Mattresses "Sarma"

Mattresses “Sarma” - products of domestic producers, which for more than 20 years of successful work could reach the advanced level in the production of high-quality mattresses with remarkable performance characteristics. Brand products stand out against their counterparts, have a number of advantages and characteristic differences.
Special features
The mattresses of the company are unique. They are made on modern equipment that allows you to perform high-quality assembly of the latest technology - taking into account the requirements and standards of hygiene.
The presented range of models has a large number of advantages, brand products:
- Focused on people of different ages, taking into account the peculiarities of the size group and human composition.
- They differ in the structure of the block, differ from each other in the degree of rigidity, height, type of filler, the maximum permissible load on the berth. Some products are complemented by the Aero Line system around the perimeter of the block, so ventilation is provided.
- Carried out in a massive way, with an individual approach to the client - according to the necessary measurements, within two days. The manufacturer offers both standard and non-standard sizes.
- The manufacturer constantly updates the range, improving the rigidity of the block surface (for maximum user convenience).
- Products are created with the addition of hypoallergenic filler without harmful toxins that do not irritate the skin. Such models are suitable for people with allergies and asthma.
- They are distinguished by the elasticity of the components, the resistance of the mats to deformation under daily load, which allows mattresses to remain attractive for quite a long time (up to 10-15 years or more - with proper operation).
- Silent when the load on the block, so do not wake a person when turning on the other side or when searching for a comfortable posture.
- It is very convenient to choose, all models have interesting names.
- Performed in the classical and orthopedic versions - with the correct support of the back on each zone of the mat.
- Equipped with quilted knitted covers - with antibacterial impregnation with silver ions, which precludes the formation of an environment that is optimal for microorganisms.
- Differ in the acceptable cost, the buyer can choose model taking into account the available budget and taste.
The advantage of brand models is the additional effect of some models. The factory produces bilateral products with varying degrees of rigidity of the sides, which allows users to choose the most comfortable sleeping places.
But there are some disadvantages.
- Not all mattresses of this brand are good enough for daily sleep. For example, models with dependent springs (with a small number of springs in place) have a soft base, so there will not be a correct distribution of the load on the spine - even if there are additional layers.
- Moreover, the large-diameter hourglass springs are weak and quickly deform with a large user weight. Weight control is required.
Sarma mattresses are made on a spring or springless basis.
The first models are divided into two categories: dependent and independent types. They differ in the arrangement and connection of the springs. Bonnel springs (dependent) are arranged vertically and have a spiral connection with each other, and also connect with the top and bottom of the frame (side elements).
Each independent spring is enclosed in a fabric cover made of breathable textiles. Such elements are attached to the bottom of the frame, connecting with it and among themselves with the help of cloth covers. This feature determines the correct position of the body under load - regardless of the height of the mattress and the weight of the user. With pressure, the spine will always be flat.
Springless models trademarks are divided into several types:
- Monolithic. This is a layer of filler, packed in a quilted cover made of breathable fabric.
- Combined. Such a product is a dense core, supplemented on both sides with a different composition and density of the gasket.
- Puff pastry - in the form of several layers of the same size, but different in density and composition.
Filling unit
When creating mattresses manufacturer uses several types of stuffing.
The most popular and high-quality types of raw materials for Sarma mattresses include:
- Natural latex - gasket from natural sap of rubbery tree Hevea, used in the form of a dense perforated layer with high indicators of elasticity and elasticity.
- Coconut coir - solid brown filler from coconut's pericarp, soaked with a small percentage of latex.
- Sisal - the special fiber differing in high durability, not accumulating the static electricity, preventing feeling of heat. Provides excellent ventilation.
- Holcon - the dense stuffing steady against moisture and burning. Differs in good air permeability, high heat-regulating properties.
- Sintepon - an additional volume layer used to give volume and allowing to vary the degree of rigidity of the block surface.
- Orthopedic foam - a viscoelastic material with a memory effect, able to accept and remember the comfortable position of the user, returning to its original position during cooling.
The company’s collection of mattresses includes several series: Comfi, Emotion, Hit, Maestro, Multiflex, Olympia, Calvera.Models are divided into spring mattresses on dependent springs, products of independent type, a line of children's and teenage mattresses, springless mattresses.
Products with independent springs include models of four degrees of hardness (from soft to hard surfaces). The series includes mattresses with the system “Micropackage” and “Multipackage” - with the number of springs from 500 to 2000 pieces per square meter.
The mattresses of the ruler are resistant to lateral deformation, serve up to 15 years, eliminate the “hammock effect”, provide correct and uniform support for the user's body, orthopedic effect.
The group of dependent type spring blocks is designed for 10 years of service - with a maximum permissible load on a berth from 70 to 140 kg. It includes models "Comfy", "Olympia", "Strong", "Aero". The products used biconical springs - from 100 to 200 elements per square meter.
The novelty of the line is the variants with a multi-layered structure of the block, representing a metal grid at the base with the number of springs 240 elements per square meter, complemented by a perforated layer of latex, coconut coir and reinforcement around the perimeter.
Products for children and teenagers are two series: “Children's dreams” and “Sonya”. The ruler consists of budget mattresses of usual and rolled types (rolled up in a roll of springless mats of small thickness - for ease of transportation). Usually a block consists of a combination of latex and coir (springless mattresses), in some products the dependent and independent springs are the middle of the block.
The size range of Sarma mattresses is convenient in that the standard dimensions of the mats allow them to fit perfectly into the bed parameters, without bending or backlash.
All models are divided into four lines:
- children and teenagers - with the parameters 60 × 120, 70 × 140, 80 × 180 cm;
- Single models with a length and width of 80 × 180, 80 × 190, 80 × 200, 90 × 190, 90 × 200, 120 × 190, 120 × 200 cm;
- polutoraspalnye products with a greater berth space: 130 × 190, 140 × 190, 140 × 200, 150 × 190, 150 × 200 cm;
- double mats with the ability to place two users on a bed 160 × 190, 160 × 200, 180 × 190 or 180 × 200 cm.
The height of the factory mattresses depends on the structure of the block and reaches 26 cm. The smallest thickness of the models is 7 cm (in springless versions).
The Sarma mattress factory receives various customer reviews. Rarely, users note the presence of extraneous piercing objects in the filler and poor-quality assembly of blocks.Often notice the durability of the mat (more than three years) and attractive appearance.
Usually mattresses mark recognize a good purchase. Although they do not serve too long, in the collection you can always find a good option - this is how they are noted in the comments. In addition, the manufacturer is always satisfied with the action, and this allows you to purchase a more expensive model with better performance characteristics.
More information about the company "Sarma" learn from the following video.