Tile mosaic in interior design

Mosaic patterns can be a real decoration for any interior, if you choose the right theme, color and material. Beautiful colored mosaic is definitely one of the best ways to bring bright colors to your little world.
Special features
The word "mosaic" comes from an ancient Latin expression that can be translated as "dedicated to the Muses". This is not surprising, because since ancient times from the mosaic created these works of art. For three thousand years of the mosaic's existence, almost nothing has changed, and it continues to be used to decorate various rooms and images of entire paintings.
Beautiful mosaic tiles are now used in apartments and in private homes. Most often it is used, of course, for finishing bathrooms. This is not surprising, because, besides the fact that the mosaic tile is very beautiful, it is also durable and resistant to moisture. The surface of this material does not harm either high humidity or sudden changes in temperature.
For the same reason, the mosaic is used in the kitchen. As a rule, beautiful aprons that protect the wall are made of it. This detail is appropriate in the kitchen, decorated in any style. Find a ready-made panel to protect the "working" wall is a snap.
In the living room and other living rooms, mosaic is mainly used as a decorative element, which helps to achieve an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. For example, with the help of this material designers decorate the fireplace portals.
It looks spectacular and beautiful.
Advantages and disadvantages
Mosaic tiles, like other materials, have both advantages and disadvantages. However, the advantages, according to connoisseurs of this type of finish, significantly more.
The positive aspects, first of all, is the small size of the parts.Thanks to this, mosaic can be used even in places that seem difficult to access. For example, it can decorate rounded sinks, baths and other surfaces. It is also used to create beautiful patterns on the fireplace portals, countertops or cabinet doors.
It is also good that the small details of which the panel consists of can have different forms. They are rectangular, and square, and round. There are also polygonal details, from which interesting patterns can be made.
Pleasantly pleased with the fact that the mosaic - an environmentally friendly material. It is safe for health, since all the materials from which it is made are of natural origin. As a rule, it is a stone, quartz sand, clay or glass. So in rooms decorated with mosaics, you can safely be with children.
Also, mosaic tiles are durable. This means that you do not need to constantly think about the need for redecoration or restoration of tiles. Mosaic is resistant to mechanical damage and to the influence of moisture. Over time, it does not darken and does not change its appearance.You do not even need any additional processing, as is the case with other materials.
However, neither man nor nature has come up with ideal materials for construction. So, the mosaic will have its drawbacks.
First of all, it is impossible not to note its rather high cost, since it relates to natural material. Therefore, a huge panel on the whole wall will have to spend a lot of money.
In addition, the styling process is also quite complicated - you have to mess around with a huge amount of small details that you cannot cope with without work experience. So you have to either hire professionals or spend a lot of time to bring everything to the mind. This ends the shortcomings.
It can be concluded that if the high cost of materials does not confuse, then you can safely use the mosaic to decorate your interior.
Mosaic tiles are divided into several types. Basically, they differ from each other only in their appearance.
It refers to one of the most common types of mosaic. It is bright, shimmering in the light and very picturesque.The advantages of this type of mosaic tiles also include the fact that it is affordable, which means that many lovers of sophistication can afford to veneer with such material.
In addition, the glass tile is the most resistant to the effects of high humidity and temperature extremes. Therefore, it is often used to decorate those rooms where there is a lot of water or steam. Also, a mosaic of small pieces of glass or smalt is used to decorate the base of the pool.
In the kitchen or in the living room, it can be used to decorate kitchen aprons or, for example, fireplace portals. Glass mosaic can be amazingly beautiful.
Bright colors are obtained by adding to the composition of such coloring components as aventurine, cadmium, mother of pearl and other ingredients.
It is found among building materials and stone mosaic. As a rule, it is made of such types of stone as onyx, lapis lazuli or marble. Often there is also a tile of granite. All of these materials are equally good in terms of strength and in appearance.
Stone mosaic is also good because you can make almost any composition with it.The stone is easily modified - it can be polished to a shine, and, on the contrary, aged. Pleasantly pleased with the fact that the stone mosaic is very durable, because it does not age for a long time and remains beautiful.
Tiles of this type are much better than tile. Every detail surprises with its beauty. She can decorate all sorts of divorces or small patches that are created by nature and brought to perfection by human hands.
At the same time, the mosaic is sustainable. She is not harmed not only by temperature drops, but also by weather vagaries. If you use this mosaic to decorate the facade, the pattern will not burn out in the sun and will not fade.
Small parts are made from a mixture of quartz sand, natural clay and other substances. Therefore, the mosaic is environmentally friendly, and in addition it is also resistant to chemical components.
The room, made in the style of country or Provence, looks good wooden tiles. It has one obvious drawback: like any woodwork, the tile can gradually swell or, conversely, shrink.
However, in the interior tile looks very beautiful.Finishing, stylized wood, adds to the interior comfort. The whole room is rarely decorated with such mosaic, but it fits perfectly for accents. However, in order to finish lasted as long as possible, you need to cover the mosaic composition with varnish.
In addition to these options, there are other, less common. For example, PVC tiles, plastic or mirror.
Mosaic tiles - this is a great option for decorating the room. In addition to the monochrome mosaic, there are many interesting design solutions that help to make the interior more individual.
As a rule, ready-made compositions are on sale, which in some cases are even laid out in panels. Plots in such "pictures" can be very different. For example, for baths, the most common plot is the sea. Popular drawings of various fish, seascapes and sunny beaches.
Neutral option - geometric patterns laid out from small elements. This finish will go for the bathroom, and for the kitchen, and for the corridor or even the hallway.
Separate attention deserve full story paintings. There is no easy combination of different colors and a combination of interesting forms. On the walls, floor and plumbing can be depicted landscapes, still lifes, as well as reproductions of famous paintings.
By the way, not necessarily limited to the ideas invented by someone. It is quite possible to turn your ideas into reality by ordering an individual drawing. It can be either a beautiful pattern or a full picture or even a photo.
The most expensive is the pattern in the style of "Roman mosaic". The picture laid out in this way is done manually from beginning to end, which guarantees its high quality and clarity. For the creation of such paintings the basis of wood is not suitable - it is better to choose such material as smalt or glass.
The form
As already mentioned, the shape of the mosaic may be different. Small details are round and square, and multi-faceted. To create full-fledged narrative paintings are more suitable round or square parts that are easier to connect with each other.
If you want to get some clear pattern, it is better to give preference to rectangular or square tesseram. They lie down neatly and connect well with each other.This method is suitable for creating monochromatic patterns and any geometric prints.
But in working with abstract drawings, you can use a multi-faceted mosaic. From this picture seems brighter and more interesting. For such purposes, good parts will go well, not just small ones.
Color palette
The appearance of the mosaic and the finished panels of this material is pleasing to the eye. Pictures turn out very bright.
Mosaic can be chosen even at the moment when the room is almost fully decorated, because thanks to the variety of shades it will not be difficult to find one that fits the interior features.
Since mosaic tiles are made from different materials, its subspecies also look different. For example, the stone mosaic is darker, and the smalt and glass mosaic pleasantly pleases the eye with the shimmer of bright saturated colors. Therefore, you can choose a tile that will serve as an inconspicuous background, or an option with a bright accent in the interior.
We should also talk about the combination of colors.
- Gradient. The tile in which one shade smoothly turns into another looks beautiful. This finishing option is popular because mosaic is very often used to design transitions. For example, in the area between the two walls or at the junction of the wall with the ceiling or floor.A beautiful combination of colors helps to make this transition less sharp.
- The easiest option - combination of achromatic shades. Black color turns to white, and between them there is a gray tile of different shades. If you want something brighter, then you can choose variegated colors that are interestingly combined in a large panel.
- Chaotic print. Pixel arrangement of colors is suitable for decoration both walls and ceilings, as well as for the decor of a fireplace screen. This pattern turns out very bright and immediately uplifting. However, if there are enough bright colors in the interior, you can take another way - to mix different light shades in one panel. For example, combine gold, beige and light pink.
- Contrast. Beautiful contrast patterns are used in many cases. They help, for example, to zone the space. With the help of tiles of different colors you can divide the room into zones. For example, decorate one part of a room with a mosaic tile of a light color, and the other with a bright or dark shade.
- With patterns everything is much easier. The colors of the tiles in this case are selected either for some specific image or for the rest of the interior details.
Scope of application
The abundance of colors and interesting ideas about the use of mosaic allows you to use this material to decorate different parts of rooms.
In the living room
This is the room that everyone who comes to the house can see. Therefore, it should be comfortable and tastefully furnished. Beautiful patterns of mosaic complement the interior as well as possible.
Here you can put a panel made of small parts. It will look great on a free wall, next to which does not cost anything, and above the sofa or table. In the "Khrushchev" such a decorative detail will seem unusual, but in a large spacious apartment it will become a very appropriate addition to the interior.
If you choose a beautiful metal or glass mosaic, then the pattern will in addition to everything else flicker on the wall, adding to the room the atmosphere of a fairy tale. It looks interesting and a combination of different types of mosaic. More transparent tessera can be combined with matte, experimenting with glitter and colors.
Mosaic tiles can be decorated and screen fireplace. After all, mosaic is a high-quality and heat-resistant material that does not react to temperature drops, even very sharp ones.Mosaic inserts located on furniture look unusual also: on the backs of chairs, armchairs or even on the doors of cabinets.
Here a mosaic can decorate the ceiling, floor or shelves. When searching for a suitable tile, you need to pay attention, first of all, to its quality, such as practicality and stability. After all, it is in the bathroom that the most negative factors affect the appearance of the tile.
Professionals recommend to prefer smallbecause it is erased more slowly and at the same time it looks no worse than other species. This floor tile can be both solid and consisting of individual inserts. All sorts of floral or geometric patterns made from colored mosaic look beautiful.
For the bathroom, most often choose bright soothing colors that are associated with cleanliness. Bathrooms are usually not very large, so you should not make the colors too bright. Excessive diversity only spoil everything, like dark colors. Therefore, you can choose shades of blue, blue or purple.
In the bathroom, the metal tile is also appropriate.This mosaic is good because in the process of hitting it with rays of light, it flickers beautifully. BUT If you make a large panel of metal mosaic, it will visually enlarge the room.
You can decorate with tessers not only the floor and the wall. The mirror frame, the sink or even the toilet bowl, decorated with mosaics, looks beautiful. As for the floor, the material for its finishing is to choose one that you can safely walk without slipping. Professionals advise choosing the mosaic with the lowest number indicated on the package..
Entrance hall
As a rule, this room is passing. But this does not mean that it can be ignored and not decorated at all. The mosaic here will be quite appropriate both on the walls and on the floor or even the ceiling. If there is no extra furniture in the room, then you can decorate the entire wall by placing a large panel on it with an interesting plot drawing. Also in the lobby you can hang and a large mirror, decorating its frame with small details.
In the hallway you can use mosaic tiles of interesting shades, for example, gradient or metallic colors, which can be gold or silver shades.They can even make a walk-through room gorgeous. And if such a solution seems too fanciful, then we can confine ourselves to tones that are more familiar and eye-catching.
The room intended for cooking and family gatherings, it is desirable to divide into working space and a zone for rest. It is advisable to protect the cooking place so that the walls are not smeared with food in the process of cooking. The simplest advice is to choose a beautiful mosaic apron to protect the space above the tabletop.. However, the table itself can also be decorated with a mosaic of different colors. It is durable, does not scratch, does not fade and does not lose its attractiveness over time.
In some cases, mosaic stretching adorns even the doors of cabinets and shelves. Do not choose too many bright colors.so as not to create a motley chaos in his room. Most often for the kitchen are selected bright monochrome panelswhich are easy to wash. You can also decorate the room with interesting patterns with images of food or some still lifes.
Tips and tricks
Color mosaic is a great way to decorate any room. This can be done both by hand and by using the services of a designer.
- Designer assistance. Independent work on laying mosaic painstaking and difficult. You need to be very attentive to this process, so as not to lose details and not to spoil the picture, which should be in the end.
It is much easier to ask for help from people who are engaged in such work is not the first year.
First of all, designers are working on the order, who embody the idea of the customer into reality. To order, you can make not only a standard image, but also a reproduction of a famous painting the size of the entire wall or your own portrait, which will flaunt over the sofa or bed. Designers need a simple sketch to understand the very essence of the idea. They will do the rest themselves. Besides, for professionals who have been working in the salon for many years, it is much easier to choose the colors and the right combination of colors for the conceived picture and under the features of the interior.
- Budget savings. The second tip is about saving. Since the mosaic is quite expensive, many people want to save on the finishing of the room. Make it quite possible.
To facing cheaperit is worth buying an inexpensive tile for decorating the base, and spend the money saved on an expensive beautiful panel or pattern.
The right choice of materials. Before you take any real steps and glue the tiles on the wall, you need to finally decide on the choice of material. Different types of mosaic tiles differ not only in their appearance, but also in a number of other characteristics. For the floor and just rooms that are used more actively, it is necessary to choose wear-resistant tileswhich is not afraid of either time or any mechanical damage. Such a lining may be, for example, cast iron or granite. But on the ceiling you can put more fragile materials. Putting, for example, glass tiles on the floor is completely impractical.
- Additional processing. It is also worth noting such an important point as additional processing of mosaic tiles. This will allow to protect it from negative influence and change its appearance. Designers often age tiles or, on the contrary, cover with a varnish to give a glossy surface.
As for the protection, the tile does not really need it, since it is itself quite durable and non-marking.But it is desirable to additionally cover a wooden mosaic with a layer of protective agent, which will prolong its life and protect it from drying out.
There are many manufacturers of mosaic tiles that work around the world. Those who do not know anything about the criteria by which the tile is chosen, as a rule, try to choose manufacturers with a good reputation, which is not surprising.
Italian brands
Italian companies are considered the world leaders in glass mosaic production. Popular brands include SICIS, Vitrex, MARCHETTI and MEGARON.. They produce quality products and do not stop there. The range of these brands is constantly expanding, which gives more opportunities for experimentation.
The mosaic tile offered in their catalogs can be either completely smooth, or rough or decorated with embossed patterns. The degree of brilliance of the mosaic can also be different - it can be completely matte or glossy and sparkling when the slightest ray of sun hits it.
Popular, as in Italy itself, and beyond, and luxurious mosaic in gold.For its manufacture apply a special thin foil, which gives a light shine to the surface.
But Aureo TREND To create such a tile uses real 24-carat gold leaf. True, this material is not cheap.
Chinese manufacturers
China is often associated with something of poor quality. But such associations are outdated. Now in China there are many factories that produce products for famous brands. Yes, and Chinese companies have significantly improved the quality of their products and, accordingly, their reputation.
Good Chinese mosaic manufacturers are considered such brands like Mozaico de Lux and JNJ.
Manufacturers of small tiles
We should also talk about the brands that produce one of the most popular types of mosaic tiles - smalt. Many are engaged in its manufacture, but such have earned the best reputation. companies like ORSONI, BISAZZA and SICIS.
It cannot be said that some of them produces more expensive materials, and the other produces cheap ones. As a rule, the price determines the size of the panel and how much the author will have to work on creating this picture.
As for the appearance, there are two popular types of tiles from smalt: clean and solid. The first kind is distinguished by brilliance and color saturation, and the second is the tile that is used in landscapes and portraits.
It looks interesting smalt shade "imperial". This is a red-yellow material of rich color, which was popular during the reign of the Hapsburgs. Very often, smalt tiles are aged artificially. - it looks more expensive and more beautiful.
Beautiful examples in the interior
There are many interesting ideas for the use of mosaic tiles in the interior. In addition, each designer or a simple homeowner can offer something of their own, making the project more individual. Here are some examples that will help if there are no interesting ideas at all.
Luxury mural. Elegant bathroom, decorated not with a simple monochromatic mosaic, but with a full-fledged panel. It turns out an antique picture that will appeal to both young creative people and lovers of the classics. It is made in three primary colors: cold blue, gray and dark green. This combination of shades looks luxurious and grand.In this bathroom you can feel like a real queen.
In the tone of the panel on the wall and you can pick up the bathroom. The dark color of the base is decorated with blue-green colors, and inside the bath is white, which is also combined with the pattern on the wall. The rest of the room is also well decorated in a restrained style: the floor is decorated with ornate patterns in black and white, and the walls are decorated with mosaic tiles in the same colors.
An important role in the design of the room and plays the right choice of lighting. Since the bathroom is without windows, and even decorated in such dark colors, it seems rather gloomy and small. To make it seem brighter, several types of lamps are used at once. These include long pendant lamps, wide massive sconces, and lighting.
Bright bathroom. The second example is the equally luxurious bathroom, decorated in bright colors. As you know, they make the room more spacious. Therefore, a bathroom with a luxurious Jacuzzi in the very center of the room seems to be truly royal.
The necessary atmosphere is maintained by the decoration of the walls, decorated with exquisite curls. The ceiling and floor are made of light marble, and the steps leading to the entrance to the jacuzzi are decorated with mosaic tiles. It is both beautiful and comfortable.The very basis of the steps is made of less slippery material, which means you should not worry about safety.
The rooms are lit with small lamps and a central lamp, which seems quite massive, but does not take up too much space. As a decoration, delicate flowers are used in metallic mini vases, which create a romantic atmosphere in this room.
Delicate patterns. The last design option is the easiest. This is also a bathroom, but already made in a minimalist style. The walls are decorated with light mosaic diluted with beautiful green color patterns. Laying out such patterns is much easier than messing around with a huge panel of hundreds of small details.
The rest of the room looks quite simple. In addition to the plumbing of furniture, there is only a towel rail and sink, combined with a small chest of drawers. Included with the sink is a mirror, which is very good, since they fit together. Next to the mirror are neat lamps that provide the necessary lighting for makeup and morning procedures. The little things that decorate the room are functional and do not spoil the overall impression of the room.
Mosaic tiles are a versatile solution that can be used to design both a hallway or a living room, as well as a bathroom and a kitchen. You can choose a beautiful lining for almost any interior, the main thing is to know what color is needed, and buy a quality product.
How to put a mosaic in the video below.