Black and white wallpaper in the interior

White bottom, black top - from ancient times it was considered a fashion. And so it is. From a design point of view, this bold combination of colors can be embedded in any interior, but you need to take into account certain nuances.
Special features
To date, it is wallpaper that is most often bought for repairs in city apartments and country houses. This building material is sold at affordable prices, suitable for small and large premises, easy to clean. An interesting fact is that by the end of 2015, black and white wallpapers became the engine of fashion.
Remember that in a residential area to use black color is necessary, having a sound mind. Do not rush from one extreme to the other. Black color itself will darken the room, especially if it is crammed with furniture made in dark shades. You can change the interior doors on the white linen, to equip the room with white soft furniture.
On the whole, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room, the lighting, from which side the sun rises and, on the contrary, where it sets.
Black and white wallpapers are best suited for light-colored furniture if black predominates in wallpaper and, conversely, where white is. But more about this remains to be seen, we will try to figure it out together.
Combined black and white wallpapers on sale are found with the application of patterns, branches, lines, squares. This list can go on forever, as each manufacturer comes up with something new.
Rolled paper Wallpaper glued to the wall in the usual way, with the help of glue. The main thing, just do not buy very thin wallpaper, glue on them will appear in the form of yellow spots. As a result, you will have to tear off the coating from the walls and make repairs again.
Textile Wallpaper even at a price and differ in a big way, but they are suitable for any premises, and on their background there is an imperceptible transition, since no joints are formed.
White background
White color is so versatile that so many shades are combined with it. If the room is covered with wallpaper of this color, then as an underline, designers recommend furnishing the room with brown or black furniture. Pillows or chairs can have a green or red color scheme. Perfectly suited for white wallpaper turquoise curtains.
Furniture and interior details can be modified using these colors. Unfortunately, without them, the room will resemble a medical facility.
Black background
Black wallpaper is used very rarely, the whole thing is that the black color takes all the attention to itself. Chances to go too far with him are great; there will not be a feeling of comfort in the room. Even in the warm season, the rooms with black wallpapers have a feeling of cold.
Premises in absolute black color are found, as a rule, in a business environment. Therefore, for ordinary apartments it is not suitable, because you need to buy very expensive furniture.Using mirrors, you can give the room an extra elegance.
Designers are advised to select black wallpaper with drawings and ornaments, in this case, the sunlight will shimmer around the room. As an additional accent, there may be furniture with golden handles, spotlights and fringed curtains.
Combination rules
When choosing a black and white wallpaper, you must consider the position of the furniture and the size of the room. In small premises, it is better to stop your choice on wallpaper with miniature drawings and patterns, and the white color should prevail. This combination allows you to visually beat the increase in the room, lighten the room.
In rooms with a larger area You can choose wallpaper with a predominance of black tone. In this case, furniture in the interior should be used in white or light colors. If you stick to this rule, then there will be some kind of contrast.
In the premises where minimalism rules the ball, designers recommend using large patterns on the wallpaper. This approach leads to a focus on the details, but not on the size of the room. And for the retro style most suitable wallpaper with black patterns.
A light pattern on a black background can be depressing, so you need to use such wallpaper in rooms with large dimensions. Provided that the interior is distracting things.
Dark pattern with vertical lines visually increases the room height, in rooms with low ceilings - this is the best solution. It is possible to add an interior either souvenirs, or plates. Remember that a wall clock is an irreplaceable detail in the living room, in the kitchen and in the bedroom. That clock is striking the very first.
If the wallpaper black and white color is presented in the same proportions, then they do not necessarily glue all the walls, and one is enough. And the remaining walls can be painted and pasted over with other wallpaper. This combination allocates only one part of the room, where you can arrange household appliances, electronics or a fireplace.
Glue the ceiling with black and white wallpaper should be with great care. In our own house, where large ceilings are the roof with a slope - this is the right decision, but in a small apartment there will be a feeling that the ceiling is about to fall.
Variants of patterns and patterns
Abstraction in the Soviet years was popular in the wallpaper segment. Various drawings and patterns were printed. Planned economy provided the filling of hardware stores with just such wallpaper.
Today, the manufacturer in the manufacture of wallpaper for mass consumption is in no hurry to combine the incompatible. Therefore, for the mass buyer, black and white wallpapers are still available in the following collections:
It imparts a dynamic rhythm to the room covered with wallpaper with such a pattern. But it should be borne in mind that geometric patterns quickly begin to bother. They should not be very much, it is better to combine them with something else.
Diamonds are best suited for rooms where the same ceramic tile on the floor has already been laid. A smooth transition visually expands the room, but one should not forget about decorating the walls with shelves or moldings, in order not to accidentally fly over the wall.
The same parameters have a cell, wallpaper with such a geometric pattern is best glued to the spacious living rooms. In small premises such a pattern can "put pressure" on the psyche.
Circles and tiles are usually represented with a predominance of black.Therefore, it should be pasted with such wallpaper rooms, where the least are family members - in the closet or in the bedroom.
The strip is the simplest version of the pattern, its popularity does not fall over the years. Designers trust her because of their simplicity and versatility.
Horizontal stripes visually expand the room. If the room has a rectangular shape - this is the best solution. Vertical stripes, on the contrary, should be placed in rooms with low ceilings, made in the classical style or baroque.
The strips can be thick and thin. Depending on their thickness, you can beat any interior. It does not matter, it is made in retro style or in modern design options.
No one forces to paste over the entire room with wallpaper in a strip, you can combine drawings and patterns. There are stripes on one wall and flowers on the other.
Black and white wallpapers with flowers are, as a rule, designer wallpapers. They can be glued not only in city apartments, but also in country cottages and country houses.
Trees on the wallpaper can decorate the irregularities of the walls and beat the joints in the corners.
Often the inscriptions on black and white wallpaper are found in English or in Chinese characters. They are best suited for teenage rooms designed in street style with a predominance of cold colors.
Monograms and ornaments allow you to beat the unsightly or empty corners. Beautifully combined both on a black and on a white background. Suitable for bedrooms, harmoniously fit into any interior.
By the way, vinyl wallpaper with an ornament is most often glued for many years, paper is sold at a reasonable price, and fabric wallpaper goes well with curtains.
Wallpapers with monograms do not create ripples in the eyes, they do not get tired of them. Black and white wallpaper with gold ornaments bring luxury to the interior.
Remember that black and white wallpaper with colorful ornaments combined with wood and stone. Light pattern, if it is almost imperceptible, will not emphasize the composition.
Abstraction allows you to emphasize any design project. It is a highlight in small apartments and country houses. The interior is transformed, becomes bright, does not cause depressive mood.
Abstraction is a combination of graceful transitions from one shape to another., with the connection of waves and patterns.Black and white wallpaper with abstraction can either be bought at a hardware store, or made in a design version.
In recent years, wallpaper returned to the domestic market. Most often they are found on sale on non-woven base or self-adhesive and are presented in the form of black-and-white photo wallpaper with the theme of films or views of cities, wildlife.
When making to order, you can use any photo. Such pictures are most often glued onto one wall, the other three prefer other wallpapers, because it is very difficult to preserve the integrity of the pattern, this is possible only by entering the corner.
There are black and white wallpapers for sale with drawing images of monuments of architecture, imitation of natural materials - marble or granite, modern art.
Design projects with equal proportions of black and white color are aimed at spacious premises of both apartment and country type. The style does not really matter, even this minimalism is suitable for such a combination.
Do not forget about the lighting. That light emphasizes the perfection of black and white design, its sophistication.
Remember that to black and white wallpaper you need to buy white or mirror furniture. Furniture in this color reflects both solar and artificial light. You can also choose silver and black polished furniture. Chrome inserts, golden handles and glass tables add special value to the interior. Furniture in dark brown colors is best replaced with a new one.
Black and white wallpaper can separate and, conversely, highlight one of the walls. Other walls should be covered with cream or white wallpaper. Experimenting with coloring can achieve unexpected results.
Stick black and white wallpaper should be subject to unwritten rules. Far from each room such a choice would be appropriate.
Black and white wallpaper suitable for living rooms, made in the styles of modernism, minimalism, constructivism. Of the modern, we can mention eco-style, art deco and hi-tech.
But before you equip an apartment in one of these styles, you need to think about it. If small children are very often in the apartment, will they spoil the light wallpaper and white furniture? After all, as you know, the white color is very marks.
Therefore, the wallpaper must be washable.Furniture should have removable covers - they can be easily washed or replaced with new ones.
To the interior was not boring, the predominance of a color is necessary. For small rooms, of course, white. With constructivism, black should be diluted with white in a proportion of less than fifty percent.
As a transitional color can be a red tone. These can be paintings in red frames or a sofa. Gray shades contribute to the dilution of monotony.
Carpet or non-colored carpet can be used as a floor covering. It is best that they are not very branded, because heavy flooring is very difficult to fix.
Do not give up the details of the decor. For various styles, amphoras, vases, wall and floor lamps can be used. Black-and-white curtains are the most suitable for windows in the hall. If they have a vertical strip, then it contributes to the visual expansion in height.
By the way, fabric wallpapers are made on the basis of non-woven fabrics and textiles, polyester and silk act as fixing substances. Since they are “dust collectors”, constant care is needed for them.
Bedroom best suited for experiments. And this is not surprising, because, as a rule, the door to the bedroom is almost always closed. Black and white wallpaper suitable for bedrooms made in the modern and minimalist style.
Designers note that if the bedroom has a wallpaper with a pattern, it is best to equip it with large furniture. In this case, there is an easy transition from the pattern to the interior, the eyes do not get tired.
On the bedside tables, be sure to put lamps, they will emphasize the monograms and ornaments on the wallpaper. If the wallpaper with a predominance of white color, then there will be no reflection. This should be taken into account in those cases if someone from the household at bedtime likes to read a book or magazine.
For a small hallway designers advise to use wallpaper with pronounced black lines. Vertical lines will visually increase the length of the corridor. In general, the corridor should not be covered with wallpaper with large monograms, it is best to use small peas or flowers.
You should buy black and white wallpaper not only in the apartment, but also in a country house. In your own home, you can ignore the design and use any decor, since there is no emphasis on the small size of the room.To cover with black and white wallpaper you need to choose the wall that is not burdened with large furniture and household appliances.
For commercial real estate - office buildings, exhibition rooms and clubs - design projects are usually made, where all the nuances are taken into account.
Where do not fit?
Children's room Often made out in bright colors. Its interior is dominated by furniture with yellow, orange and light green hues. In this design, of course, do not fit black and white wallpaper with a predominance of black. Do not buy in the nursery and black and white wallpaper with monograms.
For older children, you can use wallpaper with geometric shapes or photo printing, but it would be better to first find out the opinion of the child, so that you do not have to re-paste the wallpaper.
For the same reason, you should not buy black and white wallpaper for old furniture, especially outdated sofas, cabinets and computer tables. It is best to develop a new design project, in order to save it, you can perform in the style of minimalism.
Beautiful examples
For bedrooms made in retrostyle, design experts recommend black and white wallpaper with a predominance of white.They look gracefully monogram, and black curtains only complement the interior.
To give romance, you can furnish the bedroom with delicate pink shades, especially, it is important to pay attention to the lamps.
In the men's bedroom or office, the predominance of black colors only emphasizes the high status of the owner. Black furniture, reflecting the sun's rays, fills the room with additional lighting.
A little advice, if you hang a white mirror on a black wall - this helps to dilute the pressing dark shades. Thanks to this, the luxury of the whole room can be emphasized.
Black and white wallpaper, you can beat the protruding beams, to make a separate niche zoning.
If the living room is used only in the daytime, it is completely useless to equip it with thick curtains, for these purposes tulle will do. Tulle skips sunlight, so that even with the predominance of black shades in the room will always be light.
If you use furniture under the ceiling, lamps and mirror inserts in the corridors, you can even beat the black shades perfectly.
In studio apartments, it is desirable to allocate a recreation area with black and white wallpaper.Using the wallpaper with wavy lines or patterns, you can beat the TV hanging on the wall.
In kitchens equipped in high-tech style, black should be more on the wallpaper, but furniture and household appliances should be purchased in white.
Using black and white wallpaper in large kitchens, it is possible to distinguish between a dining area and a working area. Such zoning should be made by alternating colors, if black shades prevail in the dining area, then light ones should prevail in the working area.
In the youth room, photo printing allows you to liven up the atmosphere. In such a room you can not only do homework or relax, but also gather friends.
By the way, wallpaper with a pattern is often glued in spacious rooms where there are no problems with lighting. Otherwise the drawing will not be noticeable.
It is the style of art decor that brought a combination of black and white colors, mirrors, metal and cold plastic into the design environment.
Black and white paintings will complement the room, made in retro style. Using a smooth transition from one corner to another, you can decorate the roughness of the walls.
You can dilute black and white colors with designer items made in red, green or yellow.This combination allows you to focus on the little things, while fatigue patterns will not.
You need to be very careful in choosing black and white wallpapers, even if in the store some option immediately attracted attention, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Remember that in some rooms there may be a ripple in the eyes of the patterns on the wall, this can cause headaches and irritability.
In living rooms, where most of the premises are given to black color, it is very important to beat the space with additional lighting. You need to try to place the wall, spotlights, add more mirrors and glass.
In conclusion, I would like to note the fact that black and white wallpapers are found in the interiors of both city apartments and country cottages. Observing a number of simple designer tips, you can equip a bedroom, a living room, and even a children's room. It is possible in this way to emphasize the individuality of the owner, and from a practical point of view, to beat the irregularities of the walls.
See how the black and white wallpapers look in the interior in the next video.