Universal glue "Moment Crystal": description and application

In life, the universal glue "Moment Crystal" is indispensable. It helps to glue a variety of materials, ranging from ceramics and ending with rubber. But the main advantage of this tool is that the traces of gluing are almost imperceptible. The composition is well-deservedly popular - it has high quality and excellent performance properties.
Adhesive has a complex chemical composition, created using the latest technology, which determines its basic properties. This product allows you to form a seam of high strength, resistant to aggressive effects (including mechanical).
The product includes the following main components:
- inorganic heterochain polymers of the polyurethane group obtained by high-temperature synthesis;
- ethyl acetate (ethyl ester of ethanoic acid);
- dimethyl ketone or acetone;
- stabilizing additives.
Thanks to stabilizers, glue is distinguished by increased resistance to moisture. As it solidifies, the adhesive layer crystallizes, which increases the strength of the joints several times.
Products are packaged in tubes of 125 ml and 30 ml. You can also buy glue in 750 ml cans and 10 l cans. The latter option is especially convenient if large volumes of repair work are planned.
Polyurethane glue is able to glue hard and soft materials from polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and other types of synthetic polymer products. It can also be used for gluing wood materials, natural plant cork, organic glass from acrylic resin, metal, ceramic and porcelain products, rubber, paper and cardboard.
Main technical and operational characteristics of the product:
- the product is a clear gel that remains colorless after curing;
- suitable for bonding various material combinations;
- is a water-resistant compound, therefore it can be used for products from natural and synthetic rubber (rubber);
- not subject to aggressive alkaline and acidic effects;
- has the ability to crystallize during solidification, provides perfect adhesion to surfaces;
- possesses high strength qualities, after processing does not leave dirty marks and stains;
- the treated seams are not affected by high and low temperatures (from -40 to +70 degrees);
- to remove excess adhesive, no need to use solvents - they can be removed mechanically or rolled up with your fingers.
The special feature of the glue is the restoration of its necessary properties after freezing. He is able to acquire the original consistency at room temperature.
Universal gel "Moment Crystal" can dry, prematurely crystallize and come in an unsuitable state only if the tightness of the package is broken. Storage of the product provides an average temperature of -20 to +30 degrees for 24 months.
There are two main limitations in using glue:
- it can not be used for gluing dishes used for food;
- It is not suitable for the repair of products made of polypropylene, polyethylene and Teflon.
Instructions for use
Adhesive, with maximum adhesion, grabs instantly, because the composition is recognized as the highest quality and durable among analogues. However, before use, as described in the product description, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces to be joined. If it is a metal, it should be cleaned from scale, rust, dust and dirt. After that, it is desirable to polish the coating with any abrasive and wipe it off, removing any fine particles. Then you can degrease the material with acetone or gasoline.
The composition is applied in an even layer only on dry, clean surfaces and left until a thin but noticeable film is formed on them (for 20-25 minutes). At high porosity of the processed products, the glue can be absorbed well, so it will have to be applied again.
Before you combine the coating, you must ensure that the transparent film is in the right consistency. If she does not stick to her hands, then you can connect sections. This should be done quickly, with strong pressure - the strength of the seam depends on it.The closure should be uniform over the entire surface area so that air bubbles do not form.
For maximum strength, it is not the duration of pressure that is important, but its strength, so gluing should be done as carefully as possible. Press the surface for 5-7 seconds. After this, it will be impossible to make an adjustment. To create an optimally uniform pressure during bonding, professional craftsmen recommend using an ordinary rolling pin or bottle. Use the product after the repair can be a day later, when the polymerization of the adhesive composition is fully completed.
Usually, the glue does not stain, but sometimes it is necessary to remove its residues.accidentally hit the surface. This should be done quickly. Fresh dirt can be removed with a clean finger. Dried stains are cleaned with gasoline or acetone (except for fabrics that need to be dry cleaned).
Security measures
When using the product do not forget that the tool is combustible, so all the gluing work can not be carried out near sources of fire. It is also desirable to provide maximum ventilation in the room.
In some cases, evaporation of the adhesive composition can cause an allergic reaction, dizziness, nausea and vomiting in people with hypersensitivity. It is unacceptable that the tool gets on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.
In case of accidental contact with the exposed parts of the body, immediately flush them with plenty of warm running water.
Brand Assortment
In addition to the universal glue, the Moment line of products is also represented by other popular formulations.
- "Moment gel" designed for vertical bonding at home.
- Super Moment provides instant bonding.
- "Super Moment Gel" created for vertical coatings characterized by increased porosity.
- Series "Moment Installation" - a range of installation tools suitable for any working coatings.
To date, judging by the reviews, the universal demand waterproof glue "Moment" from the manufacturer Henkel is in greatest demand. With proper storage, it can be used for several years. At the same time, he does not lose his valuable qualities. The product has a low cost, sticks together almost everything (including natural and artificial leather).Glue has only one drawback - a strong odor, which is explained by the presence of acetone and other active components in the composition, therefore, it is desirable to work with the tool with open windows.
How to make the glue uncontrollably not flowed out of the tube, see the next video.