thai lanterns;
  • a garland of hearts fills the space with an atmosphere of romance;
  • an example of a visual change in the atmosphere of a room to give it a special mood;
  • beautiful room decor using flashing lights;
  • decoration on the background of the ceiling space looks especially solemn;
  • a garland of folded accordions and fastened together in circles of elements looks incredibly stylish;
  • butterflies on threads immerse the room in the atmosphere of summer and bring lightness to the interior of the room;
  • delicate volumetric balls of thin corrugated paper can bring a sense of celebration to any room;
  • newspaper + kraft paper together, carved with a wavy edge and fluffed up to look like flowers, look very gently on the threads and can become an ornament inside and outside the home;
  • The original solution for decorating the cottage.

How to make LED garland with your own hands, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.