Chandeliers from Spain

No interior can do without good lighting, strictly corresponding to the chosen style in the design. And the general atmosphere in the room sometimes depends on the right choice of the central chandelier. If you chose a classic design or baroque design, then you should definitely pay attention to the luxurious chandeliers of Spanish production.
Special features
Chandeliers and lamps from Spain have long established themselves on the world market as products with unsurpassed quality and beautiful appearance, thanks to which they have gained immense popularity among buyers in many countries.
Modern brands of lighting fixtures of Spanish origin are guided by the following principles in the production of lighting products:
- impeccable quality of the goods;
- environmental friendliness and safety of products;
- luxurious design;
- attention to every detail;
- variety of styles (classic, neoclassic, modern, etc.), as well as a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
Spanish lamps are distinguished by a special, inherent only to these products, national color, which can be described as elegance and refinement of forms, as well as an unexpected combination of static and strict minimalism with a lot of luxurious decorative details. In the arsenal of the Spanish manufacturers there is also a special old technique of making large wrought iron chandeliers.
This style is also widely known as Spanish flower design. He appeared in Spain in the XIII century. In the modern market you can find both suspended and ceiling chandeliers made according to these long-standing traditions.
They have repeatedly been recognized as the best lamps in the world.
Place in the interior
It should be immediately noted that because of its luxurious appearance and impressive size, classical Spanish chandeliers are unlikely to fit into the design of a small apartment or a small room in a house.Such models are perfect for large living rooms, halls and halls, as well as for spacious bedrooms and study rooms.
The main styles in which traditional models of Spanish chandeliers and lamps will harmoniously fit:
- classic,
- neoclassical
- modern
- high tech,
- baroque,
- Empire,
- Renaissance,
- Victorian.
- rococo.
When choosing a Spanish chandelier, you must remember that it is an element of luxury and fills the atmosphere of the room with a certain pomp and sophisticated pomp. If you chose minimalism or light romantic style for the design of the room, then such grand design elements in it will be simply inappropriate.
As a rule, lighting products from Spain are used in the design of premises in public institutions such as:
- theaters, conservatories, universities;
- fashionable restaurants;
- elite class hotels;
- art galleries, museums and exhibition halls;
- train stations.
Main types
To create a refined and sophisticated atmosphere in the interior of your apartment or country house, you can use the following types of Spanish lamps:
- Ceiling lamps. They are placed, as a rule, in the center of the ceiling, creating harmonious light symmetry in the room, or may shift to a certain part of the room, breaking it, such an arrangement is typical of high-tech or modern styles;
- Pendant lights They are a traditional Spanish classic of the genre, ideal for illuminating spacious rooms with high ceilings. Available in a chic variety, which allows the buyer to choose the most suitable option for their chosen design. It is desirable to place such chandeliers strictly in the center of the room, avoiding the disturbance of visual light symmetry.
If there is a need for visual zoning of the room, then it is better to use wall or spotlights for this purpose, while it is desirable to choose products from one manufacturer, it will be much easier to achieve complete harmony in the interior.
Spanish luminaire manufacturers offer customers a wide range of products that may differ in the following parameters:
- According to the materialof which the lamp is made. They can be made of bronze, silver, chrome, crystal, and the most expensive models, even of gold or ivory;
- By type of attachment lamps can be ceiling, pendant, cascade, spherical or other form;
- By belonging to a particular style - classic, modern, renaissance, hi-tech and others.
Today, crystal chandeliers from Spain are particularly popular with customers.
These chandeliers are produced in very limited quantities, and each model is a true work of art.
Major brands
In Spain, several brands are engaged in the release of lighting fixtures for interiors of various styles.
The most popular among Russians are the well-known brands Ambiente and Mantra. Each of these manufacturers has its own traditions and secrets, its own exclusive approach, but both of them, undoubtedly, deserve close attention of customers who dream of purchasing a real Spanish chandelier.
- Brand Products Ambiente they are distinguished by the elegance and luxury of timeless classics. This is a gorgeous shine of many crystal plates in combination with the glitter of gold covering the fittings of a chandelier or lamp. The manufacturer offers a huge selection and variety of models.
- Trademark Mantra It has been considered the benchmark for quality in the lighting market for more than twenty years. Brand products are in special demand among fans of non-standard solutions for interiors in the style of modern, country, Provence or high-tech. As a rule, this is a combination of bronze fittings with white or matte bottles or candle lamps. A feature of this brand can be considered and the release of models for different price categories of buyers.
- In addition to these world leaders, the trademark that is gaining popularity can be distinguished in the market for these products. Brizzi. This manufacturer specializes in the production of more modern models of lamps, which are worth paying attention to fans of such trendy styles like modern or high-tech.
Also quite popular in the consumer market are manufacturers such as Vidrios Granada, Reyluz and Bejorama. Recently, these young brands are gaining their positions and even slightly pressed recognized leaders.
There are other less well-known manufacturers of lighting fixtures in Spain, but if you want to buy truly genuine and high-quality products, it is better to buy them from time-tested and trademarks.
Prices for their products will be several times higher than that of little-known manufacturers, but the quality and irresistible appearance more than compensates for all the money spent on it.
Tips for choosing
Spanish manufacturers in the manufacture of lighting fixtures are guided by modern trends in interior design, most models of lamps perfectly fit in almost any style. Nevertheless, there are certain rules for the selection of lighting devices in the room.
To ensure harmonious lighting in the interior, the lighting devices must comply with the following parameters:
- the chosen style of the room;
- the type and quantity of the main sources of light;
- method of mounting and installation;
- material of which the device is made.
The luxurious appearance of traditional lamps from Spain in combination with the many advantages listed above will bring to the atmosphere of your home such invaluable qualities as:
- soft feeling of a cosiness and comfort;
- wealth and luxury in the interior;
- rest atmosphere, gentle relaxation and relaxation;
- unique play of light and shadow.
By placing the chandelier and lamps of Spanish manufacturers in the room, you can shift the emphasis in your interior design, giving it a special festive atmosphere of luxury. The right model will be the real queen in your house and will cause genuine admiration of all who happen to contemplate it.
Learn more about how to choose a chandelier, you will learn from the following video.