Mosaic shower tray: spectacular interior details

When choosing a shower cabin, attention should be paid not only to its external panels, of sufficient area and brand of sanitary equipment. Of great practical importance is what kind of pan is installed in the shower. A mosaic can be a very attractive solution, but in order to choose it correctly and realize the idea, you need to thoroughly understand the main aesthetic criteria and the practical characteristics of the tiles. In addition, you need to figure out exactly how the decorative composition is mounted, and what precedes its creation.
Special features
The mosaic laid on the floor in the shower allows you to solve the most important task - not only to decorate the space as beautifully as possible, but also to eliminate the penetration of liquid down and its negative impact. In the manufacture of pallets are used:
- cement;
- brick;
- glue;
- waterproofing layer;
- grout.
Some of these components are responsible for the strength of the structure, others for preventing water leakage, and still others increase the tightness. Pallets of metal (cast iron) and acrylic are on the market in abundance. Great variety of geometric shapes, but at the same time the surface (bottom) should be as flat and smooth as possible. Arrangement of a pallet with a mosaic lining can be done by hand when all the necessary materials are prepared. Particular attention should be paid to decorating the surface, since it is at this stage that many problems arise.
Preparation for work
To put a mosaic, you will need:
- metal mesh;
- trowels;
- drills and nozzles of mixing type to them;
- beacons for laying plaster;
- levels and spatulas;
- self-leveling mixture;
- plums;
- waterproofing mixtures;
- roulette.
Each stage of the work should be studied in advance to prevent problems. It is very important to choose a suitable site for the installation of a shower cabin, since errors during its installation can be very expensive. Favorite place carefully prepare and take care of waterproofing, including on the nearest surfaces.
Performance of work
In a small bathroom, as in a large room option, it is advisable to design the intended tray on the basis of ready-made templates. By the end of the preliminary stage, the pan must be completely dry. Bordered brick bases are made according to internal and external patterns. Two-layer waterproofing is put after the product dries and plastering the walls. When it is mounted, it is the turn of the finish.
Decorative products are created on the basis of a wide range of building materials - crushed stone, sand, concrete. The solution is placed in a special foam formwork. The pallet is always reinforced and tied to the wall, it is recommended to rub the seams with specialized compounds. The technology allows the arrangement of warm floors under the finishing screed when the floor is placed around the pallet and under it at the same time.A brick contour is created above the waterproofing layer (based on a simple or silicate brick).
The base of the pallet is laid steel mesh, which provides the highest strength of the structure. Then they choose a place for draining and carefully select the drain device itself so that it does not fail at a critical moment. Filling the rough tie is done on a small area when using a trowel, but with a spatula you can level any surface. To compact the mixture, the edge of the trowel is immersed in it, making the most accurate and precise movements.
All of these steps are necessary. Only after their completion can you lay tiles or create a mosaic composition. Mosaic is placed from the far corner to adjust the location of a separate block, rubber hammers are used. For work they use a construction knife and a spatula made of rubber (they are put in water-repellent mixtures). The grout for joints is also selected with water-repellent properties, and as additional devices you will need:
- notched trowel;
- Grinder or tile cutter;
- plastic crosses.
The base surface for laying mosaic should be absolutely flat; this requirement is much more important in this procedure than in painting or gluing wallpaper to walls. So the experience of performing other repairs helps a little. Determine whether the wall is fairly flat, helps the rail, covered with chalk on one side. The areas left after contact with the rake should be evened out with an additional portion of cement.
To achieve the most pleasant and stable result, it is very important to take into account the proportions described in the instructions for branded adhesives. You will have to choose a glass or plastic mosaic yourself, design recommendations on this subject are quite general. Glue scooped with a notched trowel, coat them with the surface. The tiles are gently applied with the greased side down and click on them from above.
Excess adhesive mixture that came out, carefully removed. Placing plastic crosses between the tiles allows you to guarantee a strictly identical distance between them and a complete match of the seams.When a mosaic is to be laid with a specific pattern, a sketch is necessarily formed. Filling the seams is required in small portions of the mixture, since its excess can quickly deteriorate. The lined tray is washed thoroughly and wiped dry.
Tips for choosing
Of course, only anti-slip mosaic should be selected. A non-slip surface is a very important safety requirement. As for appearance, the choice of pastel or bright colors should be subject to the dominant style in the room. The aesthetic qualities of affordable and elite varieties of coating are not at all different, the only difference is in strength and service life.
A very important requirement is the compatibility of coatings and all materials used. Thus, the base of concrete or brick, wood inserts must safely transfer the load from the mosaic, their destruction under the action of adhesives and grouting is unacceptable. Natural materials are covered with special mixtures that prevent the effect on the mosaic of destructive environmental factors.
Even if the reviews on some kind of tile or coating option are very favorable, this does not remove the responsibility for careful preparation for work.It does not matter whether it is decided to make the original pattern or a simple textured mosaic - the slightest mistake or rush may be irreparable. Natural materials tolerate mechanical wear very well, but glass coatings are much cheaper, and they help to achieve the original look.
For finishing of a seat and other surfaces it is possible to use a mosaic with grain of various size and color. When buying, you should carefully select the sheets, each of them must be viewed in the light.
When forming a mosaic tray, it is required to install a shower drain so that the water can flow freely. The throat should rise above the point of entry of water into the riser by 10 mm per 1 running meter of the drain channel between the ladder and the riser. Boards raise, in turn, over a mouth of a ladder on 40 - 50 mm. For their formation used bricks or reinforced concrete with formwork.
For waterproofing used two-component mixture, which is applied at least in two layers. It covers both the cabin floor and its sides and the walls adjacent to them. In a classic shower, it is advisable to use pastel and slightly brownish shades, or products with a slight gilding.It is advisable to arrange the entire space with expensive original accessories.
The high-tech environment means an abundance of metal, especially chrome-plated. Fusion style is very flexible, but at the same time extremely naughty. It means unsurpassed comfort when using a shower cabin. This means that only consultation with qualified designers helps to choose a good solution.
How to make a shower tray from a mosaic with your own hands, see below.