Unusual 3D wallpaper for walls: stylish solutions in the interior

Finishing materials are constantly being improved. Literally in the last 10-12 years, a number of attractive design solutions have appeared, the importance of which is underestimated simply because few people have managed to try them out in practice and do not know for certain what opportunities they have opened up. On one of these developments - wallpaper with a three-dimensional effect, and will be discussed in this article.

Special features

3D wallpaper is different from all the others in the widest possible format of drawings. Demonstrated images become three-dimensional, perceived as an organic part of the adjacent space. Thanks to the use of such coatings, the possibilities of decorating the rooms and creating original compositions increase dramatically.

For walls, three-dimensional wallpapers are suitable well for any base material. However, do not forget to thoroughly prepare the base and 100% remove the old decorating layer. The slightest signs of deformation of the substrate mean that it is necessary to remove and redo the segment covered with plaster. Always strive for as smooth a base as possible without the slightest hint of distortion.

When you have to glue the canvas with the effect of a panorama, do not even think about taking up such work without having assistants. However, the same requirement can be attributed to the three-dimensional wallpaper in general. They begin work directly with the material, calculating its required length (on the floor) and cutting it according to the received measurements.

Remember that even the slightest bias will devalue all your efforts.

Adhesives for heavy materials will help to increase the reliability of the coupling.

A suitable temperature corridor - 21-25 degrees, within 48 hours after pasting drafts are categorically unacceptable. If you have to mount the backlight, it is better not to risk it at all, but immediately contact professional electricians and builders for help.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wallpapers that expand the space, do not leave anyone indifferent. Those who use them note such advantages as excellent resistance to wear, ease of cleaning with standard detergents, a long period of service and complete safety (there are no toxins in the composition). Even in children's rooms, this wall material manifests itself from the best side, and there it will have few equal.

But reviews focus attention on the other side of the choice of such wallpaper.

The price of their use is quite high, and the room should not be too small, while the three-dimensional coating combines very poorly with cost-effective materials. Some options will have to do to order, and the waiting time is difficult to predict. And among other things, it is worth only slightly damage the three-dimensional wallpaper, spoil their picture, as it will be necessary to replace the entire composition. These disadvantages need to be carefully considered and more accurately thought out the use of such material to eliminate errors.


Volumetric wallpaper is divided into three main categories, differing in technical parameters.If there are additional details, the product falls into a special group, which should be considered separately from others. In a standard format, the size is completely typical, the image is mostly represented by an ornament or geometric figures of various kinds.

Single version - cloth of a strictly defined size, all design elements of which form a logically complete segment of the picture. Figures in this case can be accents within a more general composition or completely autonomous subjects surrounded by a frame.

Panoramic type - large canvas, of which one is enough for at least one wall.

It is recommended to glue such a coating immediately on the entire perimeter, then the result is the most impressive and expressive.

But apart from layouts, three-dimensional wallpapers also differ in the composition of the canvas.

Fluorescent in normal daylight, they appear as ordinary, unremarkable wallpaper, except that the brightness of the picture is above average. And only after dark the surface of the material reveals all its advantages.

A prerequisite for a positive effect is the use of fluorescent lamps as a backlight, then you can make the picture more realistic. LED lighting devices are more in demand than others, because this is not just a source of light, but also a remotely adjustable system. To control, you can use both consoles and special mobile applications. In other words, you yourself form exactly the type of design that you consider necessary, practically not being limited to ready-made projects. Who had to glue on the walls earlier, using non-woven, vinyl wallpapers, they will cope with the three-dimensional ones, since the differences between them are purely symbolic.


The choice of design concept in the design of the room focuses primarily on its scope of use. In the living rooms it is easy to realize even the most courageous and extraordinary creative designs. Blue shades are not only a seascape, but also mountain peaks covered with snow slightly diluted with blue paint. Such a solution at the same time soothes overly emotional people and adds a feeling of freshness to the hot season.When you want something modern, stylish and mysterious, but the abstraction does not entice you, you can stop the choice on a space theme.

The planets of the mysterious mist of the planet, distant nebulae, ships, stars and comets sweeping in hyperspace against the background of plain blue or white walls look really impressive! But the problem may be different: not all people like the subject of galactic distances. Flowers come to the romantics' rescue. Most often in the design of homes used roses. Although a beautiful orchid can make them quite a solid competition, if you use this story thoughtfully.

If you put upholstered furniture in the living room, you should apply scenes for houses and gardens for the walls, then you will feel as if in the thick of the forest or next to lilac bushes.

Rooms made in the youth style, except for flowers and bushes, can be made out with plots of butterflies and decorations.

A brick (imitated brickwork) will look best in a loft setting.

If you want to achieve maximum comfort and tranquility, you need to prefer paintings depicting museums, medieval fortresses, art galleries and so on.

And in the "old castle" must be present and a fireplace.

Children's rooms are decorated according to special rules; in the segment set aside for sleep, you should give preference to pastel colors of uniform tone. But the game space and other areas where small will be active, you need to decorate with bright colors. When choosing a design, take into account the age and personality characteristics of girls and boys, because in a short time the outlook and area of ​​interest can quickly change. A universal solution will be geometry - squares, triangles, circles, diamonds, and so on.

Three-dimensional wallpaper showing adorable characters of books, movies, anime or painting, will be quite appropriate. However, the decision must be taken in consultation with the children. Doors can be plastered with the same wallpaper, and the stairs, the ceiling and the floor are most often decorated with similar three-dimensional plots, albeit from other materials.

How to choose?

It is not necessary even to take Chinese products at a real price benefit. Unlike other industrial products, they still do not know how to produce inexpensive high-quality wallpapers. Before you buy a 3D coating in an apartment, think about the size of the room.If it is large, it is necessary to approach the choice of their type as seriously as possible.

Never take pictures with volume in such cases, it is best to apply images with a pronounced perspective.

If it seems to you that for a bathroom a certain canvas will be too pressing, choose similar, but painted in pastel shades. Such a solution will help to visually remove from the observer the shaded area of ​​space, if there is a need for it.

In bright rooms with a large area, you can not embarrass yourself with any special frames. It is permissible to even apply multi-colored coating with the original texture.

It should take into account an important fact: when the key accent is created with the help of furniture, it is impossible to distract attention from it with wallpaper, to make them too variegated. Never glue glossy canvases against windows, as glare distorts the image. If in the hallway it is planned to draw up several functional zones with three-dimensional wallpaper at once, each should have its own composition. Decorating the corridor requires the use of only the most durable and consistently preserve the appearance of the wallpaper.

Variants of use in the interior

In all rooms there is a place for three-dimensional wallpaper. So, in kitchens, they can be used in the work area, or rather, to decorate aprons. But at the same time the choice of countertops and lighting is clearly tied to the design of this area. If combined dining and kitchen, it is easy to create the illusion that the dining table is located in a completely different place. Volumetric drawings in the corridors (hallways) of a large size look very good, but when there is not enough space, it is more correct to use a simple-looking plot.

In the bedrooms it is recommended to select the most calm motifs - natural or cosmic.

And if you need three-dimensional wallpaper in the living room, there are only two limitations: the total price and the style of the chosen room. When there is a desire not only to introduce a certain plot, but also to make it glossy, laminated materials are used. A large three-dimensional drawing can decorate both the whole wall and its individual segments, in which case it becomes a divider of space.

The color of all the walls in a uniform range looks natural and lively, and with the help of warm colors they add comfort, and with cold colors they add size.Mirror paintings lighten the space, and if it is not too important for you, it is better not to use them. At least, in front of the windows, to avoid harmful reflections of the eyes.

Possessing the most inexhaustible fantasy, people can safely implement their ideas with the help of 3D wallpaper. They can contain all kinds of solutions: erupting volcanoes and the underwater kingdom, exotic animals and airships, dinosaurs and much more.

Regardless of the choice, before starting repair it is worth making a clear plan by hand or preparing it on a computer. In this case, you can already before the start of finishing works to present the final result, clearly plan the placement of furniture and calculate the number and consumption of materials that will be needed for repair. This will allow you to calculate your budget and avoid unexpected expenses.

To learn how to do 3D drawing on the wall with your own hands, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.