Moment glue: a variety of assortment

 Clay Moment: a variety of assortment

Glue "Moment" is one of the best adhesive compositions presented on the modern market. In terms of quality, a huge variety of assortment and versatility, Moment has no equal in its segment and is widely used in everyday life, in the professional sector and in production.

Brand features

The rights to the Moment trademark belong to the German concern Henkel, a giant in the production of household chemicals. The company is engaged in the development and production of adhesive products from the second half of the nineteenth century. It is one of the largest manufacturers in Europe.In the domestic market, glue appeared in 1979, and was manufactured at a factory for the production of household chemicals in the city of Tosno, Leningrad Region. Production was carried out according to the license of “Pattex” on German equipment and in strict accordance with the developments of the company's specialists. Clay was named "Moment-1" and immediately gained immense popularity among Soviet consumers.

In 1991, after the acquisition of a controlling stake by Henkel, the Tosno plant became the property of the giant. Over time, the name of the company changed, and since 1994, the Household Chemicals Production Plant in the city of Tosno has been named Henkel-Era. A few years later, the company was forced to change the composition of the adhesive, due to the increasing incidence of misuse of products.

The toluene component was excluded from the Moment., which was a toxic solvent and had a specific effect on the body. The concern has spent several hundred thousand dollars on the implementation of this global project, thereby increasing its business reputation and gaining even greater consumer confidence.Today, the company is the largest supplier of a huge range of adhesive products to the Russian market.


A huge range of glue "Moment" involves the use of various components for the manufacture of a particular modification. The glue may contain chloroprene rubbers, rosin esters, phenol-formaldehyde resins, ethyl acetate, additives from antioxidant and acetone, as well as from aliphatic and naphthenic hydrocarbon modifications.

The exact composition of each brand is indicated in the description, which is located on the reverse side of the package.

The popularity and high consumer demand for Moment products are due to several advantages of the material.

  • A wide range in combination with fast and reliable gluing of any surfaces makes it possible to use glue in many areas;
  • High rates of heat and moisture resistance of the adhesive can be used in adverse environmental conditions, without fear for quality;
  • Long service life ensures the preservation of the operational properties of the material throughout the time of use;
  • good indicators of resistance to oils and solvents allow the use of glue in corrosive environments;
  • Glue does not shrink and does not deform when dried.

The disadvantages of the products include a high risk of glue falsification.that is a consequence of the huge popularity of the brand and the high quality of the original. As a result, toxic and poisonous components are often found in forgeries that are not used by this manufacturer. The disadvantages also include the unpleasant smell of the compositions and the difficulty of removing glue residue from the skin.

Variety of assortment

Glue "Moment" is presented in the modern market of household chemicals in a wide range. The compositions differ in the field of application, drying time and the presence of certain chemical components.


This series of adhesive compositions is characterized by a long drying time, which distinguishes it from the second models, and is considered a universal group of adhesives.

The group of contact compositions includes the following models:

  • "Moment-1" - it is the most common all-purpose adhesive used for domestic needs and characterized by low cost;
  • "Crystal". The polyurethane composition has a transparent structure and leaves no visible traces of gluing on the working surfaces;
  • "Marathon" is a particularly durable waterproof option and is designed to repair shoes and leather goods;
  • "Rubber" - it is an elastic composition used for bonding rubber surfaces of any hardness and porosity;
  • "Moment-Gel" - this composition is not prone to spreading, so it can be used when working with vertical surfaces;
  • "Arctic" - it is a heat-resistant all-purpose adhesive capable of well tolerating low temperature, so it can be used for outdoor work;
  • "Moment Stopper" designed for bonding products from cork and hard rubber;
  • "Moment 60 seconds" - it is a one-component composition intended for gluing dissimilar materials, full adhesion occurs within one minute, the release form is a tube of 20 g;
  • "Joiner" - this is a popular type of glue that can perfectly glue together wooden furniture, thus forming a transparent strong seam;
  • "Bung" it is intended for gluing any cork materials both among themselves and with concrete, rubber and metal;
  • "Extra" is a fairly common universal composition, characterized by low cost and good quality.


These special formulations can completely replace fixing materials, such as screws, nails and screws. Used to work on plasterboard, PVC window frames, wall panels, mirrors, as well as products made of metal, wood, polystyrene foam and plastic. The glue has two modifications, the first of which is represented by the polymeric adhesive composition “Moment Mounting Express MV 50” and “MV 100 Super Strength Lux”, and the second is liquid nails.

The category of mounting adhesives includes adhesive sealant used to form the integrity of a coating or fill voids. The composition is often used for the installation of ceiling baseboards and slabs.

Glue for tile "Moment Ceramics" is used for the installation of all types of ceramic tiles and is a type of installation compositions. In the series there is also a grout for tile joints on stone and ceramic facings, which is available in 6 colors, which allows you to choose the right shade for any tone of tile.The release form is a bank weighing 1 kg.


Glue of this series is issued in three modifications presented by the models "Flizelin", "Classic" and "Vinyl". The material contains anti-fungal additives that can prevent the occurrence of mold, fungus and pathogens.

Adhesives have high strength adhesion and retain their performance for a long time. The composition can be applied to the surface of the wall with a brush or with a pistol.


They are represented by adhesives “Moment Super”, “Super Moment Profi Plus”, “Super Maxi”, “Super Moment Gel” and “Super Moment Pro”, which are universal adhesives and can reliably glue any materials, except for synthetic, polyethylene and teflon surfaces. When working with such a composition, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal safety and not allow it to fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes and skin of the hands. Keep in mind that the adhesive has a liquid structure and spreads well.

Work with second compositions should be done very carefully using personal protective equipment.The exception is the colorless “Moment Super Gel”, which is not prone to spreading and can be used on vertical surfaces.

Adhesives of this series are toxic and flammable.therefore their use near open fire and food is strictly prohibited. The time for complete setting of the compound is one second. Glue is available in tubes of 50 and 125 ml.


Such compounds are used for fixing heavy elements and are available in two modifications: Super Epoxy Metal and Moment Epoxyline. Both compositions are two-component and well glue structures made of metal, plastic, wood, polypropylene, ceramics and glass. Epoxy glue perfectly withstands high temperatures and is distinguished by a reliable combination of materials.

How to choose?

Before you buy Moment glue, you must carefully read the instructions on the package. If you have to stick together simple bases, such as leather, felt, rubber, soundproof or acoustic panels, you can use the traditional all-purpose adhesive “Moment 1 Classic”. If bonding of PVC, rubber, metal or cardboard is to take place, you need to use a specialized composition, such as “Glue for boats and PVC products”.For the repair of shoes, you need to choose "Marathon", and when gluing metal structures, you need to apply the heat-resistant composition "cold welding", which is represented by Moment Epoxilin glue.

You should choose the composition, focusing on a more complex surface.and buy exactly for her glue. In case repair is necessary with the need to seal the surface, then an adhesive tape or “Moment” sealant should be used. For fixing paper and cardboard, you need to buy stationery glue stick, which is easy to apply to the surface and is completely non-toxic.

Application and rules of work

Before starting to work with glue should carefully prepare the base. To do this, wash them with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly. Particularly smooth elements can be sanded. This will give the surface roughness and increase the adhesive properties of the bases. If necessary, the elements should be degreased with acetone.

Next, follow the some types of glue should be applied on both surfaces and left for 10-15 minutes, others, for example, second-hand models, do not need such manipulations.When applying wallpaper adhesives, you can use both rollers and brushes. The choice of tool completely depends on the area of ​​the glued surface. When using any type of “Moment” products, with the exception of wallpaper and clerical structures, it is required to wear protective gloves, and when using second-hand tools, wear glasses.

    Henkel products are in great demand among consumers. and is able to satisfy any request. Adhesive formulations are available in a huge range. The number of species reaches three thousand different models, which allows the use of glue in everyday, household and professional activities, as well as in construction and repair. High quality, ease of use and affordable cost made the brand "Moment" the most purchased on the market of household chemicals.

    Review of Moment-1 universal glue in the video below.

    Information provided for reference purposes. For construction issues, always consult a specialist.