Types of mattresses

When thinking about buying a mattress, it is important to keep in mind all the subtleties of the mat, because the usefulness and comfort of sleep depends on it. Since it is difficult to rest in the fast-moving rhythm of the day, at night it should be as useful as possible, reducing muscle tension. Modern brands offer a huge list of mattresses for different tastes, but often the choice can hardly be called successful: the description of the models is not clear, and the advertising of the sellers does not say anything. In fact, to understand what is easy, knowing the features of the structure, the advantages and disadvantages of mattresses.
What are the?
All existing types of mattresses can be divided into three groups:
- springless;
- spring;
- inflatable.
When it comes to daily use, you should pay attention to the first two types: rubber inflatable mattresses are harmful to health, although they have the ability to vary the volume, height, and mobile during transportation.
The main lines competing with each other are mats with and without springs. It is impossible to single out one of them, as in each collection there are mattresses worthy of attention and purchase.
Features and benefits
Both types of modern mattresses have similarities and advantages. They:
- performed using modern hypoallergenic type filler with antimicrobial impregnation (silver ions) resistant to the formation of fungus, mold, resistant to rotting and attack of moths;
- may have three degrees of block rigidityeach of which is designed for its own indicator of the maximum permissible load on a berth (soft, medium-hard and hard);
- on the basis of quality and practical characteristics, suitable for people of different build and health (the presence of orthopedic developments and materials with the support of uniform distribution of the load on the user's body);
- depending on the chosen model and type of filler, may have a long service life (up to 12-15 years or more);
- performed in the classic version and with an additional effect that provides the user with maximum comfort during rest (varying the hardness of the surface);
- have in the lines of rolled mattresses in vacuum packaging with evacuated air for easy transportation (with the exception of mats with a frame not provided for folding);
- based on the value of the raw materials, they are distinguished by a wide range of costs, allowing each buyer to find the only right and convenient option not to the detriment of the budget and preferences;
- depending on the size, suitable as a bed on a bed, a sofa (without a gap and bending the block), able to organize a “bed” on the floor;
- are unilateral or bilateral, with symmetric and asymmetric addition of two sides of the block;
- in most cases not only mass-produced.: at the expense of modern professional equipment allow the production of non-standard individual models at the request of the client, taking into account the specified parameters and stuffing.
Each species has weaknesses. The disadvantages of both types include:
- not always the lifting cost of complex structures with high-quality filling;
- short service life of models with a soft base of cheap material;
- the difficulty of transporting large and large mattresses (especially on the springs);
- the ability of mattresses to fail with excessive children's activity and misuse (jumps, jumps).
What is the difference?
There are a lot of differences between springless mattresses and analogues on the springs. Basically, they are all based on the structure of the block. Due to this, the characteristics of the models are different.
Springless models
Springless mattresses are of two types:
- monolithic - mattress from one whole layer of filler of the same length and width;
- composite - a variant consisting of several layers of packing of different composition.
Monolithic mattress is divided into two categories:
- adapts to the anatomical features of the user;
- not taking the contours of the body and forcing a person to get used to the type of surface.
The composite version is divided into two types:
- models of the combined type, leaving in the middle of the block a thick layer of the main filler, supplemented with various additives to vary the degree of rigidity;
- layered structures consisting of layers of different packings of the same thickness, differing in density and elasticity.
The uniqueness of springless fillers is excellent compatibility with each other. Due to this, it is possible to change the properties of the mattress, making its surface more comfortable and comfortable for the user's body.
In addition to excellent compatibility with each other, springless gaskets complement the mats with springs, because the metal construction itself is not a complete mattress.
Filling blocks
Fillers of natural and artificial origin are involved in the development of quality blocks of the two types. In a competitive environment, brands offer a wide range of models made from the best raw materials, including:
- natural latex;
- artificial latex (PUF);
- coconut coir;
- struttofiber;
- holofiber;
- holcon;
- thermofelt;
- cotton;
- linen;
- sheep and camel wool;
- polypropylene;
- viscoelastic memory foam.
Features of spring blocks
All spring models are divided into two types:
- dependent typein which the twisted vertical elements are connected to each other and the frame, forming a single grid;
- independent springs, representing the springs in the "clothing" of individual textile covers slightly smaller than the spring size, fixed by packing textiles.
Models of the dependent type are equipped with biconical springs, unstable to lateral deformation and abrupt load. Options for an independent plan consist of cylindrical springs with tapered ends. Noticing the multi-colored clothing dependent springs in the picture when choosing a block, you can understand: this is the specific area with multi-level pressure.
The difference between the structure of the two grids is small, but the work of the springs is radically different.
In the dependent-type mattress (“Bonnel”), with the weight load, not only the working springs, but also those located next to them, bend. This leads to the formation of the pit and the unnatural posture of the sleeper. In the “packed” spring block (Pocket), only those springs that are under pressure are used. The degree of load on each section of the block is different.
Pocket can have two modifications: “Micropackage” and “Multipackage”. The difference of these systems is the number of springs per square meter (from 600 to 2000 pcs.). The more springs in the grid, they are smaller (in height and diameter), and the block rigidity and surface hardness are higher. However, the maximum of the springs does not mean quality at all - the main thing is that the wire thickness should be at least 2 - 2.5 mm.
Another interesting variant of the spring block is the Duet model with double springs, in which elements of smaller diameter are drawn into larger springs. Such a system is made to enhance the reliability of the mattress, it is distinguished by the double operation of the springs: under normal load, only external ones work, when the pressure is high, additional (smaller) springs are used.
Which models are the best?
In the lineup of every modern manufacturer there are several models that are favorites among the rest.
These mattresses include:
- orthopedic mattresses with a rigid base;
- double-sided mats with varying degrees of hardness of the sides (medium-hard and hard sides);
- bilateral options with thermoregulation (winter-summer models with a warm side made of sheepskin and cool cotton orflax);
- mattresses with different degrees of rigidity on one side (products for two places with a big difference in the weight of partners);
- anatomical options of memory foam that can envelop the user's body when heated.
These models provide quite comfortable and comfortable sleeping conditions. However, it is worth remembering: if there is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, you cannot do without the consultation of an orthopedic doctor before buying. The fact is that with different pains in the back, the model of the mattress can aggravate the course of the disease.
How to choose?
The choice of quality mattress can not be unambiguous. Each user has their own preferences. However, if we compare the orthopedic effect, in this regard, springless mattresses are better. Of the two types, they are the hardest and strongest.
Such mats are safe: there is no metal in them, which with increased pressure and long-term operation can break through the layers of filler and injure the body. They do not accumulate static electricity, so they will not cause a morning headache, dizziness and a general broken state.
The best models of the springless line are models from natural materials: latex (a derivative of juicerubber tree of hevea) and coir (product processing coconut pericarp). They are durable, hypoallergenic, are impeccable materials with orthopedic effect.
If the budget does not allow, you should pay attention to models made of synthetic latex or polyurethane foam of type HR with latex impregnation.
According to its properties, it is as close to latex as possible, although not so elastic, but rather tough and durable. If the muscles are flabby and the health is poor, you can look at the mattress from the memorial (orthopedic foam). Those who are constantly freezing and familiar with osteochondrosis, radiculitis, should prefer the models "winter-summer", supplemented on the one hand with sheepskin wool. Due to the "dry" heat, the body will be created as warm as possible without overheating. In the summer on such a mattress is not hot: turning it over to the other side (with cotton), the surface of the block will not be wet.
If you choose from mattresses based on springs, you should prefer models with pocket springs (closed) type.
They do not harm health, are more resistant to stretching, have the correct support of the user's body in any position (lying on its side, back, stomach, sitting).However, if they are soft, the mattress will not last long: the optimal number of springs per meter should be at least 500 - 600 elements. In addition to the base, a good block is supplemented with a layer of perforated latex and coconut coir (more than 1 cm).
And ideally, the mattress should be equipped with a removable zipper cover that has a practical color. It is good if the textiles are moisture-proof, treated with antimicrobial impregnation and having a volume due to the sinteponovoy layer.
Knowing the description of the main characteristics and features of manufacturing, choose the desired option is not difficult. When buying it is important to find a middle ground, because the health of each person is different.
Recommendations of a somnologist about how to choose a good mattress, see the following video.