How to glue wallpaper butt?

Every person at least once in his life was engaged in repairs in his apartment. Not all the work can be done independently, but pasting the walls with wallpaper butt is quite possible for everyone. In order to properly perform the design, you need to take into account some of the nuances to the surface of the walls became smooth and attractive.
In order to properly glue the wallpaper, you need to first determine the choice of the form. And for this it is necessary to deal with their classification. The division of wallpaper into different types depends on many factors, namely on their water resistance, type of surface, density and pattern.
There are several main types of wallpaper.
- The most common and cheapest are paper wallpapersubdivided into smooth structural species. Paper wallpapers are suitable for pasting almost any living room. They are environmentally friendly, but not durable enough.
- Vinyl wallpapers belong to the waterproof species consisting of two layers. The lower paper (fabric) base is covered with a layer of PVC, and a pattern or stamping is applied on top of it. To protect against mold fungi they are treated with special compounds. A layer of PVC protects wallpaper from moisture, light and mechanical damage.
- Textile wallpaper consist of two layers: the main paper and the top, consisting of fibers of fabric. The fibers used are threads of cotton, flax, viscose and other fabrics, which are applied by gluing to the main canvas. Sometimes fabric is used as a base.
- Less common types include fiberglass wallpaper. The basis of such wallpaper is glass, which is subjected to heat, resulting in the formation of filaments that undergo weaving. Fiberglass wallpaper can be either single-ply, consisting only of filaments, or double-ply, where in addition to filaments there is also paper.
Types of docks
Most types of wallpaper have a certain pattern.The pattern applied to the wallpaper repeats after a certain period, which is called rapport. There are several types of docking wallpaper, which are directly dependent on the location of the picture.
Direct docking
Very often, many buyers wonder what a direct docking is and in what cases it is used. In order to answer these questions, you first need to figure out which drawings apply this method. Direct docking is used for those types where the pattern in each roll begins with one fragment and is evenly distributed over the entire area of the roll.
Direct splicing on the rolls is indicated by two directional arrows → ¦ ←, and the digit indicates the interval after which the pattern will be repeated. Direct joining of the pattern 64 means that the pattern will be repeated after 64 cm. Therefore, for a wall having a height of 250 cm, it is necessary to cut a canvas with a length of 256 cm, and for a height of 280 cm, you will have to cut 320 cm from the canvas. Alas, but 40 cm will have to be thrown away, otherwise the design cannot be combined.
This method is suitable for wallpaper, where the pattern has straight lines or a geometric pattern. On the wallpaper, the manufacturers indicate the offset also with two arrows, but one arrow is shifted slightly down.The offset method is used for wallpaper, where the drawing on each roll begins with different fragments. In order for the pattern to acquire the correct shape, you will have to shift the canvas by half the rapport. On the advice of experts, it is better to make pasting using two rolls at the same time. Thanks to this method it is possible to achieve a reduction in consumption.
This method of pasting is used for variants where the pattern is applied in a chaotic manner without a clearly marked pattern. It is the most economical and simple. The rolls are consumed almost completely, and any person can cope with pasting if desired.
This method of docking is suitable for different patterns. In order to combine the pattern, you need to paste each subsequent canvas in the opposite direction relative to the previous one. This method is also indicated by two arrows ↑ ↓.
The mixed method is a combination of two or three methods of pasting. One method is chosen as the main one, and in hard-to-reach places, the most convenient method for a given area is used for pasting.
Materials and tools
When pasting any surface, you need to stock up a certain set of tools and auxiliary materials.
- First of all, you need to prepare your own wallpaper and suitable glue.
- A stepladder is required for quick access to high points.
- A small table is necessary for the placement of tools and scrap materials.
- In a plastic bucket bred glue, and the tub will need to squeeze out the excess glue.
- For applying glue, you can use a roller with a foam nozzle or a brush, and for better gluing of the seams you will need a docking tape and a roller with a rubber nozzle.
- Plastic spatulas will help remove air bubbles and excess adhesive mass.
- Wallpaper brush smooth wallpaper.
- With the help of the building level and plumb you can even glue the canvas.
- Roulette, pencil, knife and scissors will be useful for accurate wallpaper cutting.
On how to glue the wallpaper, see the next video.
In order to properly glue any kind of wallpaper butt, you need to follow certain rules.
First of all, you need to prepare the adhesive composition, and then cut the wallpaper on the canvas, adding to the desired length of 5 cm.The next step is to coat the wallpaper with glue. It is necessary to turn the cut canvas upside down on the wrong side and carefully apply the composition from the center to the edges, avoiding contact with glue on the front side.
The fabric with the applied composition is folded in half and left for some time for impregnation. As a rule, wallpaper manufacturers indicate the exposure time of the soaked web.
Now you can start drawing a guide for the sticker.
Using a plumb line and a pencil, draw a line on the wall and glue the first strip, starting from the window opening and moving from the ceiling to the floor with a guideline on the pre-drawn line. Smooth the glued sheet from center to edge. The next canvas is glued next to the previous one, aligned with the pattern and carefully ironed over the entire surface.
In order to make the joints inconspicuous, you need to use a rubberized roller. In order to hide the joints not only in the places of contact between the two canvases, but also between the wall and the ceiling, you can use a horizontal and vertical border. Borders will help not only to hide the joints, but also to delimit the space.
When pasting any room, it is necessary to observe temperature conditions. The minimum temperature is +20 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to tightly close the windows and doors during the process, and even more so after its completion, in order to prevent the web from separating from the surface.
How to dock in the corners?
In order to properly dock the wallpaper in the corners, you need to follow certain rules.
- From the edge of the last glued sheet to the corner, the distance is measured and the corresponding strip is cut with a margin of 5 cm. The surface of the wall and the corner is processed with glue. The prepared canvas is glued from the strip of wallpaper to the corner with a slight approach to another wall.
- The resulting overlap almost always goes unevenly. Next you need to determine the place where the canvas is at the minimum distance from the corner. From this place it is necessary to retreat 1 cm in the direction of the corner and draw a vertical line. From it will be glued the next canvas in full width, overlapped. After pasting the canvas, you need to simultaneously trim both canvases.
- Next, remove the cut remnants of wallpaper. In order to remove the part located below, you need to move the edge of the canvas, and the upper part is removed easily.
How to glue two types of wallpaper?
Sometimes for the design of the walls of residential premises owners choose two types of wallpaper. They can be both different colors and different textures.
There are several ways of pasting.
- With vertical combination, the wallpaper is glued as usual. At desire edges of cloths can be issued in the form of zigzags or waves.
- The most common method is the horizontal method, where in the upper part of the wall one type is glued, and in the lower half - another.
There are other ways of combining, but they are less common.
Next will be described in more detail about the horizontal method.
First you need to define the line of the wallpaper, then draw a horizontal line. Measure the distance from the ceiling to the line and cut the canvas, adding 5 cm. Similarly, calculate the size of the second canvas and proceed to pasting. First glue the top sheet, you do not need to glue its bottom strip. Then, in the same way, glue the bottom sheet, which will have the upper part left untouched. After the fabrics are completely dry, remove the excess wallpaper, glue and press the joints.
Joining the photo wallpaper with the usual
Very often for the wall photos are used, which are combined with ordinary wallpaper. For proper matching, you need to pick up regular wallpaper similar in density to the photo wallpapers, and after gluing the canvases, the joints should be additionally smeared with PVA glue. It must be remembered that the first canvas of the photo wallpaper must be glued strictly vertically, otherwise the design may skew. In addition, for each type of wallpaper you must use your own type of glue.
Features of sticking
For each type of wallpaper has its own peculiarities.
- The easiest way to glue paper types of wallpaper. When sticking it is necessary to remember that this type of wallpaper is not strong enough, and therefore, when smoothing the strip on the wall, you need to be very careful not to damage the canvas, otherwise you can avoid breaking the base. In order not to form cracks in the joints, it is undesirable to allow excessive wetting of the canvas, as with full drying the canvas is compressed, which inevitably leads to the formation of cracks.
- In order to properly dock heavy solid colors vinyl or non-woven wallpaper without cracks, it is necessary to apply the adhesive base not only on the canvas, but also on the wall.This method will allow you to accurately move the heavy canvas to the next lane.
- For silkscreen wallpapers It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface, it should be perfectly flat. This requirement is not accidental and is associated with the texture of this type of wallpaper. They have no relief, and any irregularity after pasting will be noticeable.
What to do if the seam disperses?
Sometimes after pasting wallpaper, the seams in the joints area diverge, and there may be several reasons for this. The most common reason is poor quality processing materials. When exposed to glue, the material with which the treatment was carried out, moves away from the wall along with the wallpaper. Sometimes the seam is peeled off at the joints when gluing on an uneven wall. Another equally common reason for the seams to move in the joints is the incomplete cleaning of the wall from dust and the lack of a primer on the surface.
But if the reasons are not so large-scale, then you can take emergency measures and correct the situation.
- If the edges of the wallpaper have simply come off, then you can glue the seams with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, just grease the edges with glue, press well against the wall and dry them with a hair dryer.
- If the edges are not peeled off, but simply diverged, then you can use special tools, especially if the gap is very small. For colored wallpaper, you can use a sealant, choosing a shade to match the canvas. If the color of the wallpaper is predominantly white, then you can use a putty. But it is worth remembering that the sealant and putty are not very similar to the structure of the wallpaper, and therefore, upon careful examination, the seams will be noticeable.
- Large gaps are easier to close up with thin stripes, which are cut from the remnants of wallpaper used in pasting walls. This method is time consuming, but effective. The main thing is to do everything neatly.
- The cracks can still be decorated. As a decor the border, a cord or a special sticker for joints can be used.
Beautiful interiors
In order to create a beautiful interior of any room, you need to choose the appropriate wallpaper in color and structure. With their help, you can achieve various desired effects.
If the room is small, and the windows are facing the north side, then wallpaper of light colors will add light to it.
Dark tones can be used to highlight a specific area of a room. Most often they are combined with lighter shades.
Sometimes, to place accents, bright wallpapers are framed around the perimeter with a special strip. It looks very beautiful and spectacular.
For decorating the walls along with the usual use wallpaper. With their help, you can not only create a comfortable environment in any room, but also expand the space without global repairs.