Choosing tile adhesive for exterior work

Today, many people tile their homes. This material is widely represented in the modern construction market. Today we will talk about which tile adhesive is best to choose for outdoor work on the design of the room.
Special features
Currently, a wide range of different types of tile adhesives are available in hardware stores. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. It should be remembered that when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the external conditions in which the tile will be located. The outer part of the dwelling will often be subject to sharp temperature changes.In order for the tile not to collapse and remain in its original form, it is necessary to use special types of frost-resistant glue when laying it. In addition, a similar base must be waterproof to avoid the harmful effects of snow and other precipitation on the structure during the winter period of time.
Quite often, with a tiled ceramic coating I finish not only the clinker front part of the dwelling, but also street decorative paths, sidewalk zones. When laying tiles in these spaces, you should choose not only frost and moisture resistant, but also durable, reliable glue. After all, these places on the site are often subjected to considerable weight loads and sharp temperature fluctuations.
All frost-resistant types of tile adhesives have a similar composition, which includes several components.
- Organic and mineral substances. It is on these elements that the strength and hardness of the future composition depend. They provide durability and good quality glue.
- Polymers in the form of aqueous dispersions. This component is needed in order to return all substances to their original state when mixed.
- Cellulose ether. It is needed to give the solution the necessary degree of viscosity.
- Fillers. Most often, dolomites, quartz sand or simple limestone are used as these components.
- Magnesium, calcium, aluminum. These components give additional strength to the adhesive mixture. In addition, they significantly increase the effectiveness of the adhesive.
As a rule, adhesive mixtures for tiles are of two types - universal and reinforced. The first option is ideal for small structures on the street or for interior decorating, while they are best not to use for heavy, massive ceramic parts. The second type is an excellent option for large coatings, which will subsequently be subject to considerable loads.
It is important to remember that the reinforced type has excellent sealant properties., which allows the laying of various types of ceramic products. It also differs from the universal adhesive mixture by a higher level of frost resistance and moisture resistance.
This glue is often used in the design of flooring, sidewalk areas, decorative tracks.
All tile adhesives specialists are divided into three main groups, depending on the composition.
- Epoxy based. The main component of this composition is a special epoxy resin. The entire solution is made from just two basic elements. It is sold, as a rule, already in finished form.
- Cement based. This composition is very popular among consumers. It is ideal not only for external, but also for internal finishing works. Consumption of this glue is large compared to other types of bases. But it should be remembered that the monetary value of this sample is much lower than that of others.
- Dispersion tile solution. He, like the epoxy-based composition, is sold immediately in finished form. It is most practical when used. It should also be noted that such a solution is excellent for uneven rough surfaces (for fixing ceramics to another tile, paint or wood).
How to choose?
When choosing an adhesive for exterior finishing, one should pay attention not only to the level of frost resistance and moisture resistance, but also to A number of other equally important factors:
- the degree of absorption of sounds;
- the possibility of using as a putty to get rid of irregularities and roughness;
- hardness, strength;
- time to adjust tile coverage;
- solution flow rate;
- a suitable base for applying glue;
- type of composition of the adhesive mixture.
Many consumers can not decide on the choice of a suitable adhesive for tile coating. Today, the building materials market has a rather large selection of various cold-resistant glue mixes for tiles. The products of each individual manufacturer differ from others in their properties and characteristics.
Ceresit CM 17
Most experts say a high degree of elasticity of this mixture. In addition, this glue is absolutely not afraid of moisture and frost. It can withstand high temperature fluctuations (-50ºС to + 80ºС). It is this pattern that many consumers call the perfect option for application between the base and the construction of stone.
Unis 2000
This type of tile adhesive is also very popular among buyers. This adhesive mixture is frost-resistant enough (from -60ºС to + 60ºС).It is worth noting that the time margin for the correction of the material is only 10-15 minutes.
Ceresit CM 117
According to many repair specialists, this type of tile adhesive is the most durable. He is able to glue together large concrete and stone slabs. Also, this mixture has a special level of moisture resistance, so it is often used not only for exterior decorating, but also in the design of saunas, baths and swimming pools.
Ceresit CM 9
This basis is characterized by a special moisture resistance, it is suitable not only for the design of the exterior of the facade, but also for interior decoration. It should be noted that this adhesive mixture can withstand temperatures not lower than 15ºС. Otherwise the tiled design will not be durable and will quickly collapse.
Knauf flex
A considerable number of experts argue that this type of glue is perfect for laying ceramic tiles. It has good moisture resistance and frost resistance (from -50ºС to + 50ºС).
But It is worth noting that if you choose this type of adhesive mixture for exterior decoration, then you will need to make a special concrete base on which the substance will be applied and then the coating will be mounted.
Knauf fliesen
Such glue is ideal not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior. This composition is universal. It is recommended to apply it with a thin layer. This mixture has a good frost resistance, but at the same time the level of moisture resistance is much lower than that of other types of glue, so it is best to use it when laying ceramic tiles with water-absorbing properties.
Knauf Fliesen Plus
This type of glue boasts enhanced frost resistance. Such a substance can be applied to concrete pavement, gypsum-fiber and plasterboard sheets, screed, cement and sand plaster construction. When working, it should be laid in a thin layer.
It is important to remember that during the interior decoration such a mixture cannot be used in areas with a warm floor.
Vetonit Ultra Fix
Such glue possesses extremely high frost resistance (from -80ºС to + 80ºС). As a rule, it is used for massive products of large-weight ceramic granite. It is also important to say that products manufactured by this company boast excellent sealant properties.
Vetonit Ultra Fix Winter
This adhesive solution also has high frost resistance.In addition, it is easy to work with him in the cold at low temperatures. Time to adjust the tiled design is only 10 minutes. Like the previous sample, it exhibits good hermetic qualities.
Kreisel Schnell-Fix106
This glue is one of the fastest drying. It easily transfers sharp temperature differences and allocation of an excessive amount of moisture. Best of all, he keeps tiles on concrete, cement-lime, cement-concrete bases.
But we must not forget that this mixture can not be used for laying a warm floor.
Ivsil classic
This glue is often used for ceramic tiles and for porcelain stoneware. It is best to apply it on a concrete base. Such a solution will be very durable and will be able to withstand significant loads, while not collapsing. It is quite applicable for areas with warm floors.
Ivsil maxi plus
This adhesive solution should be applied to the structure with a thick layer. It is quite elastic, resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations, to excessive moisture. It should be noted that this glue is suitable for both exterior and interior decorating. It can also be used in areas with warm floors.
When choosing a suitable option for exterior decoration of residential premises, be sure to consider the climatic conditions the tile will contain. It is also important to pay special attention to the stresses to which the coating will be exposed, because each type of adhesive has its own characteristics and characteristics.
Rules of application
Before starting the preparation of the adhesive mixture, be sure to carefully read the instructions on the package. As a rule, it says how to properly dilute the base and what kind of water and main substance consumption you need to take. After all, for each type has its own technology.
After dilution of the adhesive according to the instructions, it should be carefully applied with a special notched trowel onto the substrate. In this case, we must not forget that the surface must necessarily be cleaned and primed, otherwise the adhesive base will not be able to evenly distribute on the surface of the supporting structure, which will create problems during installation. It is better to coat the structure with a thin layer, but there are also solutions that need to be applied in a thick layer.
Most experts recommend sprinkling the top layer of glue with cement. This technique will allow you to bind the small particles of water that are formed during the installation work. This will ensure a uniform distribution of the solution over the entire surface of the base and will help to avoid problems when laying tiles.
It is also often advised by experts to additionally coat one of the sides of a tiled coating with PVA glue.
If you do not have it, then use the usual cement mass. The base must first be sure to cover with a small amount of water, and only then apply a cement solution to it.
Today, a considerable number of consumers use all sorts of varieties of glue for external tile coating. Each individual sample differs from others in its characteristics and features. Currently, on the Internet, you can find a large number of customer reviews about various cold-resistant adhesive substances.
Many people leave their feedback on the company's products. Ceresit. The overwhelming majority of buyers note the high strength of this base,however, some say about the overpriced products of this company. The glue of such a manufacturer will be affordable not for every consumer.
Also, many reviews can be found about the adhesive mixtures of the company. Knauf. Some people notice that the solutions of this manufacturer can easily produce all the necessary installation work on finishing. Such glue is strong and durable. In addition, many people separately noted the low monetary value. Virtually any consumer can afford to buy this solution.
A large number of reviews left by customers about the adhesives company Unis. Some users are satisfied with this basis and separately talk about the affordable price of the substance, its high plasticity. Also, many confidently argue that such a building mixture is perfect for installation on complex structures and on areas with a warm floor.
Despite the many positive reviews, on the Internet you can find negative reactions to the glue of this manufacturer. Buyers complain that the adhesive mixture keeps the structure poorly, as a result of which the tiled floor often departs, and such a foundation hardens for too long.
A lot of positive feedback was left by consumers about the manufacturer's adhesive solutions. Vetonit. Most people separately praised the high frost resistance of the substance and its ability to glue even massive, heavy plates of porcelain stoneware. According to some customers, products manufactured by this company can boast of their durability and high strength.
A considerable number of people left their opinion on the manufacturer’s mixtures. Kreisel. Most people emphasize the good durability, strength and reliability of this glue. Although some users have said that it is too difficult to erase the seams of the structure.
Also today you can find a lot of reviews about brand adhesives. Ivsil. As a rule, customers leave positive opinions about these building mixtures, noting separately their elasticity, durability, ease of application. In addition, these adhesive substances perfectly bond heavy and large ceramic and ceramic granite slabs together.
To learn how to make tile glue, see the next video.