Makroflex FR77 Fire Foam: Features and Specifications

When building new or renovating old houses, there is always the question of security, including fire safety. Every tenant wants to know that in case of emergency it will be possible for him to escape himself and help his loved ones. Therefore, this issue should be worked out by builders at the very early stages of work, because they are responsible for the reliability and safety of the building.
The use of refractory materials is often impossible due to their high cost. However, there are more affordable tools. One of them is Makroflex FR77 Fire Resistant Foam. This article will tell you about the features and characteristics of this product.
Makroflex FR77 is a professional building material consisting of one component. The product is sold in cylinders with a gun, pre-prepared for work.The volume of packaging is 750 ml. The product complies with European standards, which are regulated by ISO 9001 / EN 29001.
Foam is designed to fill the gaps and voids in the intervals between the mineral and metal layers in the construction of buildings with specific requirements for fire safety and the time of evacuation in case of fire.
Means hardens when exposed to moisture.
The main property of the product is increased fire resistance. When applied correctly, it does not let in fire and does not sustain combustion for four hours. Also, this foam has excellent heat and sound insulation parameters.
Makroflex FR77 adheres to all building materials. Exceptions are silicone, oils, and lubricants (foam just drains from them). Therefore, one of the conditions for preparation for work is the removal of such substances from the surface.
It is possible to use foam only at positive temperatures. Store it should be in a dark room at above zero temperature, protecting the product from sunlight. Even short-term storage at minus temperatures is not recommended.After this, the properties of the foam may deteriorate markedly, which in this case is unacceptable.
Cylinders should not be heated to high temperatures. If the balloon is heated, it should not be shaken to avoid an explosion. It is better to gently lower the agent into cold water for a while. After cooling the balloon can be used.
After applying and hardening, the foam is able to withstand temperatures from -40 to + 80 degrees. The product loses its properties only under constant exposure to direct sunlight. In the absence of such an impact, the technical parameters of the foam have not changed for decades.
Thanks to the use of a pistol, the tool is distributed strictly in that direction and in the quantity that is necessary.
Also thanks to this, the highest speed of work is achieved.
Nuances of application
Before starting work, it is necessary to completely clean the surface from dust, oils, various types of lubricants and other contaminants. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary elements, all porous areas need to be ground off. To increase the adhesion between the surface and the foam can be applied a layer of primer.When working, it is important to have on hand a special cleaner or solvent to immediately remove stains from accidental splashes of foam onto a clean surface.
It is possible to use assembly foam only if the cylinders were located in a room with a positive temperature. If the temperature of the cylinders is significantly lower than room temperature, it is necessary to leave them for 12 hours in order to raise their temperature to the desired level.
Apply the foam must be strictly according to the instructions. Recommendations for use are usually indicated on the foam bottle, and sometimes on the gun. The foam expands by about one third. During the work it is necessary to consider this fact. When applying too much foam, "nodules" may form. You also need to monitor the level of humidity in the cavity that will fill the tool. At high humidity, the foam strongly "sits down" and loses its properties.
The rate of solidification of Makroflex FR77 fire-resistant polyurethane foam is one of the highest among analogues. Therefore, if you want to get a quality result, it is extremely important to monitor the cleanliness, the optimal amount of the applied composition and the conditions for carrying out all phases of work.
See the test video of the Makroflex FR77 flame retardant assembly foam in the next video.