Braziers: features of the device and types of structures

Summer season is not complete without picnics in the open air. And where is the picnic, there are kebabs, smoked fish, baked vegetables and other delicious dishes made from fresh produce. None of these dishes can be cooked without a good brazier.
But the barbecue grill is different. Different types of structures determine the features of the device and its functions. The more complex the design, the more opportunities it has, so it is important to approach the choice of the brazier seriously.
Special features
Many gardeners believe that the brazier is an indispensable attribute of outdoor recreation, but very few people give a clear answer to the question of what it is and what a real barbecue looks like.Here, the views of all diverge: the brazier is called a steel structure for skewers or tagans, it is confused with a barbecue grill and a grill.
Varieties of braziers can be brought under the general definition - it is a roaster for cooking. Structurally braziers differ from each other, but they also have common elements. They appeared in the very first species, although the question of the origin of this device remains controversial.
Some believe that this is the invention of the Americans, others attribute it to the Eastern peoples, and others even claim that the brazier appeared in the 7th century BC in Egypt.
The materials of the manufacture of old barbecues testify that the invention is still eastern. It consisted of a stand and a bowl-shaped tank for firewood and coal. There were grooves on the walls of the tank in order to fix the devices for frying and smoking that preceded the skewers and the barbecue grill. The brazier was closed with a lid, on the side of it there were carrying handles.
The modern brazier is an improved model of the old oriental brazier.
It has its own characteristics:
- This is mainly a street attribute of a country house or cottage.It is installed in a recreation area, protecting it from wind and rain.
- A high-quality brazier is a complicated and heavy construction, under which it is necessary to pour a small foundation so that it remains static.
- Garden grill can be static and portable, factory and homemade.
- The device is used for its intended purpose mainly in warm periods of the year, because at this time outdoor recreation is considered the most comfortable, but the brazier with the same success can be used in the winter.
- The method of cooking on the grill is unique and useful, because the products are prepared without oil. Meat turns out juicy and tender after pickling, and vegetables do not have time to lose their beneficial properties and vitamins, while they are getting crisp.
- In order to cook delicious meals, does not require special culinary skills.
- With the help of barbecue, you can not only cook food, but also heat it in the field. This is convenient when there is no electricity at the dacha, as well as during a hike and a picnic.
These are powerful arguments in favor of a good country barbecue.
Principle of operation
The secret to healthy, aromatic and tasty food cooked in a roasting pan is in the way the cooking process takes place.
For different types of dishes, this principle is slightly different - some are prepared over the fire, others on the coals. Some dishes must be cooked in a sealed container, and some - directly above the heat of the coals.
About the principle of cooking on the grill is often mistakenly said "on an open fire." This is not true. There are several factors that contribute to cooking:
- Intense thermal radiation from glowing coal. Despite the fact that many feel that the temperature is not big enough, it is about 1000 K, which is equivalent to 700-800 degrees Celsius. This is a lot, considering that the boiling point is only 100 degrees. The effect of infrared heat radiation from coal is considered conditionally harsh.
- Another source of heat is the hot walls of the roaster. They warm up no worse than a frying pan on a gas stove - up to 300-400 degrees. Values are valid for the distance from the top layer of coal to the edge of the roaster. Such a thermal effect is considered conditionally soft and speeds up the process of cooking products on the grill.
- Hot air that rises from the fuel. Its temperature is 200-300 degrees.Due to the fact that this air is actually deprived of oxygen, chemical reactions do not occur when the products come into contact with metal skewers or the grill grate.
- The condition for the proper "ripening" of meat on the grill is the uniform evaporation of excess moisture. Due to this, kebabs and other meat dishes are not fried, not stewed, not baked, but languish, which is why they turn out juicy and rosy at the same time.
The interaction of these factors is as follows: hard thermal radiation heats meat pieces and layers of onions and other vegetables and contributes to the process of denaturation of proteins in meat, soft radiation is responsible for the formation of golden brown, the air from coals maintains a stable temperature, not allowing the process of denaturation to stop, and the evaporation of excess moisture also relieves meat from carcinogens, which are formed in the process of denaturation.
When cooking in a closed metal pot (smoking fish, cooking and reheating various dishes in a cast iron pot), the heat rising from the brazier replaces the open fire of a gas stove and electricity.
Also in the design are often provided ventilation grilles and blowing.They are necessary in order to regulate the flow of oxygen to the fuel. This, in turn, allows you to increase and decrease the intensity of thermal effects on products.
Braziers are divided into several types depending on three criteria: the type of material from which the base and the roaster are made, the type of fuel, the type of construction. Additional factors of difference - the size and design of the device.
In addition, their functions are different. One brazier is only suitable to cook kebabs and barbecues on it, while the other handles even such a difficult task as home baking. Each criterion deserves detailed consideration.
Manufacturing materials
Modern braziers are of two types: stone and metal.
Stone most close to the prototype of the first braziers on the material of manufacture, because of them were laid braziers to the wide distribution of the metal. Modern stone products, of course, no longer look like primitive small wells with a recess for firewood and spits of wood or animal bones. They are neat, functional and quality.
You can make such a grill with your own hands or order from a professional stove. By technology, it will resemble a simple fireplace.
The material used is concrete, natural stone and brick.
Braziers made of natural stone - a rarity. The construction of such a structure is a laborious process, because natural stone does not have the same size and form factor. However, stone barbecues have their advantages: they look aesthetically pleasing, especially if the dacha area is decorated in a country-chic, eco or rustic style, and the dishes in them are especially tasty and successful. And if the laying has been made on conscience, such brazier will serve not less than 20 years.
The analogue of a stone brazier can be made of concrete. The advantage of this material is that it is durable, inexpensive, and it can be given the desired shape. At the same time, outwardly it differs little from natural natural material, although it has all the same advantages.
The most common type of stone braziers are brick products.
Advantages of brick barbecue:
- simple installation, which is done by hand;
- reasonable price for materials, considering their small amount;
- despite the fact that it looks like a fireplace, at the location of the barbecue on the street it does not require special permission;
- combines several functions for cooking in different ways: grill, barbecue, smokehouse, sometimes even a stove;
- brick looks beautiful - you can use both light shades and red;
- it looks organically inside the gazebo, where it is convenient to immediately organize a dining area;
- Inside the brick frypot, heat is stored for a long time, which is very convenient to heat ready meals, as well as to warm the room of a half-closed and closed gazebo;
- economical fuel consumption due to the ability of a brick firebox to accumulate heat;
- brick is a biostable material - it does not appear mold and fungus, it is not covered with rust and is resistant to mechanical damage;
- long service life - from 10 years.
Disadvantages of brick grills:
- The design is static. It will always remain in the place where it was erected, so it is important to choose the right location inside the gazebo.
- All processes for the construction of brick mangal in the aggregate take a long time.The foundation alone, which is an essential part of the construction, will dry for 2-3 weeks.
- Brick is heavy. Under it is necessary to mount the foundation.
- Like the fireplace, it requires compliance with fire safety rules during construction. This somewhat complicates the process and makes the design more expensive.
- It is necessary to install a chimney.
- Not all types of bricks are suitable for the construction of a roaster. Used building materials, hollow bricks, materials with defects (burned, cracked) cannot be used. The best option is fireclay bricks for the fireplace, but it costs more than any other type of brick.
More widespread metal constructions. Their production is well established in our country, therefore, to purchase the appropriate option or order an individual model is not difficult. And special craftsmen can make it by hand.
Materials for the manufacture of metal grills are cast iron, alloys with iron and stainless steel. Make them cast or welded.
Two types are popular: thin-walled and thick-walled braziers.
Thin-walled usually make mobile and folding structures. Due to the fact that their walls are formed by very thin iron sheets, braziers are lightweight, they are conveniently moved from place to place and under them does not require a solid foundation. Affordable price makes them popular too.
But thin-walled models have their drawbacks. First of all, it is the inability to make a fire directly in the chafing dish. Technically, this is of course possible, but undesirable. The material quickly burns through and becomes unusable literally in one season. In order to serve the thin-walled brazier longer, it is recommended to transfer ready-made embers to the brazier.
You also need to protect the device from moisture - the metal can rust.
Another disadvantage is the inability of a thin-walled brazier to store heat for a long time. This increases fuel consumption and complicates the cooking process. Also compact and compact dimensions of the product. Because of them, it is impossible to cook a lot of food at once for a large company and the meat can be fried only in small pieces. A whole carcass on a skewer over such a brazier does not bake.
It is quite another thing - thick-walled models.They have a large volume, keep heat longer, and are notable for wear resistance. This grill will serve in the street for several seasons.
The weight of the thick-walled brazier is significantly higher, as is the price. It is important to think in advance how to use it and where to install it, because transportation will be time consuming.
The thick-walled mangalam include products made of cast iron. This material has high heat resistance, which reduces fuel consumption and has a positive effect on the cooking process. It is also distinguished by its versatility, efficiency, wear resistance, good heat dissipation and corrosion resistance. All these advantages are reflected in the cost of products.
The difficulty of using a cast iron barbecue is that the coal that is heated next to the holes through which oxygen enters the broiler is heated in it. This requires a competent organization of the bottom and the second bottom.
It is necessary to adapt to the use of a complicated construction, but it takes some time.
An alternative option is a stainless steel brazier. Stainless steel design gives some advantages: quality, durability (up to 30 years), wear resistance, no corrosion.The bonus of a polished stainless steel is that it is easily washed off from the soot of grease and combustion products.
Designs from stainless steel are very variable in execution. You can find a lightweight mobile version and a solid brazier with an additional compartment that performs the functions of an oven.
The cost of stainless steel naturally increases the price of barbecue.
We should also mention the professional installation for frying and smoking. Their main purpose is cooking in restaurants, bars and cafeterias, but no one interferes with acquiring a professional barbecue in private hands. Its advantages:
- maximum usability;
- functionality;
- beautiful appearance;
- the covering facilitating a washing;
- thermal protection is a ceramic fiber coating that helps the device “adjust” to the ambient temperature in the room and outside;
- food steel is not subject to corrosion;
- you can make a fire in the brazier;
- service life is over 30 years.
All this makes a professional grill the right investment for a holiday in the country. The disadvantage is not everything, but for an ordinary gardener the price of a professional device is veryis high.
The traditional, popular and most sought-after is a solid fuel grill on the wood. It is charcoal that makes cooking safe and saturates it with a unique “smoke” aroma. In addition, firewood crackles pleasantly and burns beautifully, and the embers smolder slowly.
However, not all braziers are equipped in such a way that they can make a fire. A stone grill with a closed firebox is perfect for this, but some types, like thin-walled metal models, will quickly become useless from open fire. Firewood for them is burned in a specially designated place, and only smoldering coals are poured into the brazier. Therefore, popular and charcoal grill, that is, where different types of coal are immediately used as fuel.
Experienced gardeners who use the grill on vacation, recommend choosing birch or oak coal. But oak is more expensive, it will take a lot to cook for a large company, so birch is considered the best. Coals smolder for a long time and they have high efficiency.
Often, instead of birch, producers try to sell coal from coniferous species.It gives bitterness and generally is not very suitable for cooking.
It is very easy to distinguish birch coal from pine coal - on the anthracite surface of birch there is shine, a reflection of the sun, and coniferous coal is dull, without shine.
It is worth buying coal with marking A - the highest class. One kilogram is enough to fry 3-4 kg of meat. This makes coal an economical and versatile fuel.
If you choose firewood, then you should also give preference to birch.
More modern models of braziers can be electric or gas.
The gas grill with the functions of a grill, barbecue, smokehouse does not lag behind in its characteristics from a solid-fuel brazier on wood or charcoal. In many ways, it differs from the traditional roaster and has its own characteristics:
- Gas grills predominantly professional type. They are installed in cafes and restaurants, so the cost of a large barbecue with various functions will be rather big.
- Gas is a potentially hazardous fuel. Improper connection of the cylinder to the grill can cause leakage and lead to an emergency. To avoid this, it is advisable to choose a ready-made option, where the gas connection unit and the entire internal structure of the barbecue are carefully thought out and accurately assembled.
- For gas fryers, the same gas that is used throughout the house is not used. For it you need to purchase balloon gas.
- Different models work from different fuels. Some are from methane, others are from liquefied gas, others are adapted for several types of fuel.
- The frying surface is of two types: smooth and corrugated. There are combined models, the price of which regularly increases one and a half times.
Smooth surface is chosen for poultry meat, fish dishes and seafood. They contain little fat, it is melted in the first few minutes and remains on a smooth surface as a protective layer. Due to this, low-fat products do not burn and remain juicy.
The corrugated surface is more suitable for cooking thick meat steaks and kebabs.
In addition to the features of a professional gas barbecue, it has pros and cons.
The list of advantages is very convincing:
- The frying surface heats up in 5-10 minutes. A tiring wait for a kebab for several hours is not about a gas grill. Meals can be prepared quickly and proceed immediately after turning on.
- The device is multifunctional.You can cook kebabs, steaks, fish, vegetables, non-meat dishes.
- No need to collect wood for coal.
- The design is a type of modern technology, and like many of them, it has two useful functions: auto ignition and emergency shutdown. You can start the process of heating the roaster with one button, and in the event of a malfunction in the system, the “smart” function will work, and the gas supply will be cut off.
- Gas is a cheap fuel. It is more profitable than wood, coal and electro-electric.
- The presence of temperature regimes makes it possible to regulate the level of heat when cooking with an accuracy of a degree.
- The design provides several burners and thermal zones. This makes it possible to simultaneously cook meat at the highest temperature, vegetables at the medium one, and to maintain the temperature of ready meals at the smallest.
- The design looks beautiful and retains its appearance for many years.
- There is a thermal barrier layer and coating that facilitates the process of washing the grill.
- Wear-resistant and non-corrosive materials are used.
- The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 5-10 years. But the gas grill will serve perfectly and 30.
The disadvantages of a gas grill are few. The main problem is that it is difficult to assemble it by hand, and a ready-made factory model will be quite expensive. In addition, discontent with many fans of picnics in nature is the very method of cooking. The dishes have no characteristic aroma and taste, which should appear on this grill.
Another modern type of braziers are electric models. However, their working principle, appearance and “culinary abilities” are much closer to the stove and home grill, so they can be called a stretch of braziers. But some functions of electric models are performed with a bang. They do an excellent job with the grill and barbecue grills.
Also, the rotation of the skewers occurs automatically, so the meat is cooked evenly, without burnt barrels and raw middle.
There are two types of electric grills: contact and contactless.
In the contact frying surface two - top and bottom. Bottom products for cooking put directly on the frying surface.
This is very similar to the work of a sandwich maker or waffle iron: meat is put on one hot element, and it takes root on the second.
Contact barbecues have several advantages: the dish is cooked twice as fast, and food can be placed all over the frying surface. It warms up evenly and gives a good result.
Contactless models are more like a traditional brazier on the principle of operation. Products are cooked in them for a long time, the meat needs to be cut into slices of a certain thickness, so that it is baked inside as well.
Electric barbecues are modern, lightweight, mobile, convenient for those who first of all appreciate fast results and beautiful appearance of equipment. The price range varies from budget to premium models.
There is no question of any crackling of firewood in a fire for coals in a brazier, kebab "with smoke" and a variety of dishes. Models have limited functionality, while electricity is the most expensive type of fuel.
The sound, multipurpose and convenient brazier in use consists of a large number of elements. For the brick and steel versions, they differ slightly, there are also differences among stationary and portable models, small-sized and large devices.
Conventionally, the type of construction can be divided into three types: portable, stationary and universal.
Of all the existing models, this is the easiest brazier. The minimalist design and limited functions are explained by the fact that the mobile brazier should be light in weight. All additional elements in the form of a roof, a grease collector and similar improvements would make the design too heavy to transport. The maximum where it could be moved is from the sun to the shade and vice versa. Here we are talking about wider possibilities of movement with a brazier. For example, take it with you to rest in the forest, by the lake, in the country.
Portable grills can be foldable and solid. Folding models have an assembly system, like designer parts, and fragments of solid models are held by thorn-groove mounts or welding.
The second option is preferable. Welding extends construction life for at least one season.
The very same design of mobile products as simple as possible. They say that “brazier” in translation from one of the eastern languages means “basket with coal”. Something like this is a simple brazier and it looks like: a small or medium-sized metal casing (brazier) with stable legs.In the walls of the casing there are holes for reliable fixation of the grill for barbecue and skewers. At the bottom of the casing may be air vents.
They are necessary for the supply of oxygen to the solid fuel, so that the coals melt well and give off heat.
Some models have a cover on the casing. They can be used as a primitive smokehouse or keep the dishes hot, but the portable grill is mostly barbecue.
Advantages of a portable brazier:
- convenient to transport in any transport;
- quickly assembled from several fragments;
- all the space inside the casing warms up, heat is evenly distributed during cooking;
- is cheap.
Disadvantages of a portable brazier:
- serves only a few seasons, then the bottom of the casing wears out due to constant contact with coal;
- small sizes do not allow cooking at one time for a crowded company;
- cooking temperature is not regulated;
- limited functionality, but for a portable device, the ability to smoke, fry and bake on one broiler is not so important, because people go to nature not for culinary delights, it’s enough to fry kebabs, kupaty or fish;
- the small height of the legs - fry the kebab standing up and not leaning at the same time will not work.
Almost all the drawbacks are true for the portable model with gas fuel, but its durability is measured by more than two or three seasons. Also gas grill is safe to use indoors. In cold and rainy weather, a kebab in a country house can be made inside the house, in the kitchen, on the terrace or on the veranda. If desired, even in the waiting room.
Electric braziers that work from the outlet can be moved exclusively within reach of the power supply.
The design of immobile barbecue is much more complicated than portable. In the brick and metal versions, it varies greatly.
Brick grill is very similar in its structure to a fireplace with a closed firebox. There is a similarity both in external parameters and in internal ones. The construction of a brick stationary barbecue consists of the following elements:
- Foundation base. Without it, a heavy construction will not last long, so it is important to arrange the foundation according to all the rules and safety regulations. The base must be waterproofed,so that the clutch is not destroyed in winter and when the seasons change.
- Shantsy. This is the so-called podium on which the firebox itself is installed - the main structural element. The podium is usually performed with a double bottom - this is an ashpit. All waste fuel is collected in it. The ash pan is removed so that it can be periodically cleaned.
- Under for firebox. It is made of refractory materials, fireclay plates, for example.
- Drovnik or firebox. A compartment in which firewood burns, producing the heat necessary for cooking. In the construction of a brick barbecue, it is a steel casing, “built into the body” of an outdoor stove.
- Dumpster. This is another pallet, like an ashpit, which needs to be pulled out from time to time and cleaned of fat and combustion products.
- Blower for air circulation.
- Smoke Discharge Since the brazier of this type must be protected from adverse weather conditions, it is installed in the gazebo or recreation area. The presence of the roof is required. The flue must pass through it.
- Additional elements: a grate, blew, accessories, a door for a fire chamber, a cover for a casing.
- Often there is an additional compartment - an oven.
Universal is considered a multifunctional indoor grill, which is suitable not only for frying kebabs in the spring and summer, but also copes with the functions of barbecue, grill, smokehouse, cooking various non-meat dishes.
Among brick constructions, this is a good chafing dish with a lid, plus a closed firebox, used as a traditional Russian stove or attached tandoor.
The tandoor is a round furnace of a special design. With high-quality performance, she could well have replaced the grill.
In the tandoor, you can not only cook shish kebab, but also bake flat cakes, pies, vegetables, fish.
Among the metal structures, it is worth highlighting gas professional braziers with a combined frying surface (smooth and grooved), several burners, a smokehouse, a barbecue grill and skewers in the kit.
In addition to standard solutions, it can be equipped with a spit for roasting meat for shawarma, a wok (a deep thick-walled frying pan for cooking Asian dishes), a cauldron.
When it comes to the overall parameters of the mangal, first of all it refers to the size of the roaster.
Calculate its length, width and height is easy - for a standard size skewer. Its length is 40 plus or minus 2 centimeters. On such a skewer, 5-6 pieces of medium-sized meat are placed. The distance between the skewers should be about 6 centimeters. For a family of 4 enough 5 skewers in one go.
It turns out that the width of the roaster should not exceed 40 cm, and the optimal length - 45-50 cm. For a stable company of 6 or more people will need a long barbecue for 8-10 skewers. It is important to bear in mind that it is unlikely to be able to transport such a construction, and during cooking you will have to move from place to place to turn over each skewer. The length of such a problematic barbecue, but convenient because you can cook a lot of kebabs for the whole company at once, will be about 60-100 cm.
Calculate the depth of the brazier is somewhat more difficult. Here it is worth relying on the experience and recommendations of experienced summer residents.
As practice shows, the depth of the roaster, in which the meat does not burn, and the fuel is not wasted - 15-20 cm.
With a shallow depth of food, the dishes will be dried out, and with a too large roaster, there may not be enough heat for the meat to “ripen”.
Another important parameter on which the convenience of transportation and cooking depends is the overall height of the structure. The best height is the brazier, the brazier is located at a level of 1 meter above the ground. But a small mobile brazier will look like an awkwardly kolchenogoy construction, if you put it on the meter-high legs. For stability and aesthetics, it is more suitable for shorter legs, about 50 cm.
A large grill in the stationary state can afford any height. When building it, you need to focus on the growth of someone who will cook regularly. If a person is tall, then a brazier is placed above the level of 1 meter, if low, then 1 meter will be quite enough.
A useful device in the household does not have to look boring at all. Let unsightly rectangular braziers with holes for ventilation on straight legs remain in the past, and it's time to install a modern original model on your site.
The design of stone barbecues is less variable than the design of metal structures. This is due to the fact that the color scheme of the material (mainly brick) is limited to shades of red and beige, and not everyone can afford to revet the structure with ceramic tiles.
The classic of the genre for the stone barbecue is the stylization of a traditional Russian stove or fireplace.
When imitating a stove, a beautiful wrought-iron door is installed on the firebox; oak furniture, Russian-style textile accessories, samovars, pots and nails can be placed next to the brazier.
Fireplace requires a more noble atmosphere. The imitation of a marble portal from cheaper materials, a carved wooden mouth, a mosaic looks beautiful.
Some craftsmen trim stone grills with colored glass or fragments of ceramic tiles.
Facing with small details manually takes a lot of time, but this is how you get exclusive models with a touch of individuality.
Much more room for imagination opens when decorating metal structures. Metal is malleable in processing, it can be given any shape, including performing complex artistic forging. You can also paint it with fire resistant paints, apply a drawing or make the coating uniform.
A common theme is to draw a blazing fire on a brazier, paint it with colored patterns.
Suitable for decorating various DIY (DIY).This is the embodiment of original ideas with the help of things that have already served their own.
The first method looks more restrained, it is interesting, but relatively calm. The second way is the manifestation of creativity and skill.
In addition, things made by hand is a modern trend in the design of any zone, indoors and outdoors. At the same time decorating the design manually will be cheaper than ordering a design project.
For example, the grill converted from the trunk of an old car looks very original. It is desirable that the model was really old and rare. Then get the desired retro effect.
Just made and looks great grill from an iron barrel. Beautiful grill as an open suitcase.
Original brazier-train, brazier-car, carved chafing dish, casket.
For metal braziers it is important to combine colors in forging. Most will be black, but individual parts can be made in gold and silver.
Where to place?
The correct location of the barbecue ensures its comfortable use. One can hardly call a successful option a barbecue area in front of the garage or three meters from the toilet stall.
So that the place was chosen successfully and correctly, you need to be guided by sanitary and building codes and the basics of landscape design.
However, landscape design is not always important. Brazier can be placed on the street, in a recreation area, or at home. If it is located in the kitchen, in the bath complex, on the terrace or on the veranda, then you need to rely on the interior design and fire safety rules when choosing a place.
In the courtyard there are two options to arrange the brazier: in the recreation area, separately from the gazebo or under its roof as part of the structure.
Inside the arbor usually have stone barbecues. They require constant protection from the negative influence of weather conditions and under the roof look more organic than under the open sky.
Brazier inside the gazebo creates a cozy atmosphere. Ready meals can be immediately served on the table in the dining area inside the same gazebo.
Metal structures can also be located inside the gazebo. At the same time, they are not necessarily brickled into the foundation, like stone. Over time, the location can be changed.
What is important to consider when choosing a place under the grill on the street:
- Distance to other objects on the site.According to building regulations, a potentially hazardous structure should be no closer than 3 meters from the house, but no closer than 3 meters from the fence of the adjacent site.
- The relief of the soil should be more or less even, because you need to fill the foundation for heavy structures.
- The distance to the toilet stall and buildings for livestock should be 10-13 meters, no less.
- Direction of the wind. The windy side of the plot is usually one. It is desirable to install the brazier in the place where there is no strong wind, so that the coals are not carried through the air. It is also worth taking care that the smoke does not carry in the direction of the windows of the house.
- An open grill (not brick, without a roof) is forbidden to be installed under trees and bushes.
- The canopy over the pergola is allowed from durable materials, but not from fabric and PVC. For example, with a pergola gazebo (a roof in the form of a lattice, closed by a cloth) will have to say goodbye.
On the street mainly have solid-fuel braziers on wood or coal. This option works fine from mid-spring to late fall, but in winter there is little pleasant in a three-hour wait for a kebab in the cold.
A convenient option for a private home or a summer-house is a home grill.
For home, wood and coal options are not suitable. Its construction will cost much, time for laying will take a lot.But even more time will be spent on paperwork - fire safety regulations prohibit the use of open fire in a residential area. To get permission for the grill, fireplace and similar structures is extremely difficult. Remains gas and electric version.
The electric has two weighty arguments against it - dependence on the power grid (with interruptions with energy will not work) and the high cost of operation.
Gas in this relationship wins. It works from a cylinder, so it is independent of communications in the house, gas is cheap and the dimensions of such a device are unlimited. This may be a small brazier for two, and a large professional installation for family and friends.
The location of the barbecue in the house is more variable. It is detached, wall and corner.
Separate mobile design is very convenient. It can be placed in the middle of the kitchen or closer to the wall, and if necessary move. The only condition for such a brazier - the availability of free space. In a small room, he risks being cumbersome.
With the wall model, too, will have to tinker. First of all, you need to take care of fire safety and to finish the wall with refractory and heat-resistant materials, and in the second - to fix the structure on the wall well.
Angular braziers are more similar to chimney furnaces of a modern sample. Their configuration helps to efficiently use a small kitchen space and becomes an element of the design of the room.
Operation Tips
Problems in operation are always a consequence of the wrong choice of material, model and location. To minimize trouble when using barbecue, it is important to observe the recommendations of experienced owners at the purchase stage.
Budget brands are good, but this is more of an exception, and the rule is that quality always costs more. It is necessary to pay attention to the reviews of owners of factory products of different brands and choose on their basis.
The size of the burner is more important than the size of the roaster. To choose a brazier by the sizes of a metal casing - an error. Even if at first glance it seems that it is entirely possible to bake a Christmas pig in it, the main burner is in the construction. If it is small, then the entire improvised oven will not warm up. The heat will be concentrated only on a small radius around the burner. Piglet will have to put on a kebab of small pieces.
Models with a protective coating greatly simplify life.At least keramovolokno washes at times better than metal.
Aluminum and copper products are best suited for outdoor use. They are more resistant to corrosion, although over time it will inevitably appear on any metal grill.
When using a brazier, there are also some tricks:
- Adjusting the level of heat in the grill on the coals is also possible, as in a gas, although not to the exact degree. To "add heat", it is necessary from time to time to agitate the coal, knocking the ashes and raking them into piles. To reduce the temperature, the coals are distributed on the bottom of the broiler and no longer touch until the dish is ready.
- So that the products do not stick to the grill grate, it is customary to lubricate it with sunflower oil. Even novices intuitively guess this, but few people know that the effect will be better if the grill is preheated.
Using this technique, you need to be careful: wear a thermal protective glove and use a silicone brush to lubricate the grill.
- If the pieces of food still stuck to the grate or skewers, there are two effective ways to get rid of them. First you need to try to clean the hot grill with a brush.If this does not work, then the grate should be lowered onto a fire and the remnants of food should be burned. When they turn into ashes, it will be easier to clean them, and ash will also help to wash the grate to shine.
- If the choice fell on a gas or electric grill, in no case should not use the "liquid smoke". This reception will not give a characteristic smell of meat cooked on birch coals, but it can easily spoil the dish. It is better to do a good set of spices or interesting marinade for meat.
- And in order to give the meat a spicy aroma of herbs, they do not need to be rubbed into the meat itself - herbs are sprinkled on the grill grate.
- Thick food foil can be replaced with special grill brushes. You just need to crumple it in your hand and use this lump as a hard washcloth.
- The grill grate is too large to cook vegetables on it and not to suffer later, washing the bits of burnt skin. To this did not happen, you can use all the same foil. She needs to be laid on the bottom of the barbecue grill and well poked with a fork so that she turns into a grill. Sprinkle with oil on top, and nothing sticks.
- The golden rule that can get rid of many troubles: a fire extinguisher is purchased along with a brazier as an integral part of the kit. Let it not be useful better, but it will be at hand.
- Another mandatory element in the set with the grill - tongs for checking the readiness of the meat. Not a fork or a knife. These devices make a cut in the meat and deprive it of the juice. Readiness check, as well as turn the pieces, only with forceps.
- If birch firewood or coal suddenly ended, they can always be replaced by branches of any fruit trees. They, too, burn well and do not impart a rancid odor to products.
- Even a thick-walled brazier needs protection so that the service life is not shortened due to weather conditions and frequent exposure to high temperatures. Extend the life of a metal structure can staining or burnishing.
When painting is used only paint with a high degree of fire resistance. Burning will give a more lasting effect. After it, a thick film of iron oxides is formed on the walls of the roaster. It will not be an obstacle when cooking, but for a long time will protect the grill from rust.
Beautiful examples
You can make a brazier beautiful in different ways: choose an unusual shape, color, decor or material of manufacture.
Any form of a brazier other than a rectangular can become an unusual form for a brazier. Recently, round, cup-shaped, minimalist square braziers have gained popularity. Often you can find a model that does not have deaf walls of the brazier. They are replaced by beautiful forging in the form of weaving, climbing plants, abstract patterns.
We should also note the brazier in the form of objects or animals. A suitcase forged from steel, a car, a deer or a piglet on which a grill grill or skewers are placed, will definitely not be ignored.
Colored braziers - a rarity. If the brick, then red, if the metal, then black. Meanwhile, there are a large number of refractory paints for sale, and they are all presented in different shades: red, green, blue, yellow, emerald, and further along the color spectrum.
The brazier can be decorated with contrasting elements. For example, in a concise blued-in brazier, white, silver, and gold will stand out brightly. The decor can be voluminous and flat.
Unusual material is the scope for lovers to give old things a new incarnation. The main thing - to choose the right item for rework, to make it a safe and efficient grill. All metal objects are suitable for this purpose: empty barrels, small stainless steel trays, an empty gas cylinder, a drum from a washing machine, and even a case from a system unit.
The secrets of cooking delicious kebabs on the grill you will learn from the following video.