Duplex wallpaper: what it is, types and features of choice

Duplex wallpaper is widely represented on the market of finishing materials and is a very common wall covering. Due to their elegance and variety of types, they allow to embody the bold design ideas into reality and serve as an independent element of the decor. The leader in the production of duplex wallpaper is Germany, whose enterprises produce a wide range of products with a wide variety of colors and textures.
Duplex wallpapers are one of the most sought after and purchased wallcoverings. Their popularity and growing demand are due to the following advantages:
- strength and durability Coating is achieved due to the multi-layer structure of the material. Wallpapers are resistant to moderate mechanical stress, and the presence of a special protective layer ensures high moisture and light resistance. This allows you to use many models of duplex in rooms with high humidity and in rooms well lit by the sun;
- thick embossed or corrugated fine hide defects and visually align the walls. The use of many types of duplex products eliminates the need for picking a pattern, which ensures easy installation and lack of trimming. Wallpapers, designed for self-painting, provide a large space for design solutions and can be painted up to 10-15 times. The clarity of the embossed pattern on the embossed wallpaper is not disturbed;
- material is absolutely environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. All models (with the exception of textile) are not prone to the accumulation of static electricity, which gives them dust-repellent properties. Products are easy to maintain and have excellent sound and thermal insulation properties.
Technical characteristics and types of duplex
Duplex wallpaper is a multi-layered fabric, the layers of which can be made from one or from different materials. Non-woven fabric or thick paper is used as the base layer, followed by a decorative layer, which is covered across with a protective film that protects the surface from the effects of negative external factors.
The material is produced in the form of rolls and has traditional dimensions: width is 53cm and long 105cm.
According to the structure of the canvas products are the following types:
- coarse fibrous. For their manufacture is used pressed chips placed between two layers of thick paper. The size of the surface depends on its size: they distinguish between coarse and fine-grained texture. The products are heavy and require the use of special glue during installation. The advantage of the model is the absence of the need to select a pattern when applying the sticker and high durability of the canvas;
- embossed. Manufacturing technology consists in passing through the rollers of the paper web, which at the same time acquires a given relief pattern. Further it can be colored. Both wet and dry embossing is used.The advantage of this type is the absence of synthetic additives and the possibility of purchasing products for painting;
- smooth. These are monochrome variants, which are produced both with a ready-made decorative pattern, and without it. Can be used for painting and have a small weight. They are popular in connection with the possibility of choosing low-cost options. The disadvantage is the need to select a picture if it is available, and the requirement is absolutely flat surface for installation.
Smooth models will not be able to hide the defects and irregularities of the walls;
- corrugated. At manufacturing the flexographic press is used. The surface is covered with continuous undulating corrugated folds, which gives the wallpaper a refined and expensive look.
According to the materials of manufacture duplex wallpaper can have the following performance:
- models with a vinyl layer. The basis of this canvas is non-woven, covered with foamed vinyl, which perfectly mimics various surfaces. Such wallpaper may have the texture of wood bark, marble, natural stones, brick or metal.This material is quite moisture resistant, which allows for wet surface treatment without the risk of damaging the web. The service life of vinyl wallpaper is 15 years. The disadvantage of these models is poor air exchange, which can lead to the appearance of mold and mildew;
- textile models. A feature of such products is the presence of a woven layer, made in the form of textile fibers, or one-piece woven fabric. The advantage of these models is good ventilation and environmental safety. Wallpapers have high heat and sound insulation properties, which makes them very popular and in demand. The lifetime of textile wallpaper is from 10 to 15 years. Among the disadvantages are the low antistatic nature of the material, which leads to the accumulation of dust, and the absence of water-repellent properties.
Cleaning products is carried out only by the dry method, for example, using a vacuum cleaner;
- models with natural fibers. In the manufacture of such wallpaper as the top decorative layer used fibers of bamboo, jute, cane or sisal fiber. Products are absolutely harmless and durable.Cleaning can be done with a damp cloth without the risk of damaging the surface. The interior looks original and aesthetic;
- paper models. The canvas consists of dense paper layers, which are glued together with the help of special technology of hot gluing. This process is used to make smooth models. The advantage is low cost, low weight and absolute environmental safety of products. The disadvantages include low moisture resistance, the inability to carry out wet cleaning and not very long service life.
Duplex wallpapers are unpretentious and do not require expensive care. Dust from the surface of the cloth is removed with a dry brush or vacuum cleaner. A fresh greasy stain is sufficient to iron with an iron through a dry paper towel:
- Dry dirt is easily removed with an eraser;
- Vinyl models can be fully washed.
When wallpapering, it is necessary to leave a few strips of material in order to perform a spot repair of the damaged surface, if necessary.
Criterias of choice
The first step in choosing duplex wallpapers should be counting the required number of rolls.It is produced by simple calculations, in which the area of all the glued surfaces is summed and divided by 5.5. This indicator indicates the area of one roll. It should be noted that when choosing materials that require the selection of a picture, you need to purchase 1-2 extra rolls, depending on the area of the room.
It is also necessary to take into account that not all models are glued end-to-end. Many products require overlapping stickers. It is important that all purchased rolls are from the same batch, this will prevent the discrepancy of shades. The second step should be the choice of material production. For wet rooms, you need to choose vinyl models, and in the children's room fit two-layer paper wallpaper, as well as products from natural fibers. Textile options are not recommended because of their tendency to accumulate dust in such rooms.
The next step will be to determine the appearance of the wallpaper: whether models with ready-made decoration will be needed or whether they will be self-colored. The final step will be the selection of a comfortable price and viewing directories.Budget options for duplex wallpapers made in Russia can be purchased at prices ranging from 500 to 700 rubles per roll. German premium models can cost up to 4 thousand rubles.
Duplex wallpapers have a lot of positive feedback. Consumers celebrate a large variety of colors and textures and the ability to choose the material for any purpose and style of the room. Attention is drawn to the possibility of hiding the curvature of walls and minor defects. thanks to the volume structure of the wallpaper. The presence of moisture-proof vinyl models that can replace tile in the bathroom and kitchen is positively assessed. The presence of canvases for self-painting also raises approval.
Among the disadvantages are difficulties in installing heavy coarse-fiber wallpaper. Also noted the discharge of corners of bulk and thick cloths. But this means a violation of the sticker technology rather than low wallpaper quality. Attention is paid to the accumulation of dust in the folds of the corrugated options.
Duplex wallpaper is an excellent finishing material that can stylishly decorate a room and last for many years.
About what is a duplex wallpaper, see the next video.