Loggia heating

Loggia can be used not only as a warehouse for storing various things, but also as a full-fledged living room. To do this, refer to the appropriate exterior and interior decoration. Particular attention should be paid to heating the room.
Features and benefits
Previously, balconies and loggias were less functional rooms in which unnecessary things were stored, banks, twists, etc. They were rarely used year-round, so there are still many open loggias that cannot be reached in winter.
Nowadays, people more often began to connect loggias to living space and make them more practical.In the shops in a large assortment there are a variety of building materials, with which you can beautifully and accurately decorate the room, both inside and outside.
Competent selection of finishing materials largely depends on the structure and condition of the loggia, as well as the taste preferences of the owners. But the pleasant chores associated with the choice of beautiful panels, wallpaper and flooring, should proceed after the issue is resolved with warming.
It is solved laborious and requires only the most accurate calculations. First you need to carry out the preparatory work, strengthen the loggia and then proceed directly to the installation of heating systems.
Today, there are many varieties of heating systems for loggias. Each apartment owner can choose an option that does not hit his wallet. If you pick up and correctly install the heating in the area of your loggia, then it will be possible to go out in it in any season and in any weather. The room can be converted into a full-fledged study, make it a bar area or a recreation area. It all depends on your preferences.
Most heating systems are silent. They will not make annoying sounds.
High-quality heating from well-known companies is protected from overheating and optimally distributes the temperature throughout.
Heating options
There are several types of heating for loggias. Consider them in more detail.
Battery on the loggia
The battery on the loggia is very convenient. It will not cost much and you will not have to constantly turn it on / off. But such a decision will entail certain inconveniences. At a temperature of 0 degrees, the water in the radiator can freeze - it will just burst, and you risk flooding the neighbors.
For this reason, the Moscow authorities banned the removal of radiators on loggias and balconies.
Central heating in the territory of the loggia is a direct violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, but this fact does not stop many apartment owners.
Warm water floor
Today, warm water floor is in demand. It is a special tube of polymer material, which is installed, like a snake. After that, it is closed with a coupler and water is let through it, the temperature of which rarely exceeds 60 degrees.
Such a system provides heating along an ideal path. Heat comes from the floor to the top. This property will allow you to be on the territory of the loggia in any season without shoes!
By law, the installation of such a system is not prohibited, even if it is not connected to central heating and water supply systems.
Electric floor heating
Warm electric floors are very popular today. Such options are an excellent alternative to a water heating system. With electrical designs you do not flood the neighbors. They are mounted much easier and faster.
But such systems are more expensive. They consume a lot of energy, so at the end of the month you may receive a bill for a considerable amount. Many owners additionally purchase a special thermostat that turns off the floor at the right moment, but even such an element does not allow to save money.
Electric underfloor heating can be different:
- Cable floor is a system in which there is a special cable that has a heating wire (one or more). Unfortunately, these options are not very safe.Literally one small spark can lead to very sad consequences. For this reason, such floors are always under the screed. Another disadvantage of the cable floor is that electromagnetic radiation emanates from some types of heating cable.
- There is another type of electric heating system - infrared floor. It is safe and does not emit harmful radiation. Any floor covering can be installed on top of such heating, which allows to significantly reduce and facilitate installation work on the loggia.
Infrared floor is in great demand than cable. This is due not only to its ease of installation, but also to work like the sun. Simply put, this system does not heat the air (like cable), but all the objects in the room. After that, the objects themselves give off heat to the air.
Fan heater
Another excellent solution for heating a loggia will be a fan heater. With such a device at least once in their lives, every person came across. It has a compact size. Fan heaters absorb cold air, and in the room give out - hot.
But such devices can not perform the functions of the main source of heat. They quickly and significantly warm the air, but they are not designed for permanent work. After turning off the fan heater on the loggia, it will quickly become cold.
Another disadvantage of this heater is its noisy work.
Convector heater
For heating the loggia, you can turn to a more impressive convector heater. Otherwise, it is called a thermal panel. The principle of its operation is in many ways similar to a small fan heater, but it does not produce an unpleasant and annoying noise.
Modern convectors quickly warm up and shut off automatically when necessary.
Installing such devices is very easy and simple. They can be attached as you like: on the wall or on the floor. Some manage to install a convector on the ceiling.
But there is such a heater and its drawbacks. It makes the air dry, which can cause a headache after a while. Convectors consume a lot of energy, like other electric heaters.
Oil radiator
Another popular option for an electric heater is an oil cooler.It consists of a durable metal case, in the inner part of which is placed an electric helix and oil. When the oil temperature reaches 70-80 degrees, the device automatically shuts off. This feature indicates the safety of this type of heating.
Oil heaters do not make the air dry, so you can also not worry about your well-being.
Such devices have one important feature: they slowly heat up and warm up the room, and then they do not cool for a very long time. But if in the territory of your loggia drafts are walking, then such things will not be able to warm it up even for a short time.
Infrared heater
According to the principle of the infrared system of underfloor heating works infrared heater. He also warms up the objects in the room first. But this instance has its drawbacks. One of them is excessive light radiation, which will cause a lot of inconvenience at night.
Such heaters are very fragile, and the lamps in them heat up to 200 degrees, so you should be very careful not to get a serious burn next to them.
But infrared heaters have the highest efficiency. They consume less energy than all the above-mentioned electrical systems and heat up the loggia with high quality.
In more detail about types of heating on a loggia it is possible to learn from the following video:
Can I take out the battery on the loggia?
In each region, the ban on the withdrawal of central heating to the territory of the loggia is governed by its documentation. But the general basis for the prohibition of such redevelopment remains the same. If you make a radiator of your own free will, you can be fined.
Also, you will have to fulfill the requirement to disassemble the battery and return it to its original place.
However, some apartment owners are trying to legitimize the removal of heating to the loggia. To do this, you must contact the management company, which is engaged in home maintenance. It is necessary to coordinate with it a plan for future redevelopment and obtain the necessary permission.
There are no guarantees that it will succeed in getting it.
But it is worth remembering that the insertion of another battery will reduce the overall pressure on the heating system, and this can lead to cooling not only your apartment, but all the other rooms in the house.
Tips for choosing
It is necessary to take the issue of loggia heating very seriously, because it will depend on how you can exploit additional square meters:
- If you want to save electricity, and you are not afraid of complicated installation work, then you should turn to the water floor heating. But do not forget that such a system must be closed with a coupler!
- Perfectly warm the room electric warm floor. It is ideal for heating in the winter, and you can easily go to the loggia barefoot. The most successful option would be an infrared floor. But you should not forget that such heating will be expensive not only in installation, but also in operation. Owners of these systems are advised to stock thermostats, which from time to time will turn off warm floors. But do not think that this will be a tangible solution to the problem. Accounts will still come with large amounts.
- If your loggia has floor and wall insulation, then in addition it can be heated using various electric heaters. They also consume a lot of energy and heat the room much less. The most "weak" option is the fan heater.The effect of his noisy work does not last long. The best in this category will be an infrared heater. It consumes a little less electricity and does an excellent job with its main task.
- It is not recommended to bring the central heating to the territory of the loggia. This option is very convenient, and many apartment owners would like to insulate additional squares in this way, but this will lead to many problems. To legalize such redevelopment will be very difficult, and you will spend a lot of time.
Such radical decisions can lead to a decrease in temperature in the living rooms of both you and your neighbors.