Loggia windows

Today there are many options for glazing loggias. Designs are made from different materials and have different characteristics. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Special features
Loggia is an excellent way to increase the living space in the apartment. It can be converted into a full room. It can be a great office, a small gym, a creative studio, a dining area or a seating area.
Today, many owners of large and small apartments are turning to such solutions. Some people continue to use the loggia as a large storeroom, but with finishing and neat repairs.
To design a beautiful and functional loggia, it is necessary to carry out several stages of work. These include insulation, finishing (both external and internal). Glazing plays one of the main roles.
This item should be treated very responsibly, as the comfortable characteristics of the repaired space will depend on the choice of glazing. Today there are several types of glazing. Some options are designed to maintain warmth and comfort, while others only to protect the space from the negative effects of the external environment (rain, snow, wind).
A competent choice of glazing directly depends on the location of the apartment and the design of the whole house. For a small "Khrushchev" should not choose glazing with heavy double-glazed windows and plastic frames. On the loggia you can put not only classic windows with frames in a row, but also luxurious panoramic or stained-glass windows.
Particularly impressive they will look in the spacious loggias on the upper floors.
Glazing on the loggia can be installed independently. To do this, follow the simple instructions and do the work step by step.If you doubt your abilities and skills, it is better to entrust this process to professionals.
Types of windows, their pros and cons
Today there are several types of windows. It is worth considering them in more detail.
The most common and popular are plastic windows. They are in great demand for many years and are unlikely to lose their relevance. Such popularity is due to the wear resistance and durability of such structures. They do not lose the original appearance and perfectly protect from adverse weather conditions.
Plastic windows look very neat and aesthetically pleasing. They easily fit into many interiors of different styles. They can surely be called universal. It is necessary to note the affordable cost of such glazing. It will cost customers less - than, for example, windows with wooden frames.
Plastic construction is much easier to install. Today there are a lot of specialists on this issue. However, if you want to do the installation yourself, then it is quite possible.
The disadvantage of plastic windows is their heavy weight.Because of this characteristic, they are not suitable for installation in the loggia of old houses. This can have a negative effect on walls and lower floors.
Wooden windows for loggias and balconies are very popular lately. They look very expensive and attract the attention of passers-by. It is worth noting the environmental friendliness of such parts. They are absolutely safe for the health of the whole family.
If you decide to supplement the loggia with such glazing, then you should know that special care is needed behind wooden frames. They must be treated with antiseptic agents and monitor their condition. Often have to resort to varnish for wood.
Even proper and regular care does not guarantee the preservation of the original appearance of such frames. After some time they will begin to crack, which will lead to the appearance of cracks.
Such designs are more expensive than plastic, but their appearance and environmental friendliness quite justify the high cost.
Enviable demand are aluminum windows. They are lightweight and easy to install. It should be noted the durability of such structures.This characteristic is explained by the high strength of the material and its wear resistance.
The disadvantage of this design is that it is more suited to cold glazing. Aluminum structures are very rarely used for warm glazing, and therefore are cold. If the weather is frosty, and your windows are sliding, the mechanisms may freeze. This lack is observed by many owners of such glazing on the loggia.
Types of glazing
There are two types of glazing:
- Cold glazing. First of all, it is aimed at protecting the loggia from the negative impact from the outside. However, it is not able to maintain room temperature when it is cold outside. Can not protect the cold glazing and from the heat in the summer season. This option is not the best for registration of the loggia as a full-fledged room.
- Warm glazing is ideal for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. For this type, plastic windows with double-glazed windows are most often used. These designs perfectly protect the loggia from moisture and moisture. They have excellent thermal insulation properties.
If you prefer warm glazing, the loggia can be used all year round, as it will always be comfortable.
Windows differ from each other and ways of opening / closing. The most popular design is a swing, followed by sliding. Swing flaps are attached to the profiles with eyelets, and sliding flaps operate with a special roller system.
In terms of its appearance, glazing can be panoramic, stained-glass, classic and frameless:
- One of the most popular lately are panoramic windows. As a rule, they are large and look very expensive.
They are encouraged to contact people living in beautiful places or on the upper floors.
- Classic windows with frames will never lose their relevance. As a rule, they are equipped with hinged doors.
- Original and interesting look stained glass windows. Choosing such options, it is recommended to stock up the blinds in order to slightly cover the loggia. The same applies to panoramic windows.
Tips for choosing
If you seriously decided to re-equip the loggia and make it a full-fledged room, then you should turn to the warm glazing.It will protect the room from the cold and adverse weather conditions. Many people additionally warm these rooms with the help of a system of warm floors or portable heaters.
If you are not going to spend a lot of time on the loggia, you do not need it all year round, then you can get by with cheaper cold glazing.
You can highlight your home and make it truly chic with stained glass, frameless or panoramic windows. They are able to effectively illuminate the living quarters and visually make them more spacious.
However, do not forget that they make the loggia too open. Everything that happens on it will be able to see passers-by, so you should buy blinds.
Choose high quality glazing. Pay attention to all materials and serviceability of accessories. If the handles in the windows are jammed, clicked loudly or turn around tightly, this may indicate their poor quality. In the near future they will have to be replaced with new ones.
Installation steps
It is necessary to consider the stages of installation of glazing on the example of plastic windows:
- First you need to remove all sizes: the length and width of the window opening. Try not to be mistaken, as all readings should be as accurate and correct as possible.
- After that, you need to decide on the mechanisms of the valves. In plastic window manufacturing companies, most often they offer the most common options for loggias with an area of 3 m and 6 m. Immediately calculate the required number of window sills, profiles and other details.
- Old glazing (if any) must be removed. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wall. First you need to get the glass, and then the frame. They can be cut to facilitate dismantling. Pay attention to the condition of the wall under the window. If it requires repair, then these deficiencies should be eliminated and the foundation strengthened.
If the loggia is 3 m, then, as a rule, it is whole. It is raised and set by level. Double-glazed windows at this time must be removed from the frames.
- After that, you need to attach the frame to the walls with pre-prepared holes. Top visor joins. Six-meter frames are often divided into several departments, and therefore are installed in several stages. This method is more complicated and time consuming.In the process you need to constantly monitor the horizontal and vertical levels.
- Double-glazed windows can be inserted only after full installation of the frames. Then you need to attach the window sill. This can be done with mounting foam. It is necessary to fit in size in advance and saw off too much. At the edges be sure to wear caps.
All gaps must be treated with foam.
- Fittings. It is installed at the very end (pens, plugs, mesh).
A more detailed process of installing plastic windows on the loggia can be viewed in the following video.
Examples in the interior
It is worth considering in more detail a few harmonious design designs of loggias:
- The six-meter loggia can be decorated with sliding plastic windows. The interior should be supplemented with a compact cream sofa, a small table-sill and bar stools. You can put carpet or laminate on the floor, and decorate the walls with decorative plaster.
- On a narrow loggia, you can easily arrange a small office. Place a computer table and a chair with wheels on the side wall. Above the table you can install a double shelf for flowerpots.The floor can be decorated with tiles, walls - with plaster, insert sliding windows.
- Against the backdrop of luxurious stained glass windows with white frames, white leather chairs and a dark table with chrome legs will look perfect. You can lay on the floor cream or white tile, and arrange the walls with a bright exterior paint.