Polyurethane Wood Glue: Selection and Application Tips

Evaluating various types of adhesive material, it is difficult to choose the appropriate option. This is especially true of working with wooden surfaces. When choosing the best option, take into account the characteristics of the wood itself and the characteristics of the material to which it will stick. You also need to know about the loads that this seam must withstand.

In this case, the use of polyurethane glue would be fully justified. This type of composition has long been used in all European countries, and is only gaining popularity in Russia.

Special features

Polyurethane glue is an excellent tool for working with wood, rubber, metal, stone, marble, PVC, MDF and mosaic. It stands out among the analogues excellent sealing qualities.In a frozen form, such a composition is a good heat and sound insulation. In addition, with its help, the bonding of various materials occurs fairly quickly.

Polyurethane compounds are often used for interior decoration: in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and balconies. In the exterior - for facing facades or roofs. In industrial premises such glue is used less frequently.

The main advantage of polyurethane glue:

  • high adhesion level;
  • able to withstand large temperature amplitudes;
  • heat resistance;
  • easy to use on porous surfaces;
  • moisture resistance.

    When working with polyurethane glue, the surface must be cleaned from dust and dirt. The applied layer should not be more than 5 mm. When freezing it is best to slightly press the element to the surface.

    Polyurethane adhesive mixtures are one- and two-component. It is necessary to know the difference between these compositions. The effect of a two-component adhesive begins immediately after mixing all the components. The disadvantage is that a special mixing tank is needed. One-component composition is ready for work.It starts to harden not immediately, but only half an hour after opening the package - this gives time for preparation, does not force the master to hurry. Such glue starts to be caught under the influence of moisture or air humidity / surface.


    When choosing an adhesive it is necessary to take into account that there are many different types of adhesive mixtures on the market. They have different properties and qualities, so you need to pay attention to the most popular.

    Sar 306

    Sar 306 is a one component formulation for working with rubber or leather. Grabs fast, able to withstand any temperature.

    When used with special additives, it improves adhesion to difficult-to-adhere surfaces.


    Ur-600 - universal waterproof composition. It is used both in life, and on production objects. Sold completely ready for use. It is used when working with almost all materials - universality and explains its popularity. After hardening, it forms an elastic seam capable of withstanding low temperatures or the effects of gasoline.

    It is worth noting the fact that this glue is absolutely safe for humans.


    Soudal is an adhesive designed for working with foam plastic and plasterboard. It has a high drying rate, low consumption and high adhesion to wood or concrete.


    Titebond is a glue designed specifically for woodworking. There is a wide variety of formulations and additives from this manufacturer, which allows working with wood to select a composition that is completely suitable for your working conditions.


    We should also consider polyurethane hot melt adhesives. They are designed to work with difficult to glue materials and surfaces. This glue dries quickly, does not require pressing. Ideal for work with oily wood.

    The choice of polyurethane glue for wood can not be called a difficult process. Among the great variety you can always choose the composition that will meet your needs.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.