We wash the primer from the tile on the floor
The floor tile proved from the good party long ago. It is a practical coating. Such material is easier to clean, easier to clean than parquet or laminate. However, to give it a decent look immediately after laying, and then maintain the pristine cleanliness, effort is required. Consider what you can wash the primer from its surface.
Special features
The beauty of tile is that it is a durable coating. It is durable, well withstands mechanical stress without damaging the surface structure. Such material is convenient to use in conditions of bath, bathroom, kitchen and other rooms in which humidity is elevated. With careful attention, the tile will keep its aesthetic and protectivequality.
What are the pollution?
Pollution floor tiles are the most diverse. It can be:
- Divorces from poorly washed out or stubborn dirt left over from repairs. Traces of grouting, primer, glue, construction dust remain when they are rushed off in a hurry. If it all managed to dry out, it will take a lot of effort to bring the tile to radiant cleanliness.
- Black stripes on the light tile. These may be traces of cutting tile left over from repairs. If traces on the surface of the tile appeared later, this indicates the presence of mold.
- Dirty water. If in the process of cleaning the water itself became muddy from the dirt that got into it, the cleaning will have to be repeated. For prevention, it is better to change the water more often.
- Hard water. White traces of hard water appear on the tile, indicating the presence of various salts in it. Such traces can often be seen on the bathroom floor, where moisture accumulates.
- Detergent. Poorly washed floor cleaners may leave marks on the tile (especially if it is glossy).
- Dirty sponge or rag. Tile stains may occur if you use a poorly washed rag or sponge for cleaning.The only cure for this is to monitor the condition of the cleaning rag.
- Food contamination. On the tile in the kitchen from time to time you can see traces of sugar, fat and other products. Here will help cleaning with the use of folk remedies and household chemicals.
What is better to wash?
To clean the tiles on the floor, you can choose a detergent among those that are sold in the departments of household chemicals. Among them there are universal remedies, and analogs, directed against pollution of a certain nature. Among the positively proven tools usually choose "Silit", which effectively removes dirt from ceramic surfaces.
"Selena" is distinguished by a low price and cleans the floor without stains. "Mr. Proper" refers to the universal means for mopping the floor. It is effective in cleaning porcelain. A more expensive drug is Amway. He is well established in the fight against pollution and divorce.
Note that the funds in the form of powder for ceramics are not recommended, they can damage its surface.
If there is no desire to buy special chemistry, or it is over, you can use home remedies:
- Ammonia. It is diluted in water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of liquid. The mixture is applied to the surface of the tile using a spray gun. Then the tiled floor is washed and wiped.
- Vinegar. It must be diluted in water at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 1 liter. Use in the same way as in the case of liquid ammonia.
- Citric acid or lemon juice. This tool is applied to the sponge and without unnecessary pressing on the surface wipe dirty areas of the tile.
- A piece of chalk. Chalk need to rub the paper, and already paper polish glossy tiles.
- Washing powder. It is used in the form of a solution, mixed with warm water. Means moistened dirty tiles and leave to soak for about 10-15 minutes. After that, the solution is washed off.
- Kerosene. Its good to use immediately after the repair. It effectively removes traces of mortars and rust. Rag soaked in kerosene, you need to handle contaminated areas of the tile, and then the floor must be cleaned.
After using any tool, wipe the tiles dry using a paper towel.
How can I quickly clean?
The most important thing - to clean the floor immediately after the repair. Before you do this, you'll have to tinker,to scrub the remains of the primer from the tile on the floor, traces of cement mortar, putty and other contaminants that appeared during the finishing work. Do not use harsh acids and abrasive powders in cleaning, so as not to spoil the outer layer of the coating. It is possible to bring the floor surface to a perfect condition without streaks so that it shines, if you clean it using a wet cloth and a special solution. At the end it is necessary to polish the surface with a piece of felt or a brush.
A place
Special attention should be given to tiles on the floor in the kitchen, bathroom, bath. Tiles in the kitchen need to be washed with a soft cloth or sponge. Washing should be carried out in two rounds, so that there are definitely no divorces from the soap on the surface. High-quality cleaning using household chemicals or other detergents 1 time per week is usually enough to keep the tile radiant for a long time.
When processing tile in the bathroom, it is important to ensure that it does not appear mold. It will be especially difficult to remove it from the seams between the tiles. It is better to use a special tool for rooms with high humidity. Seams should be treated with special solutions from the fungus.When wet cleaning the floor, it is possible to add a little bit of such a means to the water and to thoroughly flush the joints.
To prevent the floor from slipping, for laying it is often used porcelain stoneware matte tiles, which have a rough surface. Because of this, particles of dirt from it can be difficult to scrub. Before you start cleaning this floor, you need to carefully clean the place where the pollution has already become noticeable. In this case, float large abrasives can not. As a result of their use, the tile will become muddy and unpleasant to the touch.
Cleaning porcelain stoneware with a matte surface is recommended using concentrated detergents for washing plumbing. Even serious contaminants will be successfully removed with their help. Newly created contaminants are easier to remove with home remedies. Particular attention should be paid to the coating in the kitchen, where there is a lot of various dirt.
When laying the floor and use glossy tiles. It attracts less dirt, although it is not easier to care for it than a matte variety. To clean its surface, it is better not to use liquid soap: it will be difficult to remove its own traces from gloss.More benefit in this case will be from dishwashing detergent or shampoo for greasy hair. Before you start cleaning the floor, you need to clean the glossy tiles with a brush or a special cloth.
Tiled floor tiles eventually tarnish. You can eliminate this effect by using dish gel or equivalent for a shower. Such a solution is applied to the ceramic tile for 10 minutes, then rinsed with clean water. The relief tile needs to be washed with a hard plastic brush, using a soap solution or a detergent for cleaning carpets. You can treat the surface of such tiles with steam. For its cleaning, it is also recommended to use a wiper.
Often, for laying the floor using PVC tile. Washing it is quite simple. For everyday cleaning is useful washing vacuum or ordinary mop. As a cleaner, you can use a soap solution or a vinyl floor cleaner that is dissolved in water.
If such a tile has formed a strong pollution, do not be lazy to wash the floor several times. First, this can be done with the use of detergent, keeping it on the floor for five to ten minutes, and then you need to go with a washing vacuum cleaner or a rag dipped in water.After that, the floor is wiped with a well-wrung cloth and wiped dry so that no one will slip.
A soap solution or a special agent for such a coating works well with spots on PVC tiles. It should be applied to a napkin and how to rub the contaminated place. Old stains should be treated with technical alcohol. It is necessary to monitor the maintenance of cleanliness in a timely manner, without waiting until the spots become part of the pattern.
When washing tiles, you need to take into account its color. On the dark surface will be clearly visible stains and soap drops. To achieve absolute purity, you can use branded products that do not require rinsing with water (for example, "L. O. C.", "Amway"). On a white tile it is not scary to use chlorine-containing products (for example, “Whiteness”).
It can be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on the floor surface, leaving to soak for no more than five minutes. Then it is necessary to wipe the surface with a brush, wash and wipe dry. It should not be forgotten that it is necessary to work with chlorine-containing agent in gloves and with good ventilation in the room. This drug should not be used frequently, otherwise the white floor will turn yellow.
Care Tips
Having laid this or that tile on the floor, you should consider its features. Porcelain tiles, for example, are classified as non-marking materials. If you treat it carelessly, scratches and small cracks appear on it, which attract fat, sand and dust. It can be difficult to eliminate such pollution, the perfect appearance of the stoneware tiles will be lost. Therefore, it should be washed daily.
To avoid scratches, it is easier to immediately use a vacuum cleaner, eliminating sources of possible damage to the tile. It will be easier to care for the ceramic floor tiles, if after removing the dirt, waxing is applied to the surface. It is enough to carry out such processing once a year. The wax forms a protective layer on the tile surface that prevents dust and dirt from entering the floor.
How to clean the floor tiles from grouting, see the next video.