White glue for mosaic: how to choose?

The modern market offers a wide range of adhesives suitable for planting mosaics on hard surfaces. Among the available options can be found both universal and special solutions. Professionals recommend to give preference to the second, because thanks to them the composition will retain its spectacular appearance for a longer period. Specialized mosaic glue is traditionally available in white color, which is particularly well suited when laying tiles of ceramics and glass.

Special features

White tile adhesive is very popular due to the versatility of tone. It combines well with any shade of color palette, so the masters confidently purchase it for finishing the bathroom or kitchen in advance.

Currently, manufacturers offer their customers solutions of high quality white cementwhich is diluted with fractions of white fractionated sand and with necessary polymers for better adhesion. This solution is moisture-resistant and is ideal for laying mosaics, especially from natural materials.

The main advantage of this glue is neat seams, which in the process of laying tiles easier to adjust than the seams of glue, darker in color. In addition, the light solution can be given less attention when cleaning, especially with the further use of white grout, which will hide all the flaws.

White glue is a necessary attribute when laying glass mosaicwhich is very popular among designers and customers lately. As a rule, these are transparent or translucent tiles, a full-fledged composition of which needs a bright background, necessary to emphasize its beauty and the absence of distortions in the appearance of the mosaic. This glue will be in this irreplaceable assistant.

Tips for choosing and using

When choosing an adhesive, it is necessary to ensure its high quality, since the durability of the mosaic composition depends on it.

To do this, when choosing an adhesive should follow the following recommendations.

  • Professionals do not recommend purchasing this product in open markets. White tile adhesive has a powdered mass and is sold in bags. Humidity and improper storage conditions can significantly reduce product quality. To prevent such an opportunity, the powder should be purchased in certified certified stores and only those brands that have long been popular in the market.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the time of production and packaging of glue. As a rule, for powder mixtures, it should not exceed six months. After this period, the process of setting may begin inside the bag, which will reduce the quality of the future mortar.
  • It is better to give preference to a specialized glue with a reservation - for laying one or another product. Thus, in the process, the master will be much more comfortable working with the solution, and the result will be much higher and will not disappoint the owner of the house.
  • When buying, you should check in advance in the accompanying documentation of the manufacturer of the adhesive consumption rates, in order to compare them with the work area. However, one should not forget that the rate may differ from the real consumption, so professionals advise to always purchase a powder by a third more than the required amount.
  • When diluting the solution do not need to rely on intuition - it is necessary to strictly follow the attached instructions. Excessive moisture can lead to defects that affect the quality adhesion of the tile to the surface.
  • As a rule, the ready-made mortar is applied to the walls with a specially acquired trowel tool. Despite the fact that the work usually dries within 24 hours (and more expensive mixtures - even within a few hours), experienced craftsmen advise to double the waiting time for a better and more durable mosaic adhesion.

Care during the purchase and accuracy in the process of laying will help increase the effectiveness of the appearance of the composition and improve its practical properties.

Top manufacturers

When choosing a white tile adhesive, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. For example, brands are of particular relevance. Ceresit and Knauf. The production of the first one is more focused on working with a mosaic of artificial materials, while the second range is excellent for working with tiles made from natural raw materials.

White glue manufacturer Axton It is suitable for surface finishing with ceramic tiles, as well as for exterior finishing works due to resistance to temperature changes and increased moisture resistance.

How to lay a mosaic, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.

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