Children's attic: interior options

Surely each of us in childhood dreamed of a secluded corner, which is isolated from the main dwelling by the presence of a staircase. It could be arranged as it would be desirable, at the same time each detail would transfer the necessary atmosphere in unusual space. Today at the center of attention is the attic: it allows to realize any creative idea. To understand how important it is to use this space as a nursery, it is necessary to take into account its design features, interior options and the appropriateness of space allocation for children of different ages.
What it is?
Attic is the space between the roof and the ceiling of the house. It can occupy the entire area of the upper tier of the house or a certain part of it, due to the peculiarities of the roof slopes. In other words, it is either a single room under the roof, or several rooms, mostly separated by beams, although in some cases the attic has partitions.
The space of the attic type has a number of differences from the classical understanding of the room:
- He does not have the same height of all the walls and a clear arrangement of windows.
- The level of light in this space is often limited.
- To provide light, window openings are often located directly on the roof slope.
- In such a room, the placement of furniture is subject to the design features of the walls and roof (some walls are not more than 1.5 m high).
- Sometimes the attic is combined with a balcony.
- It may have a complex ceiling structure and an uncomfortable entrance.
- In most cases, this space is limited and does not adjust to the working mode.
The difference between the attic and the attic is the fact that the attic is an unheated non-residential space.
This is decided at the construction stage: even a warmed attic will not become an attic, while attic-type space is heated no worse than the main rooms of the dwelling.
Is it possible to lodge there children?
The space of the attic floor is not suitable for the room of babies, even if the height and perspective of the walls are close to the classic rooms of the dwelling. This is due to several reasons. One of them is the fact that getting to the attic for a child will be more difficult. In this case, with the development of crawling skills, the baby can get to the stairs.
On the other hand, the limited space can cause a negative attitude to the room.if they use it daily, with the footage of the room will be limited.
This room is a great solution for older children and teenagers.
Style selection
The style of the attic under the nursery depends on the footage and the age of the particular child. However, the choice of style should be guided by the personal preferences of the children. Attic floor is associated with something unique, both simple and refined. Therefore, classical directions (classicism, neoclassicism, Italian and English style) are inappropriate here.They are inherent in the palace solemnity, which is inappropriate when arranging a children's corner on the attic floor.
Avant-garde designs should not be created: this is alien to children. Sharp contrasting stains on the walls and in the furnishings will irritate the eyes. Exclude the direction of the avant-garde and kitsch: they will create a sense of confusion. In order to bring an organization into space, while giving it a sense of style, it is worth dosing attributes of modern interiors.
Children are also uncomfortable in vintage directions: they will feel comfortable, immersed in the era of modernity.
At the same time, the choice of stylistics between the directions of minimalism, hi-tech, modern, brutalism, bionics and Scandinavian style will be a harmonious solution. The children's room, the interior of which will be emphasized by modern attributes, will delight the child more than the lace room-bedroom, made in an abundance of pink or blue shades.
However, there is a nuance here: it is impossible to exactly reproduce the style without adjusting it to the age of the child.
With an appropriate selection of accessories and key design elements, you can equip a room so that it will be cozy. You can choose the elements of grunge or boho. The elaborate designs of attic furniture are irrelevant: they will clutter up an already limited space. In some cases, it is enough to decorate walls and ceilings for decorating, in others it is impossible to do without wall panels. You can stick on the wall wallpaper.
How to arrange everything?
Attic construction is a creative and solid business. Using the features of the walls and slopes of the roof, you can divert attention from the beveled edges of the space, giving them the advantages of a room. It all depends on the characteristics of the room itself.
Consider several options:
- In the gable attic with a balcony, a cot can be placed along the wall, on the adjacent wall it is better to arrange the shelving and study table. The center of the room should be carpeted.
- If there is no problem with fantasy, you can put a bed with drawers for pastel linen in the attic. It is preferable to lay a long-pile carpet near the house.
- When space is limited at all, it is worthwhile to complete the two-tier design of the bed-play zone, complementing it with a ladder and placing a desk and an ergonomic chair by the window.
- Space with a broken perspective and partitions can be beaten on the principle of functional zones. In one room, it is worthwhile to organize a working corner, a smaller area is better to take under the bedroom.
Mandatory attributes of the situation should be:
- bed for sleeping;
- sofa for rest;
- armchair;
- desk;
- carpet covering.
If the space is limited and there is room for a full wardrobe in it, you can replace it with a convenient rack with space for clothes. This will allow to accommodate the main things in the room. What is really needed here are shelves or cabinets with lockable drawers. So you can eliminate the illusion of confusion and remove objects that can accumulate dust.
Age features
Age is the main criterion for the arrangement of furniture, its design and functionality. Young children need space for the bedroom, play area and recreation area. For them it is important that there is a place for toys in the attic, and there should not be enough of them, otherwise the room risks becoming uncomfortable. In this case, even the shape of the lamp is important, which often sets the mood for the interior composition.
The situation with teenagers is different: it is important for them that the space be separate. By virtue of the age of his owner, a nook must be stylish, fashionable and complemented by technology. This may be a laptop, audio system, computer. It all depends on the hobbies of a teenager. In the presence of such interior accessories, an attic will be a favorite room that will be associated with the atmosphere of home comfort.
Light has a special meaning: in this case, it is not so much the form that is important as the ergonomics and modernity. In the priority LED lighting through flexible tape or spotlights without decor. Few teenagers will not attach importance to the RGB function, especially if one considers the fact that the shades of the LEDs can change their color to the beat of the music that the teenagers listen to by connecting the lighting device through a special program to the phone. At this age, begins to develop their own style, so it is important that the furniture in the room did not have a sense of confusion.
Attic, decorated under the space for children, may have several appointments. It depends on the number of rooms, the availability of a balcony or loggia and space for communications. If there is enough space, it is used under the room of the parents and the room for children.It does not matter if there is a room for a boy or a girl or two children: the age of the child is important.
If you plan to equip the attic for a teenager, it is better to give him both rooms under a private space. On the contrary, it will be more comfortable for babies if loving parents are near: so you can quickly respond to the call, see what the child is doing. To know what a teenager is doing, it is not at all necessary to be behind the next wall or partition. You need to trust the child, if you wish, there is always an opportunity to be interested in the hobbies and life of your child.
Color spectrum
Dark and aggressive paints are unacceptable for the attic. It is unacceptable to decorate the surface with red and black tones, fill the space with blue and purple. For the ceiling it is preferable to use a white tone: it will increase the size of the room and make the ceiling visually higher. Combine in the interior with white beige, cream, heavenly, pale pink tones. Good shades are sandy, mint, caramel, light brown, turquoise, milky, green. At the same time, it is important not to overpower space with brightness.
Spectacular examples for inspiration
Consider a few interesting design solutions design attic under the nursery.
- The original example of a limited space with a shed roof. A pull-out sofa bed, nightstand with soft pillows, a dining area and a compact writing desk create a cozy corner for the girl.
- The compact attic-bedroom for a boy in beige-blue tones with a sloping roof, bathed in sun, looks beautiful. There is nothing superfluous in it: a sofa, shelves, a dresser, a mirror, a couple of pictures in frames and table lamps.
- Design in the style of minimalism is appropriate in a wooden house, if you sheathe the walls with panels. A retractable sofa, a sleek chair, carpet puzzles, a rack on the whole wall together create a completely relaxing atmosphere.
- The interior of the village building can be beaten up by painting the ceiling in white. So you can turn a nondescript little space into a nook-bedroom with a working area for the girl.
- Unusual reception of the attic space zoning through curtains of threads with lenses and butterflies. So you can separate the sleeping area and the place of rest.
- The original solution to the use of the attic for twins.A little fabulous theme in the design of beds and curtains on the curtains, original sofa cushions and stylish soft chairs, a desk and a soft long-haired carpet will not leave indifferent little princesses.
How to equip a children's room in the attic for a boy, see the video below.