How to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room?

Decorating the walls with materials such as wallpaper is the most common way when the question of interior renewal arises. It is convenient, but not necessary, to invite specialists to wallpaper the rooms. Enough to have the willingness to independently carry out such repairs.
Process features
If there is no extra money to pay professional finishers, you can cope with pasting the walls yourself. Here are just problems with how to carefully glue wallpaper in the corners. Before you get down to business, it is better to learn some building rules.
It does not matter what place to start wallpapering the room if all the corners are even.If this is not the case, it is better to choose that angle, after pasting the wallpaper onto which it will be possible to avoid skewing the stripes on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start work from the angle that is not striking, or at least in the future will be blocked by furniture. It is certainly not necessary to choose a corner for the first pasting.
Do not use the whole wallpaper wallpaper at the junction of two walls, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat turn, the wallpaper frowns and slightly warps, shrinking after drying.
If there are switches or sockets in the vicinity of the corners, before starting work it is better to interrupt the supply of electricity, remove the covers of these devices. The protruding parts of the electrical system can be simply pasted wallpaper, and after the completion of the work carefully cut out the places of sockets and switches. So you simplify your work and the result will be of higher quality.
Surface preparation
In order that the walling of the walls with wallpaper on the very first turn does not turn into torture, you need to carefully prepare the walls for decoration in advance.
On closer examination, the angles may turn out to be curved, rounded, sometimes there are noticeable hollows and bumps on them.Therefore, experts advise you to spare no effort and time in order to pierce an uneven surface, and maybe plaster. Plaster corners will be a good help in this matter.
They are level by level and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for internal and external corners. When the fresh putty dries, it should be rubbed with sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the corners should be carefully primed and wait until the excess moisture leaves the primer.
All these measures will make the process of pasting corners easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.
If you can not achieve absolute flatness or do not have time to do it, you need to carefully select the wallpaper. For pasting curved surfaces, loose finishing materials are suitable, as they will have to be glued overlapped, and from the place where the web is applied to the canvas should not be noticeable.
A good choice in this case will be non-woven wallpaper with a small pattern or plain. Also, the curvature of the corner can hide non-smooth decorative materials, and even completely fiberglass for painting.
Gluing step by step:
- Before you start pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
- Make a calculation of the area you want to paste, and buy the required number of rolls of wallpaper.
- Select the appropriate wallpaper paste and spread it according to the instructions.
- Stock up on a tape measure, plumb, pencil, long metal ruler.
- Prepare a construction knife, roller, paintbrush, sponge, or clean rag.
- Bring a stool or ladder to get to the top edge of the wall during work.
Having retreated from the junction of a four-five centimeter, we draw with a pencil along the wall a line perpendicular to the floor, focusing on the plumb line. Most modern wallpapers are glued to the butt. Therefore, it depends on how correctly you draw this line and paste the first canvas whether the subsequent strips will lie strictly vertically or skewed.
For fidelity, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.
Wallpaper strips are cut with a margin of 2 centimeters, since after drying they become shorter. Since the wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, it is inconvenient to attach them to the wall each time.So it is better to cut the decorative canvas on the floor on the surface prepared for rolling wallpaper.
The wall must be carefully glued with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the decorative layer is most likely to fall behind. The rule of glue processing of the wall applies to all cases: when you trim the walls and paper, and non-woven, and vinyl wallpaper. And in the case of using heavy vinyl wallpaper to coat with glue and you need them. In the process, if you hesitated and the glue in the corners managed to dry, be sure to repeat the sizing again.
The technique of working with pasting corners has long been worked out. There are methods for pasting external corners, and internal.
When finishing the walls, prominent surfaces are especially striking, so the quality of pasting the outer corners will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the corners are smooth, it’s enough to wrap the wallpaper sheets three or four centimeters from the projections and glue. If the wallpaper starts to frown, you have to carefully trim them in places of the folds.The next strip can be stuck on the wall as it is done on the plane.
If the outside corners are crooked, it’s not easy to solve the problem. When you decorate the walls with materials that practically do not shrink after drying and which are joined together at the joint, the canvas at the corner should be pasted so that it stands for five centimeters of rotation. When gluing another sheet, it should slightly run into the previous one. In the middle of the line is a neat cut.
Excess material from above and below remains to be removed. The canvas should be smoothed and pressed as tightly as possible to the surface.
If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, hurry to trim overlap is not necessary. Recheck the label with a plumb line. If the deviations are very large, obviously unnecessary wallpaper can be carefully cut along the intended line.
To give completeness in the design of the outer corner and so that over time the ledge on the ledge is not frayed, it is better to use plastic corners for wallpaper, matched to them by color. It is necessary to calculate in advance how much they will need to work. Stick the corners on liquid nails or with silicone sealant.
The approach in pasting the outer corner is also used on the ledges around the doors and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external corners are pasted over separately in a similar way with the help of scraps of wallpaper, which remained after gluing the paintings on the walls.
To correctly dispose of the next canvas in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the extreme pasted strip to the joint and add two more centimeters to the resulting figure. The wallpaper strip needs to be cut with this in mind and attached to the wall, pre-lubricated with glue. With proper trimming, a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on the next strip behind the junction line. Flatten the cloth with a roller and a cloth to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative coating.
If such a bubble does not want to fade, experienced people recommend piercing it to release air, and using a syringe pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth it with a roller.
If the angle is uneven and in the process of gluing wrinkles appear on the strip, with scissors, as is the case with the outer corner, it is necessary to make neat cuts in the direction of the crease and glue the canvas.
Neighbor-band should be glued on the second wall with an overlap of a couple of centimeters on the previous one. Check the quality of your work with a plumb line. When smoothing the second sheet, you should not press the edge of the necessary allowance to the wall.
Then, along the ruler, you need to cut the layers through with a construction knife, remove the excess upper layer, and then the lower segments. Wallpaper in the corner once again smear with glue and press to the wall so that there are no air bubbles.
If you do everything carefully, you get a smooth seam.
Subtleties of working with a picture
There are certain difficulties in beautifully sticking wallpaper with a pattern in the protruding and inner corners. Using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try not to distort it at the junction. It is necessary to foresee this task in the selection of materials in the store.
Especially noticeable distortion on the wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the pattern is horizontal, it may look skewed relative to the ceiling and floor.
You can avoid this only if you glue over the corners overlap. The edge of the canvas must be glued strictly on the plumb line. Neighboring strip should be carefully cut along the edge of the corner.Moreover, pasting the wall with paper wallpaper, it is necessary to make all these manipulations not only carefully, but also with maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will ruin more than one wallpaper strip.
To unevenness was barely noticeable, it is recommended to hide the resulting joint in the upper part of the corner. To avoid a certain shift in the pattern is unlikely to succeed, but with the right approach, it will be so imperceptible that the look will cling to the joints only for those who performed this repair.
Correct combination
In order to originally glue the walls with wallpaper, highlight specific functional areas, emphasize the merits of a particular room, designers offer numerous ways to use decorative materials of different colors. Wallpapers may differ in pattern and texture.
All this must be taken into account when different wallpapers are joined in the corner. The sticker is very dense in the structure of the paintings produced with minimal overlap. In the case of the use of fiberglass wallpaper uneven places will be striking very much. One edge of the canvas, which appeared on top of another, cannot be hidden.
Vinyl wallpaper is fixed only with a rubber roller.Using other tools, you can erase the pattern and spoil the overall look of the decor. This must be borne in mind, including sticking such wallpaper in the inner corners, where it is not always convenient to wield with a roller alone, achieving full adhesion of wallpaper to the wall surface.
When docking different in texture wallpaper, the same paper and vinyl, you need to stick them so that the thinner appeared under the more dense and thick. Then the place of the overlap will become less prominent.
Taking into account all these tricks, even without the involvement of professionals you can achieve a neat wallpaper sticker. The results of your efforts will delight you for years.
In this video, you are waiting for tips on sticking wallpaper in the corners.