Barbecues for the street in the country: varieties and arrangement

To have a plot of land to give outside the city is a natural desire of citizens. Own vegetables and fruits, fresh air and an active lifestyle are now in short supply. Even on a bare plot, while there is no house, something can be arranged for oneself, including a simple brick brick stove, and later it is worth thinking about more serious models of a brazier with sheds and roofs.
Country stoves on the street are designed to ensure that the owners have something to cook. Even if they go to the “house in the village” for two days off, they will need to eat more than once. Also on the stove, you can warm the water for washing or shower.A simple stove in the country will be useful in order to warm up in cool weather or dry clothes.
But the brazier is not just a tool for heating lunch, frying potatoes or boiling water - this is a device with several functions.
In such a furnace, you can perform the following actions:
- Boil water, cook soups and cereals - that is, everything that is done in the elementary street stove. You can cook in any weather, whereas in the simplest open oven in the rain you will not be able to cook: flood the fire, and with it the pot of food.
- Soar.
- Fry. For example, kebab or barbecue on the coals or wood.
- Smoke meat, fish or lard.
To create comfort over the stove, you can build a canopy - it will not only cover a person from the rain while cooking food, but also save you from the sun on a hot day.
Special features
A feature of the device with a brazier, which distinguishes it from simple oven options, is multifunctional. Independence from the weather can be attributed to the design features - the hearths (furnaces) of such a device are hidden and resemble fireplaces.
Design features include the size of models that are several meters long. (the simplest model with two fireboxes - at least 2.5 m). The height of the furnace in a compact version of the two furnaces, together with the chimney, reaches 3 m and even more. Therefore, the brazier must be installed on a strong reinforced concrete foundation.
Types of designs
In the open air, when the construction of the dacha takes place, it is enough to install the simplest version of a street barbecue. This device is made of bricks with a height of 5 or 6 rows, a width of two and a half bricks and a length of four is a temporary structure. It weighs little, so the foundation is not required. For such a furnace, you should find a flat platform with dry soil (but not sand), compact it to a good density and lay out brick walls without any bonding materials.
At the bottom of the resulting furnace, you can put a non-thick reinforced concrete or cast-iron plate. The air to the fire will flow through the leakiness of the brickwork. The hearth is inside, barbecue sticks are placed on top right on the walls of the masonry or barbecue grill. On the grill it is possible to cook simple dishes in a pan or in a saucepan. It is advisable to make a canopy over such a device to protect the brazier from rain and wind.
Often at the cottages arrange street cast iron stoves with a roof.The roof is built after installing the "cast iron" with a pipe. If you do the opposite, then you have to either cut the roof for the pipe, or let the pipe bypass the canopy (with the elbows). This note applies to all stove devices in rooms or sheds.
The most popular among summer residents have designs barbecues in the gazebos. Some of these ideas may be of interest to most summer residents.
- Prefabricated furnace complex. Suitable for large gazebos with the prospect of winter living in the country. The complex includes a stove, grill and utility devices: worktop, sink, built-in compartments for firewood or coal, shelves for dishes and appliances for frying, cooking, as well as a corner for placing the fireplace accessories. Sometimes a unique tandyr oven is introduced into the complex. With this device you can not only bake delicious Asian tortillas - it can replace a barbecue, a shashlik dish and even a smokehouse.
- The brazier-brazier with design and functions of the Russian stove. Very complex construction, which can only be done by a professional stove. It is best to arrange it in a capital structure with a good foundation and a reliable roof.
- Expensive stove model with three fires. Such a device is a compact two-level version, which is convenient and practical. Suitable for spacious and high arbors. Here are combined options of cooking stoves with fireboxes of various functions: barbeque and smokehouse, barbecue and smokehouse, barbeque and Pompeii oven (pizza oven).
- Inexpensive is the model of the factory assembly of metal. It can be used both permanently in the gazebos, and in a portable form outdoors. When using such furnaces only indoors, they are often lined with bricks for safety and beautiful design.
- Fireplaces have the same device, as the furnace stoves, but they have a different purpose. Models stoves, fireplaces - a good solution when combining the functions of cooking and space heating. Such models with a chimney exist only for closed gazebos. For open gazebos and terraces, these devices are impractical - the heat from the fireplace in windy weather will not remain.
The models of ready-made stoves with braziers have different solutions - they can be street, garden, with and without canopies.You can also find options with chimneys of different designs, with pipes and without pipes, expensive and low cost. But if the owner has hands and material, then it will not be difficult to equip his dacha with a beautiful and convenient stove device.
Manufacturing materials
For the manufacture on a tight and level plot of land a temporary stove-brazier open type will require the following material:
- fireproof (oven) bricks - 50 pcs .;
- barbecue grill;
- a cast-iron sheet 100x70 cm in size for the base of the hearth (a thin-walled, but strong, reinforced concrete slab is also suitable).
Instead of a hearth device, on the ground, some specialists raise 4 columns of silicate brick in the form of columns with a height of several rows, put a cast-iron or reinforced concrete base sheet on them, and lay a furnace on this sheet.
It is more convenient to work with such a brazier - no need to bend, kindling a fire, and coal or firewood can be kept under the stove itself (between the columns).
For serious multifunctional furnace complexes, the following materials will be required:
- refractory brick for laying high-temperature elements of the complex (fireboxes and nearby structures);
- red brick of good firing for laying out less hot furnace elements;
- chamotte brick for laying some internal parts of the device;
- reinforced concrete slabs for frame construction ligaments, partitions, shelves;
- cast iron hotplate for cooking stove;
- pig-iron grid-irons;
- steel or cast-iron doors blew complete with frames;
- kiln glue;
- mixtures of clay and cement for the preparation of masonry mortar;
- knitting wire for laying out walls and partitions;
- set of material for the construction of the foundation for the complex.
The other owner will think about this not quite complete list of the necessary material and decide to purchase a ready-made version, which will also have a lot of trouble. But there will be fewer headaches from the inevitable surprises in the process of installation with the use of elements of furnaces, construction and consumables recruited in different places.
If it is decided to arrange a brazier on your site, then regardless of the type of oven chosen, first of all you need to think about fire safety - the place of its installation. It should be understood that any device with an open fire with a careless attitude to its location and rules of use is threatened by serious burns, large fires,as a result of which damage to human health (often fatal), surrounding structures and nature is caused.
It is safest to place a resting place with a barbecue on a site that is located at a considerable distance from the main buildings (summer house, farm buildings, premises with animals and a bird). But this is not always convenient, especially for an open-air brazier and those models that are under the roof, but do not have electricity, running water and other amenities of civilization.
Arbors with barbecue can be placed on the same foundation with the house and under the same roof with it. But in this case it is necessary to adhere to all fire safety requirements for buildings and residential premises.
It is not recommended to place such devices in the following places:
- near the storage area for firewood, hay, lumber and their waste;
- near dry grass stand, fire hazardous garbage;
- close to the fences and walls;
- directly under the trees and hanging branches.
When installing a collapsible brazier in the garden or on the street, one should take into account the wind speed and direction. Smoke should not go in the direction of neighboring buildings and houses,and in the case of a stationary outdoor barbecue (including a gazebo), you should inquire about the local “wind rose” and build a protective screen on the side of the most possible “wind blow”. There are special portable protective screens available, which is the best solution to the problem of wind direction.
You also need to take care of the convenience of using the stove in the selected location of the site.
Here should be addressed such questions:
- free approach to the device at least from two sides, because it is always more convenient and more fun to cook with an assistant;
- there should be a place for the table and seats;
- the possibility of providing recreation areas with clean water and lighting;
- convenient passage to the place from the house.
Also consider the following points:
- how much time is supposed to be spent at the dacha (meaning constantly or only during the summer period) - the installation of the furnace indoors or in an open gazebo depends on this;
- how many people are calculated on the playground;
- what design to choose for the barbecue and gazebos.
Each owner will probably still have a lot of questions on the topics of the device and the choice of furnaces, but they can already be solved in the process of creating the interior.
Style and design
It is better to equip the summer kitchen area with a brazier and cooking stove in the country, taking into account the already existing natural landscape. Even a beautiful hedge with trees nearby can be a great starting point for a stylish seating area.
The view of the river or the pond also suggests the original plan associated with the surrounding view. The main thing in the arrangement is that the design of the recreation area should be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and fit the style of the house. If there is no house structure yet, then the kebab house plot plan needs to be developed in the same style with the plan of the future house and adjacent territories.
In more difficult circumstances, when there is neither home nor the beauty of the landscape around, there is only one way out - to choose the style direction of the plot and housing arrangement. Now popular landscape designs smooth, flowing lines using natural wood and stone, as well as modern style with the obligatory presence of forged elements.
Pavilions can be of different shapes - from round to polygonal options, and braziers - cast iron, forged, brick or metal. The main thing is to maintain the chosen style.
Beautiful examples
You can give examples of successful and beautiful outdoor barbecues, installed in different places.
Prefabricated furnace complex under the roof in the yard of the suburban area.
Brazier in Art Nouveau style on the street under construction.
Country stone grill, installed next to the house.
Garden roaster of heat-resistant concrete with the addition of marble chips.
Sometimes nature itself suggests ideas for the device of a stove economy at a dacha - you only need to see these hints and develop your own imagination.
How to make a street grill with your own hands, see the next video.