Mangals diplomats: features and methods of production

Departure on the nature of most people is associated with the preparation of kebabs. However, when walking in a small company, it is inconvenient to haul a large brazier - this is difficult, and it takes a lot of space, and using logs or bricks is also not a good option. In this situation, the best fit folding grill in the form of a diplomat.
Preparation for production
Before making mangal diplomat you need to know about its basic parameters and advantages over stationary models:
- ease of use;
- good size;
- the ability to make and fix such a grill with their own hands;
- structural reliability.
The latter parameter is determined not only by the thickness of the metal (usually for such structures metal is used with a thickness of 3 mm), but also by the quality of all individual parts.It is also necessary to properly treat all surfaces before working with them.
The quality and properties of the metal may be the main drawback of this design: with the wrong choice or when choosing rusty material, the brazier will quickly become unusable. Also it should be taken into account that in a folding grill it is difficult to cook a large amount of meat - its area is small, there will not be enough coal for even two servings of kebab. And rarely, such designs are distinguished by their beauty - they are needed only for the sake of convenience.
In the process of preparation, it is possible not only to draw on paper all the sizes of barbecue in folded and unfolded form. It should make a model of cardboard, preferably thick. This stage will allow you to understand all the flaws in the design and remake them at the stage of creating the layout.
It is best to check in advance the availability and condition of tools and materials.
During the manufacture of barbecue will need the following tool:
- electric jigsaw with stainless steel blades;
- Bulgarian;
- drill;
- scissors for metal;
- welding machine;
- roulette and ruler;
- level;
- metal or stainless steel sheets;
- set of dies.
Assembling mangal-diplomat
The assembly of such a structure takes a little time, but at the same time the product is convenient and durable. All soiled surfaces end up when assembled inside and outside parts will not be able to harm other objects.
The brazier when folded has a thickness of 4 cm, which, if equipped, makes it easy to carry. With skillful use and proper calculation, skewers or a grill grate can fit inside such a case.
When transferring the skewers inside such a diplomat, the length of the barbecue should be greater than their length. Standard parameters for a portable brazier are 40x65 cm. It is of these sizes that finished models are most often sold and their own products are made.
The procedure for the manufacture looks like this.
- First of all, the bottom is made. Usually use stainless steel with a thickness of 3 mm - such a sheet is able to withstand high temperatures for a long time and not deform. Many use sheets of 5 mm thickness - this increases the weight of the structure, but makes the bottom completely resistant to high temperatures.
- In the side walls with a thickness of 2 or 3 mm need to make holes for the flow of air.It is best to make them in two rows at a sufficient distance. Welding or bolts fasten sheds. The size of the side walls depends only on the vision of the finished structure and the previously prepared drawing.
- Transverse walls are made without holes. They are not attached to the base and must be collapsible. This is usually done with the help of bends on the short walls.
- Then, a construction for fixing the legs is performed. The threaded nuts are screwed to the bottom at 8. The support itself is an eight-millimeter rod about 60 cm long. This length is typical and may vary depending on height. It is necessary to take into account the fact that too narrow legs can sink in the sand or mud - it is best to make some flat additional supports below.
- After making the whole structure, it is assembled and a place for the handle is selected.
- It is imperative to come up with fixing elements in order to avoid the spontaneous opening of such a case.
Useful tips
Many people who make a similar design with their own hands, dream to make a very light and “eternal” brazier. Therefore use a stainless steel 1 mm thick. Not only will such a thin metal quickly bend under the influence of temperature, so the quality of the stainless steel itself may be low.Checking the quality of the material in the store is quite difficult, but if possible it is best to do it.
It is also necessary in the manufacture to clearly understand the difference and use heat-resistant steel. - it is able to withstand the amplitude of temperatures, also has a high resistance to various deformations. Heat-resistant steel also withstands high temperatures, but at the same time it is easily subjected to deformation.
It is best to use black iron - it does not undergo much deformation at high temperatures. Let the iron and less solid, but with a sufficient thickness of the web such a grill can be used for many years.
If you have the time and desire, you can cover the grill with paint or varnish on metal. It is best to paint only the outer side - inside the paint will quickly burn out.
Making a barbecue with your own hands is a simple process, but it takes time and effort. With the right choice of means and competent approach, the brazier-diplomat will serve its owner for many years.
Watching the next video, you can easily make a brazier-diplomat by yourself.