Chandeliers with fan

Chandelier with a fan is quite practical invention. Combining the function of cooling and lighting equipment, such models quickly gained popularity and confidently entered the modern interior.
Special features
Ceiling models with a fan have several undeniable advantages:
- They save space premises and electricity due to the fact that the function of two independent devices performs one device. In this case, the lamp and the fan operate independently of each other and the inclusion of one does not lead to the forced operation of the second. The power consumption of a fan is equivalent to a 100 watt incandescent bulb;
- Buying such a chandelier will be cheaperthan purchasing a fan and a lighting device separately. The device works absolutely silently, does not change the microclimate of the room, but only evenly distributes the air flow;
- Blade type of cooling does not cause colds., in difference from the conditioner, and is the most budgetary option. Ceiling models are approved for use in the presence of people suffering from allergic reactions to dust. The design does not require expensive maintenance, easy to maintain and install;
- The presence of a huge range allows you to choose a product in any interior. For large rooms it is possible to install several products. The model is convenient for use on terraces and summer arbors, where the use of air conditioning is impractical.
Technically, the models can be described as follows: the device consists of an electric motor, a housing and a rotary device with blades.
The number of blades is usually from three to six pieces, but there are models with one, and even with ten blades. Under the fan is a lighting fixture, which can be either a single version or consist of several lampshades or lamp shades.
The wiring diagram is performed in such a way that the wires of the fan and the luminaire are output to one double-key switch, where each of the keys will be responsible for its function. Some models are equipped with a remote control that allows you to remotely control the device.
Sometimes for inclusion used rope or chain hanging from a chandelier. In such products, the switch relay is built into the case and to activate it, just pull the cord until it clicks.
Some products are equipped with a reverse, with which you can change the direction of rotation of the blades, and a speed sensor that regulates the number of revolutions depending on the specified parameters.
Models are made from environmentally friendly materials: glass, metal, wood, plastic and fabric. On some models, humidifiers and air ionizers are installed, which makes being in the room with them more comfortable.
By type of attachment to the ceiling chandeliers with a fan are divided into suspended and ceiling.
Principle suspended type The design consists in the fact that the product is suspended on a steel hook that is reliably mounted in the ceiling. Usually the hooks come complete with a chandelier and are designed for a large weight of the product.Wires and fasteners are hidden decorative cover. Suspended chandeliers are suitable for both suspended ceilings and traditional surfaces. Only rigid structures are used as hangers, the use of flexible elements is unacceptable.
Ceiling chandeliers They are mounted with a bracket that is screwed to the ceiling and on which the whole structure rests. Fasteners and wires are between the ceiling and the bar and are not visible from the side. Ceiling chandeliers are ideal for low spaces - they do not have a long suspension and are compactly placed under the ceiling.
In the direction of rotation there are two types of fans.
- The blades rotate clockwise. These are the most budget models, they often do not provide additional functions. Products with this type of rotation are suitable for summer use. The blades are designed in such a way that the forced air is directed downward, blowing the room evenly.
- In the second case, the rotation is carried out in both directions. Such models are equipped with a reverse, changing the direction of rotation of the blades, speed control and remote control.The cost of these products is higher, but it is compensated for by the wider functionality of the fan. The counterclockwise rotation mode directs the air upwards.
Due to this, cold air rises to the ceiling and displaces warm air, which begins to dissipate and descend along the walls to the floor.
As a result of this air exchange, the room temperature becomes comfortable. This ability of the fan to equalize the temperature in the room allows you to use the product in the cold season.
How to choose?
When choosing a chandelier with a fan, you need to take into account the area of blowing and lighting parameters.
If the chandelier will serve as the main source of light, you should choose models with a total power of all lamps of at least 20 watts per square meter. For large rooms, multi-bulb models are suitable with the possibility of installing energy-saving or LED lamps in them.
The possibility of using lamps with low heat emission is necessary when choosing models with fabric or wooden lampshades in order to avoid their ignition. If the chandelier is supposed to be used as additional lighting or in cases where several identical models are installed in a large area,then the total power of all lamps can be equal to 15 watts per square meter.
An important criterion for selecting a model is the fan blade span. A comfortable stay in the room with the device turned on and the aesthetic appearance of the product depend on this parameter.
To correctly determine the diameter of the blades, it is necessary to subtract the total area that is occupied by large-sized furniture from the total area of the room. The remaining value should be divided by 2.5. The result of the calculations and will be a guideline when choosing the size of the blades. When large areas of the premises, following the same formula, you can determine the required number of chandeliers.
Particular attention should be paid to the length of the suspension. The distance from the blades to the floor should not be less than 230 cm. Therefore, suspended structures should be used only in high rooms, and the ceiling options are well suited for low ceilings.
You must also take into account the distance from the fan to furniture, curtains and other chandeliers: they must be distanced from each other in such a way as to completely eliminate the mutual touch.
The product has additional functions in the form of multi-colored lights, reverse,the speed controller and remote control is chosen by the buyer independently, depending on the value of the product that is comfortable for him.
Chandeliers, equipped with an ionizer and a humidifier, are much more expensive than traditional models.
When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account the style of the room. A large range of products will allow you to choose a product in a classic and modern interior.
Gilded patinated products will harmoniously fit into the Baroque and Rococo styles, and designs with elements of glass and chromed metal look great in minimalism and high-tech. For the rustic and ethnic styles fit models made of wooden elements, and for children the ideal option would be chandeliers made in the form of a fabulous helicopter.
Fan chandeliers are in good demand and have a lot of positive feedback.
Consumers note the following advantages of products:
- The possibility of simultaneous lighting and ventilation of the room without lowering the room temperature. This allows you to avoid hypothermia, which is especially valuable in children's rooms.
- Silent operation of the fan allows you to install such models in bedrooms and rest rooms. The rapid removal of odors and intensive air circulation makes the model indispensable for the kitchen. The possibility of installation on terraces, verandas and gazebos allows you to comfortably carry the summer heat;
- The possibility of remote control of some models makes the operation of products convenient and comfortable. The presence of additional functions for humidification and ionization of air eliminates the need to purchase individual instruments. A wide range with a wide variety of designs and colors allows you to choose a product in any interior;
- Unlike floor models, the ceiling fan is located outside the area where pets and children are found, which completely eliminates the risk of injury or foreign objects in the rotating blades;
- The release of products in a wide price range makes it possible to purchase products of both premium class and very low cost options. The cost of chandeliers with a fan varies on average from 6 to 40 thousand rubles. Models do not require expensive maintenance and easy to maintain.
Of the minuses there is a large weight of products, the inability to use chandeliers in rooms with high humidity and the high cost of some models.
Attention is also drawn to the presence of sound resonance when the fan is turned on in cases when chandeliers are used on suspended ceilings with metal rails.
To avoid hum, it is necessary to leave a gap between the ceiling and the external fixing elements of the chandelier.
Place in the interior
Convenience, functionality and versatility of the design explain the high interest in this type of chandeliers. Such products can be found in residential and office buildings, catering establishments and children's institutions. Models perfectly illuminate and refresh the room, harmoniously fit into the interior and serve as a worthy decoration of the design.
How to install a chandelier with a fan, see the next video.