How to make collapsible grill: manufacturing technology

Cooking kebab for many is a favorite culinary occupation, and, both in summer and in winter. After all, who would refuse a fragrant and juicy meat dish made from the freshest pork or lamb on a fixed or stationary grill. As a rule, it is installed on a platform cleared of snow near the house.
Barbecue is useful to everyone, but best of all, if it is portable. It is quite possible to independently manufacture such a device, if you familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this process in advance.In addition to manufacturing details, it is also worthwhile to study the features of the choice of material and take into account all the rules for operating such a device.
Special features
If you decide to make a homemade grill, you must first make sure which size will be the best solution for you to meet the needs of your family. You also need to choose the metal that will be the most durable. Today on the Internet you can find instructions for making a large number of models of barbecues, which can be made from various raw materials. However, it is logical that the most popular are metal models.
This is due to several features.
- The convenience of use. The metal grill is easy to clean and wash, and if necessary it is easy to disassemble if it has removable legs, or fold it if it is foldable.
- The speed of cooking. It is the metal that holds the heat best of all, which allows meat and vegetables to cook on it not only as evenly as possible, but also quickly.
- High fire safety. If firewood or coal gets very hot, the dimensions of the brazier and the fact that it is made of metal can prevent the occurrence of a flammable situation.Metal can and very hot, but a serious fire will not occur.
- Low cost. Now the metal is one of the most affordable and inexpensive materials for the manufacture of any type of barbecue. It is much cheaper than natural stone, refractory bricks or other heat-resistant materials.
- Production speed. In the presence of welding and the required amount of metal, you can make such a grill in just two or three hours and immediately start using it. For comparison: a brick grill will have to be done for about a month, and it will not be possible to use it for a few more days after construction.
- Mobility. Even if the brazier does not fold, it is still mobile - it can be easily transferred to any room such as a utility room or garage, where it will stand until it is needed again. In this case, it will not be adversely affected by various natural phenomena.
However, this brazier has a disadvantage - not very aesthetic appearance. But if you really understand what you are going to do, then turning the grill into a work of art will not be very difficult.Metal is also subject to corrosion, but thanks to the presence of special anti-corrosion agents and constant care for it, it can serve you a considerable amount of time.
Drawings and sizes
If you set out to make a brazier, in order for the result not to disappoint you, you should clearly formulate your requirements and take into account all the important factors that may affect the usability of the product. For example, if your family consists of three or four people, then you will need a barbecue with dimensions of about 50 to 30 centimeters. The last number indicates the width. This distance allows you to put a skewer over a fire, which will be somewhere 7-9 pieces of meat, depending on their size.
In addition, the length of the barbecue may vary. It all depends on how many skewers you want to lay on the grill at once. The standard distance between skewers is about 10 centimeters. That is, for eight skewers you will need a sheet of 80 centimeters long, and for 9 - 90 centimeters.
However, one should immediately abandon the intention to make the grill too long. This solution will not only be inconvenient, but will also make the design itself extremely cumbersome.
If we talk about the height of the brazier, then it should be somewhere between 15-20 centimeters.This volume will be more than enough to not only place firewood or coal in the brazier, but also the meat in such a way that it does not come into contact with burning coals at all and does not burn.
If we take the whole structure, then the length from the bottom to the legs should be such that a person can stand straight and hold skewers in a bent arm, and so that it is convenient for him to turn the kebab during cooking. In addition, the brazier should be such that it can be safely placed in the trunk. The car version should not take up much space. To make the legs, you can use the corners in the form of shelves in 25 or 30 millimeters, as well as four pieces of conventional reinforcement with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters.
If you need a hiking grill, then as an example we give the characteristics of one of the models.
Such a collapsible model will consist of the following elements:
- the basis of a brazier made of a whole sheet of steel;
- legs that have a diameter of 2 centimeters;
- frame made of corners and 4 tubes for fixing with a diameter of 17 millimeters;
- two types of sides - longitudinal with three projections and side - with two;
- grate;
- various fastening elements - washers and nuts;
- the bolts.
This grill is convenient because it is easy to fold. When folded, its length will not exceed 60 centimeters, and width - 30 centimeters.
Tools and equipment
In order to make a folding grill, you need to buy certain tools and items. They can be purchased at the nearest hardware store, as they are very affordable. You can also use scrap materials. You can make a simple design, even without using such a thing as a welding machine or fasteners. In this case, you just need to create a system of grooves.
If we talk specifically about the tools, then to create a barbecue will be needed:
- piece of sandpaper;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- roulette;
- drill with metal drills;
- Bulgarian and wheels to it;
- scissors for metal.
If we talk about materials, then you only need a sheet of steel with a thickness of about 3-3.5 millimeters. Before you start cutting metal, you must make a model of your future barbecue from cardboard. This will give an opportunity to at least approximately see how it will look in reality and, if necessary, adjust such parameters as width, length and height depending on your preferences. In addition, cardboard blanks can be used as a template.
Manufacturing: process details
To make a barbecue grill with your own hands, you must first transfer the drawings from paper to metal and cut out the parts. As an example, consider the grill for a kebab of 60 by 30 by 15 centimeters.
In this case, the drawing will look like this:
- two side elements with dimensions of 60 by 15 centimeters;
- brazier bottom measuring 60 by 30 centimeters;
- two end sides with dimensions of 30 by 15 centimeters.
The legs can be either separate elements or a continuation of the end elements. If we give preference to the last variant, then a number of corrections must be made in the drawing of the end sides. It should be noted that for ease of use barbecue, its height should be about one meter. However, it all depends on the height of the person, so that a deviation of about 20 centimeters from this parameter is allowed.
Before cutting out the details of the structure, it is necessary to decide which fasteners such a folding brazier will have.
Usually they are of two types:
- in the form of metal corners;
- fortochny canopies, which are usually welded to the base.
If there is no welding at hand, this does not mean that you cannot use the second option.In this case, you just need to apply a system of grooves, which will allow you to make at least reliable fastening. However, for this, in the drawings of the side parts it is necessary to make two or three protrusions, which in their form will resemble the letter “G”. If we talk about the size of the projections, mounts, then it should be about one and a half to three centimeters.
In addition, in the details of the butt in the drawings, you must make the places where you need to make vertical cuts to insert fasteners into them. They can be made in order to firmly fix the bottom of the brazier. And only after the issue with fasteners is resolved, you can begin to cut parts from metal sheets. It is best to carry out the creation of parts using grinders.
When they are done, it is necessary to properly polish all cuts. It is necessary to be as careful as possible, because cutting on the sharp edges of the metal is very easy. Also in the ends of your barbecue is required to make holes that will serve as handles for it. With their help, if necessary, it will be easy to carry a brazier on the nature or to rearrange it from place to place.
After completion of the process of grinding parts from the bottom of the side walls, it will be necessary to make two rows of holes with a diameter of about one centimeter with a drill. Due to the presence of such holes, the air can get to the coal. It is best to place them in the so-called staggered order about 40-50 millimeters from each other.
If for some reason you decide to make the brazier legs removable, then at all corners of the brazier bottom you should weld the nuts or the corners for attaching the legs. They, by the way, can be made either from the corners, or from a metal pipe.
When everything is done, it will become necessary to assemble a folding brazier to evaluate its functionality. This will help to find flaws, if any, and quickly eliminate them.
Painting the finished barbecue
In order to protect the portable grill from the effects of corrosion and natural factors, it is usually painted. Previously, the dyes did not use, and in general they tried not to use chemistry, because in the process of burning wood or coal the paint began to peel off, gave off an unpleasant smell, the meat absorbed dangerous carcinogens.
To date, manufacturers can offer paints, the use of which will be safe. The only problem for them could be the heat inside the barbecue. Even the most resistant coating can simply not withstand high temperatures, burn and crumble.
If we talk about heat-resistant paints that exist today, they include various options.
- Heat-resistant powder paints that are perfect for coating homemade barbecues. But the technology of their application is not easy, since it requires firing at very high temperatures.
- Enamel on the basis of porcelain. Such paints can withstand temperatures up to + 600 degrees Celsius.
In addition, it is possible to carry out the oxidation of the metal, which is also known as bluing. This process is rather complicated, but with a great desire it can be done even in an artisanal way at home. To do this, the box must be processed with 5% sulfuric acid. After that, the design must be boiled in a thick solution of alkaline soap for one and a half hours.
The alternative is to leave the grill in a sodium solution for two hours. After such procedures, the metal will simply be covered with a black non-stick coating, which will be an excellent protection against the appearance of corrosion. However, this method is rather unsafe, as it is necessary to handle with sulfuric acid carefully.
Use: Tips
After each use, the collapsible brazier must be cooled and thoroughly cleaned from soot and ash, which will settle on its walls and bottom. It should be said that in no case need to extinguish the brazier or cool it with water. The metal must be cooled only naturally.
Another important tip is that after the end of the barbecue season, the brazier must be disassembled and inspected for deformations. If defects are found, they must be eliminated, and chipped paint should be tinted. In addition, you need to lubricate the various moving parts or awnings for the winter, if you used them.
As you can see, make a grill with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to accurately calculate all the parameters, as well as to have minimal skills in working with metals. Thanks to this, you can easily and fairly quickly make the brazier of your dreams with your own hands and enjoy amazing kebabs at any time of the year.
The design of the brazier fast assembly (without welding and other fasteners) is clearly demonstrated in the video.