Wall Picture Mural

In order to add interior highlights and originality, it is not necessary to spend big money. Sometimes it is enough just to hang the panels on the wall. At the same time, you can take advantage of ready-made solutions that modern shops offer in abundance, and you can show imagination and make decoration with your own hands, using available materials at hand.
The most common option - this is a picture of the remnants of old wallpaper.
Manufacturing technology
Depending on personal tastes, as well as on the interior of which room will be located future masterpiece, you can use different manufacturing techniques.
Solid wallpaper
This technology involves the use of whole cuts wallpaper. Almost any wallpaper with a dense texture, for example, vinyl or bamboo, will be suitable for this method. This method is fairly easy and does not require special skills - you can stick wallpaper with a solid canvas, from floor to ceiling, or even not be limited to the wall surface and make a spade on the ceiling. You can also cut a fragment and place it in a pre-purchased or made frame.
This technique is similar to the patchwork technique when the whole plot or image is created from small fragments or from small pieces. With well-designed colors can get a very nice decoration. The plot of such paintings is often abstract. If you have time and patience, you can create a decorative photopanel in the form of a collage, using remnants of any wallpaper for the base, and as a material fragments of photos from the family archive, magazine clippings or print pictures from the Internet.
Combined image
With this method of making a panel, the scope for creativity is unlimited.In addition to wallpaper, other decorative materials can also be used here: cloth scraps, dry plants and other elements.
Use in the interior
The panel can be used in various rooms.
Entrance hall
This is a kind of business card of any home - it is from her that the impression of the owner begins to take shape. Therefore, the picture that greets guests at the entrance should be chosen with special care. The panel can be placed on any of the free walls - there are no special rules here.
The size of the picture should correspond to the dimensions of the hallway itself. On a small surface you should not hang something grand - it can visually reduce the space of the room. It will be better if you hang several pictures, united by a single theme and executed in the same technique. And a small composition in a large area will simply be lost.
As for the plot, here you can choose wallpaper with natural ornaments in the form of panels, images of predatory animals, as well as fragments of large megacities and architectural monuments - the Colosseum, Eiffel Tower, New York skyscrapers and so on.
Alternatively, you can draw an entire wall or part of it with wallpaper imitating stone or brick masonry. Similar options can be viewed, for example, in the collections of Italian wallpaper.
In this room, the patchwork technique is especially good - the walls can also be decorated with floral or geometric ornaments. To do this, you can use the remnants of old wallpaper, or you can choose in the store the appropriate texture and pattern roll. Sometimes there are sales of wallpaper, which is not enough, but for the decoration of one roll, as a rule, is enough.
The most traditional arrangement of paintings in the kitchen - on the wall near the dining area. Another decor option in the kitchen is to decorate the wall near the work area. In this case, it is best to use the entire wall surface. Figure can be applied to the wallpaper using a stencil. As you know, the kitchen is not the most sterile place in the house, so for the panels as well as for the walls, you should choose moisture-proof wallpaper with a washable structure, if only you are not going to put your masterpiece under glass.
Living room
Most often, it is used for the most spacious premises in a house or apartment.Therefore, for the living room you can safely pick up large-scale compositions - the entire height of the room. A version with a photo wallpaper panel that starts on the wall and has its continuation on the ceiling will look very original. This technique works well on a wide wall. If there is a small surface, you can use another design technique: the image is divided into several fragments, each of which is placed in a separate frame, after which all parts are hung side by side and connected into a single unit.
The plot for a decorative panel in the living room can be anything you want - the main thing is that the image does not go against the general concept of the interior.
If this is a Scandinavian style, you can frame one or more beautiful flowers in a frame. For hi-tech, choose abstract or geometric patterns with a minimum number of colors.
This room is intended primarily for recreation. Here, everything should be set to rest and relaxation. Therefore, various pictures with menacing predators are not quite appropriate here. But compositions with water landscapes are the place. It can be a sea, a river or a waterfall - in short, everything that helps to distract from a busy day. No less pacifying effect on the psyche is the abundance of green.It can be a whole forest or a single flower.
Which wall to decorate with wallpaper is a personal matter. Someone prefers to decorate the headboard of the bed, and someone wants to admire a beautiful plot and have it constantly before your eyes. In this case, it is worthwhile to place the decor on the wall opposite to the bed.
The plot for the decoration of the nursery should be chosen in accordance with the age and sex of the child. For preschool and younger schoolchildren, various fairy tale characters will be of interest - Winx fairies, spiderman, Jack Sparrow and other heroes. You can even order a wallpaper with a scene from your favorite fairy tale kid. But it is much more interesting when the child himself takes part in decorating his room. For the nursery, as well as for the rest of the rooms, any of the above described technologies is quite suitable.
The room of a teenager can be decorated with some life-affirming motto, the letters for which can be cut out of old wallpaper. If the child is interested in some kind of art, from the same wallpaper you can cut out the silhouettes of musicians and other idols of the teenager. Prints with notes and musical instruments will look very original.You can also put framed quotes of your favorite poems, fragments of school essays, pasted on a wallpaper base.
Before you start creating your own masterpiece, you should decide whether this object will be framed in a baguette or will remain in free flight. To do this, take into account all the features of the interior. Many decorators believe that paintings without framing are best placed on plain surfaces, but for walls with a pattern it is necessary to enclose the composition in a limited space. The material for the framework can be very different - plastic, metal, wood, plaster. Options can be many.
The tree is considered a universal option and fits almost any style. In this case, you can buy a ready-made frame in the store - good, the modern choice is great. And you can make a frame of thin rails and give it the desired shade with varnish, stain or paint. Wood frames are especially good for ethnic interiors.
For a minimalist design and high-tech style, plastic or cold gloss of metal will suit. Products from these materials are also presented in a wide range in stores.But for self-manufacturing framework will require some skills.
You can also use ceiling moldings made of foam or plaster for decoration of the wall decor. Such frameworks are also universal and are suitable for almost any interior.
For a minimalist style, you can leave white, and if you want to add a bit of luxury, you can cover them with gold or silver paint.
Interesting ideas
To make the picture fit better into the existing interior, for its elements it is better to choose wallpaper that is similar in texture to those that are pasted over the walls. Now many modern manufacturers offer paired wallpapers in their collections: monophonic and patterned.
The idea of imitation of a window or a doorway in the wall looks interesting. To do this, a frieze is glued on the wall in the form of a window or door, and inside is a forest or seascape. This creates the illusion of the view from the window. If you imitate a doorway, then as a plot for the decor, you can choose a piece of furniture. This approach is not beaten and original.
Another example of a non-standard wall panel solution is when the plot of a picture is not only inside the framework, but continues beyond its borders.This technique is often used by modern designers in their works. The main thing - to comply with the general proportions.
How to use the remnants of wallpaper, see the next video.