Characteristics sealant "moment"

In today's world, nothing stands in place, the market offers all new, more versatile materials. Many are already familiar with the products of the company Henkel, which has been producing Moment sealants for a long time. They are used in many industries, with this tool you can seal the seams and any cracks during construction, repair or installation work.
Special features
On the shelves in the hardware store you can find a large selection of products of the German company Henkel, which has been engaged in construction products for more than 130 years. Thanks to the latest equipment and constant innovations, the company has long remained at the forefront and produces a large number of necessary and indispensable goods.
Today, Henkel has produced about 200 types of products., a significant part of which is occupied by sealants and adhesives “Moment”, polyurethane foam and self-adhesive tapes.
The sealant is a pasty substance with a viscous consistency, this paste is applied to the compound, thereby preventing leakage through the gaps.
Buying sealants company Henkel can not doubt their quality. Other manufacturers often complement their product with various additives. Outwardly, this does not reflect in any way, but the service life of processing with such a product will be much lower. All the products of the company have only the necessary ingredients in their composition, so you can not be afraid for the quality of products, the sealant will not lose its properties during the operation.
It is difficult to imagine how it was possible to do without such materials as sealant, because they have several advantages:
- have high adhesion with many materials;
- greater elasticity;
- the material is resistant to negative manifestations of the environment, UV rays, it has an increased resistance to fungi and mold;
- maintains temperatures from -60 to +350 degrees;
- increased resistance to moisture;
- low cost;
- can be used on fragile parts;
- the big operational term, have high durability, is not erased;
- ecologically safe.
This material has undoubted advantages, but it should be warned about its shortcomings:
- it is difficult to work with sealant on wet surfaces, it does not adhere to the surface poorly;
- not all types of silicone are subject to staining;
- at low temperatures and high humidity, the time for solidification increases;
- Difficulties may arise when working with certain surfaces, for example, with polycarbonate and polyethylene.
Very often, the quality of repair work depends on how correctly one or another material was chosen, because sealants have a different composition and scope.
On the shelves of hardware stores you can find a lot of goods from a well-known company. You can find a one-component or two-component material, and you can choose a multi-component sealant, which contains special additives. Multi-component sealants must be mixed before use.
Among the large selection, you can get confused, because the tool is sold in different packaging, volume, you can find material in the form of paste, putty or mortar.
Henkel sealants are made in packages with a volume of 80, 250 and 310 ml, such packages are similar in shape to a can. They can be packaged in file-packages, like sausages, with a volume of 300 ml and 600 ml or in foil tubes, more like a bar.
For any construction needs you can find the right product: sanitary, universal, for working with wooden or concrete surfaces, roofing, heat-resistant, this list can be continued for a long time.
Sealants vary in composition, can be:
- silicone;
- acrylic;
- polyurethane;
- acrylatex;
- bituminous.
Among such a large selection it is difficult to determine and find the right one, which is suitable for a particular type of work, on different surfaces.
The most popular series is "Moment Germent"They have all the necessary qualities and meet the most stringent requirements for sealing and sealing joints. Thanks to a wide choice, every experienced and novice builder can choose for himself the necessary material, which has all the necessary characteristics.
With the help of sealants of the “Moment Germent” series it is possible to solve almost all the problems associated with repair work not only in industry, the tool will help to solve many household problems. On the quality of the material can say and reviews of regular customers of this product.
Silicone and acrylic sealant are most popular, they are often used in construction and automotive industry. Due to the rubber polymer, even at room temperature, the elastic mixture quickly hardens. Typically, these sealants are produced in a plastic tube with a special nozzle for easy extrusion of the material.
Acrylic sealant is a frost-resistant material, with excellent adhesion to many surfaces. In places with high humidity, this tool is not used. It has a white color.
It is necessary to dwell on Henkel products and to consider the main characteristics and properties of the most popular sealants.
- One of these products can be considered 100% one-component Silicone Sealant Premium Germent. The tool has a slight smell of vinegar in the process of hardening, good adhesion to most building materials."Premium" is an elastic material with high water resistance, resistance to temperatures from -40 to +150 degrees. The time of appearance of the film - 15 minutes. Not painted.
- When working with glass surfaces used silicone sealant for windows and glass "Germent". This is a one-component material that has proven itself in working with glass and mirror surfaces. In addition, it has excellent adhesion with materials such as ceramics, enamel, aluminum, wood, metal and painted surfaces. It has high water resistance. Available in transparent and white color. Not painted.
- In rooms with high humidity, silicone sanitary sealant will become an indispensable assistant. It contains an antiseptic, due to which mold and fungus does not form on the surface. Excellent adhesion with many types of surface, among which should be called wood, glass, metal, ceramics. Maintains temperature from-40 to +150 degrees. During operation, a faint odor is felt, which quickly disappears. Not painted.
- For sealing parts that are exposed to high temperatures, use high-temperature silicone sealant "Germent" red-brown color.It has a very good adhesion with metal, wood surfaces, glass, enamel, and ceramic products. Heat resistance: from - 65 degrees to +260 and even up to +315 degrees. At a temperature of 23 degrees and a humidity of 50%, a film is formed in 10 minutes. Not painted.
- For sealing joints in the bathroom, in the shower room, when sealing joints, use Neutral silicone universal sealant, which is suitable for many types of surfaces. As part of the antiseptic, thereby eliminating the appearance of fungus and mold, not afraid of UV radiation, high resistance to moisture. Grout plus sealant in the complex will solve the problem when processing joints in wet areas. Not painted.
- Silicone sealant for aquariums is used for surfaces that are subjected to vibration, often used for aquariums, terrariums. Waterproof and elastic material. Not painted.
- Acrylic Premium. Seals joints and cracks that do not have increased mobility, with window and door openings. Good adhesion with wooden products, brick, tile, plaster surfaces.Not recommended for use on surfaces that are constantly in the water. The film is formed in 15-30 minutes. Heat resistance: from - 20 to + 70 degrees. It is possible to paint.
- For repair of roofs, with roof leaks, the work of ventilation systems use a material based on modified bitumen, this is Bituminous Sealant. Suitable for many building materials, good adhesion with concrete, brick, tile, as well as with lead and zinc. Do not use primer, can protect against corrosion. Heat resistance from -30 to +80 degrees. Not painted.
Especially it is necessary to dwell on the multipurpose adhesive-sealant. This is an innovative product that was able to combine all the best characteristics of other sealants, this tool can withstand twisting and vibration, can be used at high humidity, has a high resistance to chemical attack. It has good adhesion with bricks, concrete, ceramics, painted metal, and ceramics. Use it both inside and outside the room. With high initial adhesion. Heat resistance from -30 to +80 degrees. Dyed.
Keep these funds should be in a dry place with air temperature from +5 to +30 degrees.
Where is it used?
Any breakage or minor repairs in the house can not do without sealant. In each room there is a job for this tool. With it you can close up joints and seams, it is suitable for work in the shower room and swimming pool, an indispensable tool for the bathroom and kitchen. It has antifungal and antimicrobial action.
Apply it when sealing windows, installing mirrors. This is an excellent restorer, it is used in the repair of tiles during its laying. Glue or sealant "Moment" is used quite often, it is used when sealing joints in an aquarium or when sealing mirrors in industry.
Due to its qualities, the tool is suitable for sealing pipe joints, sealing joints, fixing plumbing to the wall. Sanitary sealant for the bathroom will become an indispensable tool.
A one-component adhesive sealant for polypropylene helps to cope with the bonding of such complex plastic surfaces as polypropylene. Silicone is used for thermal insulation of any premises.
With this material you can:
- fill seams and cracks in the bathroom, toilets, in the kitchen;
- carry out sealing windows and doors;
- glue the mirror in the bathroom or other rooms;
- fill the joints on different surfaces;
- use when installing plumbing equipment;
- apply when sealing equipment in the kitchen and other areas;
- use when filling and sealing joints and roof joints;
- apply when filling joints in concrete structures, wood, PVC tiles;
- use for sealing joints in tanks with water in the pool.
The sealant dries in different ways: the hardening time depends entirely on the composition used, the quality of the product, and how correctly and efficiently the product was applied.
When applying an acid sealant, it can be set for 6-7 hours., when working with an acrylic agent, the freezing time will be longer - up to 12 hours. After applying the “Moment” product, its gradual hardening begins. After 20 minutes, the seam is covered with a film, and after a day the silicone sealant hardens completely. If it is necessary to speed up the drying, the air temperature in the room can be increased or the ventilation can be increased; you can also moisten the joints with cold water.
Instructions for use
Before using this tool, you should study the instructions and carry out preliminary preparations to find out how to use the tool.
- Working with sealant, you should take care of special clothes, protective gloves. It is important that the product does not get on the skin.
- The place of application means is wiped from dirt and degreased. Paint masking tape on decorative surfaces to prevent silicone from getting onto the surface.
- For drawing use the assembly gun. The method of its use is indicated on the packaging.
- The edge of the cartridge is cut along an oblique line so that the sealant can flow evenly.
- Apply the tool at an angle of about 45 degrees. You should not make a thick strip so that the material can dry faster, both sides are connected, with the help of a spatula they get rid of the excess.
Drying time will depend on which layer was applied seam, and the type of sealant. The average time for full solidification is 24 hours.
When sealing a threaded joint in a heating, gas, and water supply system, thread sealant is used for threaded joints. The sealing thread is made of polyamide and fluoroplastic and used to seal pipes of metal and plastic.
Starting to wind the thread, with one hand hold the part, in the other hand - the thread to seal. You should rewind from the beginning of the thread, make the layer thicker, then continue along the thread. Wind the thread in a clockwise direction, thereby achieving a uniform distribution of funds.
Henkel products have already shown more than once how much easier it was to carry out construction work, installation, and other types of work. The brand is recognizable in many countries, the company's products have many advantages, the main of which are: reliability, quality and durability.
Further you watch the review of sanitary sealant "Moment".