How to choose a Belarusian bathroom tile: popular manufacturers and collections

Starting the renovation in the apartment, we want all the rooms to get a stylish modern look and the bathroom is no exception. It is known that for its finishing the best material is ceramic tile. Choosing ceramics, pay attention to the products of Belarusian manufacturers. In beauty and quality, they are not inferior to European brands.
Special features
Today in Belarus there are several manufacturers of tiles. They work on modern equipment using the latest technologies, study advanced world experience and implement it, monitor product quality at all stages of its manufacture.At the enterprises they are constantly developing new collections taking into account fashion trends in the field of finishing works, expanding the assortment, increasing the diversity of forms, textures, colors and their combinations.
The Belarusian tile for a bathroom is in demand not only at home, it is widely supplied to the countries of near and far abroad.
Such demand is due to its undeniable merits.
- A wide product range, stylishness and originality of floor and wall products, the presence of elegant panels, exquisite borders and decors used in facing the bathrooms.
- High strength. Tile, especially floor, can withstand a large mechanical load, it does not appear cracks and scratches, even if it falls on heavy objects.
- Moisture resistance. With proper installation, it will be a reliable barrier to moisture penetration to the base of the walls and the floor, and, therefore, prevents the appearance of mold and mildew, which is especially valuable for rooms with high humidity.
- She is not afraid of high and low temperatures.
- It is very easy to care for her. It is easy to clean with any detergent.You can even clean it with just a damp cloth.
- It is well tolerated by chemicals, not subject to abrasion.
- It is characterized by high heat dissipation, it can be used for heated floors.
- Floor tile does not slip. It is safe to walk on it, even when it is wet.
- It is an environmentally friendly material, as it is made from natural safe raw materials, does not emit substances that poison the human body into the air.
- She has excellent performance, the material is durable.
- It is quite reasonable price. Virtually any family, even with not the highest incomes, can indulge in facing the bathroom with Belarusian tiles.
To keep the tile well, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the selection of adhesive mixture and grout for joints. Also before laying you need to make a thorough alignment of the surface, and then cover it with a primer. For the same purpose, the glue is applied evenly with a notched trowel. Tile must be pressed tightly to the surface to avoid the appearance of voids, the presence of which then will affect the strength of the coating.In order not to break the product during cutting, use special tools.
Depending on the presence or absence of the pattern, the tile can be laid in different ways. Most often, it is laid out in rows "seam in the seam." You can use the option of brickwork, shifting each subsequent row by a certain number of centimeters. An interesting solution would be to veneer diagonally.
To avoid some discrepancy in tile thickness and shade of the coating, it is better to purchase material with a small margin of one release. The stock is needed in case the package contains a defective product, or the tile will be damaged during the installation process.
Belarusian enterprises produce different types of tiles. They differ in production method, purpose, characteristics and material of manufacture.
- For example, facade tiles manufactured by "Berezakeramika"It has a very high resistance to strong mechanical damage and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and other aggressive environmental influences. Designed for tens of years of operation.The company Berezakeramika has mastered the production of tiles for the pool, to which more stringent requirements are imposed than to the usual facing material, as it is constantly exposed to enormous water pressure. The material must withstand frequent cleaning with very aggressive means, maintain color well. In addition, it must have a non-slip surface. This type of products is absolutely resistant to moisture, it is not afraid of mechanical damage, it has a long service life without wear. It is applied a special coating that prevents the appearance of bacteria and fungi.
- One of the products of the company Keramin - it is the porcelain tile used in external works on landscaping. With it, create garden paths, open areas and terraces, landscaping the local area. This species is also resistant to sunlight and temperature extremes. Its operation can take place in different climatic conditions, it can withstand many cycles of freezing and thawing.
The strength of porcelain tile is several times greater than reinforced concrete and natural stone.At the same time, it has an anti-slip effect, does not form ice and retains its color throughout the entire period of operation.
The facing ceramic tile differs in a big variety of coloring, ornaments and patterns, it can be transferred to the texture of wood, stone or textiles. The tile for facing happens wall and floor. Its surface can be matte and shiny, smooth and embossed. The tile for a floor differs from wall the increased density and durability. However, you do not have to select separate coatings for walls and floors, making them match in color and style. Modern Belarusian ceramic finishing materials are connected by a single design for all surfaces.
Due to high technical characteristics and interesting, bold design solutions, Belarusian tiles can be used for almost any interior. Facing material for walls and floor is designed for the kitchen, bathroom. Often it can be seen in the office space, in the corridors, on the stairs. Since the products of the Berezakeramika trademark are fireproof, they are veneered with stoves and fireplaces.
Enterprises produce tile collections, each of which may contain several variants of color solutions, tiles different in texture, borders, decor materials, and panels.
The professionalism of designers allows them to experiment with color, texture, patterns and create an interior in an original design. Gradation of color, imitation of marble and other natural stones, different national motifs are used when creating collections in various styles.
The collections, which are produced by leading Belarusian manufacturers, amaze with a variety of stylistic directions. You can easily pick up a classic collection or minimalism ceramics. Also there are series in the directions of high-tech, patchwork, Provence, Renaissance, etc. On the Belarusian tile there are often geometric patterns, floral and floral patterns, images of forests, seascapes. In many collections to the basic set of panels are offered. They can be depicted animals, ships, waterfalls, forest paths, urban views. They serve as a great decoration, enliven the interior.
How to choose?
The choice of tiles should be taken seriously enough, because it is unlikely you will change the floor in the bathroom every year or two.
- The first thing you need to pay attention to is that the samples are suitable for the type of work you need. The special markings on the packaging will help to understand. For the bathroom you will need floor and wall options. Appropriate labeling will also be on the packaging.
- Next, you should decide in what style you want to decorate the room and choose the color scheme.
- Be sure to calculate the required quantity and purchase material with a certain margin (especially when choosing a product with a pattern), since some tiles will need to be cut for joints or a defective specimen will fall. Purchase more material later from the same party may not work.
- You need to know that large tiles are not suitable for small rooms - they will reduce the visual volume of the room. Finishing small items optically increases the space of a small bathroom. Laying a rectangular tile horizontally, you visually expand the space. Glossy tiles of light colors with fine patterns are also suitable for this purpose.
- Very dark or black tiles look luxurious, but only owners of large premises can afford such a choice.
- To view the collections will help online shopping. On their sites there are all produced collections, color variants and decor elements are shown.
- In specialized stores you will see the collection "live", look through catalogs, and sales assistants will help you to make a choice.
Many collections of the manufacturer Keramin from Belarus are in great demand because with their help, you can implement a variety of design solutions.
- Lovers of elegance will surely enjoy the collection. "Organza", drawing which reminds gentle and air Venetian lace. There are three colors in the collection: beige black and white.
- Conquers the series "Florian". This collection is also based on Venetian motifs. It received its name from the oldest and most famous cafe in Venice, whose interior has not changed for many years. Brown and white color, patterns repeat the interior elements of the cafe.
- "Monroe" - a combination of style and luxury.Relief tile with original design in classic black and white colors makes this collection stand out from a number of others.
- The subtle colors of the series also look great. "Diamond" and "Charm"graceful drawings collections "Pastoral" and "Sakura"geometric patterns "Trend"unusual texture "Studio".
- A very interesting effect is created by the collection. "Glamor"made in the form of a mosaic. She has a wide range of bright colors that will help make the bathroom original.
Also in the style of mosaic produced a series Domino at the enterprise "Kerabel". Its colors are purple, dark red, light gray. In addition to the original design, great consumer qualities, the tile has a very reasonable price.
No less interesting products from "Berezakeramika". The company has mastered the production of collection tiles Belani. Its distinctive feature is unique patterns, three-dimensional images. Especially good is the Yalta series. Bright, rich colors, murals with seascapes will make the bathroom a very attractive place. And the Carrara G collection will fascinate delicate, like a veil, patterns.
Consumers leave great reviews about the Belarusian tiles. If you follow the installation technology, it is durable, it has excellent technical characteristics.
The best options in the interior
Maintaining their reputation, enterprises are constantly developing new design of facing materials. In the collections there are options for color and decor, which are combined with each other. On the sites of enterprises you will always find samples of products, as well as examples of interior design. The interior, decorated with tiles from the collection "Organza".
Delicate shades and discreet print tiles from the Diamond collection.
The spectacular panel "Yalta" will decorate the interior of any bathroom.
You can find out about the peculiarities of the Belarusian-made tile in the next video.