Which wallpaper is better - vinyl or non-woven?

 Which wallpaper is better - vinyl or non-woven?

Repair or arrangement of the apartment is always a difficult task, and very often there are a lot of questions that cannot be easily resolved. Modern production provides a huge range of choice of products, and often the choice is made "at random", while you need to approach it more seriously. For example, it is worth considering what kind of wallpaper is better - vinyl or non-woven.

What is the difference?

Since earlier people knew only about one type of wallpaper - paper, no one had any questions about which ones to choose, which ones were better, what's the difference, because there was no difference if we ignored colors and patterns. Paper, of course, a classic, but you should not limit it.Modern industry offers at least two more options - non-woven and vinyl wallpaper.

Each of them has its disadvantages and advantages, and it is worth finding out a little about each option in order to make the right choice.

Vinyls are created on the basis of vinyl, respectively, and are two layers - one woven or paper, the second vinyl. Unlike non-woven, they are double-layered.

They are divided into several types.

  • Foamed. Rather, they are suitable for non-residential premises, as they are very dense, and their moisture resistance is slightly lower than that of other vinyl wallpaper, but they perfectly hide the defects of the walls.
  • Washable Special use received in kitchens and bathrooms because of its special resistance to chemical detergents and moisture.
  • Silk screen printing. In the second, directly vinyl layer there are silk threads. These wallpapers are cast pearl, pleasant to the touch and do not fade.

Flizelinovye differ from vinyl, in the first place, texture - they are single-layer. They are made from natural material, natural cellulose, which makes them more environmentally friendly, and this is perhaps the most significant difference between these two types.They also perfectly keep their shape and hide the irregularities of the walls: if you choose this wallpaper, you will not have to plaster and level the surface before sticking.

It should be said that vinyl wallpapers, as a rule, have a wider choice of colors and patterns. They are produced literally in all colors and with different patterns, imitate wood, tile, stones - anything. Separate stickers for walls made of this material are also produced. If we compare, the non-woven fabric is produced mainly in monochromatic versions, there are, of course, drawings, but their choice is not so great. Most often, non-woven wallpaper is smooth, and relief is a little more difficult to find. By the way, they can be painted, changing the design in this way.

Speaking about the differences and similarities of these two types of wallpaper, one can not mention the universal version, combining the properties of the first and second. This is a vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base.

They can be washed using cleaning products, they are resistant to wetting. The method of gluing is extremely simple: like non-woven, they do not require plaster and putty, they can also be painted.

Wallpapers do not absorb dust, which is very important not only for asthmatics, allergies and families with young children, but also for all who care about their health.However, due to the vinyl layer, airtightness is poor.

Moisture resistance

It interacts best with water, of course, vinyl wallpaper. They literally "do not burn in the fire and do not drown in the water", waterproof, wet cleaning even in tandem with brushes and cleaning products will not harm them. Moreover, they are impregnated with special means that do not allow bacteria, fungi, mold to settle down, which undoubtedly makes vinyl wallpaper an excellent option for bathrooms and kitchens.

Flizelinovye wallpaper is recommended to be used in rooms with dry air, as the cellulose has a high hygroscopicity and low water resistance.

What is safer and more harmful?

Polyvinyl chloride, from which vinyl wallpaper is made, is a synthetic material that is able to release various harmful substances like formaldehydes and vinyl chlorides.

They also do not breathe, do not let the air through; Despite the fact that nowadays, vinyl wallcovers with micropores, which are designed to improve airtightness, are especially popular, they do not cope with this role. In the conditions of a kitchen or bathroom, it doesn’t hurt a person, but for a bedroom, living room or a child’s room it’s better to choose non-woven wallpaper.

They breathe, made of environmentally friendly material, and the glue that binds the cellulose fibers is safe.

What is harder?

Vinyl wallpaper is undoubtedly heavier and thicker than non-woven, as non-woven fabric has a lower specific density, which makes it lighter, and also consists of only one layer. In addition, in the case of this type of wallpaper is not recommended to use glue for heavy fabrics, it is best to opt for paste or glue for paper paintings, if you really can not get specialized.

Also, which is of great importance, when gluing non-woven wallpaper, the glue itself is not applied to the canvas, that is, it does not make it heavier.

What is stronger?

We can say that vinyl wallpaper is wallpaper for centuries. They really have good practical characteristics, and serve in unchanged condition for about 10-12 years. We should also mention that they are not afraid of physical damage: scratches from metal objects, for example, and sunlight, while non-woven ones are easy prey for pets and not very careful household claws, they are prone to ruptures and mechanical damage.

With all this, this wallpaper also serves for about a decade, but their wear resistance gradually deteriorates - they are unstable to abrasion.

What is more expensive?

Price is often one of the main selection criteria. In general, of course, vinyl wallpapers are noticeably cheaper than non-woven ones (a roll of nonwoven meter-wide and 10 meters long will cost you 500-700 rubles, while a roll of vinyl of the same characteristics is less than 400), but if it is is about screen printing, it is not so simple. Silk threads are interspersed into vinyl wallpapers made of this technique, which immediately makes them more expensive.

The price of vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base often reaches 800-1000 rubles per roll of 1 * 10 m. Also in the case of vinyl, much depends on the pattern, its complexity and individuality, and the number of small parts. Monochrome will always be cheaper.

What are the softest?

Non-woven wallpapers are more dense and uniform in texture, like fabric, which makes them more resistant to stretching and tearing than vinyl ones. Vinyl is, firstly, thinner even in spite of the double layer, and dryish in texture, feel similar to paper, as it is “lying” under the vinyl layer.

Ease of sticking

In order to stick vinyl wallpaper, you will need to apply wallpaper glue on them - special, designed for heavy or vinyl samples, but remember that, wetting under the influence of glue, they become many times harder, which complicates the ability to stick them evenly. Be careful.

You need to withstand about five minutes, no more, otherwise the paper or fabric layer will deteriorate, then you need to put them on the wall and align, as is the case with any wallpaper.

Alone it is better not to engage in gluing, at least - with one more person. If there are difficulties, the glue can be missed and wall.

The great advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that they can be applied on top of other ones. That is, in the case of repair, it is absolutely unnecessary for you to suffer and tear down the old ones - you can simply stick others on top.

To glue this type, you will also need glue for non-woven wallpaper, but you do not need to put it on the canvas - it is applied immediately to the wall, and the wallpaper is glued end-to-end. Samples do not shrink. Non-woven wallpaper, without doubt, is much easier to glue on vinyl, if only because one person can handle it.

After the "installation" of flizelin on the wall, you should walk along the canvas with a roller: first from top to bottom in the center, and then with a herringbone from the center to the edges. It is very important to correctly position the first lane here, as each subsequent one will be guided by it. You can arrange the strip both vertically and horizontally. In the latter case, the probability that the joints will be noticeable is minimized.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base glued the same way as non-woven. In the case of non-woven base, you can use regular glue for paper wallpaper, which has a light composition, or high-quality home paste. The principle of "Christmas tree" is required here.

How to determine the material?

Vinyl or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a chemical material that is also used in the manufacture of linoleum, stretch ceilings, and even clothing and records (vinyl records). In essence, it is plastic. In the case of wallpaper vinyl is on the second layer, on the first - paper, fabric or non-woven. Vinyl wallpaper usually looks like a canvas of small thickness without pores, quite dense to the touch. You may have doubts about foam vinyl.Outwardly, it resembles non-woven, and can only be distinguished by touch. He is softer.

Natural cellulose, from which non-woven wallpaper is made, is also used in making clothes and can be considered a natural material. You can recognize it by the fact that it looks like paper, but is non-woven and more dense than fabric, thicker than vinyl.

What is better to choose?

When choosing a wallpaper in the room, focusing on the above information, you should make a list of questions, the answers to which will help you make a choice, for example, in which rooms it is better to use vinyl wallpaper, and in which rooms it is absolutely impossible. It is not difficult to guess that vinyl wallpaper is really a godsend for rooms with high humidity, kitchens and bathrooms, as they are waterproof. However, the fact that vinyl does not let air through and releases some chemicals makes them an unsuitable option for bedrooms and especially for children.

But if you suffer from any diseases of the lungs, you have small children, you care about your health or choose wallpaper for bedrooms, stop your choice on non-woven. They are also easier to glue - you can handle it alone.

If design is important to you, most likely you will opt for vinyl wallpaper - after all, their palette will be wider. But the color of non-woven can be corrected with paint, and you can glue them on top of other non-woven wallpapers, which will save money and nerves, despite the fact that there are more non-woven wallpapers. It will also help in a short time to change the design of the room. Vinyl wallpapers are also more resistant - they do not fade, are resistant to wetting, do not fade, and are not afraid of mechanical damage.

Thus, focusing on the properties of each material and wallpaper made from it, it is not difficult to make a choice. After all, the best wallpapers are those that are suitable according to the characteristics of your apartment or a particular room.

15 a photo

In this video, Anton Maslov will share the secrets of choosing the right wallpaper.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.