Washable wallpaper: what to choose?

Washable wallpaper is particularly relevant today. Their main advantage already follows from the name - such wallpaper canvases are not afraid of moisture and can be cleaned even with a wet cloth. These surfaces are very relevant when decorating walls in the kitchen, bathroom or in rooms exposed to pollution.
However, washable wallpapers have their own characteristics and are presented today in various models. Therefore, in order to choose the right wallpaper, you need to take into account some of their nuances.
Special features
The distinctive characteristics of washable coatings include the following points:
- Such wallpapers are very durable.
- Not affected by moisture.
- Easy to care for.
- Have a high life.
When buying washable wallpaper, they must be indicated by a special marking, which should be paid special attention, as it will tell about the level of stability of the coating.
By labeling wallpaper is divided into the following types:
- Moistureproof. On the labeling of such wallpaper drawn one wave. Wipe them with a slightly damp cloth. At increased humidity there is a risk of spoiling the coating. Therefore, it is not recommended to glue them in such areas as, for example, a kitchen.
- Washable Marking with two waves. In this case, it is recommended to wipe the surface of such a coating with weak alkaline detergents.
- Super washable. On the label data coatings marked three waves. Their surface can be wiped using a sponge and various detergents and cleaners.
- Super washable and resistant to cleaning. In this case, the markings indicate the waves and the brush. Such wallpaper can be cleaned with various detergents and wipe clean with a brush.
What types distinguish?
Now you need to consider directly the types of wallpaper.They can be represented by the following models: vinyl, acrylic, glass wall paper, metal coatings, cork wallpaper, on which a wax coating is applied. All these species have their own characteristics and properties during operation. Below we consider each type of washable wallpaper separately.
This type of washable coatings is the most popular and popular, due to their relatively low cost and a wide range of choices. Such model is not subject to fading from sunshine.
In turn, vinyl wallpaper can be divided into subspecies, depending on the methods of their production:
- Vinyl foam sheets are quite voluminous, but very light. They do not require special preparation of the wall surface before they are glued. It is very convenient to use such canvases to hide some defects in the wall.
- Vinyl flat wallpaper are quite durable and dense material. Produce such wallpaper by hot stamping. Usually flat vinyl is produced under the imitation of a stone surface.
- Kitchen vinyl. From the name it follows that this material is very convenient for wall decoration in kitchens.These coatings are quite dense and thick, and produce them using rubberized vinyl, which makes their surface very resistant to moisture. Such wallpapers can be both smooth and embossed.
From the name it is obvious that by production of such wall-paper the acryle applied on a paper basis is used. Thanks to this layer, the material is resistant to moisture and is easy to clean from contamination. It is worth noting that the material of these coatings has good air flow capacity. It is not recommended to wash such wallpaper with the use of various detergents.
It is best to use a damp sponge when cleaning such wallpaper.
If vinyl canvases are chosen for a wet room, such as a bathroom or a kitchen, then you should choose wallpaper containing flizelin. Non-woven coatings are very resistant to high humidity. The life of this material is approximately 20 years.
The main advantage of this model is environmental friendliness. In their production does not apply the addition of active chemicals.Initially, such wallpaper is a dry powder and when applied to the wall they must be thoroughly mixed with water. Stir recommended hands.
This material should be applied to the wall in a thin layer to avoid unevenness. Special preparation of walls for the application of the liquid composition is not required.
Other species:
- Fabric This model is quite exclusive and is used infrequently. For its production uses a textile layer and a paper base.
- Film This type of material is made by applying a polyvinyl chloride mass on a paper base. Such a layer makes the surface moisture resistant.
- Glass fiber The basis for the material of this model is glass yarns, which makes the fabrics incredibly strong, non-combustible, wear-resistant and durable. The term of their operation is more than 20 years. It should be noted that such a coating can be painted independently in any suitable color. It is advisable to use latex or acrylic paint.
- Metallic wallpaper. In the manufacture of this type of coating used paper base and aluminum foil.These coatings have a wide range of advantages: they are more durable compared to all other types, do not require preparation of the wall before sticking, increase the level of noise insulation, are incredibly resistant to high humidity and are very easy to clean.
- Cork wallpaper with a wax coating. This model is the most natural and clean to cover the walls, as this wallpaper is made from the bark of cork trees. A layer of wax on top of the base provides protection to this look from moisture. But it is not recommended to clean them using household chemicals.
- Ceiling. This model has a lower cost compared to suspended ceilings and looks quite aesthetic. Such material does not require thorough surface preparation.
When sticking washable wallpaper you need to consider some features:
- Particular attention when sticking washable surfaces should be given glue, which will hold the wallpaper. Such glue should have a stronger effect than ordinary paper surfaces. For each type of wallpaper has its own glue.For surfaces with a metallic coating, dispersion glue containing a fungicide is usually used.
- When sticking, special attention should be paid to the seams so that during operation and cleaning the edges of the wallpaper do not move away from the wall when moisture penetrates under the seams. If there is a gap between the seams, the strips will soak and lose their external advantages.
- Do not wash the surface too often, because for any coating frequent cleaning will be harmful.
What can be washed?
To clean the surface at home, it is best to choose a softer sponge. It is also necessary to prepare a dry rag in advance.
Next, you need to fill the basin with warm water. After which it is necessary to add a cleaning agent. Soap chips can also be used for washing wallpaper, which can be done by rubbing a piece of laundry soap on a grater or finely chopping it with a knife. The chips are added to the basin with water and thoroughly mixed either manually or using a mixer.
Next, you should well moisten the prepared sponge in the resulting solution and squeeze it slightly. On the polluted area it is worth making smooth movements with a sponge without making special efforts.After that, it is necessary to wipe the remnants of soap solution from the surface of the coating with a previously prepared dry cloth.
For small dirt, a way to remove stains with soapy water is quite suitable.
Many housewives also often use a solution of baking soda to wash the wallpaper. This is a fairly old and proven way to help clean up dirt and deposits. To one liter of water should be added 20-30 grams of baking soda, which can be found in any kitchen.
To remove more frightening dirt, such as grease stains, it is best to use household chemicals. When applying them, I should carefully read the composition so that there is no risk of damaging the surface of the web.
Variants and examples in the interior
Some recommendations for the use of wallpaper in interior design:
- If during the repair of the room it is planned to glue different models of wallpaper fabrics, then it is necessary to choose models of the same thickness.
- Bright colors are best combined with soft, pastel or beige tones.
- It is necessary to level the surface of the walls before sticking.
- The modern and creative development is the selection of one wall in the room with the help of original canvases.Such a wall should have bright and bright colors, and it is desirable for all other walls to be given neutral and monochromatic colors.
- In almost any furniture store, the seller can provide you with a catalog with products and examples with original wall designs.
- If there is no confidence in the correct choice of the color of the wallpaper, then you can buy "trial" rolls of different models and at home to see which of the options suits the room better.
- By purchasing textured wallpaper, you can paint them in any color to your taste, since this type of coating is made specifically colorless for further painting.
- Photowall-paper with the image of a megacity or a landscape will help to increase the room visually.
- If the room has a low ceiling, then designers advise using a covering for walls with vertical stripes, and for a narrow room or corridor - with horizontal ones.
For more information on washable wallpaper, see the next video.