Modern chandeliers in the interior

Chandelier very easily and gracefully can fit into any interior, moreover, it is its indispensable part. Now the market is saturated with various models and brands of these lighting devices - from classics and Provence to modern models in the art deco style and minimalism. But the main thing in such an abundance is not to get confused, because only a properly selected chandelier can illuminate and highlight all the advantages of a room and hide its flaws.
In order to choose the right chandelier and she was able to fulfill its main purpose - to illuminate the room, it is necessary to take into account certain criteria. Of course, there are quite a few such rules, but It is worth paying attention to the main and most important of them:
- A significant role when choosing a chandelier is played by the parameters of the room for which it will be intended; if the room is large enough in size, a small chandelier will not be enough, it may simply not fit into the interior, and vice versa, if the room is small, then the bulky chandelier will block the whole view and spoil the design.
- It is necessary to select the lighting device in accordance with the overall style of the room. If the room is made in a classic style, then the minimalist chandelier will look inappropriate, the single ensemble will be broken.
- The same is connected with the subsection - observing a single style, you need to select the corresponding lamps.
Of great importance is the design of the ceiling when choosing a chandelier.
- It is important to prevent the accumulation of dirt and dust, so it is better to pick up a device that can be easily wiped and cleaned, without an abundance of parts and decorations.
- Provided that the room is already installed lights, the chandelier should be chosen based on this parameter. It must be remembered that for the proper operation of the device and its beautiful design in the interior all the above factors are taken into account, in addition to this,need to consider ways to control the lighting device.
This is due to the fact that in some models all the lamps turn on at the same time, in others the order is observed.
When choosing a chandelier for the room an important aspect will be its design. To understand which model is suitable for a particular room, knowledge of the device lighting device will play a major role.
Initially, you should pay attention to the case of the model - it looks like a pendant lamp or simply as a base with a base, then a cartridge is placed into which later light bulbs are inserted, as well as diffusers. As a rule, a lid covering the wiring and other connections is attached to such a structure from above. Next, you should consider the reflector, it is not in every model. In general, it serves as the main idea - the distribution of light in all corners of the room, and the lens, in turn, will respond to the uniformity of such a distribution.
If we are talking about a stylistic or design decision in the design of a chandelier, then the ceiling lamps and lampshades are responsible for this.
When choosing different models, the material for manufacturing such decorative elements will be important, and the higher the quality, the more expensive and more refined the lamps look.
Sometimes quite standard materials such as glass, plastic and metal can act as a material, but modern, bold interior solutions also suggest the presence of silk or other fabric. Such materials look quite advantageous in a certain interior, but they have the ability to ignite.
High-quality fabric lampshades practically do not contact with the lamp itself, the responsible manufacturers pay special attention to this. Along with the fabric, paper or wood will be an interesting design option for the chandelier. In rooms with large dimensions, you can make a wide lampshade or several small chandeliers with shades.
If the ceilings in the room are rather low, then ceiling lamps will do, they will also visually make the room more, add space and air.
Mounting selection
In order to choose the right chandelier, you must first decide on the type of fixing it to the ceiling. Currently, there are two main types of lamps - ceiling and pendant.
First you need to determine the parameters of the room, how high or low ceilings there are, as well as orient in their material and decoration.In addition, interior preferences play an important role in the selection of chandeliers.
If a pendant chandelier is considered, which is also commonly called a classic chandelier, then it has twisted decorative elements. With the right design, they will look elegant and elegant, while not crushing the whole interior with its impressiveness. Of course, such chandeliers are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings and large overall dimensions, otherwise they will not fit into the situation at all. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that the suspension will be used to attach such a lamp to the ceiling, which is usually a spring, a decorative chain or a rod, sometimes a hook is used or the lamp is located on the rod.
Because of this, there will be a small distance between the chandelier and the ceiling, which also does not add space to a small room.
If the room cannot boast with large parameters, then the best option would be a ceiling lamp, which is attached directly to the ceiling without any chains or hooks. Such chandeliers are high enough, children can not reach them, so these models are often placed in children's rooms.
When purchasing such a chandelier, the light of which will have a reflection on the ceiling, it is worth being attentive to the options for controlling the light of lamps.
If the room is dark, then it will not be enough just one ceiling lamp, will also need sconces or floor lamps.
The main design decision of modernity is a ceiling chandelier in the form of a plate or a round ceiling. In such lamps, the light reflects upward, which creates a comfortable atmosphere in the room. If the room does not have sufficient lighting, it is better to abandon the dark or dull ceiling, they will not diffuse enough light. When attaching a ceiling lamp you should pay attention to the material from which the ceiling is made - if it is concrete, then the light of a lamp of any power is not intimidating for it.
If the room is suspended ceilings or wood is used in the decor, it is better to choose a softer light - halogen or fluorescent light bulbs would be a good option.
However, ceiling lamps have their drawbacks - if the light bulb is blown, it is not very easy to change.
Features of installation for stretch ceiling
Buying and installing a chandelier for a stretch ceiling is not an easy task.The thing is that the material from which such a ceiling is made will be stretched and changed already at 80 degrees Celsius, because of this the lamps must be selected with the minimum heat output. With excessive heat dissipation may even change the color of the tension material. Initially, the lamp is not fixed on the stretch ceiling, but on its original, so to speak, draft, with the help of a hook.
It is necessary to take care of the purchase of the fixture before the ceiling is installed, since it is necessary to calculate the holes for the chandelier. It is not necessary to purchase a lamp with excessive mounting details, then the material of the stretch ceiling will be deformed.
If you want to buy a ceiling chandelier, you will have to face certain difficulties that are associated with a rather massive mounting beam, because of this, the ceiling will have to be pretty badly injured. If you allow even a small slip, the material can be damaged and sag.
There are also its own features with glossy ceilings, since they tend to reflect the rays, so if you want the light to be diffused, you need to take care of the protective cover or body at the top of the lamp.In this situation, a chandelier made of crystal can be a suitable option - the ceiling will beautifully reflect its glare. You can install and a semicircular lamp, it will increase the size of the room, scattering the light on the ceiling of the gloss.
With proper installation between the draft ceiling and the tension there will be some free space that can be used to hide the wires or, if there is such a need, a device for powering low-voltage luminaires. However, there is a high probability that they will often become unusable, and therefore it is better to place them in easily accessible places. Such devices may be needed for halogen or LED lamps.
In order to completely avoid the heating of the ceiling from the lamps, you should choose a hanging chandelier with details looking down or sideways. At the same time, the minimum distance that should be between the ceiling and the lighting elements that create heat is 20 cm. Well, if there is a need to purchase chandeliers whose light bulbs and horns are directed up towards the ceiling, it is better to purchase halogen or LED lamps, but the distance is In this case it is necessary to increase to 40 cm.
A good option to prevent the stretch ceiling from heating is a steel sheet reflector. Such protection will protect it from burnout and deformation.
Power requirement
Buying a chandelier, almost first of all you need to think about What area of illumination will this device have?
- Only needed to illuminate individual areas of the room;
- The lighting is completely all over the room.
If a clear answer is still unclear, then you can pick up lamps with adjustable lighting, they provide an opportunity to reduce and add brightness at the discretion of the owner. It is also possible to select the so-called lighting of different levels - in addition to the main in the form of a chandelier, you can also install a floor lamp or sconce.
If the ceilings in the room do not exceed three meters in height, then lamps should be selected for the chandelier, based on the following factors:
- If the room requires good lighting, then it is necessary to purchase 20 watt light bulbs. As a rule, bright light require a kitchen or living room.
- With an average level of illumination the proposed power will be from 15 to 18 watts, such lamps can be installed in the nursery, bathroom or study.
- When it is necessary to completely dim the light, then light bulbs for 10 or 12 watts will do - for a bedroom, for example.
As a result, we get the total power of lighting, if we add a separate light for each bulb - the living room will be lit by a chandelier with a power of 150-300 watts, the kitchen will be characterized by lighting from 120 to 150 watts, but in a bedroom 100 watts will suffice. When it is impossible to determine exactly how much power the lighting will be, you can buy lamps a little brighter, but then remotely regulate the distribution of light in the room. This will make even in the brightest room a muffled light, if necessary, and the lamp can be used as a night light.
When buying a chandelier, first of all attention is paid to the following points: how much energy it consumes, what are the connection modes, as well as the material from which the cartridge is made.
Types of light bulbs
When buying a chandelier it is very important to understand which type of lamp will be suitable for it. There is a division into basic types, each of which has its own characteristics:
- The most promising and widely used currently are LED bulbs, they are very eco-friendly. If they are installed in a room with a stretch ceiling, their additional plus is revealed - a small amount of heat dissipation. Also, these lamps are quite durable and have a long service life. From the point of view of interior design, they are also in a winning position, as they give pure light. Of course, they also have a minus - a rather high price, but a long service life pays for such an investment.
- Not the most common and high quality fluorescent lamps, they make annoying sounds during the operation period and burn with enviable periodicity, however, there are more modern models that have been amenable to improvement, have become more energy-saving and serve for quite some time. Such bulbs have a significant drawback - they can be depressurized, after which substances harmful to human health get into the atmosphere. In addition, the light of such lamps is very bright, it irritates the eyes; fluorescent lamps are presented in a fairly high price segment;
- The most familiar type for many people are incandescent bulbstheir main advantage is that they are represented by a rather wide range of socles. Also we are pleased with the low price and the distinction in capacity of different models, but the service life of such products is not too long. An additional problem is that they consume relatively more electricity than the energy-saving lamps that are now common, and therefore they are producing less and less.
When selecting lamps for a chandelier, you need to focus not so much on their appearance, which, of course, is also important as the power, which affects how light the room will be and how much electricity will be consumed.
Manufacturing materials
In order for the chandelier to fit organically into the interior, in addition to parameters such as power and design, you must also pay attention to the material of manufacture. Different materials are characterized by different features, they meet a certain stylistic orientation.
- Glass Chandelier, it looks very elegant and elegant, but during the operation you may encounter the fact that it is difficult to clean, it is fragile and easily damaged.Of course, there are now a variety of dust-repellent products that will make cleaning easier. Naturally, if the room is decorated in a baroque style, the crystal chandelier will fit there perfectly.
- Metal chandelier will be much stronger crystal, in the production of using copper, brass or bronze, the coating also varies from gold to nickel or chromium. By design, the lamp made of metal is very interesting, ornate decorative elements will complement the interior in high-tech style. Often in the manufacture of metal chandeliers used forging.
- Sometimes wood is used to make chandeliers.But such models are more typical for country houses or cottages, they create a comfortable atmosphere in the room. However, it is worth remembering that they are more susceptible than others to environmental conditions - they can catch fire without proper temperature control, and are often attacked by insects. An interesting option would be a fabric lamp, it will add comfort to the room. Moreover, thanks to their pliability, designers often experiment with this material, and the chandelier can become an original and very stylish accent of the room.
- Plastic chandeliers very common and presented on the market a wide range of models. They have significant advantages: they are located in the low price segment, will give more access to light, unlike the same metal models, and are also suitable for rooms with any conditions, do not require any special operating conditions. Ceiling lamps of such chandeliers, presented in various colors, although they will not look luxurious and elegant, will be functional and convenient to use. However, you should pay attention to the composition of the plastic when buying, it should not contain formaldehyde, otherwise when heated, they can be released and cause harm to the human body.
Recommended colors
In order for the chandelier to fit organically into the interior, it is also important to think about its color scheme. There is no need to experiment, as experts note that only certain shades contribute to relaxation or, conversely, cheerfulness, so colored chandeliers will not always be a good option.
If the lamp is yellow or light pink, then according to many designers, it favors the creation of comfort and a general relaxing atmosphere in the room.Orange will help increase appetite and speed up the heart rate, green gamma is characterized as the most peaceful and pleasant to the eyes, it relaxes and allows you to relax. Blue, lilac and turquoise lamp can reduce the excitability and pressure, purple, by contrast, will act depressingly on the psyche of a person in a room.
Brown shades of the lamp shade will be suitable only in a room that is decorated in beige or light warm colors, then a comfortable atmosphere will be created. The same applies to wenge chandeliers, although it is not exactly a color, but rather a common name for luxurious chandeliers in a range of colors from velvet brown to golden with black veins. Chandeliers with lampshades of such colors will look good in a classic or baroque interior.
Choosing a design
Making the room, it is worth understanding that the chandeliers will organically fit into it only if you maintain a stylistic leitmotif. For example, if it is necessary to show unity with nature, you can use a chandelier from the horns or with flowers, and you can also install a sconce from seashells.It is important to remember that you can not overdo it with decorative elements, otherwise you can ruin even the most successful interior. When it comes to living room in the style of high-tech or minimalism, you can install a small slide with lighting, and it will be interesting to look like pendants or the so-called musical chandelier.
The decor of a modern children's room dictates simple light colors, but accents in the form of a lamp are quite permissible. For a child of preschool age chandelier-sun or lamp-cloud is quite suitable. Decorative butterflies and balls are appropriate in the nursery for a girl or a younger boy, but too many of them may adversely affect the overall orientation.
Classic or art deco can take stained glass lamps, which will give a lively and sophisticated design, and if the room is made in the style of fusion, then fit the lamp-ring. The choice is huge - from gold-plated to copper chandeliers with soft diffused light that will make the room cozy, but at the same time stylish and elegant.
Style Directions
As has been repeatedly mentioned earlier, there are certain styles that help to choose the overall decoration of a room and to which all its elements must obey. There are several main areas, each of which will suit various chandeliers.
- The classics are characterized by ornate pendant chandeliers., they can be crystal or made of glass. Plastic ceiling lights, which, in turn, will perfectly fit into the modern or high-tech style will not exactly fit into a room with a classic or baroque design. You can use rectangular or other geometric motifs in the lighting. Creating the atmosphere of the future, uses minimalism - it is characterized by metal, chrome or glass. These chandeliers look futuristic, and the interior is fresh.
- If you need to install a chandelier in a room decorated in country style, you can choose a wicker model, which will give a bit of rural color to the room and make it comfortable and cozy for gatherings with a cup of tea.
Features of selection for different rooms: design tips
Designers recommend when choosing lighting in the first place to focus on the purpose of the room. The bedrooms are characterized by beautiful chandeliers with subdued lighting, for the living room the light is needed brighter. For the children's room, you can choose a colored ceiling.Preference is given to the green colors, it will calm the child and at the same time tones him. Suspended chandeliers are characteristic of high ceilings, but if it is possible to install only a ceiling lamp, then designers recommend thinking about a second light.
For the second light in the living room or bedroom, you can install a floor lamp or sconces, they will make the atmosphere more pleasant and relaxed. Creating the interior of a country house, a wooden lamp is used, or a lot of halogen built-in lamps, if you need to light up the working surface of the kitchen in such a house.
In the bathroom, quite often a long LED or halogen lamp was used, mounted behind a mirror or on the ceiling of a room. More often for designers and bathrooms, designers recommend plastic as the main material, as it is quite advantageous in price and easy to clean.
Top manufacturers
There are many models of chandeliers on the modern market in the field of light, there are American, German, Chinese and even Russian manufacturers. But the most popular and high quality can be called lamps from Omnilux and Cosmos.
Omnilux provides a wide range of models, ranging from hanging lamps to floor lamps. They position themselves as a brand of economy class, but with high quality models, samples of which are purchased at European exhibitions, and then the manufacturer in China makes exact replicas. This allows you to significantly reduce the price.
The manufacturer of Cosmos chandeliers is not well known in Russia, but this brand provides futuristic models that will fit into the interior in fusion or high-tech style.
In the next video you will appreciate the Omnilux chandelier.