Loggia decoration

Loggia, like other rooms in an apartment, requires finishing. Beautifully decorated room will allow to get additional square meters and make them functional. Today many people turn to such a reception, letting go of the fantasy “to the flight” and creating very beautiful and original rooms in the conditions of a loggia.
Special features
Finishing a loggia should always be carried out. It does not matter how you use it. Let it be a spacious storage room or a study - you can’t do without finishing. Any owner and hostess will be much nicer to go on a beautiful and well-kept balcony.
For decoration of the balcony block, you can refer to a variety of materials. Modern manufacturers offer buyers a large selection of tools and tools for interior decoration.
The plan of work includes wall cladding, siding, panels and other interesting materials. Pre-insulated walls - and only then sheathed. It is necessary to carry out the installation of lighting devices: light bulbs, chandeliers or small lanterns. Floor covering also needs to be beautifully decorated.
A very important step is the glazing of the loggia. Of course, you can leave it open, but then the functionality of the room will be significantly reduced, and you will not be able to use it regularly.
At present, inside the loggia, the owners create workrooms, small sports halls, recreation areas and rooms for creativity. The perfect solution would be to turn a boring room into a cozy corner for reading books and meditating. There are a lot of options. It all depends on the desires and financial capabilities of the apartment owners.
Area absolutely does not matter. It can be a room of 6, 8 or 12 square meters. mEach can be made a paradise, if you correctly approach the decoration and selection of suitable furniture.
People often combine loggias with living rooms, most often with the living room and kitchen. This results in large and multifunctional areas where you can cook, relax and meet guests. It should be noted the original appearance of such premises.
Materials, their pros and cons
Today, various companies offer buyers a large selection of various materials, with which you can beautifully and accurately arrange any room. Balconies and loggias are no exceptions. For such areas there is also a great variety of different construction and repair materials.
Glazing is one of the most important moments of the decoration of balcony blocks. Competently selected and installed windows are able to effectively transform a room by letting in natural light.
Modern glazing is cold and warm. The second option is as tight as possible and isolated from environmental influences. On the balcony with a similar glazing will be warm at any time of the year.It can also be insulated additionally, with the help of heaters and floor heating systems. This method of registration of the loggia has some drawbacks. In hot summer weather, the area will noticeably heat up, and it will not be very comfortable to be there.
It should be noted and the high cost of such structures. Not everyone can afford them.
Cold glazing is more simple. In the winter and autumn periods with such a design on the loggia will not be maintained at room temperature. Installing such windows is much faster and easier. Their cost is more affordable.
Window designs are also different. The most popular are classic windows. They are widely disclosed in the inner part, as well as a folding way. As a rule, such variants are made of plastic and are very durable.
PVC windows are heavy, so it is not recommended to install them if your apartment is located in an old house.
Perfectly the panoramic glazing looks. It draws attention to itself and offers a beautiful view to the owners of the apartment.This design is recommended to apply to those who live on high floors or in picturesque places.
Creative and creative people will love stained glass. They are in demand for many years, but they are recommended to pick up the blinds to slightly close such an open space. This also applies to panoramic windows.
Many people are now turning to frameless glass. They do not have side frames and horizontal partitions.
For exterior cladding
For exterior cladding should proceed to the glazing. This is necessary in order to make the installation of the frames easier and hassle-free.
First you need to start the preparatory work. It is very important to carefully examine all the fences of the balcony block and its base (concrete slab). If you find any defects on them, then you first need to eliminate them - and only then proceed directly to the finish.
Next you need to decide on what material you will use for the exterior design. The most commonly used panels are white or multi-colored plastic (PVC), vinyl siding, metal siding, corrugated board and wooden paneling. The most common options are plastic panels or PVC lining. They have an affordable price, so many apartment owners can afford them.
The disadvantage of this material is its susceptibility to mechanical damage. It is enough to hit the panel with something tough - and a noticeable mark appears on it. Such materials are very light, easy to work with. This applies to the cladding of both the outer and the inner part of the balcony.
If you decide to apply to PVC lining, then it is recommended to buy reinforced varieties. They are more durable.
Vinyl metal siding is a very practical and durable material. Today, it is often addressed to design the exterior of the loggias. Outwardly, they are not much different from each other.
One more demanded material is the professional flooring. It is a corrugated sheet of thin galvanized iron. Similar details are both painted and unpainted. They are covered with special coloring substances, which are applied in high temperature conditions. Hard corrugated structure becomes due to the corrugated structure. He looks great outside.
Wooden clapboard make external and internal parts of the loggias. This material is constantly subjected to treatments with special compounds that protect it from dampness and mold. Lining is covered with paint and varnish. If you decide on such a finish, you will have to repeat the last steps from time to time.
There is one more kind of wooden lining - lining a block house. It differs in the appearance and imitates the rounded log.
For interior decoration
For the interior decoration of balconies and loggias also have a large number of different materials. They differ in cost and appearance.
The choice of flooring depends on how you intend to operate the balcony room. If you need it in order to simply drink a cup of tea in a pleasant company, then you can choose any design - from simple linoleum or tile to a wooden coating.
If you want to turn to the finish, which would allow to be on the balcony at any time of the year, then this question is worth considering.
It is worth considering in more detail the most popular and common options for registration of the floor:
- Traditional flooring is flooring.The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness and safety. It should be noted, and its durability. If you ensure careful operation and regular antiseptic processing, the board will retain an attractive appearance for a long time.
- Excellent heat-saving and soundproofing characteristics can boast cork flooring. It is unpretentious and not very demanding to care.
- Laminate has a beautiful appearance. This material is impact resistant and durable. He is not afraid of chemical effects. Another important positive feature of the laminate is its fire safety. Many owners choose it because the laminate is compatible with the system of warm floors.
- Durable and does not require special care is a tile. It is possible to stack such material even on unglazed loggias.
- Warm and durable is the carpet. It is ideal for warm loggias and balconies.
Today, many balconies have special devices for additional floor heating.
If you have installed such a system on your loggia, then the floor material should be selected in accordance with its design and properties.
Before working on the decorative walls of the loggia it is necessary to warm them:
- The most popular and well-known insulation is mineral wool. Its basis consists of organic matter. Such materials are not very expensive, it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Mineral wool has several drawbacks. It is subject to rotting due to the fear of moisture.
- Fiber glass wool is more durable and strong. However, it is recommended to apply it on the coating waterproofing. Fiberglass wool is fireproof and has excellent heat and sound insulation properties.
- Often used for insulation boards made of polystyrene foam or izolona. They differ in that for their installation it is not at all necessary to apply a waterproofing layer.
- Affordable cost and durability boasts another insulation - penofol.
- If you want to process the balcony with environmentally friendly insulation, then polyurethane foam would be an ideal option. It does not need any fasteners.
- Resistant to mold is foam. It is recognized as one of the easiest heaters.Many prefer foam for its resistance to mold and various chemical compositions. It combines easily with many interior materials.
- Penoplex - a material that can last more than twenty years. It is less heat conductive, but resistant to the damaging effects of moisture and moisture.
After working with insulation, you can proceed to the selection of decorative trim loggia. There are quite a few materials for interior design. It is worth considering them in more detail:
- Often, balconies are finished with plastic panels. This material is not afraid of moisture and direct sunlight. It is very easy to assemble and gives in to many tools. Under the plastic, you can easily hide the wires. Modern manufacturers offer plastic panels of different colors, so the loggia can be decorated in accordance with any preferences and tastes. Such a solution visually makes the balcony room longer and wider - especially if you turn to white panels to cover the walls and ceiling. It should be noted the affordable cost of such material. It will cost much less than wood.Plastic does not require special care - it is easily cleaned from dust and dirt. To do this, do not have to stock special chemicals.
- MDF panels. They have an attractive appearance and excellent performance. By their properties, such panels are very close to natural wood, but they are more flexible and flexible. Such lining can hide the irregularities of the walls, so they do not have to level out. However, there are MDF-panels and disadvantages. They are afraid of moisture and dampness, like any wood. The panels have a protective layer of laminate, which protects them from negative effects, but they are still not recommended to cover the walls in wet rooms.
- Another popular material is siding. They can arrange both external and internal part of the loggia. It can be different: vinyl, wood, wood. Wood siding looks expensive and beautiful. It consists of extruded wood fibers with some resin. Wood siding is made of solid wood boards, it costs a little more. Many owners turn to vinyl siding.In the process of manufacturing it adds polyvinyl chloride - it makes the siding more durable and unpretentious. This material does not require special care, and today it is presented in a huge color palette.
- The simplest and most convenient material for interior decoration is drywall. It is addressed by many buyers, as it is environmentally friendly and fireproof. Drywall is not afraid of aggressive exposure to sunlight. It is recommended to refer to a special moisture resistant material.
- The popularity of decorative stone in the decoration of balconies (and not only) is growing steadily. Such demand is due to the unsurpassed appearance of this material. Few people know, but artificial stone is a high-tech product and has amazing characteristics. The artificial stone imitating a brick is in great demand today. Such material is made on the basis of ordinary cement. These decorative items are a bit more expensive and are used in the decoration not only of the balcony rooms, but also of living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms. Make a loggia such a wonderful material can each person.It is very easy to install and does not require the use of special tools or complex tools. To install it, you should only stock up on a special adhesive mixture, which is sold in many hardware stores. Decorative stone does not ignite. He is not afraid of temperature extremes. Beautiful decorative trim will not rot or deform over time.
- Beautifully look balconies, in which the walls are complemented by decorative plaster. She has an original look. Against its background, you can build a rest room, a corner for reading or a study. It all depends on your desires. Plaster is an environmentally friendly material, it is absolutely safe for health. Specialists in the field of construction note the durability of such interior decoration, as well as its practicality and reliability. Plaster does not require special and complex care. It is recommended to purchase only high-quality materials, as they are resistant to mechanical damage. Another advantage of decorative plaster is its ability to quickly absorb unpleasant odors.
For the decoration of the ceiling can be used a variety of materials:
- One of the most popular options is drywall. With it, the ceiling can be perfectly smooth and beautiful. However, this design is recommended to apply only if your balcony is warm.
- Easy and quick to install on the ceiling can be plastic panels. These materials weigh very little and serve for a long time. They are not afraid of damp, but they tend to fade with time.
- Another popular option is putty or decorative paint. For balconies and loggias, it is better to buy not ordinary coverings, but special front paints. They will not suffer from temperature changes and humidity.
- Often for the decoration of the ceiling used eurolining, as well as wooden paneling. Such options are environmentally friendly and durable, but they should be regularly treated with antiseptic compounds, which is not very convenient if they are located on the ceiling.
- Original and expensive on the ceiling looks laminate. It is easy to install, is not very expensive and does not require complex maintenance.
Not all owners are engaged in finishing the ceiling on the balcony or loggia.This is a big mistake, since such an omission can significantly spoil the overall look of the room.
Interesting design ideas
Here are some examples of beautifully designed loggias:
- The balcony with white plastic windows will look harmonious if its floor, walls and ceiling are lined with light-colored clapboard. It can be wood or wood. On this background, the plastic will look just fine. For a more complete interior at the side wall, you can install a high cabinet made of boards in the color of lining.
- Stylish and “expensive” looks like an ensemble of white plastic ceiling with dark chocolate edging and walls decorated with decorative stone of beige and gray colors. In such an environment, plastic windows with white frames and roller opening / closing mechanisms will look harmonious.
- An excellent recreation area and solitude will be obtained if the walls of the loggia are trimmed with soft green decorative plaster, the floor is reddish-brown laminate, and the ceiling is white plastic or gypsum cardboard. In such a room, calm colors are combined that will pacify and relax the owner of the apartment after a hard day’s work.
- The catchy and contrasting design of the loggia can be formed with the help of dark decorative stone on the walls, black tile with a matte surface and a white plastic ceiling with built-in light bulbs. The line of a long and wide window sill can also be decorated with an artificial stone imitating a light brick. In such an environment will look great dark pieces of furniture and lamps, emitting warm light.