Linoleum dimensions

The modern market of finishing materials offers a huge selection of flooring. And among the variety of options especially linoleum stands out. He deserved widespread among customers because of its durability, practicality, democratic cost and other advantages. And in order to choose the highest quality type of linoleum, which fits perfectly into the room in terms of dimensions and characteristics, it is important to know certain subtleties. It will be a question of the sizes and features of this material.
Dimensions depending on the coverage
Few people know, but linoleum is not just an inexpensive artificial floor covering. This material was invented several hundred years ago, and initially it consisted only of natural ingredients. Linoleum was made from wood flour and resin, lime, jute, linseed oil. The resulting flooring was environmentally friendly, did not cause allergic reactions, had a huge shelf life. However, the cost of natural linoleum was appropriate. It is for this reason that natural material has not received much recognition. And he was replaced by a more affordable version of synthetic materials, most often of polyvinyl chloride.
Linoleum is divided into three types depending on the type of room for which it will be designed.
And the dimensions of the canvas directly depend on a particular type. Let us consider in more detail all the options for linoleum:
This is the most common type of linoleum. Its name speaks for itself: the material is used to cover the floor in residential premises (city apartments, private houses). Residential coverage has a huge variety of design options, ease of installation, as well as affordable cost.At the same time, it is the thinnest coating that does not hide the significant disadvantages of the floor surface, and it will not serve you for more than a decade.
This type of flooring is already slightly thicker and denser than the previous version. Semi-commercial linoleum is designed for premises with an average degree of terrain. It can be offices, beauty salons. Some buyers prefer to lay such material even at home. For example, in the bathroom, kitchen or hallway. Since such premises in the apartment are the most passable and need reliable coverage, which will last for many years and will not deteriorate from excess moisture. This type of material is covered with a special protective layer, which increases its resistance to wear. The thickness of this coating is the average of all three varieties.
Such a material is characterized by maximum density, wear resistance and durability. The service life of commercial linoleum reaches several decades. This type of flooring is mounted in rooms that have a very high degree of terrain.Such as hospitals, schools, shopping centers, kindergartens and similar institutions. The structure of this coating is the most thick and durable.
It is divided into two types:
- Homogeneous. This type of material has the same composition throughout the web. This means that over time, the floor pattern will not wear out and deteriorates unevenly. This type of linoleum is quite durable and very practical.
- Heterogeneous. By such a term is meant a coating that is made up of several different layers. The heterogeneous structure of the material can sometimes even consist of eight separate layers. The flooring always has a special top layer that is very durable and wear-resistant.
Both versions of the coating differ in width, density, frame and weight: the wider the material, the heavier it is. Due to the special structure, a homogeneous type of linoleum is rarely more than two meters wide. While the dimensions of heterogeneous flooring reach four meters.
Speaking about the types of linoleum, depending on the purpose, it is also worth noting that there are special types of material.They are designed specifically for sports halls, medical facilities and even transport. Such coatings have special characteristics that, for example, for household linoleum is not so fundamental. These can be special anti-slip and antimicrobial properties, which are achieved by treating with special substances. Also, there are noise and heat insulation materials. Alternatively, conductive and chemical resistant flooring types. Depending on which version of material you choose and for what purposes you will use, its dimensions also differ.
What is the width?
In the modern market of flooring you will find linoleum of almost any size. As a rule, the minimum width of a covering happens from one and a half meters. While the maximum width reaches 5 meters. Quite rarely, materials with a width of 6 or 5.5 m are encountered. Most often, such wide coverings are made for commercial premises. The so-called "step" in the difference in the width of the material is half one meter. Thus, the width of the linoleum is 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 meters and so on.The greatest prevalence was obtained coverage, the dimensions of which range from two to four meters. As a rule, this size is quite enough to cover the floor in most rooms, regardless of their purpose.
Thickness by class of application
When choosing a floor covering it is very important to pay attention not only to the width, but also to the thickness of the linoleum. After all, the durability of the material and its resistance to wear depend on this indicator.
Most often, manufacturers produce coatings whose thickness ranges from one to four millimeters. Less than one millimeter linoleum almost never happens. And this is quite understandable. After all, a very thin coating will not be able to cover up any flaws in the floor. And also it is too fragile and short-lived, and will quickly become useless from any mechanical impact. Thus, the thickness of the flooring depends on what purpose it will be used for.
So, the optimal linoleum thickness for an apartment is slightly less than the thickness that is best for a house outside the city. Since the features of operating the flooring in such rooms are slightly different.Also, do not forget that linoleum for the kitchen or bedroom will also be different. The kitchen is characterized by heavy loads and heavy pollution. This means that the floor for such a room should be resistant to mechanical damage, and also not deteriorate due to excessive exposure to moisture, because the kitchen floor has to be washed quite often.
For kitchen, corridor and bathroom it is worth choosing a coating with an average thickness. As a rule, it is a semi-commercial type linoleum. In this case, the floor covering will serve you much longer, while it will not lose its original appearance. This rule also applies to children's rooms. Indeed, in such premises the floor is subjected to a variety of tests. Children drop toys, furniture, spill various liquids. Therefore, it is very important to lay there as thick as possible linoleum with a good protective layer.
At the same time, the requirements for flooring for the bedroom are not so tough. For such a room is quite suitable material with a thickness of about two millimeters. Indeed, in the bedroom floor is not used so intensely. It is not subjected to severe stress, so the coating does not have to be too dense.
To make it much easier for buyers to understand how to choose linoleum for a particular room, manufacturers divided all materials into several classes, depending on the characteristics of their use. Classes are designated by numbers from 21 to 43. Also, quite a lot of packages of linoleum contain special symbols that show one or another class of material durability.
Household linoleum happens 21, 22 and 23 classes. The higher the grade, the greater the resistance to abrasion of the material. Thus, class 21 flooring is used for living rooms with a very small intensity of use, for example, for bedrooms. While the 23rd is useful already for rooms with greater traffic. Such as hallways, corridors, kitchens and bathrooms.
Semi-commercial floor coverings are designated by classes from 31 to 34. In accordance with this, the wear resistance of a material is low, medium, high and very high. Linoleum class 31 is usually used in office or office space with a small cross. These can be rooms in hotels, offices, meeting rooms. The next wear resistance class is designed for certain types of stores or classrooms in private schools.The 33 strength class of linoleum is excellent for shopping centers, large offices and other premises that are characterized by a rather high intensity of use.
The last, 34th grade is the most durable. It is designed specifically for use in harsh environments. The coating will withstand the intensity of the load, which happens in the cash halls, train stations and other spaces where there is a very large crowd of people every day. Linoleum class 41, 42 and 43 is designed for industrial spaces that are characterized by very large loads. Accordingly, class 41 is designed for use in industrial premises with a minimum load. While 43 the degree of wear resistance is necessary for large workshops and warehouses. This coating can withstand very serious loads for a long time.
Roll length
How long the linoleum roll will be depends on the manufacturer of the material. And also on its type and thickness. As a rule, linoleum is produced from twelve to thirty meters long. Longer rolls are much less popular among buyers.In addition, too large material is quite difficult to transport.
Standard sizes
We have already described in detail what types of linoleum are. And how its size and thickness depend on the type of material. Once again let us draw your attention to how important it is to choose the right size of coverage.
Before you go shopping for flooring, carefully evaluate the purpose for which it is intended. And by all means get exactly the version of linoleum, which is suitable for the selected room.
Also do not forget that the dimensions of the coating must clearly correspond to the area of space. After all, the joints and seams look very unattractive, if you make them sloppy. Much better if the linoleum is on the floor with a solid canvas.
How to calculate the size for the floor?
To correctly calculate the dimensions of the floor covering, it is not enough just to measure the perimeter of the space. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all the projections and irregularities, if any. Including pipes of heating equipment, doorways and more. Now measure the length and width of the room, and then add at least ten centimeters to the result.
You should not acquire the material, the dimensions of which are exactly the same as the area of space. Always consider that linoleum can sit down a bit. Or you can accidentally cut off the excess.
In that case, if you can not get linoleum, which will lie in the room in a single canvas, then do not worry. You can easily connect several pieces of the coating with the help of construction adhesive tape, cold welding or special glue. If all seams are done carefully, the flooring will look very beautiful.
How to choose a room?
So, now you know almost everything about the sizes and varieties of linoleum. To choose the dimensions of the coating or its density is absolutely no difficulty.
But when buying linoleum, you need to pay attention to other parameters. For example, it is very important that the appearance of the coating is combined with the general style of the room.
In the catalogs of modern stores you will find a huge selection of options for the design of linoleum. It can be plain and colored models. Also among the buyers are materials that imitate parquet, natural wood, laminate, tile or natural stone.
Modern technologies will allow to repeat with accuracy not only the drawing and color of natural materials, but also their relief. Thus, you get a beautiful and practical coating for your floor, which is much cheaper than natural counterparts. And also linoleum is much easier and faster to fit. Do not forget that light materials visually expand the space. While the darker shades of linoleum can visually conceal the area of the room.
Carefully choose the size, design and density of linoleum. And then you get a durable and reliable floor covering that will last you a very long time.
Instructions for choosing linoleum, you can see in the next video.