Mosaic in the interior of the apartment and house

Mosaic in the interior of the apartment and house

The use of mosaic has very deep roots dating back to ancient times. Previously, it was made of colored glass, but since then much has changed, mosaic manufacturing and laying processes have been improved, new types of this material have appeared. Today such decor as a small colored mosaic or a modern mosaic tile is available to everyone. Thanks to this material, you can create the most complex compositions, patterns and images. The use of mosaic in the interior of an apartment or house allows you to bring bright original notes into the design of the living room or kitchen, bathroom or hallway.

Mosaic use

Thanks to the mosaic theme, any room will look luxurious, original and unique.

Looks great not only colored mosaic wall - they use this material for furniture decoration, especially the mosaic on the tables looks harmonious. Trim it and racks for bars, and arches, and columns.

Mosaic - one of the most expensive materials. It is of high quality, variety of colors and long service life. Perhaps you should consider the design of the room so that the mosaic is present in the form of several elements. Even this will be enough to make an interesting touch to the interior.

You can consider the use of mosaic in combination with other materials. With its help, you can select certain zones or focus on some areas.

In the bathroom

A good solution can be considered a combination of mosaic tiles. From the mosaic, you can lay out the panel. Walls laid out in one color or using a smooth transition from one shade to another look beautiful. If the mosaic is diluted with mirror inserts, with proper lighting everything will sparkle and create the effect of luxury and brilliance.Mosaic is used to design not only the walls, but also the floor. You can lay out a pattern or picture that will revive the interior.

In the rooms

The mosaic in the design of the walls of the living room or bedroom always looks original. It will be appropriate if the room is decorated in retro or vintage style. The panel on the wall will look harmonious and emphasize the individuality of the ethnic or Moroccan style. The modern interior can also be complemented by such decoration, as long as the harmony of colors is respected.

Mosaic is great for upgrading furniture. For example, the colored surface of the coffee table will look very beautiful. No less original can look through the use of this material and window sills.

On the kitchen

Often, when designing a work area, preference is given to mosaic instead of regular tile. This solution will look good with any style, and the kitchen will sparkle with new colors and create a mood.

You can make a mosaic apron of the same color, it will look original and the spread of bright blotches, the use of two or three shades is also permissible. The mosaic can be with a flat or concave surface.

In the House

In the interior of the house, many use mosaic in the design of the fireplace. It will look good as the design in the color tone of the entire room, and color blotches or colorful patterns.

Another suitable place for a mosaic is a veranda, gazebo or garden. Here you can also add original patterns, decorate the paths on the plot, and refresh the garden furniture. You can lay out a mozayika and a small fountain in the yard.

Mosaic types

Currently, there are many types of mosaic, which differ from each other in the material of manufacture, color, performance. This variety makes it easier when deciding which option to choose for decorating a bathroom or living room, kitchen or hallway.


One of the new species, which appeared not so long ago. The material from which this mosaic is made is stainless steel. It is not very thick, but very durable. Its weight is small, but it is very difficult to damage it. Corrosion to this material is not terrible, so it can be used to revet walls in rooms with high humidity - in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

Another option is aluminum mosaic. This metal is softer, and therefore such a mosaic can easily decorate rounded surfaces. This species is also not afraid of water.


Moroccan style implies a large number of patterns - bulk and flat. The mosaic in this case takes one of the main places. This style is easily combined with others, therefore it is popular.

Using a mosaic of different colors and textures creates a riot of colors. Primary colors are often chosen brown, terracotta, ocher. On their background, fuchsia, yellow, orange, emerald, blue, and turquoise look advantageous as additional shades. It is preferable to collect panels from small tiles. It can be both traditional Moroccan motifs and other plots.


One of the most expensive, because it is based on natural glass. Color range is determined by bright and saturated colors. With good lighting, some fragments seem to glow from the inside. Any interior wins at registration with such material. Even small surfaces on which the emphasis is placed, will add bright notes to design of the room.Not all consumers can afford such a design due to the high cost of the material.


It is in demand because of the combination of low prices and a variety of colors. There are different types - transparent, silver, platinum, gold, matte. Reproduce a variety of original shades is obtained through the use of different layers of foil.

Due to its durability, frost resistance and heat resistance, the mosaic is suitable for decoration of any premises. Thanks to this mosaic, the fireplace, the tabletop, the floors, the walls will also look beautiful.


A variety of glass mosaic. Differs in its unique feature to reflect light and objects. This allows you to visually expand the space. This mosaic is considered more capricious compared to other species. It is fragile enough, it is necessary to use detergents with care, There should be no scouring powder. Constant dampness leads to the clouding of such canvases, so the use of such cladding in the bathroom will be a bad decision. Conversely, the design of certain areas in the rooms will look interesting.


This mosaic has many variations that allows you to arrange the rooms in an elegant style and elevate the local area. Wall cladding is carried out as expensive materials, and simple pebbles. Both looks original, despite the significant difference in price.

Pay attention to exactly which surface will be faced - floor, walls or table top. For each type of work has its own mosaic, which differs in its performance characteristics. For the floor, for example, it is recommended to choose a more resistant to damage and durable option that can withstand heavy loads. For walls, it is advisable to use a lighter coating that will hold better.

Various types of stone can be used to compose the panel: marble, malachite, tuff, someone even uses a brick. It all depends on the idea to be implemented.

A mosaic made of untreated stone, which is interesting for its natural form, looks originally. The installation process is very labor intensive, but the result is worth it.

The elite species is a mosaic of onyx, lapis lazuli, jasper. Walls decorated with these stones look incredibly luxurious. With such a design it is not difficult to feel yourself in the palace.

Onyx is considered one of the most beautiful stones used in decorating rooms. The rich color palette, exquisite patterns and glow effect make him the leader in this field. Color can be orange, gray, blue, green, red, pink, lilac, amber, beige, brown.

Amber looks no less beautiful. From it you can also collect beautiful panels. The color palette differs in a variety - from milky to dark brown shades.


Unusual material that belongs to natural species. In addition to its original decorative appearance, it is famous for its durability, durability, and, of course, environmental friendliness. This mosaic is resistant to damage, is not exposed to moisture and fungus, so in addition to interesting solutions in the design of rooms, you can create an original design in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

The material is easily glued to the surface using ordinary parquet glue.The advantages of this type of material is the fact that it is easy to wash, it perfectly retains heat and absorbs noise. In addition, resistant to burning.


It resembles the familiar ceramic tile in appearance. Differences can be in size and shape - square or rectangular. The mosaic can be made using various effects: glazed, with small cracks (craquelure), with bright bursts of different colors, with imitation of irregularities. The non-glazed mosaic has a porous surface.

Ceramic mosaic has been successfully used in the design of any premises for both interior and exterior.


Unusual and original decision. Such a mosaic will look harmoniously when you make a home in loft, hunting, techno styles.

Most often, the mosaic is a mixture of wood of different breeds and shades. There are also very unusual forms, for example, in the form of cross sections of the trunk.

Rare options

To such it is safe to include diamond mosaic. It is rather a kind of needlework, but it will undoubtedly decorate any interior and will become its highlight. Usually this is a set in which there is a scheme with an adhesive layer.Acrylic rhinestones are applied to this base with tweezers. This is very hard work, but the end result is worth it, because such a picture will decorate any wall.

Among the rare species celebrate the golden mosaic. It is clear that the use of real gold will make it prohibitively expensive, although this mosaic was used to decorate palaces. Now the gold effect can be achieved through the use of gold foil in the production of tiles, but mosaic is made on the basis of glass.

Pearl mosaic is also an elite material. This natural material is distinguished by its fragility. It is contraindicated to lay it on the floor, but its walls in bathrooms and pools look very harmonious. Operational characteristics allow decorating these rooms with such mosaic without any danger, because this material is not afraid of water, high temperature and high humidity.

Combination of materials

The mosaic is still unique and convenient in that it can easily be combined with other materials as you like, highlighting certain areas indoors.There is an opportunity to take a creative approach yourself and to lay out certain compositions using various combinations.

You can combine metal and glass mosaics, you can add ceramic to them. Or use both ceramics and glass. It is quite acceptable combination of ceramics and wood, as well as will look advantageous wooden and coconut. In the masonry, individual elements and areas may well be present, and metal, and gold, and pearl.

The combination of options - a great many, it all depends on what kind of interior you need to create and what ideas you would like to implement.

Styling methods

  • The first stage of work must necessarily be the alignment of the walls using putty or through the use of drywall. If there are any distortions, they must be eliminated by preparing a mixture of cement and sand. Then follows the priming of the surface - this procedure cannot be neglected either.
  • Attach a mosaic to the surface using ordinary tile glue. It should not be treated with glue solution immediately large areas - it dries very quickly, which means that adhesion to the surface will be insufficient.Therefore, glue should be applied to small areas. The distribution of the mixture is done evenly with a tool with teeth. Then the mosaic sheet should be leaned against the wall and slightly press it. At the last stage, you need to wipe the seams.
  • If it is decided to lay a mosaic around the pool, you need to choose waterproof glue, the same applies to the grout. The mixture in the seams should be laid carefully, trying not to smudge the mosaic. On the drying of the seams is given two days. Water in the pool can be poured no earlier than three weeks.

As practice shows, a huge amount of the most diverse mosaic and the possibility of combining one material with another provides many opportunities to decorate any room and make it unique.

In the next video you can see how to choose and put the mosaic correctly.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.