What should be the linoleum in the bathroom?
Linoleum is a popular outdoor material that has been used by many people for housing for a long time. Modern manufacturers represent several types of this coating, which makes it easy to choose the best option for specific conditions. Particular attention should be paid to such an issue as the choice of linoleum for the bathroom. In this room, sustainable universal coatings are used, the features of which are worth knowing more.
Material Features
For a start it is worth saying that linoleum is used in the bathroom not only for floor finishing. Often this material is used for walls. This option is an excellent budget replacement for traditional ceramic tiles, which is most often used for bathroom decoration.
Basically, single-layer coatings are used to finish the room.The peculiarity of this type is the absence of a felt base or other substrate. It is known that such layers in the material quite easily absorb moisture, which leads to loss of appearance and performance.
For the design of the bathroom used waterproof linoleum. Due to the presence of a protective coating, the material for a long time retains its appearance, is not deformed under the influence of moisture.
The same point applies to linoleum, which is used for walls. For the flooring in the bathroom non-slip coating is applied. This moment is especially important, because otherwise the person can easily slip on the wetted surface. Therefore, for the bathroom is to choose linoleum, which has a ribbed base.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any floor covering, linoleum for a bathroom has its own advantages and disadvantages.
First you need to list the main advantages of this type.
- Ease during installation. The work does not take a lot of time and effort, as linoleum lends itself well to laying on different types of surfaces;
- Affordable cost.Compared to other species, this option is the most economical;
- The integrity of the coating. In the process of laying will not have to seal the seams, as is the case with the installation of ceramic tiles.
Another advantage of linoleum is a wide color palette. Manufacturers produce a wide variety of options that harmoniously fit into both the classic and the modern bathroom interior.
In addition, linoleum does not need special care. If ceramic tile is quickly contaminated, especially in the area of the joints, then such problems do not arise with this coating. In addition, linoleum does not need to be cleaned with special means.
The material, especially the wall type, has a high level of moisture resistance. Please note that this point applies to homogeneous coatings only.
As for the shortcomings, they are also available.
For example, many people use linoleum with a fabric base to decorate the bathroom, which is a huge mistake. In a short time, the coating accumulates a fairly large amount of moisture beneath itself, as a result of which mold or an unpleasant smell may appear.
Compared with more expensive types of flooring, linoleum is not very resistant to deformation. Under the weight of the overall plumbing material begins to be forced through.
To avoid this problem, professionals recommend the use of special rubber pads.
How to choose?
In the choice of linoleum for finishing the bathroom must take into account several important features. It should be understood that you are buying a material that will be operated at temperature changes and increased humidity levels.
In addition, the coating will often succumb to the effects of various chemical agents. A prerequisite is the choice of moisture-proof material for the bathroom. This applies to both the wall type and the floor covering.
If you do not plan to do major repairs in the next 5-6 years, then give preference to a material with high wear resistance. These properties have a semi-commercial and commercial appearance.
The next decisive factor is the presence of an additional insulating layer. As noted above, it is best to choose a homogeneous thickened coating.Particular attention should be paid to this item in the event that the “warm floor” system was used for finishing the bathroom. In such a situation, you can consider several options for linoleum.
For finishing, you can use marmoleum (natural look), which belongs to the group of environmentally friendly materials, but it should be borne in mind that the coating has a low resistance to water.
When choosing a material, pay attention to the fact that the options for the floor and walls are somewhat different in terms of technical characteristics. The difference between these two types is the degree of wear resistance. The material for finishing the walls is somewhat thinner, since it does not lend itself to a heavy load during use.
How to lay linoleum?
If you intend to put linoleum yourself in the bathroom, you should first familiarize yourself with some features related to the installation process.
Your main task is to prevent the penetration of moisture under the material.
- Before you start laying linoleum, you must dismantle the old canvas. If there are defects on the surface, level the base.Most often, this problem occurs when laying linoleum in a wooden house. It is somewhat easier to work with a concrete base.
- After removing the old canvas, you need to roll out the new linoleum on the surface. Please note that the material should slightly "climb" on the walls.
For fastening the canvas is best to use special clamping plinths. This will not only help to fix the material tightly, but also bring aesthetics into the interior.
- It is preliminary recommended to leave the material to rest for 2-3 days before the laying. During this time, the canvas will take shape. Then you can fix the coating on the base.
- To make the process easier, it is recommended to unscrew one part of the linoleum, and apply glue to the floor. The cloth is pressed tightly using a roller made of rubber. Pay attention to the fact that after fixing did not remain excess glue. Similarly, fix the second part of the canvas. After the end of the process, you must wait until the coating is completely dry.
Keep in mind that for laying linoleum is not recommended to use adhesive products that dissolve in water. The ideal choice would be a composition based on chloroprene.
- Often used for styling is not one piece. In this case, the installation is required to perform a seal. For these purposes, cold or hot welding is used. The selected method is used for sealing gaps, which appeared during communications.
In the acquisition of high-quality flooring for the bathroom will help reviews of buyers and professionals. In general, consumers recommend choosing materials from reliable, proven companies.
One of the world leaders in sales is the firm. Tarkett. Basically, the company specializes in the creation of PVC coatings. The company presents to customers the different types of linoleum. Especially popular are household roll floors. But for the decoration of the bathroom is best to choose semi-commercial Tarkett linoleums.
No less popular among buyers are products for the floor from the company. Grabo. Particular attention should be paid to anti-slip linoleum. This option will be the ideal choice for finishing of a bathroom.
Buyers note that due to the wide variety of colors,You can easily determine the optimal view for any interior. Coatings have good wear resistance. In addition, linoleum has anti-slip stamping. Fiberglass between layers helps to eliminate deformations during use.
Do not lose sight of high-quality natural coatings. Such options are issued by the company. Forbo. The company makes natural linoleum, designed for all types of premises. It is worth noting that the coatings from the Forbo company are presented in several classes, so that buyers have the opportunity to choose an option, focusing on different degrees of load.
Consumers say that, in comparison with many natural species, these coatings have ideal stability and absolute environmental friendliness, but they are unhappy that high requirements are set for the base for installation.
See the following video for errors made when repairing in the bathroom and toilet.