How to glue the linoleum?
Usually rarely pay attention to the surface of the floor, but we always in passing note his condition often due to touching his feet barefoot or glimpse of objects that lie on the floor. A large distribution among various types of flooring received linoleum. Today, among a large variety of types of linoleum, there are several main groups.
Features flooring
The most popular, more widespread, is considered a group of so-called household linoleum. The basis is a wear-resistant material (fiberglass), and as the bottom layer (substrate) are derivatives based on natural raw materials (felt), or its full substitute (polyvinyl chloride (PVC)).The advantage of this type of linoleum can be attributed to its increased resistance to wear (exposure to external physical damage or chemicals), which makes such a floor material to be durable in use.
Two other groups (commercial and semi-commercial linoleum) have only one layer in their composition. Its homogeneous structure consists of PVC. These groups of linoleum have a higher cost. Textile-based materials will last longer.
The main advantage of linoleum over other types of flooring is ease when working independently (especially with household) with such material. Before laying the linoleum, it is necessary to prepare the floor surface area necessary for work: completely remove all debris (dust, dirt, remnants of the old flooring), thoroughly repair all irregularities on the floor surface (projections and cavities). To simplify this process, experts recommend to put the entire area of the floor completely. This will also help avoid further damage to the floor surface.
Another advantage of this flooring - no need to install, install an additional lining (floor covering that prevents the destructive effects of external forces).First you need to prepare the size of the floor material, cutting it. There is one subtlety: by its qualities, any kind of linoleum is able to shrink, decrease in size, so the linoleum is cut into several centimeters more, along its entire perimeter. With further operation, he "sit down."
After the linoleum is completely laid on the floor surface, it is necessary to trim it a bit, reducing the so-called overlap to a few millimeters.
If during the work with the floor covering it is impossible to lay out the floor with a whole part of the floor material, then you can use pieces with neatly cut edges. There are two methods of connecting linoleum to each other. It is cold and hot welding. When it is cold, the edges of the edge are cleaned from dust and dirt and applied with a special glue; when hot, a special tool is used to carefully join the edges of linoleum. In order to make the seams on your floor less noticeable, it is recommended to carefully select the cut pieces of linoleum between them so that they match each other according to the pattern of the top wear layer of this floor covering.
When do you need gluing
Sometimes it is necessary to glue the old linoleum. Many users believe that such a case on the shoulders of only professionals. It's not like that at all. You need to know the basic methods and techniques of bonding in order to connect all the details. About them will be discussed below.
If linoleum is pulled up on the floor, then this becomes a real problem. It is impossible to pass through this area and not stumble or, even worse, fall. Between the rooms such a problem is particularly relevant. Here the permeability is very large and the material often bully. Connecting two pieces without extra effort will help double-sided tape, but this method is not very durable. Another connecting element can be porozhek. This mechanical method is more reliable and will last you much longer.
You should not think that it is difficult, it is enough to put two pieces of linoleum together and fasten them tightly with a nut.
Preparatory work
If you decide to change the linoleum in the room, then know that it is not necessary to call the workers. This can be done independently. We must not forget that laying linoleum will require a lot of time. First you need to prepare the surface on which it will travel.The floor must be strong, do not bend or give a creaking noise when walking. Check if there is anything on the floor that could ruin the linoleum, no dents or bumps.
Before laying linoleum should be prepared. If it has irregularities, you should iron these places with a very well heated iron on the reverse (inner) side. Be sure to check first on a small piece, without fear of spoiling it during ironing. To straighten the linoleum you need a couple of weeks. It should be put on the floor and pressed in the right places, after a specified time the linoleum will be smooth. It must be extremely carefully aligned.
Very often it is necessary to fill in a new coupler, because on the base there are strongly pronounced irregularities that do not allow to make high-quality styling.
Connection and docking methods
Next is the transition directly to the process of laying linoleum. The most suitable way to do this is with an adhesive. The day before it is necessary to prime the reverse side of linoleum. If you do not do this, then you will need more glue, and it will need to be applied more carefully.Before you start laying the floor must be very well washed to remove all accumulated dirt and dust.
It is better to use glue-mastic. Carefully apply it on the floor and the reverse side of the linoleum and stack. After laying you need to hold something heavy on the surface of the linoleum to remove the air gathered under it. To seal the joints in this way is not at all difficult. Now you need to wait a few days until the linoleum is well glued.
The process of laying linoleum is not as simple as it seems, but if you focus on this business and do everything correctly, the result will please you, and the spent forces will be replaced by a beautiful floor.
Hot welding
If you have a building dryer, then you can apply the method of hot welding. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that only a certain type of linoleum is suitable for this welding method. Most often in this way, glue the material in public places. Hot welding is used in places with a fairly large cross, as well as in various industries. For residential premises mainly linoleum is used, which is not able to withstand significant heating to high temperatureindicators, which gives the machine for welding. For the usual type of material, the welding machine is not suitable. Such a set produces too high temperatures, and it is impossible to weld them with ordinary linoleum.
If you decide to weld the production of linoleum by hot welding, then be sure to choose a high-quality welding machine, which has a high-quality connector. The cord must be of sufficient length, since the dimensions of the room are mostly not small, and the soldering is made in hard-to-reach places. Hot welding is not very common. Only a professional can solder in this way, which rather complicates the process.
Soldering joints of a material such as linoleum is best done by cold welding.
Cold technology
Three main types of cold welding are determined, which help solder material reliably. To find the type that suits you best, find out about them in more detail.
- BUT. This technology of laying is useful if you use fresh linoleum, which was produced not more than three months ago. The adhesive used in this type of welding has a rather liquid consistency.With it, you can disguise even the smallest crevices. The effect of glue is based on melting the edges of linoleum. Thus, the joints are welded, and they are very difficult to notice. To glue the edges in this way is not at all difficult.
- WITH. This type of welding is used when welding the seams of old linoleum, which simply needs to be glued in some places. The consistency of this adhesive is thicker. It can fill wider gaps and make them less noticeable. Type C adhesive compound binds linoleum layers of quality together. It is suitable for sealing seams no larger than 5 mm.
- T. This adhesive is used in difficult cases of linoleum compound. If used material with a rough felt lining. This adhesive is suitable for use only by professionals.
For quality work on the cold welding of linoleum, you must first wear construction gloves.
Without them, working with glue is not desirable. You need to prepare coverage for further work with him. To do this, thoroughly clean it from dust and excess moisture, then alternately fill the joints with an adhesive of the selected type,to securely weld them.
Glue does not harden for very long. It will be enough to wait 40 minutes, and the linoleum can already be walked. If you notice on the material is not frozen droplets of welding, then in any case, do not try to smudge them. Wait until they are completely dry, and carefully cut them with a construction knife. Need to know A few highlights that will help you better cold weld:
- Short seams will be more reliable.
- Based on how the light falls in the room, it is necessary to choose the method of joining: across or along.
Mechanical joint joints
Before the start of gluing, linoleum is cut out according to the required size of the room, marked and laid out for 2-3 days in a warm room in the unfolded state, so that it lies down. Dock between the edges is better for the expiration of this time. Due to the fact that during drying the linoleum shrinks by 0.5%, then when cutting it is necessary to increase the length of the cloth (4-12 m), respectively, by 2-6 cm.
After that, you can proceed to the mechanical connection of the joints of linoleum, which is performed using special overlaid thresholds.You will be able to pick them up yourself by choosing the necessary color and material from which they are made. Thresholds have quite affordable cost, and they have special holes in which it is convenient to insert screws. Such a connection is the most durable. The process of mechanical connection of the joints can be divided into several main stages:
- Cut the bar to the required length. To do this, you will need a jigsaw or, in extreme cases, a metal file. This bar should be attached to the joint of your linoleum. Then, holding the bar a little, you need to note exactly where you will insert the screws.
- For a drill, pick up drills of the required size and make holes in the nut. Then the prepared dowels are inserted into them.
- Next screws need to finally fix the threshold.
The method of mechanical connection of the joints is quite simple, but it is worth noting that it still has some peculiarity. The bar is quite noticeable, and such a termination will look only in the interior openings. Choose simple fixtures to keep your work ahead.
Can be pre-glued edge of the material.
Double-sided tape method
The method of gluing joints with double-sided tape is quite simple. It is not very expensive and runs quickly. It should be noted that this method of docking is not very durable. It is absolutely not suitable for linoleum with a rough felt lining, the material with a fabric base is also not suitable. Linoleum, glued by this method, it is desirable not to wash very often. If moisture penetrates, the seam may disperse. The step-by-step instruction for joining joints with double-sided tape is:
- The base must be cleaned and thoroughly treated with primer.
- Dock the parts of linoleum together.
- Glue double-sided tape to the floor and attach material to it.
- Press edges firmly and walk along the seam with a special roller.
How to choose the right glue?
Bitumen, casein or oil mastics, Bustilat glue and the like are used for gluing linoleum made on a fabric or heat and sound insulating underlay. Stir well before use.
- Oil mastic used for bonding linoleum to wooden or concrete bases, primed with oil mixtures.
- Rubber-bitumen mastic used for bonding material to stone foundations.
- Adhesive for joining parts Linoleum is a different mixture of water-based. Also, such mixtures may consist of additives and carboxymethylcellulose. They are completely non-toxic. They lack a pronounced smell. The main disadvantage of glue is its instability to moisture. If the dispersion adhesive mixture is improperly transported and frozen, it will lose many of its properties.
- Glue acrylate it is applied in rooms with moderate passableness. Bustilat suitable for materials on a felt pad. For natural linoleum is best to choose humilaks. PTFE polymer tape is suitable for almost all types of flooring. Adhesives made with it are quite reliable.
What to look for?
PVC linoleum is used in any premises. This durable, elastic and wear-resistant material has good heat and sound insulation properties.PVC linoleum can be laid directly on the leveled concrete screed, while it is desirable that it be of sufficient thickness and pile heat insulating base.
Natural linoleum, in addition to the characteristics of artificial, has anti-and bacteriostatic, fire resistance, and besides, it is not slippery. As a flooring linoleum would be appropriate in the hallway, hall, kitchen, gym, washing room and other outbuildings. Hide all seams at the joints will help a special glue.
Lay the linoleum on a smooth, dry, durable base without cracks and delaminations, leveled by level-mass. When cutting linoleum, 150 mm should be added to the width and length of the room. The canvas is laid on the floor and pressed in the corners so that a bend is formed, and then cut to the size of the room with a gap of 3-4 cm. Glue is applied to the back side of the linoleum, pressed onto the floor base and then smoothed, moving from middle to bottom. to remove air bubbles. In a large room on the floor possible joints of the floor material, which is fixed by cold or hot welding.
To glue the linoleum end-to-end at home, choose the method of cold welding. He is the most optimal. You can close all seams with your own hands without the help of a wizard.
Make any imperceptible flaw will help glue.
Examples and options
If you need to lay linoleum in the office or any commercial premises, then it is best to apply the method of hot welding. It is quite reliable and will last a long time. Seams will be practically invisible and more resistant to high humidity. In this photo you can see the process of hot welding with a special welding machine.
In the house or apartment the method of cold welding is used. It is more versatile, and not even a professional will be able to do it on their own. It is necessary to choose the right adhesive mixture.
For the connection of laminate and linoleum, the nut is suitable. The transition will not be as noticeable. It is best to use such a bar at the junction of two rooms or, for example, when you need to select a working area in the room.
Linoleum stands out against the background of other types of flooring. The material has an affordable cost and is quite durable.In addition, it can be glued in various ways. You can choose the most suitable for you.
Learn more about how to glue the linoleum, you will learn from the following video.