Mosaic in the toilet: ideas for decoration

Nowadays, when wallpaper is used more and more often (which used to be rare) when finishing a toilet, it’s not surprising anyone to use tiles that have not yet lost their popularity. There are a lot of reasons for that, because it is easy to clean, it is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity levels. At the same time, the tile can be found absolutely any color, size and type of surface.
Special features
First of all, it should be said that the mosaic includes all the positive qualities that are characteristic of any tile. Using the mosaic, you can create a unique interior by applying it on the walls near the bathroom and the sink to add variety to the monotony of the walls.It can also be used in the middle of the walls like an apron over a washbasin and around the bathtub. Recommended as an experiment use opposite tile colors to create an unusual environment - This solution is suitable for the modernist style that is gaining popularity, as well as for fusion. If you need an interior in the colors of water and air, it will be appropriate to use mosaic tiles of white and heavenly colors, as well as the color of the sea waves.
At the same time, you shouldn’t disregard the traditional design options, for example, tiles of the same color but different saturation to create a certain color gradient. This solution is suitable for people with conservative views on repair.
Mosaic has become an excellent choice not only for the toilet, but also for a combined bathroom or kitchen. This material is versatile, allowing to experiment in the interior. The toilet, tiled, looks original and modern at all times.
With timely and careful care tiled masonry for a long time does not lose a new look - for this you just do not need to neglect cleaning the room.
Mosaic is a profitable solution in terms of appearance, because it looks richer than the usual traditional wallpaper in the bathroom. The advantage of using any tile in the toilet also consists in the fact that it will harmoniously complement the tile of the floor, because in most cases the floor in the toilet is always tiled. You should also pay attention to the presence of additional accessories in the toilet, for example, it is original to use a miniature mirror on the wall.
Modern mosaic made of very reliable types of glass. Such a material is characterized by high resistance to shocks, but within reason (an explosion may not withstand). Any tile ideally gets on in rooms with frequent changes in humidity - therefore, it is suitable for a toilet without problems.
It should be when choosing a decoration for the premises to know the fact that the mosaic has a historical and artistic value, because since ancient times it has gotten off entire walls, and public spaces are no exception. For example, everyone knows the widespread Roman bath, which in a somewhat modified form will never lose its relevance.The presence of mosaic tiles from the usual "working" room can make a real piece of architectural art.
Professionals advise the use of tiles, even on the ceiling of the bathroom. This is a very reasonable solution in terms of hygiene, since it is on the ceiling that a large amount of dust and bacteria accumulates. Classic bleached ceiling can not be cleaned and laundered, while the tile will endure any mechanical impact.
When using tiles, there are many more advantages than disadvantages, so it is an ideal finishing material.
Cost of
Among the significant drawbacks of tile finishing, the main place is occupied by its cost, therefore, they use tiles sparingly and only where it will look most advantageous. There are even solutions when the tile is glued on top of the wallpaper, and the remaining surface is not touched. Such a decision has the right to exist, but not everyone will like it. The range of prices for tiled material is large and can vary in the region from 300 to 6000 rubles per square meter. Of course, such The variation is due to differences in quality and also depends on the country of origin. For example, material from China will be significantly cheaper than counterpart from Italy or Spain.
A large role in pricing is played by the pattern, as well as the type of surface.
Do not forget that the preparation of the surface, the delivery of material, the removal of old garbage will cost money. Therefore, working with tiles is expensive, especially when hired labor is used. It is worth noting that working with any tile requires quite serious skills. A non-professional will not be able to lay it down for the first time, which will also entail decent financial expenses. In this case, the owner who will not spare the money to invite the master, the result will be achieved much faster, and the quality of the clutch will be higher.
On the modern market is a huge variety of mosaic. You can find small tiles with a variety of patterns, as well as create independently any pattern to taste. A huge advantage of the bathroom is that there are no certain canons of design. Everything is done just for a certain taste, there are no restrictions. There can be only one restriction - the absence of fantasy.In this case, with frank patterns on the tile, you should be careful, as the ancient creators at one time did not hesitate to depict the most shocking scenes with the help of mosaic tiles. However, the main decision remains for the creator.
The creation of comfort in the bathroom, perhaps, should be given no less attention than the bedroom, because this is the place where a modern person with a furious rhythm of life can retire. Often the day of a modern person is filled with communication with a large number of people, noise and worries. All this contributes to the increase in stress, so it would not be superfluous to finish the finishing of this room in soothing tones. Ideal for this requirement fit antique, baroque and other styles. You can also post images of your favorite famous personalities, favorite objects and phenomena. In this case, the question rests only on the financial component.
Mosaic selection
Despite the lack of strict regulations regarding the implementation of finishing works, it is still worth being guided by some expert recommendations. For example, a tile of different colors (red, yellow) is best suited for the modernist style when these colors are applied on one wall. Other walls should be made in neutral white (beige) colors.
If you want more heat, it is better to use the brown color, it will be more conducive to relaxation. If you need more rigor, you can use black and white colors - in this case, the bathroom will get a modern and expensive look. It is worth paying more attention to the choice of floor tiles, because the combination should be harmonious. If you need to visually increase the height of the space, the mosaic of an elongated shape can be arranged in a vertical order; if you want to expand the space, you should arrange the tile horizontally.
When choosing a tile, do not exclude the fact that it is perfectly combined with wallpaper or paint. The use of material of one type does not exclude the possibility of using another, on the contrary, different materials in the case of mosaic tiles only complement each other favorably.
What is the mosaic made of?
When choosing a similar material, you can see different options - for example, a tile can be made even from plastic. Such a tile is made of polymers. This option can be attributed to the budget, but its quality remains at a fairly high level.The tile from plastic is steady against high humidity of air. The fact that when splitting a plastic tile is not as traumatic as tiled is also important.
Ceramic the mosaic is distinguished by its practicality, while it is characterized by a low price. It is most common compared to other types of mosaic, and yes even has a wide selection of colors and shades.
Tile from glass made of siliceous sand and additional impurities. Here the quality is also on the level, but the price is not quite affordable. A glass tile is considered to be an element of luxury.
There are even samples on the modern construction market. from metal. The base here is a soft plastic, on which a thin metal plate (made of brass, steel, bronze) is glued on top. Such a performance is very capricious to high humidity, but suitable for the toilet.
Tile care
The mosaic is durable by itself, and yet there are a number of rules, the observance of which will prolong the life of the tile and preserve its fresh appearance, protecting it from the appearance of mold. Tile cleaning is carried out only by specially designed chemical compounds for this purpose, and the work is carried out carefully, without strong mechanical effects.It is better not to bring the tile to a state where it requires serious effort to clean - for this it is enough to periodically carry out wet cleaning.
Thus, the use of mosaic tiles can be an excellent solution when finishing the bathroom, because this material has a large number of advantages. The disadvantages are insignificant, and with timely care and proper use of the tile will please the owners for many years.
It is appropriate to use such tile in a small (maximum - two-room) apartment to decorate a bathroom or to make an apron in the kitchen.
However, the best tile looks over the toilet in a tiny toilet, visually expanding the space and leaving a sense of familiarity with the ancient culture.
How to put a mozayka, see the following video.