Wallpaper under the brick in the interior

Some modern design projects developed abroad, imply a brick wall. And this is not surprising, since individual housing is widely developed abroad, but on the domestic market panel houses built of reinforced concrete slabs abound. Still, the way out was found - you can use wallpaper as a brick.
If you allow finances and the size of the room, you can build a brick wall. But for small apartments this will not work, since the brick itself has rather big sizes, which means that the space will be reduced.
In addition, for the construction of the wall will require a special tool, a certain skill and a few days off for repairs. Another thing, the wallpaper - they can stick on for several hours, and to be a professional in this matter is not necessary.
To date, on sale there are three types of wallpaper - vinyl, paper and non-woven. Each of these types has its own advantages - cost, practical use, durability. Based on the style in which the future design is planned - Provence, modern, loft or hi-tech - it is the wallpaper under the brick that will suit most of them.
They are the most affordable both in terms of price and availability in hardware stores. These are unpretentious wallpapers that are best suited for small storage rooms or garden houses. If their upper layer is not processed by anything, it means that they are exposed to moisture. From this it follows that they do not need to be glued in rooms with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms, pools.
Not only that they can swell and fall off under the action of water, but also a fungus that is very difficult to hatch under the wallpaper.But some types of paper wallpaper are moisture-resistant, at a cost they are a bit more expensive, but they can be used in any room.
Made from cellulosic fibers and special additives, which under the action of the press into a solid canvas. It is durable, durable, which means that it can not be scratched. Unlike paper wallpaper, it is enough to apply glue only on the wall, and they will stick. Unfortunately, they do not have high thermal insulation and noise-canceling qualities.
It is best to imitate brickwork data wallpaper. This building material is made either on non-woven or on a paper basis. The top layer consists of polyvinyl chloride and antifungal substances. Due to the fact that vinyl, like any plastic, repels water, such wallpaper is washable. They can be washed with chemical detergents, they do not deteriorate under the action of ultraviolet radiation.
By the way, the wallpaper "breathe", so air is circulated in the room - this is a significant advantage in comparison with other building materials. Wallpapers can even be glued to non-aligned surfaces, unlike other finishing materials.
Since flizelin and vinyl together give a roughness to building materials, wallpaper can imitate any natural and artificial material. Their model is a brick, stone.
In rooms where wood prevails, wallpaper rolls can be stuck under this material. Relief wallpapers are soft and soft, but it is very difficult to distinguish from afar that before our eyes there is a real brickwork or artificially created canvas.
Volumetric wallpaper is suitable not only for city apartments and country houses, but also for stylized office space. For example, it can be cinemas, museums or cafes.
The texture of the wallpaper can imitate both the old laying and the new one, differing colors, because for one style and design you need light colors, and for dark furniture - red or brown. Combined wall pasting options will be required to highlight a specific wall. The decorative layer of vinyl wallpaper is not afraid of any mechanical damage or moisture. Therefore, very often this building material is taken for painting. Moreover, modern collections can be painted more than ten times until the embossed layer is filled with paint and becomes smooth.
To facilitate the process of sticking wallpaper can use self-adhesive wallpaper. They have the same qualities - moisture resistance, wear resistance, antifungal and antibacterial properties. They can glue not only the smooth surfaces of the walls, but also cabinets, doors and partitions. Remember that self-bonding is very thin, it is easy to tear when sticking. Defect will be noticeable even to the naked eye. In order to avoid the formation of bubbles and arrows, it is necessary to do this work very carefully.
One of the latest innovations can be called 3D volumetric canvases. They stand out from the rest with their realistic design. But they also have a significant drawback - like all new products, they have far from undemocratic value. Wallpapers are a good substitute for brickwork, they save time, money and effort. They are easy to care for, can be painted, washed and easy to dismantle. Due to this, they are used in commercial premises.
By the way, in cafes and restaurants wallpaper looks modern, it takes only a few days to repair, no need to wait for the cement mixtures to dry out, as in the case of the construction of a real brick wall.In kitchens and dining rooms, moisture-proof wallpaper is easy to clean and does not fall off under the action of moisture. And thanks to the durability of the wallpaper, they can be glued in areas with a large flow of people - bathrooms, corridors.
Before you go to the hardware store, it is important to know how the wallpapers differ in their physical characteristics, namely, in length and width. The most popular in width are half-meter and meter rolls. The first option is made most often - and vinyl, and paper, and non-woven wallpaper are available in this size. This is due to the fact that strips of this width can be easily glued in small apartments and in spacious rooms.
To reduce the number of stitches and speed up the process of sticking, it is customary to use meter wallpapers. The purchase of this variety is often due to further painting. With this choice, you can even save, because the price of a meter instance can even be lower than half a meter. European manufacturers with individual orders can offer completely non-standard sizes. The length in the domestic market of half-meter wallpaper in accordance with the current state standard should be about ten meters. Meter "representatives" can be a fifty-meter length.
Remember that the longer the wallpaper rolls, the heavier they are. For their transportation, you may need to use the services of loaders. Yes, and cut such specimens is much more difficult than the canvas of standard sizes.
Features of the picture
Unfortunately, no matter how modern the wallpaper would be under a brick, they would still be inferior to real brickwork. At least by the fact that the wall in the form of bricks conveys all the rudeness of the situation, the cold and the lack of comfort. In addition, under the action of moisture can crumble old cement mortar, and textured wallpaper can not convey this reality. Imitation for brickwork is usually carried out in warm rooms with expensive furniture and high-quality lighting. Thus, all the “wildness” of the style is lost.
Imitating wallpaper under a stone or brick must be supplemented with the appropriate attributes - aged wood, fireplace, suitable furniture. It is better that the wall lights emphasize the picture, slightly shading it.
Let us dwell on styles in more detail.
Loft-style wallpaper emphasizes this trend better than others. Designers recommend giving their preference to white and red colors.
For a vintage style, only one wall is suitable - emphasis. Remember that the remaining walls should be plastered with other wallpaper collections with natural design, for example, with flowers.
Shebbi-chic style is a deliberately aged interior. Therefore, a brick wall with scuffs is suitable for it. Ideally, it should be light shades - beige or white. The lower part can be combined with the tree - it will only enhance the effect.
White volumetric wallpaper suitable for Scandinavian and Swedish style. They can paste over a bedroom or a recreation area in the hall. For the floor, designers recommend selecting white or gray shades.
Provence style highlighted wallpaper rolls with brick yellow, red or gray.
In the fusion style, red and yellow, white and gray are well combined.
By the way, modern wallpaper can imitate not only brickwork, but also medieval castles, large fences. Under the individual order, you can even make the wall of the veranda of the kindergarten, located in the courtyard.
Color solutions
In building stores, white color at wallpaper rolls imitating a brick wall is most common.This is due to the fact that later the buyer is given the right to paint the wallpaper for his interior. It can be at least red, even orange, even beige - what is enough of imagination. The second most common color is red. Red and brown bricks imitate in the wallpaper segment both foreign and domestic manufacturers.
If the interior is dominated by a bright interior, then you should look for wallpaper, which is dominated by yellow color. They fill the room with additional lighting. Similar characteristics have wallpaper with blue hues. By the way, white shades visually increase the space, this should be taken into account when repairing small premises - kitchens, pantries, bedrooms.
But the dark, and especially black, should be chosen consciously. The room, which is veneered in black, embodies the gloom and mourning. You can correct the situation only by using a large number of lamps, the furniture should have chrome or gold inserts. The room should be decorated with mirrors, they will add light.
Remember that wallpapers for painting can always be updated. If the color is tired in a few years, they can be repainted.
How to combine colors?
Design school involves a combination of not only wallpaper from the same collection, but even different color schemes. The combination is carried out, starting from the interior and the financial situation of the customer. Of the frequently occurring solutions, spectral harmony can be distinguished. It is based on dark and light shades of one color. This color can be either gray or purple.
Pink, golden, beige color goes well with brown brickwork. The furniture in this room may be yellow or gray. But remember that it is categorically impossible to combine burgundy and chestnut color with a brown tone. It should be avoided and lilac. The second solution is a combination of textures. Thus allocate niches, ledges, balcony blocks and arches. Non-woven wallpaper give comfort, and vinyl stand out due to its relief.
By combining, you can hide the room’s flaws, wall irregularities, chimneys, because by highlighting one wall, you can lure the guests' attention to it. In the kitchen, you can make zoning of the working area from the recreation area.The working area is pasted over with wallpaper that mimics a brick, and the remainder is covered with light wallpaper. For this fit beige or pastel colors. Accent walls are found in the living room - this is the wall opposite the rest area, in the bedroom - the wall at the head. You can select corners with a brick and continue the room; this technique is especially appropriate in studio apartments or when combining a room and a loggia.
By combining you can adjust the scale. For this you need to use wallpaper with stripes in addition to wallpaper for bricks. Vertical stripes visually increase the room height, and the horizontal contribute to the expansion of the wall in length.
It is important that the wallpaper was of the same type, but differed in ornament or color. Wallpapers of different textures must necessarily be with a similar color. Dark dark wallpaper should be as little as possible, but remember that light wallpaper with some things are not combined.
The choice of texture and design
A few decades ago, the walls in the hallways were plastered with such wallpaper, but due to the fact that the corridor does not have adequate lighting, this room looked like a closet. Dark brick absorbed all the light.The times have passed, and now they paste over any rooms with wallpaper imitating bricks. Cloths imitating a brick wall in a city apartment and in a country cottage need to be glued only with a well-designed design project. Furniture, lighting, flooring should be taken into account. Otherwise, you can create an unsightly interior, in which the wallpaper under the brick will be a fat minus.
The youth room in the loft style is a place of rest and a place to practice. Therefore, it should be equipped with a bed, a computer desk and furniture. Wallpapers that mimic brickwork are most often glued to only one wall, the remaining three walls have a combined color.
You can create an apron in the kitchen with vinyl wallpaper, as long as the wallpaper is moisture-resistant, because droplets of fat and steam formation will be frequent guests in the kitchen.
Aged floor in the "Khrushchev" can be embedded in a future design project. The effect of old times in vintage style with the right approach can be beautifully beaten.
In a country house, the crossbar can serve as part of the interior, you can not even decorate it. Suitable for loft style and walls made under rough plaster.Brick wallpaper can be left in a standard white color and due to this you can save on repairs, because the convex pattern mimics a brick ledge.
In the living room you can select wallpaper with a balcony block and a wall, which has an electric fireplace. By the way, it can be made by hand. To do this, you need to build a frame of metal guides and sheathe it with drywall.
Manufacturers Overview
Among domestic manufacturers of wallpaper for brick, the first line is the company "Evrodekor". It was formed in the mid-90s of the last century. During this period, the company has become a leader not only in the domestic market, but also abroad.
Specialists of this company daily analyze the market of building materials and fashion trends, implement and create new items in this segment. Most of the products are exclusive wallpapers, on which the world's best minds have worked. Product quality is top notch even in the economy segment.
Russia is represented in the rating by another company - “Palette”. This manufacturer has a ten-year experience. It manufactures its products from environmentally friendly raw materials and on European equipment. Great combination of price and quality.
World leaders in this area are companies from the United States of America. Such high rates are achieved not only due to high technologies and accumulated experience, but also due to the cooperation of this country with manufacturers from all over the world.
American brands are not afraid to experiment, and annually produce dozens of new collections, designed for both the buyer in the country and for export.
Among American manufacturers can highlight the company Wallquest, Fresco, Living Style. In the domestic market, wallpapers imitating brickwork from Chesapeake, Nextwall and Tiffany Design are widely popular.
Analyzing customer reviews, we can state that they also distinguish British manufacturers. Primarily due to environmentally friendly components, and secondly - for adherence to the classical style. Although it is worth noting the fact that the UK is developing and modern collections designed for the style of hi-tech. In the Russian building stores there are wallpapers from Chelsea Designs, Prestigious Textiles and Sanderson.
Belgian companies Calcuta, Grandeco and Omexco made history by creating seamless wallpaper. This became possible after the "crossing" of paper, non-woven fabric and textile materials.By the way, their vinyl wallpapers were the first to be painted over the entire surface.
Germany is not the first decade is a European leader in electronics and in the construction market. Thanks to established technologies and design ideas, such companies as Decor Deluxe, Architects Paper and P + S International take their place in the sun.
But the farthest away in realism are the manufacturers from the Netherlands. They have achieved the reconstruction of volumetric images, optimistic plots. This contributed to the fact that they were included in the rating of manufacturers with good performance. The manufacturers of Eijffinger, Esta Home and BN International work only with modern components and keep up with the times.
Italian wallpaper is the benchmark for quality. Every second producer from this country produces collections in classic, retrostyle and in loft. There are in their collections and wallpaper under the brick. Non-woven and vinyl wallpaper produced by Decori Decori, Sergio Rossellini, Emiliana Parati. But in Russia, brands such as Roberto Cavalli and Limonta are best known.
In the Premium segment, French firms are Casagedo, Casamance and Camengo. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford their cost, so they are not represented on the domestic market.But they are available for individual order.
Swedish wallpaper for centuries has been the most durable. They easily withstand mechanical damage, have an unexpected design and are suitable for any premises. MR Perswall and Borastapeter focus on security.
When choosing the combined options under the brickwork, silk screen printing wallpapers have proven themselves well. The homeland of the wallpaper is the People’s Republic of China. A few centuries ago, the Chinese were the first to use bamboo fabric for decoration. These wallpapers have a long service life. Of the manufacturers of the Middle Kingdom can be noted Artshow and Loren.
Korean and Japanese companies produce fifteen meter rolls to reduce seams. Such companies as LG, Oriental Coat, Fuji Kogua are rapidly gaining market share.
Of the countries of the former Soviet Union, manufacturers from Ukraine and Belarus occupy a worthy place in the domestic market of building materials. They absorbed all the best that was in Soviet technology, and brought a new one from Europe.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Experts of design art advise to combine bright rooms with white shades.This is especially important if the room is small. Wallpapers under white brick visually expand the space, scatter daylight. In the domestic market, wallpapers with various themes, having a rough relief layer, are popular. Due to this, realistic volumetric drawing is obtained, and lighting plays a huge role. Brick wallpapers are perfectly combined with other building materials, including metal and wood. Such wallpapers are combined with wallpaper of other colors, only you need to select related colors.
With the help of such a building material it is possible to separate the working area from the dining area in the kitchen. In small kitchens, you can create an apron of moisture-proof wallpaper, it can be easily washed.
In the bedroom, you can separate the wall behind the bed. This accent allows you to divert attention from other, less crowded walls. In the living room focuses on the wall with video or a fireplace. If you use metal guides and drywall, you can select this zone in real terms. In the studios, the area with wood and brick can separate the living room from the main working area in the kitchen.This design can complement the decor - a bookcase, a sofa and mirrors.
In small apartments, you can use the wallpaper of the bricks to highlight the working area of the office and additionally beat the ledge in the wall. So that the wall does not look empty, it can be hung with pictures or photos within. Wallpaper imitating a brick wall, made out and the children's room. It is very economical, given the fact that the teen room can be transformed over time into a youth room. In a country house you can decorate the wall that leads to the second floor. Due to this, the space increases visually, and besides, it will not be necessary to re-paste wallpaper in a few years. Brickwork is a universal design that has been in fashion for almost a hundred years.
In the corridor, not only red bricks are suitable, but also dark and white colors. Especially important to take care of the lighting. You need to add more wall lights, try not to clutter the wall with shelves. It is better to hang a picture or a mirror. It will visually expand a small hallway space.
If you remove the balcony block in a city apartment and warm the loggia thoroughly, you can arrange another bed on the balcony. Wallpaper under the brick will give the room the final touch.
Wallpapers under the brick in the bathroom look equally beautiful in both large and small rooms. Even in country cottages resort to such a design. It does not matter what color to choose - white, gray or red. And it makes no difference what the photo print will be - a shabby wall or a fresh masonry. For people of creative professions - first of all, artists or designers who create a loft-style room for themselves, wallpapers under a brick wall will help zone the workshop from all other zones - leisure, dining. In European countries, various museums that imitate the Middle Ages are popular. Modern volumetric wallpaper can convey all the realism of past centuries, and complement their colorful interior items.
In conclusion, I would like to note the fact that the wallpaper, imitating brickwork, made a huge leap in the design world. If several decades ago only a corridor was plastered over them, now they are an integral part of various styles - loft, classic, minimalism and hi-tech. At cost, they are much cheaper than natural bricks, their installation takes less time, they can be washed,They are environmentally safe and, moreover, fire resistant and do not form molds, which means they are also suitable for rooms where there are small children.
Even more interiors with wallpaper under the brick, see the following video.